Intelligent Transport Solutions (ITS) Products.

Our Intelligent Transport Solutions (ITS) Products are perfect to assist in any job whether that be at the roadside, on site, or in the middle of a festival.

Our Intelligent Transport Solutions (ITS) have been tried in tested in a wide range of sectors, including but not limited to:

  • Highways
  • Events
  • Quarries
  • Airports/Ports.
  • And Many More.

Everything you need to know about these products are detailed below:

Solar Intelligent Platform (Solar IP)

The flexible and responsive approach to Traffic, Event, or Quarry Management Simple to Deploy requiring no civil or external communications.

This product can be integrated to meet your specific needs using:

  • VMS
  • ANPR
  • CCTV
  • Wavetronix HD Radar

Purpose made to be easily reconfigured and adapt to a change on any job, small or large.

Solar IP Intelligent Transport Solution

Compact Portable CCTV

An MVIS Compact Portable CCTV integrates wire-free Portable CCTV with our solar powered ‘Compact’ base, offering increased portability and a reduced footprint compared to other solutions.

This Intelligent Transport Solution’s camera boasts an ultra-wide viewing angle of 355° pan & 140° tilt and connects through Vodafone 4G. Offering 1080p HD at 15 frames per second and a 6x Digital Zoom, this camera performs well for a range of applications, made even more impressive by the 10m Night Vision range.

Its PIR (passive infrared) detection distance is up to 10m too and when combined with the 90° Horizontal PIR detecting angle, this camera is a highly capable solution for security, monitoring work zones and anything else that requires an outdoor HD camera.

Ideal for:
  • Security.
  • Queue management.
  • Site safety.

Compact Portable CCTV Intelligent Transport Solution

Hire HD Data Collection Radar

Portable, easy to operate and extremely reliable.

Hire solar powered HD Data Collection Radar from MVIS to support speed detection, data collection and traffic management applications.

Accurate and reliable, the HD SmartSensor Radar uses the latest technology to collect consistently accurate traffic data and can be deployed to provide queue detection, journey time and vehicle analytics.

Key Features
  • Adaptable to all weather and lighting conditions
  • Hire with our Solar Intelligent Platform (IP)


WEBSTUDIO’S sophisticated technology saves travel time and costs by enabling the instant communication of traffic information from any internet enabled device including Apple and Android smartphones, laptops, iPhones and iPads. Users can view a map of their signs and zoom in, observe and adjust any number of signs in line with any developments on the ground.

Our WEBSTUDIO system is ideal for organisations that hire multiple signs including police forces, event managers, local authorities and traffic agencies.

Key Features:

 View a map of hired assets.
• Track the exact location.
• Gain directions to the VMS.
• Program multiple units by the touch of a button.
• Build text messages and graphics.
• Schedule messages.
• Check battery voltages.
• Check communication.
• Enable speed radar activation messages.
• Check history.
• Create a restricted login.
• Create a library of messages.

Intelligent Transport Solution Programming Software

The BartcoLive™ app

Get your message across

The new BartcoLive™ app means that wherever you are, you can now benefit from complete control over the messages displayed on any of your portable variable message signs (VMS), anywhere on the road network.

Fast and flexible

Developed to enhance the efficiency of our ITS Solutions, this app is accessible from any Apple or Android smartphone or tablet. It enables traffic managers to search VMS asset lists and instantly update messages displayed – in direct response to the changing situation on the road network.

Available now on Android and Apple devices.

Key Features
  • Remote access via any Apple or Android phone or tablet
  • Instantaneous or scheduled message upload to single or multiple assets
  • Job Queue: keep up to date with message upload, asset status update, etc.
  • Secure login using Web Studio™ credentials which can be memorised to speed up subsequent logins.
  • Searchable asset list (VMS, fire sign, etc.) including user-defined groups
  • Access asset status information including:
    • GPS location
    • Battery voltage levels
    • Light output level
    • Current message displayed
    • Communications status
    • Controller status
    • Controller information
  • Map detailing asset location
  • Directions to asset location


What Can An MVIS VMS Do For You?

The MVIS VMS is a versatile piece of equipment, made in the UK to meet UK needs.

Our VMS are commonly seen on the side of the motorway, but the potential of our VMS is endless. With a wide range of uses our VMS has many different areas of expertise and applies to many different sectors of business.

Here are just a few examples of what VMS from MVIS are suitable for: –



MVIS’ leading product is most known for being seen at the side of motorways helping the UK to achieve safer highways. MVIS provides a scalable, responsive, and cost-effective solution to the problems within the sector of traffic management.

These are but some of the perks of hiring a sign from a company such as MVIS, the VMS keeps traffic moving and the roads safe, but also with the MVIS environmental sensor you can measure the impact your scheme is having on the local area, these can be attached to any of our ITS products.

Our VMS are also equipped to tell you the length of potential travel times accordance to the work on the highways, a simple yet effective use that will affect a road users’ journey.  They will be able to adhere their journey in accordance to the lead times given to drivers to ensure they get to their destination as efficiently as possible while also keeping them informed while on the UK’s roads.

VMS-A’s are tailor made for Roads that have a speed limit of under 50, where as a VMS-C is made for those High Speed Jobs that require you to see the sign before you have passed them on A-Roads or Motorways, roads over 70MPH.



MVIS’ VMS signs are created to inform, this can be informing of upcoming traffic problems in any sector.  For example, at an airport, it’s easy to imagine that airport car parks get busy, especially around the school holidays. The solution…use one of MVIS signs, they are the perfect solution to the problem of overcrowded parking lots. It is easy to program a sign to redirect traffic to a different lot or even to express the potential wait times.

The importance of getting a message across is one of MVIS highest priorities, if an airport is in need of getting important information across to customers, such as the changing of a gate or the cancellation of a flight, why not do it at the beginning of their holiday at the entrance to the airport?



Site safety is important! As an employer, the number one priority is to keep the team safe and to look after a competent workforce, MVIS are one of the leading SME companies in prioritising the safety of their employees and the safety of their customers sites.

A VMS from MVIS is perfect for a construction site whether it be on the side of the busiest motorways or in the city centre. VMS’ can keep the area around the constructions site clear and decongested meaning constructions workers are able to perform their tasks in a distraction free but most importantly safe environment for them to be able to produce the best work possible.

All our VMS can be fitted with a radar to ensure that motorists driving around the sites are watching their speed.  If a vehicle exceeds a certain speed the VMS can display a speed roundel advising of the site speed and a message saying “SLOW DOWN” on the screen ensuring drivers adhere to the sites speed limits.



Quarry sites contribute materials for construction to a wide variety of companies across the nation.

Over time when quarries have served their use, they are transformed into Landfill sites, helping local councils eradicate their litter problems and preventing sites from overthrowing and hurting the environment.

Where does MVIS play apart in this? We are the leading company in Traffic Management on sites across the UK. Trucks will come into a site and will get stuck in Traffic waiting for one way routes to be cleared, an MVIS Intelligent LED Sign is used to direct traffic with messages such as ‘Next Truck’ or ‘Wait at the Bottom’.

We have been able to implement this across many Quarry sites and it has proven to work keeping quarry managers happy and HGV drivers safe.



Stand out from the crowd with responsive, high impact event communications.

If an event is being a planned whether it be a Festival, Sporting day, Pride, Fun Run for charity, a farmers’ market at the peak of popularity or a corporate event that the big sale relies on. There is no better way to make sure that the event goes without informing customers, hiring a sign from MVIS promotes your event.

VMS signs have many ways of being a help to any event, they can display timings of the events and when they start, allocate parking spaces for customers or even to advertise an event to make it as successful as a customer wants it to be.

With a proven track record of effective deployment and success, MVIS products have been tried and tested on some of the biggest events this country has ever seen, such as the 2012 Olympics, Brighton Pride, V Festival, Silverstone and The Grand National.



A journey to the port ready to set sail on a fantastic holiday is a nice way to spend hard earned time off work, but a port can also be an unsafe area.  Most port workers struggle to allocate traffic management and to enforce speed zones in the area to make sure that port workers are in the safest environment they can be.

Not only can MVIS ensure worker safety, but passengers setting sail on the high seas can get all the information they need such as where they need to park, where their boat is docked and how they need to get there.


Our VMS have many uses in all sectors and are adaptable to all situations.  As a result of its flexibility, It is easy to understand why a customer would want to hire a VMS from MVIS and why customers keep coming back to us for both hire & sale.

As well as award winning customer service, an MVIS VMS has all the extras and much more. As a company, MVIS has a lot to offer in accordance with safety and keeping workforces in top condition so they can continue to keep the UK running.

Hire VMS from The Best at MVIS!


Are journey time solutions the key to eradicating roadworker abuse?

Roadworker abuse – it’s a hot topic. There have been many shocking videos across social media over the last few years showing innocent members of our peer groups being abused and tormented in their workplaces for no other reason than simply doing their job.

But, how do we stop it?

Without a straightforward fix, could we look to some of the innovative products and solutions available within our industry to play an increasing role lifting the burden on our roadworkers? Here, we explore one such solution from leading VMS and ITS solutions provider, MVIS.

Created in partnership with Highways England (HE), MVIS’ NTIS DATEX II Portable Journey Time Solution generates real-time journey time information for road users using data from the National Traffic Information Service (NTIS). Pioneered by MVIS, the system was the first such solution to enable real-time journey time information from the NTIS to be displayed on portable variable message signs (VMS).

The solution has a number of Key technical features which include messages in either amber or white, a five-minute refresh rate, manually set thresholds for minimum and maximum journey time of any route and more.

The real genius.

Typically, anyone asked would say that they dislike traffic or that they hate congestion, but what we as humans really dislike is the anxiety and uncertainty of not knowing how long the traffic will affect us for.

It isn’t necessarily the situation we find ourselves in, but the amount of anxiety and uncertainty that is caused from being in it that is problem number one.

Ask yourself, within reason, would you rather wait for 20 minutes knowing the specific length of the wait from the outset, or have a 15-minute wait with absolutely no clue when it will end? London underground station display boards, or the Uber map feature are two fantastic examples of knowing exactly how long a wait will be resulting in easing the anxiety of a journey beyond measure.

The MVIS NTIS DATEX II Portable Journey Time Solution is not in itself a product that reduces wait time. It can’t get you from A to B any faster. However, whilst it does not reduce wait time, it does make waiting much less frustrating and uncertain.


Roadworker abuse – a helping hand?

For the road user, the NTIS DATEX II Portable Journey Time Solution provides a significant reduction in the uncertainty caused by congestion. By displaying information refreshed every five minutes it delivers accurate, up to date, ever changing information. Whether a travelling professional or commuting with children, reducing the unknowns of what’s to come is absolutely vital to road user temperament and satisfaction.

For the road worker, a reduction in road user anxiety, frustration and potential aggression is invaluable. As a country with a serious problem when it comes to road-worker abuse, any solution that can alleviate some of the abhorrent acts and unreasonable language directed towards those working hard to keep Britain moving is a solution we need. A solution far more valuable than its primary purpose – something that fits with the MVIS ‘VMSo Much More’ attitude. Helping to eradicate Roadworker Abuse

MVIS Sales Director, Graeme Lee told us:

“Whilst we’re extremely proud of the quality of the NTIS DATEX II Portable Journey Time Solution and the technology behind it, that’s not where the stakeholder benefit stops. Information delivery and the efficiency of it is undoubtedly an important factor – but what that information actually achieves and how that information makes road users feel is the knock-on effect that isn’t discussed enough. If feeling valued and informed means driver temperament is more subdued, that’s only a good thing for the safety and happiness of the ladies and gentlemen who go to work day and night on our roads.”



Ben Takes Product Showcase On The Road

Man in blue coat stood next to a Variable Message Sign in a Quarry

For over a decade, MVIS have been delivering portable, solar powered ITS Solutions that offer users access to proven safety products that can enhance the safety of your quarry, landfill, or construction work site.

Our solutions provide effective answers to many safety concerns in a quarry construction or work site. We offer trailer based, solar powered Intelligent Quarry Safety Solutions (IQSS) products such as portable variable message signs (VMS), portable CCTV, and data collection solutions that are secure, adaptable, and cost effective.

Introducing Ben

Ben has recently transitioned into the role of Sales and Marketing Executive. A move which reflects MVIS’ dedication to nurturing talent from within. Ben previously held a marketing role within the company, but his multifaceted skillset and exceptional people skills have proven instrumental in fostering great relationships at events throughout 2023 / 24, sufficiently so that Group CEO, Pat Musgrave, was thoroughly impressed with his sales aptitude at various events & shows, and immediately green-lighted the new role.

Having lived near MVIS Midland Hub all his life, Ben knows the area well. Knowing which Quarries in his local area need help with their traffic management and general site safety. He is more than happy to put boots to the ground and visit sites to see if they need any consultation as to where traffic management can be improved or to demonstrate what our products can do. Ben’s 2024 diary is beginning to fill up fast with enquiries from both quarry and landfill site owners, keen to speak with him and to see products showcased at their site as part of MVIS’ Platinum Level Service.

Commenting on Ben’s appointment, Pat said:

“We are thrilled to have Ben step into the position of Sales and Marketing Executive. His work here so far has been fantastic and, coupled with his interpersonal skills, we’ve now seen first-hand over the last 12 months that he’s the ideal person to be a face associated with MVIS to our ever-growing client base across the Quarrying sector. We believe that Ben’s customer-centric approach will play a pivotal role in his success in the role.”

Ben added:

“I am very excited about taking on this role and I am ready for the challenge. It has been a great three years working with MVIS and I am ready to take on this exciting role and start a new chapter whilst at this company.

“I’ve really enjoyed engaging with our client base so far, and the opportunity to showcase who we are and what we do to new people at events throughout the last 12 months has been really enjoyable. I look forward to seeing more faces on the road in the run-up to Hillhead 2024 and beyond.”

If you would like Ben & the team to visit your site for an in-depth demonstration you can contact him at or 07585 256831 for an initial consultation to better understand your needs & desires.

Come and find us at Road Expo Scotland on Stand C25.

On 28th & 29th November, Road Expo Scotland welcomes MVIS Ltd as we take our place at Scotland’s only dedicated Roads & Mobility Event. Road Expo is Scotland’s largest dedicated road, transport and mobility event for Scottish Local Authorities, Government and it’s commercial suppliers.

The event takes place in Glasgow and sees the industries fellow industry big hitters get together including Kier, Markon & Transport Scotland. This will provide us with a great chance to further raise awareness of our products & presence North of the Border on the back of our involvement in the Glasgow World Cycling Championships which took place back in August.

The event provides the platform for debate and discussion around the areas of:

  • Adaptation to Climate Change
  • Future Mobility
  • Decarbonisation
  • Asset Management & Resilience
  • Road Safety
  • Delivering safer roads
  • Roadworks

Visitors to Road Expo Scotland are invited to pick up a brochure and head over to stand C25 to discuss MVIS’ capabilities, with our strategically placed hub in the North East of England which facilitates the ability to build and deliver more units for our sales & hire fleet.

Our Sales Director based at our North Hub, Graeme Lee commented:

“We’re looking forward to heading to Road Expo Scotland and seeing both our existing customers, and potentially, some new ones too. With our North hub just South of Scotland, we’re set up to support contracts better than ever before in terms of both geographical locations, as well as the number of units in our fleet”.

MVIS and the Ashgate High Peak Trail.

On the 30th of April, Ashgate Hospice hosted their annual “High Peak Trail 17 Mile Sponsored Walk”, raising vital funds for the hospice.

Over the past 2 years MVIS has sponsored the walk by supplying VMS prior to the event, allowing promotion to a wider audience and also on the day to give supportive messages to the walkers undertaking the 17 miles.

Participants of the walk and the team at MVIS has helped to raise over £30,000 for the hospice.


MVIS are proud to sponsor events the Ashgate team run as they work tirelessly to give end of life care to those who need it.

David Storer at Ashgate Hospice said:

“MVIS are a pleasure to work with. They are always on hand to provide support across all of our fundraising events and go above and beyond to offer solutions that enhance our reach and help us to promote our brand across the region.

Anne and the team have provided VMS for multiple events.  The VMS have really helped to raise the awareness of Ashgate Hospice and the vital end of life care that we provide across North Derbyshire. Huge thanks to MVIS from all of us at Ashgate Hospice!”


Our Variable Message Signs are manufactured with the sole purpose of getting your message across. Both the VMS-A and the VMS-C display full graphics and pictograms and are perfect for a plethora of uses.

But which Variable Message Sign is better for you?

Manufactured in house at MVIS, the VMS-A is perfect for urban settings and road works with speed zones of up to 50MPH.

Used as a stand-alone temporary VMS it can be paired with a radar to detect traffic and display messages such as, ‘Slow Down’ or ‘Too fast’.

The VMS-A’s compact size and adjustable legs means it has a smaller footprint. So, it won’t take up as much room, and as a result is reliable under all conditions.

Although similar in function the VMS-C is bigger and made for all roads with speeds over 60mph. Its adjustable legs give the sign the ability to become more stable while expanding its surface area.

Customers can program the sign remotely using a simple SMS, direct serial connection, or  our live web-based interface, changing messages on the VMS from the comfort of the office.

Pictures of the VMS-A and VMS-C, MVIS two types of VMS.

A LED Sign from MVIS will always be the most reliable way to get your message across, with our Platinum Level Service and our advice on the Intelligent Transport Solution that Is perfect for you.

Solving Safety Issues With Radar Integration

When our Variable Message Signs (VMS) are integrated with radar, their functionality is expanded across a range of applications. The VMS-A, VMS-C and HD Compact VMS can all be integrated with radar to increase their capabilities whilst still maintaining all the fantastic features of our standard VMS.

All our VMS discreetly houses a data collection radar which can collect vehicle logs on speed, time and date. Data as a commodity has always been important for identifying trends and risks and the VMS-A offers this as standard. Better yet, all of our VMS are solar powered and highly portable, which makes them the ideal solution for data collection.

Data that has been collected is uploaded to our server every hour, ready to be downloaded at any time by the user via a web-based portal. If there are any issues, our outstanding 24/7 customer support is there to assist you in any way they can. 

Combining data collection and VMS into one unit offers a multi-functional solution that can help collect valuable data at the same time as communicating important messages. These messages, such as speed alerts and responsive information, can be communicated to drivers in relation to their behaviour. This will then be used to positively influence driver behaviours and decisions. To encourage drivers to continue driving safely, a VMS with radar can also display a message or pictogram thanking drivers who are adhering to the set speed limit. 

So, when used in conjunction with radar, a VMS can display:

  • A message
  • A message and the motorist’s speed
  • The motorist’s speed only
  • The motorist’s speed only and a ‘too high’ or ‘too fast’ warning

There are lots of great benefits to Radar Activated VMS, such as the capability to detect speed and use the VMS-A’s messaging power for Specific Speed Messaging, where messages can be overridden with a speed roundel if a vehicle exceeds the set speed limit. When the unit detects the speed of an approaching vehicle, it alerts the driver of their speed and advises them to slow down if necessary. 

It isn’t just our VMS that can integrate radar, though. The IVD Radar integrates our Solar IP with the AGD 343 Highways Monitoring Radar to create portability and dramatically enhance road safety, capability and efficiency. This solution uses proven radar and measurement techniques to track and measure the speed, length, and direction of individual targets. 

If you would like to find out more about how our products with integrated radar can benefit you, please get in touch with our Sales team on 01629 580 570 or email

The 5 Benefits of Radar Activated VMS

The highly versatile VMS-A is used across various industries such as highways, construction, events, airports and ports. A VMS-A (variable message sign) with radar expands upon its functionality across a range of applications and provides many great additional benefits. Furthermore, it still includes all the features of our standard VMS-A. 


The five benefits of a radar activated VMS-A:

  1. Speed Specific Messaging – a default message can be set on the sign, for example, “Please drive carefully through road works”. If a vehicle exceeds the set speed, the message can be overridden with a speed roundel. 
  1. Speed detection – the signs can be set to display the speed of approaching vehicles, alerting drivers of their speed and advising them to slow down.
  1. A simple thank you message – as well as informing oncoming vehicles if they are exceeding the speed limit, it can also display a message or pictogram thanking drivers who are adhering to the set speed limit. This will encourage them to continue to drive safely.
  1. Data collection – the radar can also provide vehicle logs, recording time, date and speed of vehicles.
  1. Environmentally friendly – All our VMS are solar powered and use low-power consuming LEDs, making the VMS-A an environmentally friendly choice. There’s also an option to show a message only when a vehicle is detected, which further reduces power consumption. 

If you would like to find out more about how the VMS-A with radar could work for your next project, please get in touch with our Sales team on 01629 580 570 or email

High Speed Work Zone Messaging

Over the years, MVIS have cultivated a solid reputation in the industry for service, reliability and quality of products. Whilst working traditionally in traffic management applications, our technology can be applied to accomplish a wide range of goals in a work zone, from helping to reduce site vehicle speeds, to managing the working environment to keep people safe, our portable solar powered units offer solutions that could underpin the future of work zone communication.


With a 5-colour LED display for text or pictograms, the solar powered VMS-A and the larger VMS-C are ideal solutions for communicating important messages.

Whilst these units are a popular solution for traffic management, our portable variable message sign (VMS) are also used in an incredibly wide range of applications and markets. For work zones, these signs are not only great for general messaging needs, but they are also ideal to help with many issues that could be present on-site.

For example, a common issue seen on some work sites is speeding vehicles. Vehicles travelling faster than the set speed limit is exceptionally dangerous considering the risks involved in such an environment.

Using our VMS-A or VMS-C, you can help control site speed with a 2-pronged approach. Not only can our signs be used to display a speed roundel to remind drivers of the speed limit, but with their integrated speed activation sensor, the signs can also display a ‘SLOW DOWN’ message or something similar that is triggered by a driver exceeding the speed limit.


The VMS-A and C could even be used to track and measure success on this. All units contain a data collection radar that collects traffic flow data on trends in speed, time and date. Using this data, site managers can track speed trends, identify if and where there is a problem, and therefore take further steps to negate these issues. 

For road, highways or utilities construction, our Journey Time Solution that can also be enabled on the VMS-A or VMS-C means road users can be kept up to date with delays and/or updates, helping to manage driver’s expectations and calm traffic around the construction zone. 

There are few construction sites that wouldn’t benefit from increased surveillance. As the industry works hard to consistently improve standards of health and safety, increased surveillance is a potential route to help influence behaviour, monitor incidents and increase accountability in any work zone.

One of our latest innovations sees a CCTV camera integrated with a VMS-A, which offers a special surveillance / feedback solution that can be used to influence behaviour and communicate with drivers, pedestrians and workers, helping keep everyone confident in the knowledge that their actions are being monitored to ensure safety and the adherence to best practice.

There is also the obvious security benefits of having a portable CCTV VMS on-site. Thieves who may be looking to target contraction sites will likely think twice before trespassing after seeing such a visible warning that they are on CCTV. The portability of these units also offers site managers the option to have the sign relocated for increased security, preventing thieves from planning too much ahead of time.

HD Compact VMS

Traditionally used to communicate to drivers and pedestrians in urban areas, the solar powered HD Compact VMS is our smallest portable VMS unit and is ideal for construction sites where space is limited.

The HD Compact offers a highly portable and easy to update solution for managing the movement and behaviour of pedestrians and on-site employees.

The bright, red and white LED display boasts a 20mm pixel pitch and makes an impact anywhere. For construction sites, the smaller 2-colour HD Compact is a perfect choice for recording works traffic speed and volume, displaying text, pictograms and animated messages, just like the VMS-A and VMS-C.

Hidden cabling means this unit is secure from vandalism or accidental damage and also benefits from the data collection radar that is integrated in all of our signs.

In recent years, the HD Compact has been developed to better serve construction sites too, giving rise to the Overhead Service Unit.

The Overhead Service Unit is positioned in advance of overhead structures and services where work is being carried out. The unit was developed to further enhance site safety for the workforce by using editable text or pictograms to warn in advance of overhead obstructions.

Overhead Service Unit

Web Studio / BartcoLive App

All of our portable VMS units can be updated and monitored using a browser or mobile device.

Using Web Studio on browser or the BartcoLive App on a smartphone or mobile device, clients can display text, pictograms or recreate all sorts of images such as logos on our VMS-A, VMS-C and HD Compact.

Works Egress Safety Solution

The Works Egress Safety Solutions combines the messaging power of the HD Compact and the VMS C (or a VMS A if the application demands) into one solution that ensures that drivers are notified when works traffic is exiting a work zone on to the main carriageway.

An HD Compact VMS unit is located at the beginning of the acceleration zone within the works area. An integrated sensor in the HD Compact is triggered by the approaching works vehicle, presenting a message that instructs the driver to ‘MERGE WHEN SAFE’ or similar.

It also triggers a VMS A or VMS C to display a message to road users to alert them of works traffic joining the carriageway.

This sign is deployed before the works egress, facing the carriageway so that drivers have warning that a works vehicle is merging. Site managers can even add more information such as ‘WORKS TRAFFIC MERGING 200YDS’, for example.

When there is no works traffic merging, after a set time, both signs revert to a blank display, maximising reliability by saving battery life.

If you would like to learn more about how our products can benefit your work zone, please contact us via our contact form. Alternatively, you can call us on 01629 580 570 to speak to one of our friendly team, or you can email us via

How Versatile is the VMS-A?

Designed for messaging on roads under 50mph and typically targeted toward High Speed and Traffic Management industries, the VMS-A over the years has proven itself to be highly capable when it comes to urban deployments. 

The VMS-A is one of our most popular units, with its versatility allowing it to serve a wide range of applications. It is perfect for urban environments as it has the required size and messaging capability, but is smaller than a VMS-C which makes it more portable and versatile. Its relatively small footprint allows it to be deployed in locations with limited space, such as car parks or high streets.

Urban Deployments

The COVID-19 pandemic saw many VMS-A units deployed into new areas, such as retail and on high streets in town or city centres to help spread messaging. The VMS-A’s messaging power can also be leveraged for displaying messaging and updates to the public in situations such as emergencies, festivals, and events. Such situations may call for strong messaging especially if they attract large numbers of people, allowing the capability of VMS-A to really shine. 

The VMS-A can be operated remotely via a web browser or smartphone device which is ideal for urban environments as messaging may need to be changed frequently and access can be limited.  You can also set it up for scheduled operation and vehicle activation so that it doesn’t display messages when it isn’t needed.  

Using Web Studio or the BartcoLive App, clients can display more than just the expected traffic signalling pictograms and recreate all sorts of images as the VMS-A boasts a brilliant 5 colour LED display. 

Optional integrations such as CCTV or the ITS Integrated Environmental Sensor allow the VMS-A to double up as a multifunctional unit that can either increase security and safety or serve as a low-cost air quality monitoring station. Its built-in data collection radar makes it ideal for bustling towns and city centres as it can collect traffic trend data on date, time and speed. 

Parking Applications

One of the biggest areas we have seen our technology thrive in is in parking applications. The VMS-A can help clear up confusion, directing drivers and pedestrians in situations where certain stores or areas of a car park may be closed.

A good example of this use is with Barnsley Council, which used 2x VMS-A signs in late 2020 in a central car park to help communicate important COVID messaging to people before they entered Barnsley town centre.

By deploying a VMS-A in key locations, local authorities can also raise awareness of their Park and Ride services, as well as other newly developed parking provisions. A great example of this is our work with Oxfordshire County Council, which in late 2020 used 8x VMS-A units to help combat congestion in the city centre. 

The messaging power of the VMS-A in terms of its screen size can also help with directing people to the correct areas in very large car parks, such as at conferences, stadiums or arenas. For car parks with limited space, we even offer a portable VMS with a smaller footprint than the VMS-A known as the HD Compact. This unit is our smallest VMS, but despite its small size, it still packs a huge amount of functionality. 

If you would like to learn more about our VMS-A, please contact us via our contact form. Alternatively, you can call us on 01629 580 570 to speak to one of our friendly team, or you can email us via

4 Ways the HD Compact VMS Increases Safety for Urban Works

Launched in 2016, the first iteration of the HD Compact VMS was the first portable VMS of its size available to the UK market. Since then, this unit has gone on to inspire competing solutions from competitors, with even them identifying just how popular it was.

MVIS and sister company Bartco UK are still leading the industry, with the HD Compact undergoing significant development since that first version. The latest version boasts many new features that competing units don’t, such as integrated solar power, placing our HD Compact miles ahead of alternative solutions, especially for urban works.

In this post, we shine a spotlight on 4 aspects that make the HD Compact excel in urban environments.

4. Small Footprint

As the smallest portable VMS in our range, the HD Compact boasts an impressively small footprint. Urban environments often have limited space for construction work or road maintenance, so when it comes to messaging, how site managers use that space is of critical concern.

With the HD Compact VMS, site managers do not need to compromise on messaging in the same way as they would for static signs. Using web browser or a mobile device, operators can programme or change messaging quickly and easily, creating cycled messages too that can communicate multiple messages using the same sign.

This allows more detailed information to be communicated without taking up anymore space, leaving room for other equipment that may help to increase safety, or simply by keeping the site’s area small, reducing the risk to workers, pedestrians and drivers.  

3. HD Display

Whilst this is a small unit, the HD Compact still boasts an impressive 28 x 28 matrix with a 20mm pixel pitch. This allows for the display to show a wide range of messaging and pictograms, enabling site managers to break down language barriers and communicate important messages effectively.

The display also features the best red and white dual colour LEDs, allowing messages to contain emphasis and display effective pictograms.

Using bright dynamic signs instead of dull static ones offers an obvious advantage in that messages are clear and stand out more, especially in the dark, which could help to increase safety at any time of the day.

2. Solar Power

Integrating solar power with our HD Compact V2 was a development that brought it in line with our other portable VMS, making our full VMS range solar powered. Due to the HD Compact’s very low power demands, solar power is a powerful addition to the unit, allowing it offer highly extended run times under the right conditions.

The addition of solar power reduces the need for battery changes which can be disruptive if the sign has been deployed in a dangerous or difficult to access location due to the surrounding works.

It also helps cut the project’s carbon footprint too. Reduced battery changes means a reduced number of trips from our nearest depot to the sign and then back again, minimising fuel use. This could be important for a company’s corporate social responsibility goals, as well as helping to cut down emissions seen in town and city centres, increasing safety for everyone.

1. Data Collection Radar

Like all our solar powered VMS, the HD Compact comes integrated with a Data Collection Radar that can collect traffic trend data on time, date and speed.

In urban environments, this can be of great use for planning and safety, allowing site managers to report on levels of traffic around the work site, which can highlight risks and allow them to take action on those risks.

Combined with the sign’s messaging capability, the Data Collection Radar makes this unit a perfect solution to deploy in the lead up to works being done, giving drivers warning of the disruption as well as collecting data on levels of traffic, allowing site managers to address risks before work even starts.

If you would like to learn more about our HD Compact VMS, please contact us via our contact form. Alternatively, you can call us on 01629 580 570 to speak to one of our friendly team, or you can email us via