
Are journey time solutions the key to eradicating roadworker abuse?

Roadworker abuse – it’s a hot topic. There have been many shocking videos across social media over the last few years showing innocent members of our peer groups being abused and tormented in their workplaces for no other reason than simply doing their job.

But, how do we stop it?

Without a straightforward fix, could we look to some of the innovative products and solutions available within our industry to play an increasing role lifting the burden on our roadworkers? Here, we explore one such solution from leading VMS and ITS solutions provider, MVIS.

Created in partnership with Highways England (HE), MVIS’ NTIS DATEX II Portable Journey Time Solution generates real-time journey time information for road users using data from the National Traffic Information Service (NTIS). Pioneered by MVIS, the system was the first such solution to enable real-time journey time information from the NTIS to be displayed on portable variable message signs (VMS).

The solution has a number of Key technical features which include messages in either amber or white, a five-minute refresh rate, manually set thresholds for minimum and maximum journey time of any route and more.

The real genius.

Typically, anyone asked would say that they dislike traffic or that they hate congestion, but what we as humans really dislike is the anxiety and uncertainty of not knowing how long the traffic will affect us for.

It isn’t necessarily the situation we find ourselves in, but the amount of anxiety and uncertainty that is caused from being in it that is problem number one.

Ask yourself, within reason, would you rather wait for 20 minutes knowing the specific length of the wait from the outset, or have a 15-minute wait with absolutely no clue when it will end? London underground station display boards, or the Uber map feature are two fantastic examples of knowing exactly how long a wait will be resulting in easing the anxiety of a journey beyond measure.

The MVIS NTIS DATEX II Portable Journey Time Solution is not in itself a product that reduces wait time. It can’t get you from A to B any faster. However, whilst it does not reduce wait time, it does make waiting much less frustrating and uncertain.


Roadworker abuse – a helping hand?

For the road user, the NTIS DATEX II Portable Journey Time Solution provides a significant reduction in the uncertainty caused by congestion. By displaying information refreshed every five minutes it delivers accurate, up to date, ever changing information. Whether a travelling professional or commuting with children, reducing the unknowns of what’s to come is absolutely vital to road user temperament and satisfaction.

For the road worker, a reduction in road user anxiety, frustration and potential aggression is invaluable. As a country with a serious problem when it comes to road-worker abuse, any solution that can alleviate some of the abhorrent acts and unreasonable language directed towards those working hard to keep Britain moving is a solution we need. A solution far more valuable than its primary purpose – something that fits with the MVIS ‘VMSo Much More’ attitude. Helping to eradicate Roadworker Abuse

MVIS Sales Director, Graeme Lee told us:

“Whilst we’re extremely proud of the quality of the NTIS DATEX II Portable Journey Time Solution and the technology behind it, that’s not where the stakeholder benefit stops. Information delivery and the efficiency of it is undoubtedly an important factor – but what that information actually achieves and how that information makes road users feel is the knock-on effect that isn’t discussed enough. If feeling valued and informed means driver temperament is more subdued, that’s only a good thing for the safety and happiness of the ladies and gentlemen who go to work day and night on our roads.”