Alleviating Anxiety on our Roads

In today’s fast-paced world, the daily commute or road journey can be a significant source of stress, tension, and anxiety for many individuals.

The uncertainty of traffic conditions, roadworks, and unexpected delays can trigger worry and frustration, affecting our mental well-being. However, there is a solution that not only provides essential information but also helps alleviate anxiety and reduce stress levels: variable message signs (VMS).

Our portable signs displaying real-time information on road conditions and journey times have a surprising impact on the mental strain experienced by road users. In this blog, we will explore how VMS can benefit mental health by reducing stress, tension, frustration, and worry, and how they contribute to a more positive and anxiety-free driving experience.

The Detrimental Effects of Stress and Worry

Stress and worry take a toll on our mental and physical health. The constant anticipation of traffic congestion, unexpected roadworks, or delays can create a sense of helplessness and exacerbate anxiety. Studies have shown that chronic stress contributes to a range of health issues, including high blood pressure, insomnia, reduced cognitive function, and even depression. Therefore, finding effective ways to minimise stress and worry during road journeys is crucial for promoting mental well-being.

Stress-Relief: Real Time Information

Variable message signs play a vital role in reducing anxiety by providing road users with up-to-date, real-time information. These signs display essential details regarding road conditions, alternate routes, and expected journey times, allowing drivers to make informed decisions and plan their journeys more effectively. By knowing what lies ahead, road users can mentally prepare for potential delays, reducing the element of surprise and the resulting stress.

Alleviating Anxiety

The fear of the unknown is a common source of anxiety, and this applies to road users as well. The ‘what ifs’ that accompany a journey can cause significant stress and worry. However, VMS products provide a solution to this problem. By displaying vital information these signs address the uncertainty that often plagues drivers. They act as a reassuring guide, eliminating the need to imagine worst-case scenarios and allowing road users to focus on the present moment.

Reducing Frustration

Delays and unexpected road incidents can quickly lead to frustration and tension. Traffic congestion, detours, or unclear directions can trigger emotions that are detrimental to mental health. Variable message signs mitigate these negative emotions by keeping drivers informed and aware of the situation at hand. By providing accurate and timely updates, VMS help drivers anticipate and understand the causes of delays.

One major additional benefit is the one our roadworkers can experience. A calmer driver is less likely to subject roadworkers to a torrent of abuse – something roadworkers sadly face on an increasing basis.

MVIS Sales Director Graeme Lee said:

“There are some really important elements to portable VMS that we believe are overlooked. In a world where stresses are high enough, we don’t want a road network filled with anxious, angry drivers -it isn’t good for anyone. Journey time information is so important to drivers and enables them to adapt as they travel. With the common integration of Bluetooth into cars now for telephone use, an informed driver can keep in touch if required to advise of any changes to their journey and subsequently, their plans.”

Being Sustainable With Solar Powered Products

Sustainability has been at the forefront for us as a company for a decade now, and as a result, we’ve been reflecting back on over ten years of commitment to being sustainable. As well as offering products that are solar powered, we’ve also taken action in helping to reduce our own environmental impact

The very nature of our products has a strong environmental focus and they’re all designed to be energy efficient. Over the last 12 years, we have improved our unit’s batteries and solar panels in line with the latest innovations in their respective technologies. By using tilting and more efficient solar panels, it has resulted in improved run times and fewer battery changes, which means fewer journeys need to be made.

Our solar powered range of products offer an alternative to fixed solutions that draw power from the grid. They do not need to rely on external energy supply and therefore are highly portable and can be deployed in locations where fixed solutions can’t be. The applications that our products can be used for can also help promote an environmentally conscious way of thinking. The VMS-A and VMS-C can be used to spread messages that can influence driver or pedestrian behaviour, such as reminding drivers not to leave their engine running idle or encouraging people not to litter.

The fact we specialise in solar power enables us to offer our environmentally friendly products to organisations looking to minimise their own carbon footprint and environmental impact. Our data collection solutions can help Local Authorities and other groups determine levels of traffic and their speed, which can then help them make environmental decisions on issues like air pollution. 

To help cut down on the carbon footprint of our service, we have taken action in reducing the amount of fuel that we use. Our custom-built beavertail vehicle allows us to deploy 3 x VMS-A units, 2 x VMS-C units, or 2 x Solar IP units in one delivery. By being able to transport multiple units in one single trip, it minimises our fuel consumption and time on the roads.  

It has never been more important to be acting in ways that promote sustainability and general care for the environment, but this is something that we have been doing consistently for over a decade. Whilst we’re proud to be an environmentally responsible company, having a ‘green’ focus isn’t just embodied in our products but in our actions too. As is the MVIS way, we will always constantly be searching for ways to be more sustainable and reduce our footprint even further. 

Anne Ashman, Group Commercial and Operations Director comments, “There is always room for improvement when it comes to reducing our carbon footprint and we have taken measures and joined initiatives to help achieve this. MVIS has remained committed to giving back to the environment for 12 years now and will continue to work towards a sustainable future.”

For more information about MVIS environmental policies, please see the ‘Environment’ section on our Safety Hub.

MVIS Renews Constructionline Platinum!

Here at MVIS we boast about our many accreditations, and are proud to announce, after our recent audit, we have re-certified for Constructionline Platinum.

Being accredited, by companies such as BS EN ISO’s or Achilles, ensures that we know you can #TRUSTINMVIS.

But being able to show our Platinum accreditation from Constructionline ensures that our customers know we have undergone extensive checks into our quality, health & safety, environmental impact, social responsibility and adherence to legislations and regulations relevant to us.

Accreditations are our way of telling customers that we are trustworthy to work with, that when we supply you with products they will be of the highest standards.

Rubber stamp approval from the largest accreditation bodies like Achilles and Constructionline prove you can #TRUSTINMVIS.

A Change at the Top

After over a decade of service to product development and customer relations, our CEO Pat Musgrave has made the decision to step down from his current role. Pat remains a Director of the Group and will continue to provide advice and guidance to the Group and its subsidiary companies.

Stepping in to the role of Group CEO will be Scott Paton. Scott has extensive experience and knowledge within the Highways industry after being a Chief Operations Officer with Vysionics (Now Jenoptiks) for many years. He brings a wealth of experience and know-how with a skillset tailor-made for the role of Group Chief Executive Officer. With experience in operations, customer, and partner management as well as sales, project management and performance improvement, Scott has built a reputation for not only improving companies’ revenue streams but also profit growth.

 Scott Paton commented:

 “I am delighted to be joining the Group and the MVIS & Bartco AU family, leaders in the VMS & ITS market for over a decade. I look forward to working closely with the teams to take the Group and associated companies to the next level. It’s an exciting challenge, and one that I can’t wait to get stuck in to.”

 Ted Deinard – Group Chairman and Managing Director at Quadrant Management:

 “On behalf of everyone, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Pat for his hard work and dedication over the last 12 years. His encyclopaedic knowledge of the industry has played a vital part in making MVIS & Bartco AU the force in the industry that we are today. We wish him the very best of luck in his new role.

 As we look to build on the success of the first decade of trading, we are excited that Scott can help build on our strong values & culture to take the Group to the next level.”

CCTV: Securing Working Sites and Preventing Trespassing

What is the problem?

Trespassing is common on any construction or quarry site. Large sites that are unmonitored are often targets for threats as there will be no evidence of them on that site, other than word of mouth.

When being subject to trespassing, companies need preparation for these threats:

  • Damage of Company Assets – when a worksite shuts over an evening all company assets are being left unattended. Meaning they are susceptible to threats trespassing and potentially damaging assets.
  • Health and Safety of bystanders – if someone is to enter a site it is the companies responsibility to ensure they are safe. Whether it be a pedestrian, trespasser or a staff member. Injured members of the public can end in legal issue and furthermore be damaging to your company…
  • Damage to reputation – damage of a company asset effects the day to day of a company. Damage of reputation is a long lasting effect that could takes months to years to recuperate. If a bystander is injured on site, your company becomes associated with this.
What is the solution?.. CCTV

CCTV can be as simple as implementing a watchful eye over a site, while also deterring public from trespassing. The presence of a CCTV unit on site will deter most people at the thought of there being evidence against them if they pose a threat.

If the public aren’t deterred, CCTV will give you evidence to there whereabouts and what has happened. This can help in cases of proving someone has entered your site without permission. Also helping with protecting your site if a member of the public is injured while walking onto site.

All different Variations of a MVIS CCTV, five different images.

Why Choose an MVIS CCTV?

MVIS are dedicated to supplying the highest quality cameras possible and ensuring that customers are receiving the platinum level service.

Our innovation the MVIS Portable Solar Powered Site & Compound CCTV is perfect for alerting construction workers to trespassers onto their site, meaning they can then implement a safety measure against threats. Alerts are sent to the assigned person, such as security guards or site managers.

MVIS Portable Solar Powered Site & Compound CCTV in action:

Read about Compound CCTV here >

See us at HAUC UK Convention 2024

HAUC UK will welcome delegates & visitors for the 2024 Convention on Thursday 18th April at Old Trafford Cricket Ground in Manchester. Over the years, they have focused each annual convention on an arching theme and a message relevant to the communities attending.

Last year they focused on the Infrastructure Race, the Safety Challenge, the Role of Data in Defining Legislation, Guidance and Delivery and the Road to Net Zero.

This year is no different, with the focus on… People, Priorities and Performance. Examining how we must work together to ensure the people in our sector have the correct training and skills to achieve the best, as safely as possible.

There is no better example of this ethos than the team at MVIS. Over 12 years, our staff have become highly trained and experienced to work on both the high speed and Local Authority networks, adhering to the strictest codes of safety and professionalism.

If you want to discover more about our extensive accreditations and memberships, make sure to visit Graeme Lee at the MVIS’ stand.

If you fancy seeing our products close up, we will have a HD Compact fitted with an Environmental Sensor showcased at the convention so you can learn more about our VMS & other Intelligent Transport Solutions for your project.

If you are heading to HAUC UK 2024 and would like to arrange a meeting with Graeme, you can avoid disappointment by emailing him at to book a slot prior to the event.

Ben Takes Product Showcase On The Road

Man in blue coat stood next to a Variable Message Sign in a Quarry

For over a decade, MVIS have been delivering portable, solar powered ITS Solutions that offer users access to proven safety products that can enhance the safety of your quarry, landfill, or construction work site.

Our solutions provide effective answers to many safety concerns in a quarry construction or work site. We offer trailer based, solar powered Intelligent Quarry Safety Solutions (IQSS) products such as portable variable message signs (VMS), portable CCTV, and data collection solutions that are secure, adaptable, and cost effective.

Introducing Ben

Ben has recently transitioned into the role of Sales and Marketing Executive. A move which reflects MVIS’ dedication to nurturing talent from within. Ben previously held a marketing role within the company, but his multifaceted skillset and exceptional people skills have proven instrumental in fostering great relationships at events throughout 2023 / 24, sufficiently so that Group CEO, Pat Musgrave, was thoroughly impressed with his sales aptitude at various events & shows, and immediately green-lighted the new role.

Having lived near MVIS Midland Hub all his life, Ben knows the area well. Knowing which Quarries in his local area need help with their traffic management and general site safety. He is more than happy to put boots to the ground and visit sites to see if they need any consultation as to where traffic management can be improved or to demonstrate what our products can do. Ben’s 2024 diary is beginning to fill up fast with enquiries from both quarry and landfill site owners, keen to speak with him and to see products showcased at their site as part of MVIS’ Platinum Level Service.

Commenting on Ben’s appointment, Pat said:

“We are thrilled to have Ben step into the position of Sales and Marketing Executive. His work here so far has been fantastic and, coupled with his interpersonal skills, we’ve now seen first-hand over the last 12 months that he’s the ideal person to be a face associated with MVIS to our ever-growing client base across the Quarrying sector. We believe that Ben’s customer-centric approach will play a pivotal role in his success in the role.”

Ben added:

“I am very excited about taking on this role and I am ready for the challenge. It has been a great three years working with MVIS and I am ready to take on this exciting role and start a new chapter whilst at this company.

“I’ve really enjoyed engaging with our client base so far, and the opportunity to showcase who we are and what we do to new people at events throughout the last 12 months has been really enjoyable. I look forward to seeing more faces on the road in the run-up to Hillhead 2024 and beyond.”

If you would like Ben & the team to visit your site for an in-depth demonstration you can contact him at or 07585 256831 for an initial consultation to better understand your needs & desires.

MVIS Team Up With AGF

MVIS have been working closely with events organisers for over a decade. With our solutions becoming a pivotal element to Festival line-ups and playing a key role in the safety of some of the biggest events this country has seen over the last 12 years, by delivering VMS (Variable Message Signs) and CCTV. Our portable, solar powered solutions having been developed by our in-house Research and Development Team.

As we continue our journey towards becoming carbon neutral, we also strive to help other businesses achieve their own targets. With the help of our Environmental Sensor, we have helped organisers monitor their impact on the environment. In keeping with our initiative to help other businesses, we have become a member of A Greener Future’. A not-for-profit organisation working to help venues and events become more sustainable and reduce environmental impacts.

Becoming a member of this group ensures that we will continue to help make Events and Venues environmentally sustainable helping companies improve their carbon footprint. Our signs are Solar Powered, and our batteries are recharged at our Hubs across the UK. As a result, there is no wastage on batteries. The relevance? We can supply our signs knowing that whilst they are on hire, they are not causing harm to the environment.

Working with a company like AGF means we can ensure that our environmentally friendly initiative can continue into new and exciting events across the UK. With our strategically located hubs up and down the UK, being a full-fledged member means we can connect with organisers of Events and helping to ensure that they are well supported in their quest to becoming carbon neutral.

The Wonderful Women within MVIS.

On the back of International Women’s Day, we got to thinking how the ladies at MVIS make each day work. 

Our talented group of women are the driving force of this company. Working in most areas to ensure the company runs correctly, everyone goes home safe, and our Products are up to standard, delivered on time, and well maintained.

The MVIS ladies are not limited to the office, you can often find them across all areas of the company.

Here are some of the amazing women at the core of MVIS:

Anne Ashman, Commercial and Operations Director:

As the companies only original member from the initial start-up, and working at MVIS for almost 13 years now, Anne has been the driving force behind all the accreditations, policies, process, building of the team and general management of MVIS.  Pushing the company forward to new and better opportunities, working with all departments and individuals alike to ensure they always have the resources needed to fulfil their roles.

When she is not in the office planning for the future on projects or supporting the team, she is happy travelling across the UK to one of the 3 strategic hubs.  She can be found working at trade shows, such as Highways at the NEC, liaising with old and new customers, or even on site auditing the delivery team to ensure they meet the platinum level service she expects of every member of her team.

She is quiet often working with R&D on new product ideas, you would be surprised how many products start from Anne & Tom Hooton’s (R&D manager) drawings on a white board.  Anne may even be in the workshop working on our Solar Powered Solutions when a helping hand is needed, these are just a few of the areas she covers.  Also, as our qualified Transport Manager she oversees the fleet with Clair Tranter, head of customer relations.

Juliette Wright and Donna Cree, Sales Team

If you have ever called the MVIS office and been greeted by a pleasant voice at the end of the phone or made an enquiry through and had very quick response, you have, most likely been in contact with Juliette or Donna.

Sales and Business Development Executive Juliette has been visiting companies working on new business and developing relationships further with MVIS customers, Juliette never shies away from a site visit or from a meeting with clients at their offices.

Sales Support Admin, Donna has also visited site with our dedicated drivers, an initiative for all members of staff to understand the importance of safety delivering to roadsides.

Clair Tranter and April Flaherty, Customer Relations

Behind every one of our great delivery team are Customer Relations. Keeping the vehicles on the road, planning the deliveries, repairs of units and supporting all our customers with technical enquiries, relocations and Health & safety paperwork are amongst just a few of their daily tasks, but most of all they are there supporting the drivers on the road.

Clair and April are no strangers to visiting site, both have accompanied a driver to deliver a unit as part of the training initiative.

Clair spent two days in Cobham Delivering with the teams at our Southern Hub.  She regularly supports Anne with the transport management, overseeing getting all vehicles into the garages in a timely manner that ensures we have the resources needed on the road for deliveries to our customers, working on FORS and training all the delivery and workshop team.  She is our resident expert on our delivery system, working closely on health & safety after recently passing her IOSH managing safely to assist the delivery team with all RAMS.

April works on the planning of repairs and servicing of all units to ensure they are working correctly when out on site. Working closely with the workshop team, organising their daily tasks, ensuring stock is available for any repairs needed or for newly built units that are sold.

Mizzy Watson, R & D Assistant

Mizzy was promoted into the R&D team due to her technical knowledge of our ITS products.  She is a regular in the workshop testing new products or helping the workshop team with her knowledge of our products, training team members on the systems and even fixing products to keep them at the expected MVIS standard. 

She is a great help on the technical folders of all our products, ensuring all new products being developed are tested to the correct standards, and supplying the correct information for all the companies departments, to help support getting the units out to site.

One of our crowning achievements at MVIS is the dedication to inclusivity and ensuring that everyone has equal opportunities to shine and excel in different areas. We do not limit one person to one area, we are proud of our lovely lady’s commitment to MVIS and helping out on the roads, either from a desk or on the road network.

IWD2024: Spotlight on Anne Ashman – The View from the Top

As the world celebrates International Women’s Day 2024, it’s rather apt to shine a spotlight on women who are breaking barriers and making significant strides in what could be conceived as traditionally male-dominated industries.

One such trailblazer is Anne Ashman, Group Commercial & Operations Director of MVIS, a leading provider of Portable VMS signs & Intelligent Transport Solutions.

Anne’s journey doesn’t just highlight personal achievement, but also underscores the progress being made in the highways industry towards gender equality and inclusivity. It also showcases MVIS as the inclusive company it is, putting ‘the best person for the job’ as the only criteria on the list for employment & progression opportunities.

Here we take a look at Anne’s career path with MVIS, her time in the highways sector, what brought Anne to where she is today, as well as some of the challenges faced and hurdles overcome on the route.

A Journey of Growth and Leadership

With over a decade of service at MVIS, Anne’s journey is a testament to her commitment, resilience, and leadership qualities.

Starting from the role of Office Manager within the company in 2012, Anne has steadily progressed through the ranks. Her journey exemplifies the opportunities for growth and advancement available to women in the sector, and at MVIS in particular.

The highways industry has historically been perceived as a male-dominated sector. However, the landscape is shifting, with an ever-growing female presence across a range of roles – from operative to boardroom level.

Anne’s leadership role at MVIS highlights this shift, and the company has a further female presence within its workforce to the tune of 35% percent – showcasing the continued opportunities available to females in the sector via a career with MVIS.

With ‘the best person for the job’ the ultimate goal, more women are welcomed not just into the sector in general, but into leadership positions within MVIS.

The Importance of Female Leadership

The presence of female role models like Anne is not only essential for promoting gender equality but also for driving innovation, and adding diverse perspectives within organisations.

As Anne continues to lead by example at MVIS, she contributes to the company’s success and reinforces the importance of female leadership in driving organisational growth and sustainability.

This ‘on the ground’ skillset is in addition to highlighting to females both in, and interested in entering the highways industry that it is a career path that brings opportunity for growth and progression.

A Brighter Future

As we celebrate International Women’s Day, Anne’s journey serves as a reminder of the progress being made towards gender equality in the highways industry and beyond.

With more women like Anne assuming leadership roles, the future looks brighter and more inclusive than ever before. As we continue to champion diversity and empower women in the workplace, we pave the way for a more equitable and prosperous industry for all.

We spoke to Anne about being a female leader in a sector typically seen as male dominated, as well as some of the challenges faced, as well as crucially how they were overcome.

Anne told us:

“The sector is certainly a different landscape to the one I entered in 2012, with the number of females drastically increased. Take a look around an industry event or exhibition in 2024 and there’s almost a 50/50 split of males and females in the room. In 2012, women were very much a minority there.

Whilst working in the Highways Sector, I have had opportunities that I may not have had in other industries. Yes, I was a female in a male industry, but as someone who has always believed in equality and a role being filled by the right person, not a gender, then this didn’t bother me.

What I did do was take all the opportunities offered that has allowed me to move to the role I am now in. My list of qualifications and skills is endless, this is what I want others to read, it’s about hard work and grabbing the opportunities you are offered. Whether your female, non-binary, or male, you only gain by putting in the hard work and not being discouraged by being who you are”.

What does Platinum level service mean to you?

Over the last decade, since our inception, MVIS have built an outstanding reputation across the highways sector for providing excellent service to its customers on all projects.

No matter the size or customer, we adopt the ‘no task is too small’ approach on its mission to deliver a level of service it can only define as ‘platinum’. MVIS has always valued its customers and has built some excellent long-standing relationships on the back of its commitment to service as well as its products. To showcase this commitment, MVIS proudly stand by their ‘Platinum Service Promise’ .

The MVIS Platinum service promise delivers. The MVIS quality & service document serves to outline what the company considers to be ‘Platinum Level Service’ and also highlights just how special its services are.

MVIS has always held fantastic relationships with its clients, and the company regularly receives positive feedback and comments crediting it for one of the aspects listed in the quality & service document. Each time a customer approaches MVIS with enthusiastic comments about its service, MVIS see this not just as an opportunity to celebrate its collective achievement, but also to reinforce this standard of service within the team. Reinforcing standards in moments of praise makes gives it special emphasis and reinforces a message from a positive position rather than trying to react to a negative one. This aids with staff feeling appreciated, delivers job satisfaction and rewards their hard work.

We spoke to a number of MVIS employees about their view on what platinum service is, and how it fits into their own specific roles.

We asked, “What does Platinum Level Service mean to you?”

Anne Ashman, UK Group Commercial and Operations Director comments:

“The Platinum Service Promise is a symbol of our commitment to service and customers. We have thought long and hard about a way we can demonstrate this, culminating in this promise to clients to always give them our very best. We are incredibly proud of our service record and the positive comments we receive from our customers.”

Anne continued:

“With that said, it’s vital that we never lose sight of the importance of continuous improvement. Our Platinum Service Promise works in conjunction with our customer’s comments and internal audits to keep us on our toes, make us accountable and give us an opportunity to work on areas that may need another look. Having this trusting relationship with our customers allows us to consistently cater to their needs so we don’t miss anything as their needs evolve.”

Jon Larkins, Midlands Delivery Hub Supervisor added:

“We know the moment we leave HQ that we are representing MVIS – and therefore carry an expected standard with us. That standard being platinum. Whether it’s the quality of our maintenance work, right through to how we interact with other contractors on site or the passing public – nothing short of outstanding will do.”

With Anne and Jon both well established as part of the MVIS team, serving 10 and 5 years respectively, what’s expected is ingrained in their day-to-day operations.

For a perspective from those not so experienced, a more newcomer perspective is offered by Clair Tranter and Mia Maycock, both in MVIS’ Customer Relations team. Both recent recruits, Clair and Mia explained to us how the bar was set upon joining the company, and what platinum service means to them.

Clair told us:

“I was left in no doubt throughout the recruitment process with MVIS that ‘client centric’ is absolutely the ethos here. Our customers and the service we provide them comes above all. We do what we can, every day to assist their operations and provide something that’s unrivalled when it comes to service.”

April added:

“It was actually one of the main reasons that the role appealed to me. Working in customer relations, there has to be a passion for service, so coming into a company that places customer satisfaction above all was a great fit. It’s very clear to me how MVIS has garnered such a strong reputation when it comes to its levels of service, as everyone in the business knows it’s priority number one. Now I’m looking forward to playing my part in delivering that platinum promise myself.”




Walking the Walk…For the Third Year Running

For the third year running, MVIS will be sponsoring the Ashgate Hospice High Peak Trail, with this years event taking place on Sunday 17th March. The walk takes place through our stunning Derbyshire countryside and will follow the former Cromford and High Peak Railway. The walk provides a scenic experience for walkers of all ages to enjoy.

Due to last years success at the introduction of 2 new routes, Ashgate Hospice have decided to once again follow the same format with 3 walking options of varying length and difficulty. One, a family friendly 3.5 miles. Something that you can bring children on so you can have a day spent with family (including well behaved dogs). Another route is the 11 mile walk, and the final walk being the full 17 miles. Participants meet at Cromford Meadows before being transported to the starting line.

We recently had the opportunity to take in the trail on which walkers will be undertaking over the weekend in March.

Sales & Business Development Executive Juliette Wright launches this years Trail with Natalie Bell  – Event Fundraiser from Ashgate Hospice. 

We are always proud to sponsor Ashgate Hospice events and are glad to always be there to assist them. As a company we appreciate their work and admire the amount of time, effort and inclusivity they present when holding events such as the Sparkle walk or the High Peak Trail. As a company it is about teamwork and raising money for the people they look after. We already have a couple of the team signed up for this years walk, including Anne Ashman our Commercial and Operations Director and Sales and Business Development Executive Juliette will also be taking part. 

David Storer – Ashgate Hospice Events Organiser: “MVIS are a pleasure to work with. They are always on hand to provide support across all of our fundraising events and go above and beyond to offer solutions that enhance our reach and help us to promote our brand across the region. The team have provided VMS’s for multiple events and appeals that have really helped to raise the awareness of Ashgate Hospice and the vital end of life care that we provide across North Derbyshire. A Huge thank you to MVIS from all of us at Ashgate Hospice!”

Brave the High Peak Trail and soak up the scenic Derbyshire countryside – Sign Up Here