Solar IP – The Multi-Functional Power Bank

The Solar IP has a reputation for being a highly useful and versatile unit that brings portability to integrated technology. However, it is often a surprising point for our customers just how versatile this product is, as they see it through the lens of the product they are interested in. The Solar IP offers simple integration for all sorts of technologies that they may not have even considered.


Solar IP with CCTV

CCTV / Surveillance Technologies

As one of the more common integrations with our Solar IP, this unit brings traditionally fixed CCTV technologies to portable, temporary applications. The scope of this is vast, with all the surveillance technologies available in today’s world, the Solar IP is a lifeline to those who require such technologies to operate in non-fixed, portable applications.

This is especially important these days, where technology is helping to solve new and emerging issues that surveillance and CCTV technologies are being applied to, such as new security concerns in a modern world or even COVID.



As law enforcement is expected to keep up with the pace of criminality, technology is increasingly being employed to help solve problems such as stretched work forces, how to disrupt criminality on a mass scale and how to save money.

Applying ANPR to our Solar IP could help with these issues, allowing law enforcement to apply portable ANPR technology to a given area without having to be present, as they do with handheld or vehicle integrated solutions. This not only frees up officers in man hours, but also allows them to station ANPR solutions in a variety of different locations that law enforcement vehicles may not be able to get to.

On a wider level, as when applied to CCTV technologies, the Solar IP opens up new applications to help solve emerging problems in the world of today, making it a highly versatile and powerful unit.

Another industry that uses ANPR is the parking industry, who use the technology to monitor car parks where payment is required or there is a maximum stay duration. In such an application, it allows parking companies to better protect car parks, get the charge they are owed and enforce stay durations for locations such as supermarket car parks.

By making this portable, it allows the companies to better cater to events or temporary applications, preventing the need for permanent installations as well as allowing for easy product demonstrations.


Data / Sensors

Our ability to detect and measure aspects of our environment has been increasing drastically in recent years, generating data that we can use to improve society. Technologies such as traffic data solutions or environmental sensors provide us with unique safety insights that have only become possible in the past few decades – and things are only getting better.

As these new sensors improve in accuracy and capability, attention turns to how to apply them, with a power supply being a major concern over how we can make the most out of them. Our Solar IP allows many of these technologies a chance at portability, allowing such sensors to be located at more strategically considered areas.

Bespoke Solutions

Along with existing and common technologies, as the Solar IP serves as an industrial sized power bank, we can also enable the integration of bespoke technologies that allows fixed solutions to be portable.

It’s for this reason that the Solar IP isn’t just a solar powered, trailer-based power bank, it stands as an embodiment of our commitments to serving and accommodating our customers. It also stands as an invitation to businesses to consider their own technology’s limitations, and how the Solar IP could expand uses or applications, especially in today’s world, where we are relying on new technologies to help battle new challenges as a society.

For more information about our Solar IP and how it can be adapted to integrate with your technology, please contact us via our contact form.

Alternatively, you can email us via


Alternative uses for Portable VMS

With over 9 years in the industry, we have seen many uses for our portable original 5-colour Bartco VMS units.

There has never been a time that has challenged and pushed our sign’s capability more than during the pandemic and as a result, we wanted to take the opportunity to shine a spotlight on some of the more interesting uses of our signs that we have seen outside of the traditional applications.

Stadiums / Arenas

A core use of our signs is to communicate with high numbers of people at any one time. However, what information is being displayed and under what circumstances this communication takes place is extremely versatile, being able to accommodate a wide range of locations.

One application we have seen an increasing need for our signs is in Football arenas and Stadiums, who have been relying on our units to help convey a wide range of information, from match scores to helping to fight homophobia.

Using a portable VMS at a stadium ensures maximum exposure of your message and it allows venues without an integrated electronic scoreboard to use one that can be moved to the best location.

Likewise, for larger stadiums where there may be blind spots on a pre-installed display, our VMS offers an innovative, portable scoreboard that can be updated quickly and easily when the message needs to change. This was especially useful during the pandemic when audiences were more dispersed than usual due to social distancing.


We have seen some amazingly innovative uses of our signs in the retail industry recently, helping with practical and safety issues such as social distancing, queue management and informing customers of the store’s COVID policy before they enter the premises.

This was mainly applicable to the specific parts of the retail industry who were permitted to stay open in the height of the pandemic. They were required to ensure that the nation were not only keeping their fridges full, but also shopping safely for the benefit of everyone.

Phil Spencer, manager at New Leaf Plant Centre in Dronfield commented, “The unit and support from MVIS has been invaluable to our re-opening and has clearly reinforced our commitment to the Health & Safety of our staff and customers. […] It has given reassurance to all that they are dealing with a professional and caring company.”

Public Spaces

Along with basic communication, our signs are also adept at influencing behaviour. This can be done for a multitude of reasons but traditionally our VMS have been used to encourage drivers to travel at slower speeds or drive more carefully – usual traffic management applications.

During the significant social change of the pandemic however, new behaviours began to emerge, from dangerous rule breaking to anti-social actions such as littering in the few public spaces we were allowed to visit during lockdown, like at national and country parks.

Using our portable VMS in conjunction with our portable CCTV, site managers of public spaces were able to implement a VMS – CCTV feedback solution that could not only monitor the situation on the ground without requiring a physical presence, but could also use the VMS to feedback messages to visitors to help stop or even encourage certain behaviours.

Looking further afield than national or country parks, many public spaces around the UK saw the unique benefits of our signs for much needed crowd control and public information.

Whilst our signs are traditionally used for wayfinding and crowd control applications for some of the largest events in the UK, it is unprecedented for a national requirement to be this critical and widespread- using our signs to help control a global pandemic is certainly a diversion from the ‘traditional’.

Deploying our VMS on high streets and city centres gave the displayed messages maximum exposure, helping to spread important safety information at a very important time.


In the same way that our signs have been used to influence behaviour in public spaces, they can also be used to do the same in not-so-public spaces.

Protecting private property with our combined VMS / CCTV unit grants site managers visibility on a desired location along with a highly visual deterrent to warn trespassers away and that they are on camera.

For a security company, this option may be preferable to many other solutions they would traditionally go for and it may even be a suitable alternative to manned security options.

If you would like to learn more about our Variable Message Signs for your application, please contact us via our contact form. Alternatively, you can call us on 01629 580 570 to speak to one of our friendly team, or you can email us via

Spotlight: HD Compact VMS V.2

Back in June last year, MVIS and Bartco UK were proud to announce the latest version of our revolutionary HD Compact VMS.

V.2 of this unit marked a development on an already ground-breaking advancement in the VMS market.

V.1 of the HD Compact was the first of its kind, offering a light-weight, portable variable message sign designed for use within work zones to improve safety and communicate information. Featuring a dual colour (red and white) display, this VMS can be updated remotely via our web-based portal or mobile app and boasts up to a 4-week run time.

V.2 builds on everything that makes the V.1 brilliant, offering added developments that usher in new and exciting uses of the HD Compact unit. One of the biggest developments to have been seen is the use of solar power, offering highly extended maintenance free run-time and representing a significant upgrade on the V.1.

Another development in the V.2 is the addition of adjustable height for its display, allowing for greater customisation for the application it is being used for. It also features a new casing design that hides all cabling, making it more secure against vandalism or accidental damage.

The new version of this unit also still benefits from the data collection radar integrated in all our signs. This makes our VMS a low-cost alternative to many data collection solutions on the market, offering a data source for the analysis of traffic trends and enabling greater intelligence for planning projects of all kinds.

These developments bring the HD Compact in line with our other solar powered signs, allowing us to offer a fully solar powered VMS range in different sizes.

Along with the V.2 of our HD Compact, we have also been working on a new trailer which allows us to be more efficient in deploying these units, transporting up to 6 in one journey.

Developed with Edwards Trailers, this trailer moves us closer to our Corporate Social Responsibility goal for a cleaner, more environmentally friendly delivery model. It also offers our drivers a more efficient and safer delivery tool, helping to cut down on journeys in a post-COVID-19 world.

For more information about our HD Compact V.2, please contact us via our contact form.

Alternatively, you can call us on 01629 580 570 to speak to one of our friendly team, or you can email us via

Web Studio – Industry Leading VMS Control Software

For many years now, MVIS and Bartco have been associated with practical, effective and reliable portable solar powered ITS safety solutions.

Offering the first 5-colour VMS to the UK market, the Bartco brand is well known for launching innovations. One of the big areas we have been receiving consistent enthusiasm for over the years has been our Variable Message Sign (VMS) management software, Web Studio.

Web Studio is certainly an industry leading management software, offering many time saving, convenient and simple features, as well as things that competing systems don’t.

At its core, Web Studio is a VMS management tool that allows users of our signs to change and update messaging remotely. Allowing you to produce text or pictograms, your chosen messages can be created, saved to a library and then scheduled or shared across multiple signs if needed, making it even easier to manage messaging in large projects and to push out messages quickly.

The sophisticated package also saves travel time and costs by enabling the instant communication from most internet enabled devices. Unlike some other systems which require local installation, Web Studio can be operated from a web browser, meaning signs can be updated quickly and easily without needing to install the program to your device, making it ideal for temporary applications.  

Users can also view a map of their signs and zoom in, observe and adjust any number of signs in line with developments on the ground. This feature also helps allow quick identification and easy monitoring of assets, which is ideal for sign purchases, as well as route planning for in-house maintenance. Web Studio even offers an auto-routing option linked to Google Maps, routing you to the chosen unit quickly and easily.

Using Web Studio, clients can keep a close eye not just on their unit’s location, but also their status and past use as it also relays battery voltages, program history and its connection strength to the system.

For security concerns, Web Studio also offers logins at levels, allowing you to set up account restrictions so only certain members of the team have access to specific permissions. With live signs out in public, this is an important feature for many clients.

For on-the-go changes, signs can be updated using the BartcoLive app, which offers everything that Web Studio offers, but designed for smartphones and other mobile devices. With the BartcoLive app, wherever you are and at any time, you can control the messages displayed on any of your portable VMS with greater speed and flexibility.

Web Studio and BartcoLive also allow for the activation and general management of some of the wider functionality of our signs. For example, integrated in all of our VMS units is a data collection radar that can be used to collect traffic data. Web Studio allows for the download and management of this data as well as the ability to enable our sign’s speed activation functionality, which displays a specific message upon being triggered by a vehicle driving above a certain speed.

For more information about Web Studio, BartcoLive or our portable VMS range, please contact us via our contact form.

Alternatively, you can email us via

MVIS | Portable CCTV VMS Solution the latest in a long line of innovations

The Original 5-Colour VMS

MVIS is well known in the industry for bringing innovations to market – from the industry’s first smaller footprint unit of its class with the HD Compact, to the Solar IP, which offers the industry a portable solar powered power bank. However, we must never forget the company’s beginnings, which are found in the original 5-colour Bartco portable variable message signs all the way back in 2012.  

The Bartco brand has a reputation for quality across the UK, and has done for many years, being trusted by a range of industries, local authorities, traffic management and events companies. Sister company Bartco AU were the first company to manufacture 5-colour portable variable message signs, with MVIS being the first to bring them to the UK market.

As a result, we have forged relationships with our clients that are underpinned by the quality of our products and our service. Part of the reason we are able to provide such a quality service for our clients is owed to our quality products, which means maintenance and repairs are kept to a minimum, allowing our team to focus largely on service rather than having to deal with unreliable products taking up their time.

Original 5-colour Bartco signs are versatile, reliable under all conditions and easy to set up and operate. They also offer impact, choice and the flexibility to use red, green, blue and white as well as standard amber.

Since the launch of the first iteration of the original 5-colour Bartco sign, the market has expanded to include units with similar functionality from competitors. However, there are still aspects of our signs that make them unique.

Original 5-colour Bartco signs feature tilting solar panels and a solar charging system designed for the weather and environment of the country they operate in. Signs are also monitored and configured using our proprietary browser-based Web Studio or Bartco Live smart phone app.

Although simple to use, signs also pack in a wealth of technology, including a data collection radar, a single plug & play control module and a bright, low power consuming LED display.

For more information about the Bartco VMS or MVIS and our ITS rental services, please contact us via our contact form.

Alternatively, you can email us via


MVIS | Pioneering real-time journey time information continues to keep England moving

 Delivering vital information to Britain’s drivers has always been crucial. Whether roadworks are being undertaken, an accident has occurred, or there’s simply a case of congestion, keeping our road network users in the know about what lies ahead is paramount to safety of both roadworkers and road users alike.

Pioneers in journey time solutions, MVIS – in partnership with Highways England in 2016 – developed the NTIS DATEX II Portable Journey Time Variable Message Sign (PJTVMS) Solution.

The NTIS DATEX II generates real-time journey time information for road users using fused data from the National Traffic Information Service (NTIS).

The system was the first of its kind to enable real-time journey time information from the NTIS to be displayed on portable variable message signs (VMS).

Accuracy and Specificity

Fully compliant with HE’s Major Project Instruction MPI-54-062016, the NTIS DATEX II PJTVMS solution displays journey time information, refreshed at five-minute intervals for the most up to date delivery of situational goings on.

The journey time solution can be implemented on any number of MVIS’ VMS-C units along major project schemes over four kilometres in length to keep road users informed of the travel time to the end of the road works, congestion or other delays.

Messages regarding congestion or other delays are reported as specifically as being within their near vicinity, ensuring the messages displayed remain solely relevant to the area affected.

Adaptability & Flexibility

Additionally, the NTIS DATEX II PJTVMS solution allows alternative messages to be displayed if the maximum journey time is exceeded. Email alerts can be sent to multiple recipients to keep them fully up to date, enabling them to personally override journey time messages if required using the MVIS WebStudio™.

Furthermore, the NTIS DATEX II PJTVMS solution allows for the overriding of displayed messages at any time, should other messages become of greater importance in the midst of a specific scenario.

With current messaging across our road network also incorporating safety messages and bulletins regarding COVID-19, the NTIS DATEX II PJTVMS solution continues to further showcase its capability when it comes to delivering not only highway related messages, but critical government guidelines.

Anne Ashman, UK Group Commercial and Operations Director told us:

“Up to date, accurate information has been at the forefront of everybody’s minds over the last 12 months, both on and off our roads. We know how critical it is to have people informed for both road user safety, as well as the safety of any working operatives in the vicinity.

“The solution and it’s up to date delivery of information eases driver frustration and sets expectation accordingly for the journey ahead. This in turn prevents potential accidents arising from impatience, protecting everyone affected by the situation.

“We were extremely proud to collaborate with Highways England on the development of the NTIS DATEX II Portable Journey Time Solution and we’re delighted to see it continue to deliver across the UK road network, evolving alongside the ever changing challenges we face.”





MVIS and Bartco UK Launch Portable IVD Radar with AGD

We are well known for our business partnerships and product developments.

Having worked with a range of companies to develop new and effective solutions that can bring the industry increased safety, we know what it means to cooperate for mutual benefit.

Our Solar Intelligent Platform (Solar IP) is one of the key components to this reputation. The Solar IP is a trailer based solar platform that serves as a portable ‘power bank’ for various technologies. These highly versatile units have been used with great success to grant portability to technologies that were previously required to be a fixed install due to their power requirements.

Amongst the latest of these developments is the ground-breaking portable IVD radar, which uses our Solar IP integrated with the low power 343 Traffic Control Radar from UK based radar specialists, AGD.

The IVD Radar is a portable traffic flow monitoring solution, providing traffic data on single and multi-lane highways and roads. The radar employs proven enforcement-grade measurement techniques to track & measure speed, length, lane/direction of individual targets.

Ideal for traffic profiling applications, clients can gather detailed data in all weather conditions in order to provide traffic information such as flow, speed and driver behaviour.

Replacing the need for other radar mounting options, the use of the Solar IP grants AGD’s 343 portability to drastically enhance road safety, capability and efficiency.

This unit makes collecting traffic data easy at a time when it has never been more critical. With remotely downloadable data from a unit that can detect from 2-100m away, no one is required on site to collect the data, which is especially important in COVID conditions.

Matt Felce, Research and Development Manager at Bartco UK comments “It’s always amazing finding new ways that our Solar IP can bring the industry new solutions. Working with AGD and their excellent 343 radar has been a genuine pleasure. We look forward to seeing the benefits this new solution brings the industry.”

Product Spotlight: Portable Solar Powered Invictus CCTV

MVIS / Bartco UK are known for engaging in partnerships that benefit not just those involved, but the wider industry too. One of our latest partnerships with 360 Vision is an excellent example, one that sees the integration of 360 Vision’s Invictus CCTV with our Solar IP, giving rise to a whole new groundbreaking solution.

This new product boasts an incredibly clear picture and performs excellently in low light conditions. 360 Vision have delivered a camera that is low in power demands but still offers an HD image, allowing the Research & Development Team at Bartco UK to work on integrating a power source in the form of our Solar IP.

The Invictus HD camera itself offers a fully ruggedized housing, with exceptional build quality. The toughened optical glass window features a wiper and its Pan & Tilt gearbox is ultra-reliable and resilient. The defining feature, however, could be argued to be its integrated high-performance IR lights with intelligent control, which enables its powerful performance in low light conditions.

As a result of the low power demands of this unit, it is able to perform to extended run times, filling a strong market requirement for a CCTV product that is also portable, solar powered and has a much clearer image than seen in previous solutions on the market.

It also allows for an effective integration with our Solar IP, which is a trailer-based solar power source that can provide appropriate technologies the opportunity of portability.

The applications of this are far reaching, offering sectors such as traffic management and events a solution that can meet such specific but common requirements. What’s more is that under the conditions seen due to COVID-19, this unit fulfils an even bigger market need in name of high definition surveillance for safety.

For more information about this unit, please contact us via our contact form.

Alternatively, you can call us on 01629 580 570 to speak to one of our friendly team, or you can email us via

MVIS VMS makes Impact for COVID-19 Safety

During these highly unusual times, everyone looks to government bodies for advice on what to do and to help keep people safe.

Spreading the right message has never been more important and with the high focus on local initiatives to help combat this virus, local authorities are left holding the responsibility of implementing the right solutions to help keep their area’s COVID levels as low as possible. The tasks of those areas currently facing local lockdown restrictions such as Bolton and the North East of England (to name but a few) is even bigger, as they are also charged with the responsibility of communicating their specific area’s lockdown rules rather than just guidance. 

Nothing has had a bigger impact in any sense this year than COVID-19, and with any high impact problem, you need a high impact solution to help manage it. Local authorities all over the UK have been turning to MVIS and our Portable Variable Message Signs (VMS) for help.

Not only this, but the media has also seen an opportunity for the potential of our VMS to put across a stark and important message through their photography, with a few deployments in particular receiving national media attention to help promote their news.

At least until such times as we have a vaccine widely available, one of the most powerful tools we have against this virus is information, bringing our portable VMS to forefront of the effort for the media and local authorities. VMS are often used in Hollywood and TV in disaster situations for this exact application – and with the world heading deeper into a state of emergency, we are seeing this become a reality before us.

With the ability to change messages remotely via web browser or mobile app, our signs can be updated safely without requiring anyone on-site. They can also be updated quickly and easily, allowing local authorities to be responsive to the changing guidance.

Our sign’s portability and solar power credentials make their responsiveness even more important, offering a moveable solution that gives the option of being able to relocate signs to new hot spots without having to worry about a fixed power supply.

One of the other aspects of our signs is their colour options. With the opportunity to display messages in multiple colours, local authorities and site managers are able to avoid the risk of ‘sign blindness’ that can occur with the use of the common amber message text sometimes seen on signs deployed for roadworks.

please ensure social distancing

Putting messages and backgrounds in different colours can help the text make extra impact as well as provide emphasis, increasing the chances it will be seen and most importantly read.

The use of colour can also be a powerful indicator to the public to convey and reinforce different types of messages, such as red for unsafe actions and green for safe actions, or a combination of colours to catch attention and try to influence certain types of behaviour, for example.

covid-19 do not mix with other households

As well as the opportunity to use different colours, our signs are also ideally used to display pictograms, which for foot traffic in urban areas can be highly effective for conveying critical messages.

hand face space

Another important factor that has allowed MVIS to step up to this challenge has been our fleet size and product range. With the largest fleet of VMS in the UK, MVIS are able to meet the demand that is currently coming our way, with not only the necessary numbers needed, but also being able to offer 3 different sizes of VMS to local authorities so they can use the appropriate sized sign for the specific audience, deployment and objective.

Whilst MVIS can deliver these helpful solutions, we specifically do so with premium level service, bringing our high-speed expertise and focus on compliance to local authorities, who may not be used to the same level of ‘all encompassing’ service that we provide. It is well known within the industry that working with MVIS takes concerns away from our clients, as we often go above and beyond in our service, offering 24/7 support, consultancy on deployment and ensuring the right unit is being used for the right job.

Join many local authorities in the UK and hire with MVIS today to be confident that your area’s COVID-19 information is being communicated by quality products in the care of experts.

For more information about our solutions or if you would like to know more about how you can use our products to help with crowd control, social distancing or queue management, please contact us via our contact form.

Alternatively, you can email us via

MVIS/Bartco UK joins forces with 360 Vision Technology for road safety technology development

UK companies MVIS/Bartco UK and 360 Vision Technology, have joined forces on a technology innovation that sees the integration of 360 Vision’s Invictus CCTV with our Solar IP, giving rise to a whole new intelligent, solar-powered, trailer-based IP video surveillance platform.

Commenting on the initiative and technology partnership, Matt Felce from MVIS/Bartco UK stated: “We have been a market leader in the supply of trailer based variable message sign solutions for many years, and with IP technologies becoming more ‘power efficient’ we saw both the opportunity and gap in the market to further develop our solution to incorporate an IP camera, which delivered unrivalled video quality and IR lighting, whilst being portable and solar powered.

This new product boasts an incredibly clear picture and performs excellently in low light conditions. 360 Vision have delivered a camera that is low in power demands but still offers an HD image, allowing the Research & Development Team at Bartco UK to work on integrating a power source in the form of our Solar IP.

The Invictus HD camera itself offers a fully ruggedized housing, with exceptional build quality. The toughened optical glass window features a wiper and its Pan & Tilt gearbox is ultra-reliable and resilient. The defining feature, however, could be argued to be its integrated high-performance IR lights with intelligent control, which enables its powerful performance in low light conditions.

As a result of the low power demands of this unit, it is able to perform to extended run times, filling a strong market requirement for a CCTV product that is also portable, solar powered and has a much clearer image than seen in previous solutions on the market.

It also allows for an effective integration with our Solar IP, which is a trailer-based solar power source that can provide appropriate technologies the opportunity of portability.

Tony Holloway, Business Development Manager at 360 Vision Technology said: “We are delighted to have worked in partnership with MVIS/Bartco UK on this leading edge, technology development project.  The automatic power management capability of our rugged PTZ cameras results in minimal power demand at all times. Couple this with the option for programmable power level IR and white Light illumination, tailoring the solution to the remotest locations, further enhances the camera performance whilst minimising additional power requirements.  This really does lend itself to this type of revolutionary, off-grid solution.  Technology partnerships like this really do ‘underpin’ and showcase 360 Vision’s flexible product credentials.”

Matt continues: “In order to deliver a solution which really did meet all the requirements, we considered it extremely important for us to work with a UK manufacturer that could both advise and support us through the development process.  Whilst currently being deployed in the traffic sector, the current applications for this are far-reaching. What’s more is that under the conditions seen due to COVID-19, this unit fulfils an even bigger market need in the name of high definition surveillance for safety. This really is UK engineering at its best.”

For more information about this unit, please contact us via our contact form.

Alternatively, you can call us on 01629 580 570 to speak to one of our friendly team, or you can email us via

You can contact 360 Vision Technology on 01928 570 000, email:, or visit their website at


Product Spotlight: HD Compact VMS

MVIS’ HD Compact VMS was the first temporary variable message sign (VMS) designed for use within work zones in order to improve safety and for public information.

We have a good reputation in the industry for working with government sectors and traffic management companies in developing innovative products that meet specific requirements. This high definition, dual colour (red and white) unit is no exception, having been developed with certain requirements in mind as a result of market research we conducted with our customers.

Weighing below 10kg, this unit can be installed on existing street furniture or on its own battery box and post. Also available in a mains-powered format or with battery and solar power, the HD Compact VMS can be used for portable, temporary applications or in a fixed, permanent context on urban highways.

As if this unit isn’t innovative enough, MVIS’ HD Compact went on to spark a revolution in the industry, leading to competing iterations of this product appearing on the market. However, in true MVIS / Bartco UK fashion, our unit is separated from copies by its ingenious data collection radar than can be used to identify traffic trends.

The implications of this are significant, especially following the COVID-19 outbreak. Data as a commodity in the name of safety is a highly valuable asset that’s only becoming more important as local authorities, traffic management companies and many other groups are eager to understand more about traffic trends during this time to learn about the impact of COVID-19.

Data, however, has always been important for identifying trends and risks, and the HD Compact offers this feature as standard, making it a low cost, multi-functional solution to alternative data collection units and other VMS.

Since the launch of the HD Compact in 2016, MVIS have gathered enough feedback from customers to continue significant and meaningful development of this unit, leading to some exciting news due to be announced by MVIS and Bartco UK this year pertaining to the features and functionality of this already innovative unit.

For more information about our HD Compact or if you would like to know more about how you can use our units to help with social distancing or data collection, please contact us via our contact form.

Alternatively, you can call us on 01629 580 570 to speak to one of our friendly team, or you can email us via