Future of Safer Roadworks

by Graeme Lee

High speed roads are extremely dangerous environments in which to undergo construction projects. Often, in certain conditions, on-site workers and motorists are left vulnerable to high speed traffic that could cause serious damage if not managed correctly. Such conditions may occur in the egress from a highway construction project, with heavy plant and construction vehicles merging into live traffic.

Traditionally, temporary static road signs have been used to warn on-coming drivers of the potential that works traffic may be merging from a construction zone. However, despite these signs, merging construction traffic accidents still occur and work zone traffic safety remains an on-going issue for site planners and drivers alike.

works traffic merging sign

While static egress signs do inform the motorist that works vehicles may be merging into live traffic, they do not give live information, and can easily be ignored.

Sign blindness poses a very real risk on the network, with construction zones that occur frequently and for lengthy stretches, and as drivers become fatigued with the same colours and shapes the more they see them.  

Developed by sister company Bartco UK, MVIS offer a solution that can help mitigate these issues. The Works Egress Safety Solution is available for hire from MVIS to help notify drivers when works traffic is exiting a work zone onto the main carriageway. Offering a safer and more robust solution than alternatives, this innovative autonomous system integrates a number of our products into a solar powered ITS safety solution designed specifically for this application.

Comprising of an HD Compact, VMS-A and two vehicle sensors, this surprisingly simple solution offers an incredibly effective vehicle activated approach. The sensors are located at the start of the acceleration zone in the works area, with the HD Compact informing the driver to ‘WAIT HERE’

mvis works egress safety solution

On the main carriageway, a VMS-A is deployed to warn high speed traffic that works traffic may be merging. Upon being triggered by the sensors, the HD Compact changes from its default message ‘WORK EGRESS – WAIT HERE’, to ‘MERGE WHEN SAFE’, depending on the specific requirement.

works egress safety solution with hd compact

At the same time, the VMS-A is also activated, displaying a warning message such as ‘WORKS TRAFFIC MERGING FROM RIGHT’, warning drivers ahead of time that works traffic will be merging onto the carriageway. After a set time has passed, the HD Compact reverts to its ‘WAIT HERE’ message and the VMS-A goes blank, reducing unnecessary signage and ensuring that the VMS-A has maximum impact for drivers when it is needed.

works egress safety solution with vms a

If you would like to learn more about our Work Egress Safety Solution, please contact us via our contact form. Alternatively, you can call us on 01629 580 570 to speak to one of our friendly team, or you can email us via sales@m-vis.co.uk.

All Eyes on CCTV: Benefits of Portable CCTV

We all know the saying ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’ and never has this been more appropriate than when talking about CCTV.

A second pair of eyes can be a valuable asset to any task – especially a pair that never misses a thing and is never wrong! If you’re responsible for managing large-scale events with high volumes of traffic and people, well placed CCTV can be extremely beneficial.

MVIS provides portable CCTV for hire across the UK. Ideal for road works, school zones and any event with high footfall or traffic, the system incorporates the latest video technology that enables us to balance the image quality and frame rate in order to provide the best footage even in poor signal areas – so no matter where your event is, MVIS delivers excellent coverage.

Benefits of hiring CCTV from MVIS

Monitoring Activity

Mobile CCTV can quickly and accurately keep track of real-time activity and movement within any area. Couple it with MVIS’ HD Radar to support speed detection and data collection.  The CCTV unit features a 10x optical zoom, offering the user great visual control.

Crime Deterrent

The presence of CCTV has been proven to reduce theft of, and from, vehicles. At large-scale events which see huge volumes of parked vehicles, CCTV acts as a deterrent to would-be car thieves.

Long Lasting Battery Life

All of our trailers are solar powered and come with a large battery back-up on board, enabling them to run autonomously for months at a time.

Robust and Hardworking

Our CCTV units are tried and tested, and have been put through the toughest conditions to ensure they are up to any task. Made with a flat and toughened glass window and including a built-in camera lens wiper, our units are extremely strong and durable. But just because they’re hard working, it doesn’t mean they’re hard to use – our portable CCTV are very easy to operate and reliable under all conditions.

24/7 Support

MVIS is proud of the high level of excellent customer service it provides. All hire customers can access our 24/7 support service which guarantees an initial response from our team within 4-hours, the issue will then be explored further with the customer updated on progress from there.

For more information about portable CCTV from MVIS, please contact us on 01629 580 570 or at sales@m-vis.co.uk

Reliable Safety With New Overhead Solution

Since our launch in 2012, we’ve been working in partnership with major construction firms to deliver temporary intelligent transport system (ITS) solutions to help them promote the safety of their workforces.

And this summer, in response to customer demand, we have just launched a brand new safety solution, which we believe to be the most reliable and easily installed on the market.

Our Overhead Service Unit protects the safety of highways construction personnel by warning them of overhead structures – including those where work is underway – and is the first to feature in-built radar as opposed to separate sensors, which can accidently reposition after installation.

The cost-effective solution created by Bartco UK, uses the in-built radar to activate an HD Compact VMS message when a vehicle is detected approaching the structure, removing the risk of accidental repositioning while minimising the amount of equipment required.

The HD Compact frame features high-visibility chevrons to ensure that it is easily spotted by construction workers.

For more information on how our new Overhead Service Unit can help you to promote work zone safety, please get in touch with the team at MVIS on 01629 580 570 or email sales@m-vis.co.uk

World-first Solution Promotes Safety Of Construction Personnel And Road Users

MVIS is an industry leader in the delivery of innovative portable intelligent transport system (ITS) solutions for hire, and since our launch in 2012, we have worked in partnership with major construction firms to help ensure that they operate safely.

We’re proud to announce that we’ve just launched the first temporary ITS solution to combine modular electronic perimeters and variable message signs (VMS) to promote the safety of construction personnel and road users around the exit points of roadside work zones.

The high impact Works Egress Safety Solution targets both highways and work zone traffic and as such, presents a superior alternative to the standard fixed-plate signs used to communicate with highways traffic only.

We launched the product in anticipation of the likely increase in the work zone speed limit, which has the potential to raise the risk of accidents as works vehicles approach and join the carriageway more quickly.

A pair of sensors are located at the beginning of the acceleration zone within the works area. They connect to a HD Compact VMS deployed within the zone, and, when triggered by an approaching works vehicle, the VMS message changes from “wait here” to “merge when safe”.

The sensors also connect to a roadside, traffic-facing VMS-A, and warns highways road users of the imminent arrival of a works vehicle joining the carriageway. After a set time the HD Compact VMS reverts to its “Works Egress Wait Here” message and the VMS-A goes blank, allowing traffic to flow freely when there is no works vehicle present, keeping traffic moving for longer. In the event of an emergency, the VMS “works traffic merging” message can be overridden with an alternative message.

All messages may be tailored to the precise requirements of the site, and every message activation is recorded and may be reviewed for audit purposes. The product was developed and manufactured by our sister company Bartco UK.

For more information on how our new Works Egress Safety Solution can help you to promote work zone safety, please get in touch with the team at MVIS on 01629 580 570 or email sales@m-vis.co.uk

Greater Speed and Greater Flexibility with BartcoLive™

Introducing the new BartcoLive™ app from MVIS. 

Designed to further improve the efficiency of our VMS ITS solutions, BartcoLive™ offers more options for traffic managers to update messages on their VMS units remotely via any internet enabled device.

Working in conjunction with our innovative Web Studio™ technology, the new BartcoLive™ app means that wherever you are, you can control the messages displayed on any of your portable VMS, with greater speed and flexibility.

Created in response to changing customer needs, the BartcoLive™ app is designed to facilitate instant updates based on the changing traffic environment, keeping road users well informed and ensuring that traffic is well managed and continues to run smoothly. 

Available for Apple and Android, the BartcoLive™ app features:

  • Remote access via any Apple or Android phone or tablet
  • Instantaneous or scheduled message upload to single or multiple assets
  • Job Queue: keep up to date with message upload, asset status update, etc.
  • Secure login using Web Studio™ credentials which can be memorised to speed up subsequent logins.
  • Searchable asset list (VMS, etc.) including user-defined groups
  • Access asset status information including:
    • GPS location
    • Battery voltage levels
    • Light output level
    • Current message displayed
    • Communications status
    • Controller status
    • Controller information
  • Map detailing asset location
  • Directions to asset location

To find out more about how BartcoLive™ can help you manage your traffic solutions, get in touch with the team on 01629 580 570 or email us on sales@m-vis.co.uk

We think the BartcoLive™ app is pretty great, but see for yourself and download the app now for Apple and Android. 

CCTV and VMS: A Perfect Partnership In Road Safety

Traffic managers and local authorities have a responsibility to help keep our roads safe and one of the best ways to keep accidents to a minimum is to present clear and up-to-date information to road users. Find out how our CCTV and VMS technology helps to keep roads safe.

Despite Highways England commitment to reducing the number of people killed or injured while working on our roads to as close as possible to zero by 2040, ‘over the past 10 years, workers have been injured by motorists on more than 50 occasions….’ and ‘12 road workers, including two traffic officers, have lost their lives’. 

We appreciate it’s not always an easy job to keep traffic moving safely and driver frustration to a minimum, but with our innovative CCTV and VMS technology, traffic managers are able to respond quickly to changes in congestion on the roads and display this information to road users. Keeping drivers well informed is crucial in helping to keep roads safe.

Used across a wide range of applications in different industries, CCTV can be especially effective with regards to traffic management. Road users who are aware that their actions could be caught on camera, are more likely to avoid driving too fast or recklessly, reducing the potential for accidents. Furthermore, the nature of the information collected via CCTV, especially when used in conjunction with other technologies such as automatic number plate recognition (ANPR), can effectively help to prevent and respond to accidents.

Where CCTV can be used

  • emergency roadworks
  • planned maintenance
  • temporary speed restrictions
  • school zones
  • parking management
  • event traffic management

Our VMS units enable traffic managers to effectively update information displayed to road users in real-time, to help keep drivers informed, warn of any upcoming issues and keep congestion moving smoothly.

Benefits of VMS

  • Precision control of communications helps keep traffic moving and people safe
  • High visual impact (especially if a colour matrix VMS used)
  • Can be remotely updated e.g. to show speed restrictions at peak times
  • Flexible and lightweight: they can easily be moved
  • Reliable in all weather conditions
  • Solar-powered and environmentally friendly

All our VMS and CCTV units can also be used in conjunction with our innovative WebStudio™ technology, which allows traffic managers to update their messaging instantaneously on any Wi-Fi enabled device.

Not only are our CCTV and VMS units impactful when used individually, when used together they make the perfect partnership in helping improve the safety of our roads.

See why our customers continue to trust MVIS: “No infrastructure development initiative of this scale will be without any disruption, but we’re pleased to say that so far, not only have we received relatively few calls from road users, but we’ve had some extremely positive feedback from people about the effectiveness of the system.” – Nottingham City Council

If you’d like to know more our about innovative CCTV and VMS units, or are interested in hiring them for your traffic management operation, call our friendly team on 01629 580570 or email us sales@m-vis.co.uk

* https://www.gov.uk/government/news/highways-england-highlights-dangers-faced-by-road-workers  published 4th April 2017.

NTIS DATEX II Portable Travel Time VMS: Pioneering and HE Compliant

In 2016 we were proud to become the first ITS solution providers to have real-time journey information from the National Traffic Operations Centre (NTOC) displayed on VMS, improving the commuter’s journey experience.

We are proud to say that as well as being the first to offer this pioneering solution, we fully comply with Highways England’s (HE) stringent criteria.

Our NTIS DATEX II Portable Travel Time VMS (TTVMS) was created in partnership with HE as part of its Travel Demand Management (TDM) pilot for use on its Manchester Smart Motorway (MSM) initiative.

It’s since gone on to feature in HE’s largest scheme, the £1.5bn A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon upgrade. Displaying  journey times on 26 portable Bartco VMS, the system helps inform 85,000 drivers on average each day of their predicted journey time, assisting them to choose a different route.

During the MSM project, HE issued its supply chain with a new Major Project Instruction, MPI-54-062016, ensuring that schemes of longer than 4km must not only display TTVMS legends on portable VMS to let customers know the travel time to the end of the works, more importantly that consistency is achieved between the information displayed and Strategic Road Network (SRN) fixed VMS.

The data we use is provided by the National Traffic Information Service (NTIS), which validates all data collected from GPS probe devices, ensuring quality and accuracy by comparing the measured journey times and speeds with ANPR and MIDAS data.

Compared to fixed traffic monitoring devices such as ANPR to generate journey time information, there are many advantages to using data from in-vehicle GPS devices, allowing real time monitoring and low latency, granularity of traffic data, improved coverage and less roadside equipment.

To find out more about how MVIS can offer an excellent service across your traffic management system get in touch with our team on 01629 580 570 or email sales@m-vis.co.uk

Trust MVIS to Control Your Communications

MVIS has been producing industry-leading traffic management technology since its inception in 2012, and one of the most innovative pieces in our product line is our Web Studio™.

Designed to save our customers time and money, Web Studio™ enables instant communication of traffic information from any Wi-Fi enabled Apple device at the touch of a button.

From their device, users can view a map of all the signs they currently have deployed. They can also zoom in, observe and adjust the message that is displayed on any of their signs in line with any developments on the ground.

As our LED VMS displays support the use of pictograms, our Web Studio™ is a great tool to communicate using widely recognised road signs, or, if you’re using the VMS for advertising purposes, they’re great at displaying brand logos and messages. The LED screen means that the VMS units are clearly visible to road users.

The Web Studio™ system supplied is used a great deal by organisations that hire multiple signs including police forces, event managers, local authorities and traffic agencies. But what if you don’t have the time, the manpower or the creative flair to create your displays? Then call on MVIS to help.

The MVIS team have lots of experience in creating eye-catching displays, and they can easily create any number of messages or pictograms for your VMS units should you need them to.

Messages can be scheduled in advance, so you can view and approve the designs and content before they are communicated to your audience to make sure you are 100% happy with them. Plus, as it’s so quick to change a message, should you need to change it for any reason, it’s quick and easy for us to do that too.

Need some inspiration? Take a look at our YouTube channel for examples of what the VMS units can do or call us on 01629 580 570.

Why Hire the HD Quattro?

As part of MVIS’ variable message signs (VMS) portfolio, the HD Quattro may be our most compact, but it is by no means complacent when it comes to performance.

With a range of uses, this small but mighty piece of traffic management equipment is available to hire directly from MVIS and can be used within a range of environments. Take a look at the type of projects our clients have used the HD Quattro for here.


If you need to communicate a number of safety messages quickly and efficiently, then the HD Quattro is a great choice.

One MVIS customer hired the HD Quattro to place within a busy depot to help communicate important safety procedures to staff. This helped to remind the workforce of the correct conduct and made sure they were compliant with safety standards. 

Speed Awareness

If your work site requires drivers to operate at a strict speed limit, then the HD Quattro can relay this information instantly to help keep your staff compliant.

In addition, the HD Quattro can be integrated to display speed activated messages, so if a driver does go over the agreed speed limit, the screen will display a warning sign and instruct them to slow down.

As the HD Quattro’s LED screen also supports the use of pictograms, you can also display commonly used road signs which are easily understood by workforces.

Crowd Control

For occasions with high levels of heavy footfall and traffic, it is important that walkways and roads are both clearly marked, and that the information for both is clearly marked and well communicated.

MVIS works with many event management companies, and for events such as festivals or large sports matches, the HD Quattro has been used previously to help display important information such as car park capacity, queue times and locations of places such as ticket offices, lost property and first aid tents.

As these compact units can be used in conjunction with our innovative Web Studio™, you can instantly change the displayed message via any Wi-Fi enabled Apple device including a laptop, iPhone or iPad. This means that should a car park suddenly become full, or a gate closes, you can change the messages displayed on the LED screen to keep the audience up-to-date.


For road work zones – especially on tight country lanes where space is limited – the HD Quattro has proven to be a big hit with MVIS customers.

Doing everything that the larger VMSA and VMSC do but in a much smaller space, the HD Quattro is perfect for spaces where a trailer-mounted unit just won’t fit.

If you would like to hire the HD Quattro for your next project, please call 01629 580 570 or email sales@m-vis.co.uk to find out more.

Hire Solar Intelligent Platform

Hire Solar Intelligent Platform (IP) portable solar CCTV from MVIS for a flexible and responsive approach to your traffic or event management project. Simple and cost-effective to deploy it requires no civils or external communications.

MVIS will deliver an integrated intelligent transport system (ITS) solution that meets your specific needs using Solar IP and any combination of VMS, ANPR, CCTV, radar or contactless sensor. If things change, a Solar Intelligent Platform can be quickly and easily reconfigured.

A Solar Intelligent Platform Offers a versatile trailer-based and solar powered ‘power bank’, meaning it is portable solar CCTV. This unit can be integrated with other technologies, granting them portability.

Hire HD Data Collection Radar

Portable, easy to operate and extremely reliable HD Data Collection Radar.

Hire solar powered HD Data Collection Radar from MVIS to support speed detection, data collection and traffic management applications.

Accurate and reliable, the HD SmartSensor Radar uses the latest technology to collect consistently accurate traffic data and can be deployed to provide queue detection, journey time and vehicle analytics.

Variable Messaging Signs – Frequently Asked Questions

Q- How are the VMS programmed?

A – The VMS are programmed remotely using our innovative WebStudio™ system which is a web based program which can be used on any Wi-Fi enabled Apple device or personal computer. You can pinpoint the different VMS units you have out on the road and change the display in an instant. Perfect if you need to relay important information to road users or event users quickly and efficiently.

Q – How long does it take to change the message on a VMS?

A – It’s almost instantaneous. Providing you have access to a computer or Wi-Fi enabled Apple device, you can change your displayed message in a matter of minutes.

Q – Can the VMS be tracked?

A – Yes all the VMS are fitted with a GPRS controller which can be tracked via WebStudio™.

Q – Can you upload a message to multiple VMS?

A – Yes. WebStudio™ allows you to group the VMS units together – no matter where they are located – to allow multiple uploads at one time.

Q – Can you upload messages to display at certain times?

A – Yes, the VMS can be scheduled on WebStudio™ to allow certain messages to appear at your requested times.

Q- Can the VMS be programmed on a smartphone?

A – Yes. The VMS can be programmed on any Wi-Fi enabled Apple smartphone or tablet via the Curbsite Lite app.

Q – Can the VMS display pictograms eg, speed roundels and traffic signs?

A – Yes. The VMS can display five different colours (amber, white, red, green and blue) and there is a wide range of pre-saved messages and signs commonly used within the motor industry which can be shared with customers.

Q – Are the VMS and Solar IPs secure when on site?

A – Yes. The VMS and Solar IPS are padlocked in all areas as standard to ensure security on site. They are GPRS enabled so we can see where they are at all times.

Q – Can the VMS be fitted with Radar?

A – Yes. The VMS can be fitted with Radar to enable speed triggered messages.

Q – Do the VMS and Solar IPs have batteries?

A – Yes. They come with solar powered batteries and the battery levels are monitored daily to ensure the products are working at all times.

Q – If I require assistance with one of the products, does MVIS offer an out of hours service?

A – Yes. MVIS offers a 24/7 service to customers. You can contact us by calling 01629 580570 and we guarantee a response within 4 hours.

If you have a question that hasn’t been answered, please don’t hesitate to get in touch on 01629 580 570 or at sales@m-vis.co.uk