Are journey time solutions the key to eradicating roadworker abuse?

Roadworker abuse – it’s a hot topic. There have been many shocking videos across social media over the last few years showing innocent members of our peer groups being abused and tormented in their workplaces for no other reason than simply doing their job.

But, how do we stop it?

Without a straightforward fix, could we look to some of the innovative products and solutions available within our industry to play an increasing role lifting the burden on our roadworkers? Here, we explore one such solution from leading VMS and ITS solutions provider, MVIS.

Created in partnership with Highways England (HE), MVIS’ NTIS DATEX II Portable Journey Time Solution generates real-time journey time information for road users using data from the National Traffic Information Service (NTIS). Pioneered by MVIS, the system was the first such solution to enable real-time journey time information from the NTIS to be displayed on portable variable message signs (VMS).

The solution has a number of Key technical features which include messages in either amber or white, a five-minute refresh rate, manually set thresholds for minimum and maximum journey time of any route and more.

The real genius.

Typically, anyone asked would say that they dislike traffic or that they hate congestion, but what we as humans really dislike is the anxiety and uncertainty of not knowing how long the traffic will affect us for.

It isn’t necessarily the situation we find ourselves in, but the amount of anxiety and uncertainty that is caused from being in it that is problem number one.

Ask yourself, within reason, would you rather wait for 20 minutes knowing the specific length of the wait from the outset, or have a 15-minute wait with absolutely no clue when it will end? London underground station display boards, or the Uber map feature are two fantastic examples of knowing exactly how long a wait will be resulting in easing the anxiety of a journey beyond measure.

The MVIS NTIS DATEX II Portable Journey Time Solution is not in itself a product that reduces wait time. It can’t get you from A to B any faster. However, whilst it does not reduce wait time, it does make waiting much less frustrating and uncertain.


Roadworker abuse – a helping hand?

For the road user, the NTIS DATEX II Portable Journey Time Solution provides a significant reduction in the uncertainty caused by congestion. By displaying information refreshed every five minutes it delivers accurate, up to date, ever changing information. Whether a travelling professional or commuting with children, reducing the unknowns of what’s to come is absolutely vital to road user temperament and satisfaction.

For the road worker, a reduction in road user anxiety, frustration and potential aggression is invaluable. As a country with a serious problem when it comes to road-worker abuse, any solution that can alleviate some of the abhorrent acts and unreasonable language directed towards those working hard to keep Britain moving is a solution we need. A solution far more valuable than its primary purpose – something that fits with the MVIS ‘VMSo Much More’ attitude. Helping to eradicate Roadworker Abuse

MVIS Sales Director, Graeme Lee told us:

“Whilst we’re extremely proud of the quality of the NTIS DATEX II Portable Journey Time Solution and the technology behind it, that’s not where the stakeholder benefit stops. Information delivery and the efficiency of it is undoubtedly an important factor – but what that information actually achieves and how that information makes road users feel is the knock-on effect that isn’t discussed enough. If feeling valued and informed means driver temperament is more subdued, that’s only a good thing for the safety and happiness of the ladies and gentlemen who go to work day and night on our roads.”



See us at HAUC UK Convention 2024

HAUC UK will welcome delegates & visitors for the 2024 Convention on Thursday 18th April at Old Trafford Cricket Ground in Manchester. Over the years, they have focused each annual convention on an arching theme and a message relevant to the communities attending.

Last year they focused on the Infrastructure Race, the Safety Challenge, the Role of Data in Defining Legislation, Guidance and Delivery and the Road to Net Zero.

This year is no different, with the focus on… People, Priorities and Performance. Examining how we must work together to ensure the people in our sector have the correct training and skills to achieve the best, as safely as possible.

There is no better example of this ethos than the team at MVIS. Over 12 years, our staff have become highly trained and experienced to work on both the high speed and Local Authority networks, adhering to the strictest codes of safety and professionalism.

If you want to discover more about our extensive accreditations and memberships, make sure to visit Graeme Lee at the MVIS’ stand.

If you fancy seeing our products close up, we will have a HD Compact fitted with an Environmental Sensor showcased at the convention so you can learn more about our VMS & other Intelligent Transport Solutions for your project.

If you are heading to HAUC UK 2024 and would like to arrange a meeting with Graeme, you can avoid disappointment by emailing him at to book a slot prior to the event.

2023 Review: Takeovers, Trails, Treecycles & TRUST – all to a tee (Part 1)

As we bid farewell to 2023, it’s time to reflect on a landmark year for MVIS.

From sustainability initiatives to community engagement and technological advancements, not to mention a major acquisition, we have had a very significant year.

Looking back on the last 12 months, here we delve into some of the key highlights that defined our year:


January – Ashgate Treecycle

Ashgate Hospice, a charity we have supported for many years found an innovative way to raise money for the hospice, as well as recycling used Christmas Trees to help, rather than hinder the environment. Enter ‘Treecycling’ where trees are collected by volunteers and given to local farmers so they can be chipped and recycled.

In January, our team members Jon Larkins and Ben Ashman took the MVIS service van for Treecycling collections in Matlock. Together, they collected 29 trees helping to raise over £400 for Ashgate in tree collections.


February – Employee Wellness Takes Centre Stage

On the mission for improved mental health and wellbeing across the sector, National Highways introduced the ‘Journey to Wellbeing’. An initiative devised to get operatives in the sector to be more open and comfortable in discussing their mental health.

Following that lead, we implemented the Mind charity’s ‘Time to Talk’ initiative, with MVIS’ mental health first aiders delivering to the rest of the team on the importance of talking if life is taking its toll for the worse.

we strive to ensure that our teams is happy and healthy, so implementing initiatives that align with National Highways Journey to Wellbeing is something we were proud to undertake.


March -Ashgate High Peak Trail

March saw MVIS sponsor the Ashgate Hospice High Peak trail for the 3rd successive year. Taking place on March 12th, the event sees a choice of three trails through the Derbyshire countryside – all to raise money for Ashgate Hospice.

David Storer, Ashgate Hospice Events Organiser commented:

“MVIS are a pleasure to work with. They are always on hand to provide support across all of our fundraising events.

“Anne (Ashman, Group Commercial & Operations Director) and the team have provided VMS units to us for multiple events now, and their appeals have really helped to raise awareness of Ashgate Hospice and the vital end of life care that we provide across North Derbyshire”


April – #TRUSTINMVIS Launch

In April, we launched our #TRUSTINMVIS campaign, with the TRUST acronym symbolising the values the company holds dear: Teamwork, Reliability, Understanding Flexibility, Solutions, and Technology.

Anne Ashman, Group Commercial & Operations Director spoke to us about the initiative earlier in the year. Anne told us:

“MVIS is committed to providing the best possible service and support to our customers. With #TRUSTMVIS firmly in place as a publicly available statement of intent, MVIS is confident that we can deliver the most innovative, sustainable, and dependable portable VMS solutions on the market.”

May – Under New Ownership!

In what was perhaps 2023’s most significant landmark, MVIS underwent a change in ownership in May when Quadrant Management, a US-based private equity investor added us to their portfolio of businesses.

The acquisition provides opportunities for collaboration and innovation across a range of industries as well as increase capability in Research & Development to further bring innovation.

After over a decade of driving innovation including being the first to introduce colour VMS signs, the acquisition marks an exciting new chapter and provides the perfect platform to further propel the company.


June – Renewed Constructionline Platinum

As we hit the mid-year mark, we achieved the renewal of our Constructionline Platinum certification. This accolade underscores the company’s commitment to maintaining the highest of standards, providing clients with the assurance of quality and reliability in its products and services.

It ensures that our customers know extensive checks into quality, health & safety, environmental impact, social responsibility and adherence to legislations and regulations have all been carried out and rubber-stamped.

MVIS returns to Highways UK

We are exhibiting at Highways UK and we’re now only one week away. Highways UK is the sector’s must-attend event, it offers companies the opportunity to showcase their latest products or solutions, as well as explore other innovations in the market, and network with others in the industry.

If you are attending, make sure that you stop by Stand 312 in Hall 3 & 3A to say. Our dedicated Management and Sales team will be at the event to field any questions that you will need answering.

We will also be debuting our newest solution for people visiting our stand. Our brand-new Solar Barrier with a built-in ANPR Camera, perfect for programming. Also being showcased is our amazing HD Compact, Compact CCTV, and our Environmental Sensor.

MVIS’ National Coverage

We cover the entire UK, providing clients with products from strategically located depots. This nationwide coverage is not just about reaching every corner of the country; it represents MVIS’s commitment to providing exceptional support and service to our customers, backed by our renowned Platinum Service promise.

Having the ability to cover the entire UK is a significant advantage, and we have achieved this through a network of strategically located depots. These depots allow us to efficiently deliver products to any location. This comprehensive reach ensures that we can meet the diverse needs of our clients no matter where they are based.

In the world of VMS & ITS, where efficiency and safety are paramount, a fantastic support service is crucial. Clients need a reliable partner who can swiftly respond to their needs and provide expert assistance when required. We understand this need and have made it a top priority to deliver outstanding customer support.

The Platinum Service Promise

We are renowned for our Platinum Service, driven by a promise to our client base. This sets us apart from our competitors. This commitment to excellence means that we go above and beyond to ensure customers’ success.

National coverage isn’t just about delivering to various parts of the country – its an extension of our ethos. A message. That we can deliver on our service promise wherever the location, providing fast response times, on-time deliveries, and unparalleled technical expertise. This level of support instills confidence in clients, knowing they have a reliable partner to rely on.

With nationwide coverage, we can deliver our Platinum Service promise to customers in all regions of the UK. Whether it’s supplying portable Variable Message Signs for a construction project in Scotland or integrating environmental sensors for an event in Wales, we ensure that every customer receives the same platinum level of service.

Our nationwide coverage also means that we can actively support local communities, events and projects. Likewise, with our presence across the UK, we can better understand the unique challenges faced by different areas, tailor solutions accordingly, and provide targeted support for specific projects.

MVIS’ Group Commercial and Operations Director Anne Ashman told us:

“MVIS can efficiently reach every corner of the country, providing our VMS and other Intelligent Transport Solutions – and all with our exceptional support. The Platinum Service promise ensures that customers receive nothing less than the best, no matter where they are based.

“This is all utilising a more sustainable, multi-unit delivery model as we keep a close eye on our carbon footprint. Whilst we want to provide our service across the country – we want to deliver in the cleanest, greenest way possible.”


Paving the Way with Solar-Powered Solutions

In today’s fast-paced world, the push for sustainability has become more crucial than ever. As one of the UK’s leading providers of portable VMS & Intelligent Transport Solutions (ITS), we have taken a significant step towards a greener future by ensuring that all our solutions are solar-powered.

We have placed great emphasis on sustainability and environmental factors since our inception in 2012, and a fully solar powered fleet is one of the major elements of our sustainability policy.

Harnessing Solar Power for a Cleaner Environment…

The first and most apparent benefit of using solar power is its positive impact on the environment. By harnessing the sun’s energy, our solutions significantly reduce reliance on fossil fuels and decrease greenhouse gas emissions. Solar-powered  solutions such as Variable Message Signs and CCTV towers not only operate efficiently but also do so with minimal environmental impact.

The Road to Net Zero

The UK highways sector plays a crucial role in achieving the country’s ambitious environmental targets on the road to net zero emissions. As a key player in this sector, we have recognised the importance of adopting sustainable practices to align with the UK’s environmental goals. By utilising solar-powered ITS solutions, we help the highways sector transition to a more sustainable and eco-friendly future.

Human Factors

In addition to environmental benefits, solar-powered ITS solutions have a positive impact on the wellbeing of operatives working on the UK’s highways. A sustainable factor often overlooked is human sustainability – with environmental and economic factors often placed number 1 & 2 in the priority list.

By eradicating the need for frequent battery changes, our solar-powered devices reduce the exposure of workers to potentially hazardous conditions on the busy roads. This not only promotes the health and safety of operatives but also contributes to increased operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

“Solar is incredibly important to us.” Says MVIS Sales Director Graeme Lee.

“As the UK, and the UK highways sect strives to achieve its environmental targets and work towards a net-zero future, MVIS continues to lead the way, and we’re extremely proud to be able to say that our entire fleet runs from solar energy.

“Whilst we’ve always had an eye on our environmental impact – it shouldn’t be lost that the solar model also keeps our people out of harms way, as well as reduces exposure to any potential abuse whilst on a scheme or site.

“Sustainability is not just a buzzword to us, but a core value driving real change. We continue to learn and evolve and act accordingly – in both our product range and the way in which we deliver it, never losing sight of how our people fit into that equation too.”



Our Variable Message Signs are manufactured with the sole purpose of getting your message across. Both the VMS-A and the VMS-C display full graphics and pictograms and are perfect for a plethora of uses.

But which Variable Message Sign is better for you?

Manufactured in house at MVIS, the VMS-A is perfect for urban settings and road works with speed zones of up to 50MPH.

Used as a stand-alone temporary VMS it can be paired with a radar to detect traffic and display messages such as, ‘Slow Down’ or ‘Too fast’.

The VMS-A’s compact size and adjustable legs means it has a smaller footprint. So, it won’t take up as much room, and as a result is reliable under all conditions.

Although similar in function the VMS-C is bigger and made for all roads with speeds over 60mph. Its adjustable legs give the sign the ability to become more stable while expanding its surface area.

Customers can program the sign remotely using a simple SMS, direct serial connection, or  our live web-based interface, changing messages on the VMS from the comfort of the office.

Pictures of the VMS-A and VMS-C, MVIS two types of VMS.

A LED Sign from MVIS will always be the most reliable way to get your message across, with our Platinum Level Service and our advice on the Intelligent Transport Solution that Is perfect for you.

A Decade of Driving Innovation on display at Highways UK

On November 2nd and 3rd at the NEC Birmingham, at Highways UK 2022, MVIS looks forward to welcoming visitors to stand H16 to celebrate a decade of driving innovation, reinforce the company’s long-standing sustainable focus as well as discussing its ever-increasing range of value adding solutions.

The company has always held innovation, sustainability and service at its core of values, and at Highways UK 2022 these three key pillars of MVIS will be on display for the sector to see.

A Decade of Driving Innovation…

An MVIS company staple is its attitude towards innovation; never resting on its laurels and continually investing in its research & development programme to continue to better itself for the benefit of its customers.

“That means we are constantly moving forward and fulfilling required gaps in the market with our bespoke products and R&D department,” says Graeme Lee, MVIS’ Sales Director.

“We’re never willing to accept stagnation.” Graeme continued. “We place great pride and great emphasis on being at the forefront of technologies within our field, and it’s a stance that hasn’t wavered across the last 10 years. At Highways UK, we’re looking forward to putting our innovation ethos in the spotlight.”

Sustainable Thinking

MVIS has a long-standing sustainable commitment and is constantly searching for ways to reduce its environmental footprint. MVIS’ products are designed to be energy efficient, and the company encourages its employees to operate with sustainability in mind.

MVIS are proud to be members of both Greener Highways and the Carbon Club, and the company puts its money where its mouth is when it comes to sustainability.

“It’s been clear there’s been a major shift over the last few years towards sustainability in the highways sector and that’s absolutely fantastic – but it’s not a recent thing for us.” Said Anne Ashman, Group Commercial & Operations Director.

“Recently, we made the switch from product sheets to QR codes to showcase our product information when at events and exhibitions. So, at Highways UK 2022, we’ll be asking people to scan rather than handing out reams of paper across the 2 days.”

Adding Value

When you hire VMS from MVIS, you don’t just get the best kit for getting your message across. And with new, improved pricing, there is no better time to put VMS to the test.

Providing a Platinum level of service is a further MVIS ethos, and the company will display all its added value solutions at Highways UK 2022.

From environmental sensors to radar, data collection to message programming, as well as 24/7 support and battery changes, the MVIS service doesn’t simply stop at VMS unit hire.

Anne signed off before the show by saying:

“We’re looking forward to the conversations Highways UK provides the platform for. It’s such a well-attended event and we’re excited to share everything we have to offer.”


Project EDWARD and National Safe Speeds Day

Wednesday the 19th is National Safe Speed Day, which coincides with Day 3 of the #ProjectEdward campaign. #SafeSpeedsDay aims to encourage drivers to reflect on their driving and commit to making every journey a safe one that doesn’t exceed the speed limits. 

Project EDWARD is an initiative which promotes safety on our roads with this year’s theme being ‘Changing Minds, Changing Behaviour’. Its Week of Action began on Monday the 17th of October, with police forces across the UK increasing their speed enforcement activity, focusing on roads or areas that are known to be where speeding happens or where past incidents have occurred.  

As a company that prioritises safety, particularly with speed, showing our support for this initiative is important to us. Over the last 10 years, our ITS solutions have served the UK’s highways and helped to keep them safe. Products like our Radar Activated VMS, IVD Radar and HD Data Collection Radar can all be used to solve speed safety issues. 

Our Radar Activated VMS can be used to display a variety of vital messages, speed alerts and responsive information, all triggered by the driver’s speed. The VMS-AVMS-C and HD Compact VMS can all be integrated with radar to increase their capabilities whilst still maintaining all the fantastic features of our standard VMS.

There are lots of great benefits to Radar Activated VMS, such as the capability to detect speed and use the VMS-A’s messaging power for ‘Specific Speed Messaging’, where messages can be overridden with a speed roundel if a vehicle exceeds the set speed limit. When the unit detects the speed of an approaching vehicle, it alerts the driver of their speed and advises them to slow down if necessary. 

All our VMS also discreetly house a data collection radar which can collect vehicle logs on speed, time and date. By allowing users to identify traffic trends and risks, such as speed or volume of traffic, they can then take steps to solve them.


As a fleet operator, making sure that our drivers are driving safely and within the speed limit is crucial. This is why we’re proud to achieve a FORS Bronze accreditation, which shows our commitment to excellence in driver and vehicle safety, as well as efficiency and environmental protection.

If you’d like to learn more about how our Radar Activated VMS can solve your speed safety issues, or any of our other products for that matter, get in touch with our Sales team at 01629 580570 or by email at:

Learn more about Project EDWARD here: Make sure to get involved and show your support by using the hashtag #ProjectEdward. 

Come to the ITS and VMS Experts

Through our commitment to our clients, we have built a strong reputation for customer service and expertise. Due to our focus on portable VMS and specific ITS solutions, our expertise is specialised in our core solutions rather than diluted across many different types of products, like some of our competitors.

Often working in collaboration with Highways England and other Tier 1 contractors, MVIS has become a trusted asset when it comes to the delivery of safe, efficient VMS and ITS products and solutions onto the UK’s roads. As the company has continued to deliver and further its stellar reputation, MVIS has become more involved in the preparation phase of major schemes.

We are committed to providing our clients with quality service, which is further reinforced by our Quality Service Promise, which outlines all the additional aspects that we offer as part of our service. MVIS adopts the policy of treating all customers equally, no matter who they are and aims to provide a quality service to all of them. 

When our clients hire with MVIS, they can be confident that our expertise is backed up by a number of accreditations and memberships. Amongst these include FORS Bronze, Achilles BuildingConfidence membership, Constructionline Platinum and ISO accreditations in ISO45001: Occupational Health & Safety, ISO9001: Quality Management Systems and ISO14001: Environmental Management Systems, which come together to make an Integrated Management System (IMS), bringing our systems and processes into one complete framework.

The MVIS approach to training is continuous and has a number of critical elements, which are: 

  • MVIS staff is fully trained as hiab and slinger signalers for delivery, installation and removal.
  • Our staff are fully trained in health and safety. Each MVIS operative participates in an ongoing safety training program, as well as externally completed safety training to ensure quality across all departments.
  • Depending on their role on site, the MVIS workforce is all on site with the appropriate and relevant CSCS card. Even the management team are CSCS qualified so they can visit the site to carry out essential auditing.

More than 60% of our team members have been with MVIS for their entire careers. The company has a reputation for investing in people and a high staff retention rate. This results in MVIS staff embracing the company values, which translates into excellent customer service.  

As a result of these factors, we are already recognised in the industry as the best at what we do, and this is only confirmed with every project we are trusted with.   

Our ITS and VMS expertise, accredited quality, comprehensive training, vast fleet, and versatile products make us the ideal company for your ITS and VMS requirements. You can hire with confidence when you hire with MVIS, so why would you go anywhere else? 

Get in touch with our Sales team who are available to assist you with any questions you may have by calling 01629 580570 or by email at

The 5 Benefits of Radar Activated VMS

The highly versatile VMS-A is used across various industries such as highways, construction, events, airports and ports. A VMS-A (variable message sign) with radar expands upon its functionality across a range of applications and provides many great additional benefits. Furthermore, it still includes all the features of our standard VMS-A. 


The five benefits of a radar activated VMS-A:

  1. Speed Specific Messaging – a default message can be set on the sign, for example, “Please drive carefully through road works”. If a vehicle exceeds the set speed, the message can be overridden with a speed roundel. 
  1. Speed detection – the signs can be set to display the speed of approaching vehicles, alerting drivers of their speed and advising them to slow down.
  1. A simple thank you message – as well as informing oncoming vehicles if they are exceeding the speed limit, it can also display a message or pictogram thanking drivers who are adhering to the set speed limit. This will encourage them to continue to drive safely.
  1. Data collection – the radar can also provide vehicle logs, recording time, date and speed of vehicles.
  1. Environmentally friendly – All our VMS are solar powered and use low-power consuming LEDs, making the VMS-A an environmentally friendly choice. There’s also an option to show a message only when a vehicle is detected, which further reduces power consumption. 

If you would like to find out more about how the VMS-A with radar could work for your next project, please get in touch with our Sales team on 01629 580 570 or email

MVIS offer Added Value

We have always taken pride in the things that make us special. As an industry leader, we are required to not just stay on the forefront of innovation, but to also push the boundaries for the rest of the industry, ensuring our service and products are the best they could be so that our customers are receiving maximum value.

As a result, we place the idea of ‘added value’ high amongst our priorities, looking at ways we can improve our service and products, as well as our internal processes.

Knowing our Customers

One of the ways we look to offer added value for our customers is by taking the time and effort to learn about the industries we work with. We do this to gain a good understanding of their needs, which then helps us in our continuing mission to look for ways to add more value. As such, it makes working with MVIS and hiring our products an experience that offers much more than intended.

A good example of this can be found in the development of our HD Compact unit, which was the first portable Variable Message Signs (VMS) of its size to hit market and has since inspired the develop of competing units within the industry. The HD Compact was developed in response to a customer requirement for Traffic Management applications, since at the time, portable VMS units were traditionally roughly the size of our VMS-A and VMS-C units.

Some Traffic Management applications, especially urban works are highly limited on space, making VMS-A and VMS-C units too big for some projects. The HD Compact helped to fulfil this requirement for the entire industry and to this day has changed the landscape of the portable VMS market in the UK.

This solution would not be possible without our proactive approach when it comes to working with our customers and it is an approach we maintain today. Since it’s launch in 2016, we have continued to develop the HD Compact with our customers, recently undergoing significant changes that still puts it ahead of competing solutions of its size. Version 2 of the unit comes with integrated solar power, the addition of adjustable height for its display and a new casing design that hides all cabling, making it more secure against vandalism or accidental damage.

Product Integrations

As with the HD Compact, we are always developing all our units to make sure that customers are getting much more than just a portable VMS. Due to the locations that our products are traditionally deployed, they offer a great opportunity for a wide range of additional extras that can bring huge benefits to any project. We do this by integrating other technologies with our signs that enhance what they are capable of.

For example, when deployed to communicate to drivers, our signs can offer extra value to a project with their integrated data collection radar, which comes as standard with all our VMS.

The integrated data collection radar offers a low-cost alternative to many data collection solutions on the market and is ideal to be used as a data source for the analysis of traffic trends, enabling greater intelligence for planning projects of all kinds.

It may also help with general road and work site safety, allowing users to identify traffic trends with risk, such as speed or volume of traffic, and therefore take steps to combat it. Sourcing traffic data has never been easier, with data uploading to our server every hour, ready to be downloaded at any time by the user via a web-based portal.

Combining data collection and VMS in one unit offers a multi-functional solution that can help collect valuable data at the same time as communicating messages. What’s more is that by working with data sharing solutions company, Chordant on a trial that demonstrates that our integrated data collection radar produced comparable traffic speeds and flow relative to Coventry SCOOT data, we have proved that we can use our signs to help to understand traffic trends and flows.

In recent months, we have expanded the capability of our units, especially the VMS-A with integrations such as the VMS CCTV solution, which integrates a CCTV camera with the VMS-A for increased security and monitoring of a work site.

Working with Partners

We don’t just work with customers when it comes to innovation.

MVIS, as well as our sister company, ITS manufacturer, Bartco UK, have worked with a range of specialists in their field to bring portable, solar powered innovations to the industry such as ANPR and CCTV.

This is made possible by our Solar IP, which serves as a trailer-based, solar powered ‘power bank’ available for integration with other technology, granting it portability and solar power.

We offer added value to clients who require our products simply by offering the Solar IP, allowing them to integrate the technology they already own with ours, potentially opening new doors for what the technology is capable of. Working with either MVIS or Bartco UK offers an opportunity to be the first to develop a new industry innovation.

However, we also work proactively with partners, developing relationships with specialists in technology to help make their technology portable. We seek value in our partners to ensure that we can also provide value to the industry, resulting in innovations with leading companies such as Wavetronix, Jenoptik360 Vision and Iknaia.

solar ip with portable cctv

Added Value for Everyone

One of the biggest product integrations we have recently developed looks at the added value we can bring for everyone. The Integrated ITS Environmental Sensor can be combined with any of our ITS solutions to offer clients the ability to monitor the external environment, producing a wide range of air pollution data that can be used to inform and direct on issues of air pollution safety. 

This solution not only benefits the customer for their environmental or project goals, but also helps wider society in efforts to reduce pollution, by giving users the ability to identify hot spots and areas of concern, making it easier to take action.

Also, by serving as a very low-cost alternative to static Air Quality monitoring stations, it allows clients to cover more space in a cost-effective way by using our units, meanwhile, fulfilling another safety function at the same time.


Although we specialise in portable solar powered ITS solutions, we never lose sight of the fact that we are a service-based company. As a result, we highly prioritise the added value we can offer in our service.

We are proud to offer customers our ‘Platinum Service Promise’, which outlines our commitment to delivering a ‘Platinum’ level service for a ‘Bronze’ level price. Going above and beyond on what is expected from us means we receive a lot of positive customer feedback, which allows us to identify things we get right.

Anne Ashman, UK Group Commercial and Operations Director commented, “We don’t just offer 24/7 service to our customers, we offer informed and experienced service from a highly trained team. Our impressive range of additional aspects that is encompassed in our service helps distinguish us from a typical VMS supplier.”

One of these aspects is how we monitor our products. We have a plethora of tools in place that help us monitor different aspects of our units out in the field, all from our head office in Matlock. On the rare occasions that there is an issue, we are made aware using our monitoring tools and, thanks to our national coverage, we can quickly dispatch a team from the nearest depot to investigate the problem, building in battery changes, repairs and replacements if needed into the promise of service we offer our clients.

After years of over-delivering on our customer’s expectations, we have built a reputation in the industry for our excellent service. Our emphasis on training gives customers confidence that our versatile team are fully trained in Health & Safety and as hiab and slinger signalers for delivery, installation and removal. Depending on their role on site, our workforce are also always present with the appropriate and relevant CSCS card, ensuring only the highest standards are met.

These aspects that give MVIS added value to work with culminate to working with a business that has covered every aspect of a platinum level service.

Hire with MVIS today to be confident that your ITS technology will be taken care of by experts.