Returning to the office safely with COVID-19

During the lockdown caused by COVID-19, the office staff at MVIS / Bartco UK have been working from home, but as the UK begins to get moving again, we have been hard at work in putting together ways that we can operate from the office, but with the ever present threat of infection being the main consideration in our minds. There are a number of a departments within our organisation that have always required a degree of on-site presence, from the manufacturing team with Bartco UK to the delivery team for MVIS; it has been important for our team to be trained in, educated in and actively practicing measures that will help keep  them safe and reduce the spread of the virus.

Some of the infection control measures we have implemented have been extremely strict, putting intense demands on our team on top of already demanding roles, especially regarding health and safety. However, it is this aptitude towards skills development and adherence to compliance that has worked to our teams’ advantage, allowing them to learn the new skills they need to operate safely whilst already being mindful of health and safety. These measures include-

  • Disinfection of all collected units on arrival
  • Limited delivery / service vehicle sharing with mandatory masks if sharing
  • Mandatory disinfection of all surfaces touched & shared facilities
  • Hand sanitising stations located throughout the buildings
  • Perspex screens dividing workstations
  • Daily temperature readings
  • A complete layout change to the building, including repositioned desks and relocation of marketing office and doors to control the flow and direction of foot traffic
  • VMS deployed in strategic locations for safety information or no access
  • All external doors & windows left open when people are in the building
  • Withdrawal of shared utensils and pots
  • Table and canopy built outside to allow for socially distanced meetings across departments
  • Repainted the workshop floor to mark out personal working ‘bays’ stationed 2m apart
  • Second workshop set up in our storage facility, Unit 19, to allow for social distancing
  • New ‘snap cabin’ recreational area for the workshop team, further segregating the use of shared facilities
  • Personal headsets for phones rather than using the handsets
  • Daily Microsoft Teams meetings updates
  • Visitor entry restrictions marked by VMS
  • Placement of workplace safety signage to remind employees to wash and sanitise hands
  • Weekly risk assessments of all areas to ensure we adhere to the ever-changing rules of COVID

The layout change is not small; it’s been a major renovation project to our office that has involved blocking old entrances off and making news ones to better facilitate the safe flow of people from one section of the building to another.

Our office’s new layout has seen the building divided into territorial ‘pods’, separating departments and ensuring that the staff who are required to share a space do not come into potentially infectious contact with any more people than is required.

In establishing set entrances, exits and pass through routes for each pod, we can limit our areas of concern to shared facilities such as toilets. Outside each pod we have installed hand sanitising stations that staff must use when moving from one pod to the other and masks must be worn by all staff when outside of their pod.

In line with the government guidelines, we recently began to phase in some of our office staff who wanted to come back in as the lockdown measures ease. To allow this to happen safely, we require each member of staff to take a temperature test daily when they enter the building. This helps both the company and our employees take early steps in the event that any of our team are displaying a fever, and by taking these measurements daily, we have comparable and consistent data that would help to identify a fever, or unusual personal temperature as soon as it presents.

These constant reminders scattered through the office, the drastic change to our work place layout and the steps we are having to take as individuals serve as a system that not only help keep our team safe, but also help them feel safe, allowing them to still work productively without unnecessary anxiety.

As you can see, the office now features new, higher desks with ergonomic stools and mats placed under for foot comfort. We took the opportunity during the renovation to make sure that workspaces helped to promote a healthy and active lifestyle, and these stools help to correct posture and improve our employee’s standing health.

Every member of staff has been well equipped too. Upon return to work after lockdown, everyone has been given protective visors, masks, a packet of antibacterial wipes and another bottle of hand sanitiser. The desk layout within the pods have been positioned to ensure maximum efficiency between departments that require any form of interaction.

Critically, however, we are not forcing anyone into the office who is not required to be, minimising the number of people that are sharing the facilities and space, therefore minimising the risk. Indeed, those who have come back either wanted to or were required to by their role. With the measures the company has taken, we can accommodate these members of staff in the building by taking the measures that are required to be COVID compliant.

The effect of this gives our team a ‘no pressure’ approach to the situation that lets them to take control of their own health, both mental and physical, allowing them to return to work in the office when they feel comfortable.

These measures would not have been possible without the use of systems such as Microsoft Teams. Teams allows our staff to maintain a strong level of communication by using online video chat to conduct our normal business discussions.

In order to allow us to use Teams in this way, some of our staff had to undergo training, which was a fairly routine procedure for MVIS and Bartco UK staff, who take part in training regularly as a vital factor in staff progression. 

As training underpins our approach to our staff and our business, so too it underpins our approach to COVID-19. Our employee’s aptitude for development has been a big advantage for helping to keep the company operating smoothly and to keep Britain moving, and most importantly of all, helping to keep themselves and others safe.



A company culture and a dedicated workforce starts at talent ID

All companies are chasing that elusive great culture. That intangible ethos that sets the tone of what’s expected within a business from all employees, from the MD to the apprentices, and the work ethic to deliver on those expectations.

MVIS and Bartco UK prides itself on culture, and their employees adopt the company principles every day.

As employees develop with the company, they experience new things that can spark an interest, demonstrate a particular skill or just show a new level of responsibility. As a result of being so well trained, their staff are extremely strong assets and like anything in business, they need to be distributed in a way that is going to get the most out of them.

But what makes the company workforce so capable and committed?

We spoke to General Manager Anne Ashman about the process of identifying talent, skillsets, and creating the culture for employees to thrive.

HI: Firstly and rather broadly Anne, what do you look for in an employee? 

AA: “It’s more about the actual person for us, their work ethic and attitude.

“At MVIS and Bartco UK it is vital to be highly adaptable, and extremely organised.

“We are also an extremely close team, so anyone who comes onboard needs to fit in with the MVIS/Bartco ‘family culture’. That, above all else is perhaps the most important point. Skills can be learned, but attitude cannot.

“We have a very strong training program in place, so we have no doubts we can upskill an individual with the right personal qualities.

“I personally place the greatest emphasis on delivering the best customer service, so anyone who joins our team needs to understand and buy into that that is what we are working diligently to deliver.

HI: How would you say you identify talent, whether that’s at an interview, careers fayre or apprenticeship application? Then further talent ID once a rookie is in the door?

“I can often get a good feel from a CV and the way it is written if a person is going to be a good fit for us, but I use a scoring system to make sure it is fair. The best then get an interview.

“I also tend to invite the best two in for a trial to see if they are right for us, and also if we as a company are
right for them – it’s a two-way exchange.

“We take a lot of apprentices on, train them and retain them. Most of these apprentices come following work experience with us, so they quite naturally ask about a job. We actually have a waiting list at the moment of past work experience students who want a position at MVIS & Bartco UK!

“If we could offer them all a position we would, one of my values is growth and education for young people in the workplace, as I think the ‘youth of today’ often get a bad reputation and subsequently get some less appealing positions

“We have found that if you take the time, you can mould them into what a company needs – we have seen this first hand so many times with our staff as Dom (Assistant Operations Manager), Tillie (Marketing Assistant) and Rebecca (Purchasing Supervisor) are all prime examples of this.”

Promoting from within

HI: With so many examples of apprentices climbing the company hierarchy, when do you know the time is right to take an employee to their next step? And how do you identify the right fit?

AA: “If a new role is needed, or someone higher up the chain leaves and we feel we have the skillset within, we look to take that route rather than recruit externally. Someone who already understands our methods and values, that we know we can trust to perform are in a prime position.

“I am very much about constantly evaluating a person’s skills, seeing how they develop and grow, and as a result – if they then need a new challenge.

“Part of our employee review process includes asking all staff what their values are in both life, and the workplace so we obtain regular, current insight into what makes our people tick. Once we know this, we can see what they want to achieve – and can work with them to achieve it.

Tim has ascended through the company on the back of his attitude and skillset

“As just one example, Tim, our Workshop Supervisor started with the company as a delivery driver. I recognised he had other skills, skills that we needed in our workshop. So, I asked him to move roles to become a technician,

“At first, he was unsure, but when I went through the role with him and what the future opportunities were, he moved roles enthusiastically. Last year, Tim was promoted to Workshop Supervisor, as I had identified that Tom, who was the incumbent supervisor of the workshop, had developed a skillset that had grown through the training the company had given him and I needed him to move in to a more technical role,

“This left the workshop supervisor role available, and Tim was the exact person we needed as the other staff in this area all look up to Tim as a leader. He sets a great example.

“Tim’s progression is exactly the type of story that makes us take the approach of ‘Why always bring in new people when you can promote from within if you have the right person?’

“As we say, skills can be learned, but attitude often cannot.”

Find the role that suits your employee: Tillie Wooliscroft

Anne told us:

“Tillie worked as operations admin when she came on board at 16 as one of our apprentices, however it was very clear to me her talents laid elsewhere.

“I very quickly saw how creative she was, so when I decided to step away from our former marketing agency and bring marketing in-house, Tillie was the first person I asked to come in to the new department and further her skillset under Sean, our now Marketing Manager.

“I hate to see talent wasted and Tillie’s really was wasted in operations, the work she produces, and her artistic eye is amazing.”

Tillie pictured here with Sean, Marketing Manager

HI: How do you decide who to promote?

AA: “We identify the staff who have the most to give and crave a new, or greater challenge. Some of our staff thrive on responsibility and have high aspirations. As they are so outward with their ambitions, we’re always aware of the people who are chomping at the bit to further their careers with us.

“We also have staff who are very happy in their current roles and don’t particularly vocalise that they want a new challenge. Yet, their opportunities for further training and progression is never blocked by the more vocal employees. Regular reviews about aspirations ensure we know where our staff see their futures, and therefore we know who wants to be in the mix when an opportunity becomes available.

“A company is only as good as the talent it employs, and we believe that if you want to deliver a quality service and product you need quality staff, this comes from firstly identifying a quality person, and then allowing them to grow personally by upskilling them, allowing them to have an opinion and voice that counts. That’s our ‘family’ approach, and our people know that they all matter.”


MVIS Major Projects Timeline

Since our beginnings in 2012, MVIS have been dedicated to delivering a premium service, working with Highways England, local authorities, events, hospitality and even retail. By working on successful and effective projects over many years, we have carved out a reputation of expertise and excellence with our clients.

The trust we are given is not taken lightly – customer service is at the very core of our ethos, which ensures that we live up to our reputation. We are incredibly proud of our service record, which serves as a portfolio demonstrating not just competency, but expertise.  As a result, we are regularly called upon to undertake site visits to plan the number of units for major high-speed schemes, as well as where they should be deployed for maximum efficiency.

We are also very well positioned in that we have the largest fleet of VMS in the UK, making us ideal suppliers for large projects. In this sense, not only are we able to deliver the units for such projects, but we also offer the premium, hassle-free service to go with it. It is also this reason that we are able to handle multiple major projects at any given time, such as our involvement with Corridor Orange.

This is why our clients trust us.

Our timeline begins in June 2012 with the Olympics, which required 177 VMS to be deployed and managed in the city of London. Shortly following this in August 2012 was the Paralympics of equivalent scale, forcing MVIS into the need for platinum service right from the start.

Since then, we have only expanded, growing our fleet size by over 200% and to this day, we are still delivering multiple large schemes across the UK for happy clients who choose MVIS for our excellent service. 

You can find out more information on our Case Studies page to see our products and solutions in action. 

Alternatively, please call the MVIS team on 01629 580 570 or email us to speak to a member of our team.

Download Full 2021 Major Projects PDF

Major Projects 2012 – 2021

M23 J10

6x VMS | Aug 18 – Oct 20

A56 Chester Road

2x VMS | Dec 15 – Mar 19

M25 / M1

1x VMS | Dec 15 – Sept 18

Mersey Tunnels

4x VMS | Feb 16 – Mar 16

Area 12 Taper

20x VMS | Sept 16 – May 18

M6 J22

7x CCTV | Oct 16 – Feb 17

M4 J10

2x CCTV | Oct 16 – May 18


36x VMS, 1x CCTV | Oct 16 – May 20

M62 J10-J12

16x VMS | Jul 18 – Jan 21

M6 J13-J15

11x VMS | Jul 18 – Pres

M20 J3-J25

5x VMS | Aug 18 – July 20


150x VMS | June 12 – Aug 12


4x VMS, 8x Solar IP | Nov 18 – Feb 19


39x VMS | Jan 19 – Pres


11x CCTV | Feb 19 – Aug 20


47x VMS, 12x CCTV, 30x ANPR | Feb 19 – Mar 20


30x VMS, 3x CCTV | Feb 19 – Mar 20


18x VMS | Feb 19 – Mar 20


34x VMS | Mar 20 – Jan 21


34x VMS | Mar 20 – Oct 20


20x VMS | Mar 20 – July 20


5x VMS, 5x CCTV | May 20 – Pres

M62 J4/J5

4x CCTV | Jul 15 – Nov 15


177x VMS | June 12 – Aug 12


6x VMS | Aug 12 – Aug 13

M275 Tipner

2x VMS | Jan 13 – Mar 14

M3 J2-4A

1x HD Radar / Solar IP | Aug 13 – Nov 13

Hammersmith Flyover

9x VMS | Dec 13 – Aug 15

M6 J20-21

10x CCTV | Feb 14 – May 14

M6 J31A

2x VMS | Jul 14 – Jan 15

M60 MSM J31A

14x VMS | Aug 14 – Jan 18


5x VMS | Sept 14 – Apr 15


2x VMS | Nov 14 – Apr 15


10x VMS | Nov 14 – Dec 17

M53 J12

9x CCTV | Feb 15 – Aug 15

M4 J12-14

12x CCTV | Mar 15 – Aug 15

M56 Safelane

4x VMS | Mar 15 – Mar 15

M1 J39-42 Corridor Orange

46x VMS | Jun 15 – Sept 16

M1 J28-J36 Corridor Orange

59x VMS | Jun 15 – Sept 15

M1 J15-19 Corridor Orange

40x VMS | Jun 15 – Oct 15

M20 Operation Tap

8x CCTV | Aug 15 – Feb 17


13x VMS | Nov 14 – Apr 15


11x VMS | Apr 20 – Pres 

A14 Ipswitch

12x SIP, 12x VMS | Jan 21 – Pres

A11 Thetford

40x SIP. 2x VMS | Jan 21 – Pres

Cannock Chase District Council

12x VMS | Dec 20 – Pres

Oxford City Council

8x VMS | Dec 20 – Pres

A63 Hull

8x CCTV, 2x VMS | Dec 20 – Pres


17x VMS | Sept 20 – Pres

Windy Harbour A585

6x VMS | Jan 21 – Pres

Dartford / M25

8x VMS | Dec 20 – Pres

Folkestone & Hythe District Council

6x VMS | Jan 21 – Pres

M1 J33 / J35

9x VMS | Feb 21 – Pres

A47 Postwick

14x SIP CCTV | Jun 21 – Pres

In-House Teamwork and Training makes the Dream Work

Here at MVIS and Bartco UK we believe that quality starts with staff and our staff retention is something that we take pride in. With 5 staff members continuing after a completed apprenticeship, two currently undertaking apprenticeships and a further 1 to become a manager after joining us at only 18, when we say that we take pride in our staff and the team that we have built,  it’s not an understatement.
One of Bartco UK’s apprentices, Pip Wood  in purchasing for example, has almost finished her first-year apprenticeship and works under the support of Rebecca Prince, our Purchasing & Stock Control Supervisor. Pip has already been awarded Employee of the Month this year and together, her and Rebecca ensure that we have the correct supply of stock in order for the workshop team to be able to complete works and refurbish units at a fast and efficient rate. 
sean brown and tillie woolliscroftThe last year has brought in some major staff changes for our organisation. Towards the end of 2020, we brought out marketing department in-house, promoting Tillie Woolliscroft from Operations to Marketing Assistant as well as hiring Sean Brown as marketing manager. This has allowed us to progress in-house and develop a more modern approach to marketing.
After all, who better to promote the business then the business itself? 
Likewise, our operations team saw changes too. Our operations manager, Dom Bridge has been with us for over 5 years and is now passing his knowledge to Mizzy Watson who joined the team last year. With this, Mizzy has also joined our delivery team during on-site maintenance checks, deliveries and battery changes in safe, inner city areas.
Ensuring our staff all understand the workings of both the industry and in-house operations is a large factor in our staff training, this is so all of our staff can have a greater appreciation of the business and offer a positive experience to our customers. As demonstrated with Sean / Tillie, Dom / Mizzy and Bec / Pip, we maintain a strong company ethos of passing training down from management to every corner of the business. This ensures that the level of training is of the highest quality for each member of staff. 
With all of our in-house departments supporting one another, it is crucial to understand how each role contributes to the other. For example, our Operations team are on hand day and night to help with any customer needs or advice. Because of this, it is vital that they have the correct knowledge so that they can be as much help as possible. 
The new depot is housed in NewcastleNot only do we encourage our team to contribute to other departments, we also hold staff training at least once a month when possible in order to maintain a positive relationship and renew aspects of training. Being divided between 3 depots that provide coverage to the whole UK can take its toll if not managed correctly.

These training sessions regularly cover important aspects such as safety, mental heath, production and development. Training meetings don’t only improve our staff’s knowledge within the business, but also encourage everyone to join in with new ideas or potential development which is not only beneficial to staff morale but also encourages team building. These meetings are how we can constantly improve our services both externally and internally. 

Since bringing our marketing in-house, we have noticed an astonishing improvement in our nation-wide coverage as well as being able to be more interactive with our customers and followers. We feel that this has strengthened our external relationships as we have been able to work directly with partners and engage with followers on a daily basis.
Bringing marketing in-house also allows us to transcend traditional role divisions and work more efficiently as a team towards shared goals. Having a daily update on new contracts, potential customers or new solutions allows the company respond to changes quickly. There is more depth to a business than its departments and we believe that our staff understand that, which is why we can proudly promote award winning customer service from every corner of our company.  
Our in-house teams have never worked better together, striving to make our customer’s lives easier by hiring with us.
MVIS/Bartco UK is an organisation that can tackle any challenge thrown our way, which we have proven time and time again both with our customers and our staff, proving our reliability.
We are only as good as our staff, and we are more than proud of the team that we have built and strengthened over the years.

MVIS Proudly Collect ISO Accreditations

Last month, we announced that the MVIS / Bartco UK group has been recertified with our ISO accreditations in quality (9001:2015), environmental management (14001:2015), and health & safety (45001:2018).

This week, General Manager of the ITS group, Anne Ashman officially collected the new certificates at a celebration event marking our achievement, along with Dom Bridge, Assistant Operations Manager at MVIS who was also instrumental in helping the company obtain these accreditations. Presented by Christopher Moores, the Operations Director at NQA, Anne and Dom proudly received the certificates at the event, giving the MVIS and Bartco UK team the recognition we deserve for this accomplishment.

Christopher Moores, Anne Ashman, Dom Bridge

These accreditations signify a wider commitment from MVIS and Bartco UK to corporate social responsibility, demonstrating landmark achievements for us in the areas of industry and workplace safety, environmental responsibility and quality, making us the ideal choice as an ITS supplier for key schemes undertaken on highspeed roads and highways throughout the UK.

Representative of our commitment to these highly important aspects of our business, the ISO accreditations together furnish us with a full IMS (integrated management system), integrating our systems and processes into one complete framework.

Anne Ashman, Group General Manager, commented, “Collecting these certificates marks a huge achievement for the whole team at MVIS and Bartco UK. Understanding the importance of being re-certified in all 3 standards was a value shared by all our staff, who have seen the impact it can have on the company, our growth and our future. Over the 3 years since we obtained our first ISO certification, we have continuously improved our systems, providing higher service levels than ever before. Our team continue to offer customers quality service, safety compliance and environmentally responsible business practices. Both Dom and I were very proud to represent everyone at MVIS and Bartco UK when collecting this highly important and coveted achievement.”

If you would like to know more about our ISO accreditations – MVIS and Bartco UK recertify ISO accreditations

For more information about MVIS, please call us on 01629 580 570 to speak to one of our friendly team.



MVIS and Bartco UK recertify ISO accreditations

MVIS and Bartco UK are proud to announce the recertification of our ISO accreditations in quality (9001:2015), environmental management (14001:2015), and health & safety (45001:2018).

Issued and audited by global certification body NQA, ISO accreditations enforce the practise of and adherence to well-known and respected business standards that help organisations perform better in a wide range of aspects. For MVIS and Bartco UK, the standards of quality (9001:2015), environmental management (14001:2015) and health & safety (45001:2018) are of critical importance to our business, making recognition of these facets in our business operations a highly aspirational goal for us and furnishing us with a full IMS (integrated management system), integrating our systems and processes into one complete framework.

Our quality certification (9001:2015), assures clients that our products and services meet industry requirements. As a very important factor when it comes to equipment such as ours that promotes safety, clients look to MVIS and Bartco UK for reliable and effective products that not only tick all the boxes in their offering, but also have the ISO accreditation in quality behind them.

As an ITS solutions group, we work closely with the Highways and Traffic Management industries to deliver our solutions and products across the whole of the UK. Having such close ties to these industries, our environmental impact is of great importance to our Corporate Social Responsibility strategy.. By working with a company that has obtained this accreditation, clients can rest assured that the company their required ITS solution came from is improving their sustainability through increasingly efficient use of resources and reduction of waste.

The health & safety accreditation, (45001:2018), completes our IMS in an area that doesn’t just demonstrate our commitment to our customers, but also to our staff. With its focus on employee safety and the safety of working environments, this standard is perhaps one of our most important, helping us conform to safety standards that keep our staff safe. Due to the nature of work undertaken by many of our team across highways, vehicle management, crowd safety and construction, the safety of our staff and others is paramount in transporting and deploying our units. Staff, customers and even pedestrians can all be safe in the knowledge that our products have been manufactured and deployed with safety in mind.

Having already earned these ISO accreditations over the past few years, MVIS and Bartco UK are subject to audits by NQA that sees us reviewed on these aspects annually and fully reviewed every 3 years to ensure that we are in keeping with standards as time goes on. It is with immense pride that both MVIS and Bartco UK can say they have had their ISO accreditations renewed, demonstrating our commitment to procedure, safety and compliance yet again.

Anne Ashman, Group General Manager, commented, “This is a “pat on the back” for everyone who works at MVIS & Bartco UK. The whole team understand the importance of re-certification of all 3 standards and the impact it has on both company’s future and continual growth. Since first gaining ISO certification 3 years ago the companies have continually improved systems and aimed even higher on service levels to ensure our customers get a quality service from MVIS and Bartco UK”.

For more information about MVIS, please call us on 01629 580 570 to speak to one of our friendly team.

What makes a market leader?

What makes a market leader? Well, a number of factors come into play.

Market share is in play, as well as a ubiquitous brand presence, being a pioneer, ongoing marketing efforts, wider contributions beyond market share and the ability to shape the future of a sector are just a few more factors to consider.

In the highways industry, and specifically, the mobile variable message signs sector, MVIS sits proudly as a market leader. So, let’s analyse in more detail what exactly that means within this particular pocket of the highways world…

Company Longevity and accreditations

Founded in 2012, MVIS has developed a reputation of excellent service and today sits as one of the UK’s leading and most trusted suppliers of portable variable message signs. MVIS holds the following quality, and health and safety accreditations as a rubber stamp of quality:

• BS EN ISO 14001: 2015
• BS EN ISO 9001: 2015
• BS EN ISO 45001: 2018

National coverage

We have depots strategically placed nationwide to allow for more efficient regional delivery. Units are housed around the UK to support rapid delivery to localised areas when needed, without the inevitable delay of delivery from a single location.

Project design

With a long history of supplying units to major projects across the UK, we are now working with clients in the planning stages of major schemes, being called upon as consultants. Delivery has evolved to become design as our expertise is further utilised.

Fleet size

There are 550+ units in the MVIS fleet for hire, a growth of over 200% over the last 7 years.

Currently, we are required to build 100 units per year to keep up with demand, and are currently getting ahead of the curve for 2020 in terms of unit builds.

Award winning customer service & 24/7 support

24/7, 365 days a year. The MVIS support service line never stops.

Staff experience & knowledge

Over 60% of the team have spent their entire career here at MVIS, and the company has a reputation for investing in people and a high staff retention rate. As a result, MVIS staff are engrossed in the company values, and their experience and knowledge results in a world class service for customers.

Superiority of products, product range & solutions

Our product range has been continually improved since 2012. We developed the first 5 colour VMS sign, and we have developed and upgraded our products to meet changing legislation and market requirements. Major changes to units have included tilting solar panels, upgraded security features and battery life improvements, reducing the need for battery changes.

MVIS was the first company to develop the Solar IP unit, a solar powered multiple function platform for CCTV, HD Radars, Bluetooth and more. Being the pioneer of this technology comes with knowledge and expertise of it, and we have a fully trained workshop team capable of building the Solar IP units to meet bespoke requirements.

Carry/transport capacity

Our delivery model sets out to deliver multiple units at a time where possible. Pioneering efficiency, and working to reduce carbon footprint, we can offload up to 3 x VMS A units in one delivery, up to 2 x VMS C units, or up to 2 x Solar IP units.

In house repair

In 2017 we took the step of revamping our repairs process in order to be able to provide a greater service for clients.

We set up an in-house repairs workshop, saving on average 30 days per repair, as well as boosting environmental considerations by removing transportation of units in need of repair.

The future…

As the company moves into 2020, we are already preparing for further growth to support the ever-increasing demands for our products, service and expertise. Seven new members of staff are in place, new apprentices are on board, and the company has promoted from within to evolve for optimal performance.

General Manager Anne Ashman comments:

“The growth of the company year on year is phenomenal, this year alone there have been 7 new staff from managers to apprentices across our depots nationwide, and this is due to increase again early in the new year to keep up with demand.

“Becoming a market leader doesn’t happen without our staff and the quality service they give. A major part of this is our R&D department, that has recently doubled in personnel in order to keep up with demand for new products and modifications.

“We are working on a series of new products…but I can’t yet let the ‘cat out of the bag’ in terms of any specifics- but they will be introduced over the next 2 years.

“Our R&D team also answer customers’ requests for modifications and bespoke units. Matt Felce is one of the industry’s leading ITS technicians, working in the industry for over 10 years. Matt holds a wealth of knowledge and a relationship with all the key suppliers needed to make the MVIS/Bartco products the best.

“Being leader in the field means that when a customer comes knocking with a request, we find them the best solution for their specific requirements using our vast knowledge of the industry.”

For more information about MVIS, please call us on 01629 580 570 to speak to one of our friendly team.

Vast hire fleet supports major schemes nationwide

In 2012 following the London Olympics, VMS hire specialist MVIS had a fleet of 180 units. Their role at London 2012 was a landmark, being involved in one of the most prestigious events the UK has ever held.


Now, 7 years on, the hire fleet is gargantuan, with over 550 hire units – showcasing a 7-year growth that sees an increase of over 200% in fleet size.

General Manager of MVIS, Anne Ashman comments:

“Year on year we are having to increase the hire fleet by 100 units minimum just to keep up with the demand for hire from MVIS.

“Our reputation goes before us and our focus on service and quality is seeing consistent, fruitful growth.”



Anne continues:

“Over the years, we’ve developed a reputation for quality, and our capabilities have led to being trusted with the planning and implementation of major schemes.

“The way we work with a client is very simple; you give us your plan, and we’ll make it work for you.

“We’ll consult, plan how many units are needed and where they ought to be deployed via a site visit and evaluation, then we deploy and deliver the required number of units on time for the scheme to commence.”

Recently, MVIS has opened a new depot in the north east to further increase efficiency in servicing the north of England as well as Scotland. This additional space means more units can be housed for the hire fleet, as well as placing an increased demand for units with the capability to service more contracts.

As a result, MVIS has recently added another 40 Solar IP units which Bartco UK built, plus almost 70 VMS of various sizes.

Additionally, MVIS are looking to add another 40 HD compact units to the fleet over the next few months, as well as 40 new Solar IP units and 30 new VMS-C units.


MVIS can build 150 units in 5 months for large schemes and have them on the Highway, as they did with corridor orange on the M1.

Currently, the MVIS fleet contains over 500 units, with a breakdown consisting of 181 VMS-A, 192 VMS-C, 81 x Solar IPS and 43 x HD Compact amongst other refurbished units.

With the aim of 110 new units in the next few months, the fleet could now see a 20% boost in size by the new year.

Anne commented on the upscaling:

“Simply put, we need a larger hire fleet due to demand, as well as our increased presence in the North East.

“With our build capability and emphasis on servicing our clients, we’re striving to make these fleet additions in the near future as we continue to keep Britain moving.”

First published on

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Zero Incidents in 8 years as the industry buys into ‘Aim For Zero’

The Highways England ‘Aiming for Zero’ programme targets those working on the Highways England network who are directly at risk from road users.

Companies within the industry have aligned with Highways England on this, as the aim for zero incidents via a focus on worker safety has come to the fore.

Roadworker safety: Highways England’s Aiming For Zero programme

The Aiming for Zero programme:

  • Sets a clear goal for the Agency’s health and safety performance
  • Confirms Highways England’s leadership role in the industry
  • Brings together health and safety work across the whole business

MVIS and Bartco UK are dedicated to ‘Aim for Zero’ to fall in line with both Highways England and Tier 1 contractors across the network.

The companies place safety at the heart of their operations, with in-house, on-site and off-site training, holding regular briefings and safety workshops as well as attending site instruction meetings.

MVIS and Bartco UK are proud to be able to state that they are both zero-incident companies. This exemplary safety record goes right back to day 1 of the businesses meaning zero incidents is an ‘ever’ statement and not a ‘this year’ statement.

Anne Ashman, General Manager of MVIS and Bartco UK spoke to us about the prized ‘0’ as well as the approach to safety that keeps it intact:

“We invest heavily in our safety ethos to do all we can to remain on zero incidents. Safety is at the centre of the 2 companies, with our ethos ‘Safe Mind, Work Safe, Work Well’ leading the way internally.

“We make sure we support our workforce with site safety workshops, courses and briefings as it’s paramount everyone that goes out on the roads for MVIS or Bartco UK gets home safely at the end of the shift.

“In September, I’ll be starting my NEBOSH (National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health) to carry on working on continual improvement of our safety practices and protocols.”



MVIS achieves Achilles registration as the latest addition to a long line of accreditations


MVIS are proud to announce that they have been registered with Achilles after passing the accreditation.

Achilles Building Confidence is a UK construction industry accreditation and risk management scheme.

MVIS are now proud recipients of Achilles registration

What is Achilles certification all about?

Achilles was founded in Norway in 1990 with the goal of helping organisations to identify, assess, qualify, and monitor suppliers throughout the supply chain with the aim of reducing operating costs.

A standardised pre-qualification questionnaire streamlines the procurement process and manages risk.

Achilles enables communities of buyers and suppliers to build better business relationships through a more open, trusting and proactive approach. Sharing knowledge, standards and best practice leads to buyers and suppliers sharing success.

MVIS – Yet another mark of quality

For MVIS, Achilles registration cements their commitment to both quality and safety. The company has 20% of its entire team IOSH trained to ensure ALL departments have top quality H&S standards in place and upheld. 75% of staff are first aid trained, and 90% of staff have health and safety CSCS.

Impressively, the company has been awarded ISO 45001:2018 for safer systems of working, measurability and continual improvement, in addition to holding ISO 14001:2015 for environmental standards and ISO 9001:2015 for quality.

General Manager of MVIS Anne Ashman told us:

“We have done this audit process and registered as it shows customers and potential customers even further that we work in a Quality, H&S and Environmental manner.  It is our further alignment as a SME with large contractors within the industry.

“We’re really proud to achieve registration with Achilles, and add it to our other accreditations to cement the fact we practice what we preach when it comes to standards, service and quality.”

MVIS & Bartco UK | Continued Investment in staff growth sets the standard for retention

There is a very well known, often seen ‘conversation piece’ that says it all about investment in staff.

We’d be surprised if you haven’t been privy to some version of it on a course or flying around social media.

It goes a little something like this:

CFO: “What happens if we invest in developing our staff and they leave?”

CEO: “What if we don’t and they stay?”

Ring any bells?

As overused as this particular scenario may be, the message is a valid one.

MVIS and Bartco UK are two companies that pride themselves on investing in their team for the benefits of both themselves and their clients.

While we all know that competitive pay and good benefits factor into an employee’s decision to join and stay at a company, there are many other overlooked desires that can be as important as the money in the bank.

According to a report by Forbes in 2018, a ‘commitment to well-being’ and ‘working with a purpose’ are right up there on the scale of what employees want. It seems a feeling of genuine care from employer to employee goes a long way to ultimate job satisfaction.

Anne Ashman, MVIS & Bartco General Manager told us:

“We don’t fear to invest in staff and potentially see them leave, we push our team and support their career development.

“We’ve found our approach incredibly fruitful. We find that investing in staff to further their knowledge and skills creates a level of job satisfaction that keeps employees with us long term. It really aids the company continuity to not have to be replacing and hiring new staff on a regular basis.

“This approach creates consistency within the company for the benefit of all stakeholders.

“It means our clients and customers work and liaise with the same team, internally we all know how we work most efficiently, the staff become engrained in the ethos of the business and their knowledge of the company and industry only grows.”

So how are MVIS & Bartco investing in their staff?

Anne continued:

“There are many examples of how we do this. I, myself have just passed a business degree with the Open University after 7 years – and this was funded by MVIS and Bartco UK.

“Our Assistant Operations Manager Dom Bridge has been with us for 6 years, having originally started with us as an apprentice. Dom will soon be doing his Fleet Managers course which will swiftly follow the Operations Managers Course that he is currently enrolled in.

“Additionally, Tillie Woolliscroft our Operations Support is currently doing a customer service qualification and Tom Berry, our Sales Admin, a sales course.  Cain Gregory and Tim Hill have also both done soldering courses which supported their work in our workshop and repairs centre.

“For Tim, this is in addition to being put through IOSH training for Managing Safely, so it’s fair to say that the investment across our team is proving we practice what we preach with these company-funded courses.”

Expansion sees a new depot opened in the North East

MVIS sees tangible growth in 2019 as their North East depot opens its doors for the first time.

June has seen Newcastle house the new depot and enable MVIS a number of benefits moving forward.

Firstly, the company will be able to house and hold more products with the second depot’s ability to store constructed VMS units. Therefore, more VMS units will be built for the hire fleet and more beavertails are ordered to aid delivery, and the environment as multiple units can be transported on each driven journey.

Strategically located, the depot location will enable MVIS to service these clients across the north of England, as well as Scotland with greater efficiency in regard to deployment, servicing and repair.

July 19th will see the doors opened, and MVIS will be inviting visitors, suppliers and clients to an open day to tour the facility and see the capability added with this expansion.

Anne Ashman, MVIS General Manager spoke to us about the depot and the need to expand:

“Every business is looking to grow- that’s a bit of an obvious statement – but for us to need to expand to carry on servicing the clients we have to the level they have become accustomed to is great.

“Both MVIS are growing, and as more people discover what we can deliver for them and the level of service we deliver it with, the demand for our products and service goes up.

“With this expansion, we are reacting to that demand and showcasing that we will ensure the delivery of the same high-quality service we’re known for- by investing in the expansion for the benefit of our clients.

“It means we can put down roots in more areas of the UK and operate from more than one strategic location when it comes to servicing clients. The Newcastle depot is in the perfect spot to service the north of England, as well as Scotland- a growing market for us.

“Additionally, we’re continuing to raise awareness internally with staff about environmental issues, as well as continue to expand upon their product knowledge as we introduce new units.”

Exciting times for MVIS and Bartco UK, which could beg the question…where next?!