Over the years, MVIS have cultivated a solid reputation in the industry for service, reliability and quality of products. Whilst working traditionally in traffic management applications, our technology can be applied to accomplish a wide range of goals in a work zone, from helping to reduce site vehicle speeds, to managing the working environment to keep people safe, our portable solar powered units offer solutions that could underpin the future of work zone communication.
With a 5-colour LED display for text or pictograms, the solar powered VMS-A and the larger VMS-C are ideal solutions for communicating important messages.
Whilst these units are a popular solution for traffic management, our portable variable message sign (VMS) are also used in an incredibly wide range of applications and markets. For work zones, these signs are not only great for general messaging needs, but they are also ideal to help with many issues that could be present on-site.
For example, a common issue seen on some work sites is speeding vehicles. Vehicles travelling faster than the set speed limit is exceptionally dangerous considering the risks involved in such an environment.
Using our VMS-A or VMS-C, you can help control site speed with a 2-pronged approach. Not only can our signs be used to display a speed roundel to remind drivers of the speed limit, but with their integrated speed activation sensor, the signs can also display a ‘SLOW DOWN’ message or something similar that is triggered by a driver exceeding the speed limit.

The VMS-A and C could even be used to track and measure success on this. All units contain a data collection radar that collects traffic flow data on trends in speed, time and date. Using this data, site managers can track speed trends, identify if and where there is a problem, and therefore take further steps to negate these issues.
For road, highways or utilities construction, our Journey Time Solution that can also be enabled on the VMS-A or VMS-C means road users can be kept up to date with delays and/or updates, helping to manage driver’s expectations and calm traffic around the construction zone.

There are few construction sites that wouldn’t benefit from increased surveillance. As the industry works hard to consistently improve standards of health and safety, increased surveillance is a potential route to help influence behaviour, monitor incidents and increase accountability in any work zone.
One of our latest innovations sees a CCTV camera integrated with a VMS-A, which offers a special surveillance / feedback solution that can be used to influence behaviour and communicate with drivers, pedestrians and workers, helping keep everyone confident in the knowledge that their actions are being monitored to ensure safety and the adherence to best practice.

There is also the obvious security benefits of having a portable CCTV VMS on-site. Thieves who may be looking to target contraction sites will likely think twice before trespassing after seeing such a visible warning that they are on CCTV. The portability of these units also offers site managers the option to have the sign relocated for increased security, preventing thieves from planning too much ahead of time.
HD Compact VMS
Traditionally used to communicate to drivers and pedestrians in urban areas, the solar powered HD Compact VMS is our smallest portable VMS unit and is ideal for construction sites where space is limited.
The HD Compact offers a highly portable and easy to update solution for managing the movement and behaviour of pedestrians and on-site employees.

The bright, red and white LED display boasts a 20mm pixel pitch and makes an impact anywhere. For construction sites, the smaller 2-colour HD Compact is a perfect choice for recording works traffic speed and volume, displaying text, pictograms and animated messages, just like the VMS-A and VMS-C.
Hidden cabling means this unit is secure from vandalism or accidental damage and also benefits from the data collection radar that is integrated in all of our signs.
In recent years, the HD Compact has been developed to better serve construction sites too, giving rise to the Overhead Service Unit.
The Overhead Service Unit is positioned in advance of overhead structures and services where work is being carried out. The unit was developed to further enhance site safety for the workforce by using editable text or pictograms to warn in advance of overhead obstructions.

Web Studio / BartcoLive App
All of our portable VMS units can be updated and monitored using a browser or mobile device.
Using Web Studio on browser or the BartcoLive App on a smartphone or mobile device, clients can display text, pictograms or recreate all sorts of images such as logos on our VMS-A, VMS-C and HD Compact.

Works Egress Safety Solution
The Works Egress Safety Solutions combines the messaging power of the HD Compact and the VMS C (or a VMS A if the application demands) into one solution that ensures that drivers are notified when works traffic is exiting a work zone on to the main carriageway.
An HD Compact VMS unit is located at the beginning of the acceleration zone within the works area. An integrated sensor in the HD Compact is triggered by the approaching works vehicle, presenting a message that instructs the driver to ‘MERGE WHEN SAFE’ or similar.
It also triggers a VMS A or VMS C to display a message to road users to alert them of works traffic joining the carriageway.
This sign is deployed before the works egress, facing the carriageway so that drivers have warning that a works vehicle is merging. Site managers can even add more information such as ‘WORKS TRAFFIC MERGING 200YDS’, for example.
When there is no works traffic merging, after a set time, both signs revert to a blank display, maximising reliability by saving battery life.

If you would like to learn more about how our products can benefit your work zone, please contact us via our contact form. Alternatively, you can call us on 01629 580 570 to speak to one of our friendly team, or you can email us via sales@m-vis.co.uk.