MVIS hits the Bullseye

Just before Easter Sunday the team at MVIS competed in a Darts Tournament as apart of the ‘Journey to Wellbeing’ initiative from National Highways.

MVIS has been taking part in the initiative over the past months with our Desert Island Discs and the Time to Talk Day. Aiming to improve staff moral and improve mental health in our sector.

April’s theme was stress awareness month, we wanted the team to blow some steam off over an afternoon by playing darts and chatting with other members of the team.

Journey to Wellbeing, the MVIS Staff take part in a Darts Tournament.

76% of employees report moderate-to-high or high levels of stress, small opportunities to reduce stress such as a Darts Tournaments or Desert Island Discs goes a long way in improving the #PlatinumLevelService that we deliver daily.

Our Digital Content Creator, Ben Ashman, said:

I am really enjoying these events; they bring the team together and ensure that staff moral and mental health is safe and secure.

It is nice to spend time with fellow staff members and have experiences with them”.


See the Journey To Wellbeing Calendar below:

MVIS’ Desert Island Favourites!

The ‘Journey to Wellbeing’ is an initiative started by the team at National Highways to initiate conversations between staff and improve the mental health of people in our sector.

Last month the team at MVIS took part in ‘Time to Talk Day’. We gathered in the main office to talk to one another about the impacts of mental health and point our staff in the direction of our 3 mental health first aiders.

Anne Ashman, Jon Larkins, and Rebecca Prince, our in-house team of experts, all agreed that it’s a good idea to partake in these practices so we can all stay alert and aware of who our staff can talk to receive to mental health advice.

This Month the team took part in ‘Desert Island Favourites’, a quiz show dedicated to being true to yourself and being honest about your interests.

Each member of staff told us their favourite film, song and a luxury item they would take to a desert island. We then compiled them into a quiz of which our staff had to guess whose chose what.

This was an excellent attempt to get the staff at MVIS talking to each other, the idea being that if you have a film or song option that another person may share it is suggested a staff member should talk about this and share the experience together.

Taking part in the ‘Journey to Wellbeing’ has been a good investment of MVIS time we have found that it does build morale to change the workflow of a day and keeps staff excited and revitalised.

Juliette Wright, our Customer Relations Officer, said: So many undiscovered minds in one workplace. It appears we know some of the team so well, and others unleased answers we were not expecting!  

Luxury products were my favourite answers, a net filled with footballs! Genius, you can catch fish with the net or use the two as a type of float to get off the island!

MVIS Celebrates International Women’s Day.

 Here at MVIS we are celebrating International Women’s Day, a day that celebrates not only the steadfast women we have in our company, but all the women who are making an impact on the ever-changing world.

The ladies in our customer relations team are the strong force behind the scenes that keeps MVIS running smoothly.  With thanks to Mia Maycock, Clair Tranter, and Juliette Wright keeping our office running smoothly with their organisational skills, these ladies ensure your  portable CCTV and portable VMS arrive on time to keep the road network safe and get important information across to road users.

Rebecca Prince, one of the teams longest serving members, oversees Purchasing and Stock Control, she ensures that all our products have the best quality components, so that when they get delivered to you, they are in full working order in-keeping with our platinum level service guarantee.


Mizzy Watson is our Research and Development Assistant, going the extra mile to ensure that we are providing the best products with the most up to date technology. After two years previously in our customer relations department she knows more than anyone how important quality products are to the end user.

Managing the whole MVIS & Bartco UK team is our UK Group Commercial and Operations Director Anne Ashman. With over a decade of experience in our sector and with the companies, she has worked hard to ensure that MVIS has thrived and keeps the company as a market leader at the for front of everything ITS.  Ensuring the company gains accreditations needed to not only work in the Highways Industry Sector but also to ensure these standards of  Quality, Health & Safety and Environmental Impact are lived and breathed by all the staff within the company.

We are proud to put these incredible ladies at the forefront of our business, leading us to improve the business further and keep MVIS the thriving business that we are proud to boast about.

Sustainability in our Workshop.

MVIS quality products are all manufactured in-house at our workshop in Matlock.  As with any company these days we are always looking at ways to reduce our carbon footprint improving our effect on the environment.

As founding members of the Greener Highways initiative, we at MVIS, being ISO 14001 certified since 2016, are always looking at ways to continually reduce our carbon emissions further. Looking at our workshop and products we have produced for our hire fleet and how our competent team ensure that we keep our carbon footprint as low as possible when manufacturing our products.

We even have gone as far as to test our own workshop using MVIS’ Environmental Sensor and was shocked to see the results in the workshop around our soldering station, improving our ventilation system to remove most of the gases when fixing LED’s and controllers.

The process of any new product starts with our purchasing department and the products we order into our company.  Even at the start of the process we begin to investigate how we can lower our carbon footprint by ordering from local suppliers, reducing the emissions from the delivery vehicles by the journey been much shorter, even walking to some of our suppliers who are within easy reach and on our doorstep, to fetch smaller components. 

To be able to help “Reduce, Re-use and Recycle” all workshop staff have been trained on how to repair parts of the VMS such as the LED boards or important components such as the controllers we use in our Overhead Service Units. Repairing controllers and LEDs in-house means we can have more control over waste and how it is disposed of correctly.

When we upgrade our solar panels to more efficient ones, we sell our old panels to the local public to help light garages or sheds, reducing our waste and reducing the use of fossil fuels in local homes.  We also strive to use off-cuts of wire that have been left by collecting and saving in our wire off-cut bins and using when there is a small amount needed, reducing the waste of the raw material.

If we have to dispose of components at the end of their life, we are aware of where these old components go to with the use of WEEE collections.  WEEE disposal focuses on the act of taking our electrical equipment and disposing of them in the most ethical and environmentally friendly way. This also applies to our old empty aerosol cannisters. We put them in a designated bin that then gets removed when the bin is full, choosing the safer way to dispose of old dangerous aerosol cans that run the risk of braking and releasing toxins if disposed of improperly.

Waste and spills from oil and gas contain hydrocarbons, heavy metals, radioactive material, salts, and toxic chemicals, all of which have the potential to damage soils and vegetation directly, and eventually groundwater. Because of this MVIS uses oil collection trays during servicing of trailers and spill kits to clean up any spillages that may happen in the workshop.  Part of our environmental planning was also finding where drainage underneath our depot leads to and if we were to allow oil spillages to get into the drains, we would be aware of the impact it would have on local water ways.

Putting our water compressors and other chemicals into drip trays is a practice we have put into effect. We know that no chemicals are going to flow into drains by accident, we know this because drip trays catch the potential leaking chemicals. We eradicate as far as is practicable, any chance that we might pollute the environment around us.

These are a few ways in which we take the time and effort to keep the environment safe. It is simple practices like drip trays or using less paper that will help us to lower the carbon footprint of our company. We have always prided ourselves on the fact that our products are solar powered or the many ways in which we as a company have worked incredibly hard to make our company environmentally safe. Although we know that we have a fair way to go to reach our target of being carbon natural by 2030, we are proud to say we are taking the right steps. 

Communication That Isn’t Costing The Earth.

Due to the pandemic, companies like ours have had to strive to ensure that they implement safe practices preventing the spread of infectious diseases including COVID19. The pandemic also gave us new opportunities to make further steps in making our company primarily, digital. 

Throughout the pandemic MVIS staff, like many, worked remotely from home. Meaning as a company we started to rely on e-mails, TEAMS calls and other means to stay communicating regularly and to keep our company going.

After recently becoming a Founding Member of the Greener Highways initiative, we have been assessing ways we have become more environmentally friendly. Over a decade of work has been put into this and we are proud to say that we have evolved into a much more environmentally friendly company.

As a company we have delivered ten years of driving innovation and throughout that time we have introduced new ways to decrease our carbon footprint. One area that has dramatically changed is using paper documents. We started back in 2012, supplying driver delivery packages containing multiple documents, without utilising e-mail systems to their full potential and would unnecessarily  print paper for our different deliveries.

Our aim was to cut down our paper use within the company,  after the worldwide consumption of paper has risen 400% in the last 40 years. Currently, 35% of harvested trees are being used for paper manufacturing. When you also take into consideration the impact that buying paper has on our carbon footprint, ordering paper from a supplier means that delivery drivers are driving to our offices wasting fuel and further harming the environment.

Using less paper by using software such as Reflow and Teams has led us to a position where we are ordering less paper, and by doing so, reducing our carbon footprint. This minor change has led to lower usage of the office printer, thus lowering our electricity usage. Also leading to less ink being used so we did not have to order new ones, meaning we use less plastic changing over cartridges. This has also meant that there is much less need for us to be sending mail, so hardly need to utilise the delivery and creation of envelopes, stamps and even our consumption of pens has fallen as a result.

All these changes, though they seem small are slowly adding up to MVIS having a smaller carbon footprint and ensuring that we lower our amount of carbon emissions. As we set out clear targets to strive for over the coming years, we are continuously changing and adapting how we work, the equipment we work with and even how we get to and from the office.  

Our Greener Highways journey has made us look further at new and exciting ways in which we as a company can ensure that our carbon footprint continues to decrease and lowering our paper consumption is just one small, simple change that has already had a positive impact.

MVIS sponsors the Ashgate High Peak Trail.

For the past 2 years MVIS has sponsored the High Peak Trail. An event taking place this year on the 12th of March, the walk takes place through our Derbyshire countryside and will follow the former Cromford and High Peak Railway. The walk is a scenic experience for all the family to enjoy.

This year, Ashgate has introduced two new routes. One that is a family friendly 3.5 miles, something that you can bring children on so you can have a day spent with family traversing the ever-stunning route, another route is the 11 mile walk and the final walk the full 17 miles. Participants meet at Cromford Meadows before being transported to the starting line.

We had the opportunity to see the trail on which walkers will be undertaking over the weekend in March.

MVIS are proud to sponsor the team over at Ashgate Hospice and are glad to always be there to assist with their events. As a company we appreciate their work and are admirable of the amount of time, effort and inclusivity they present when holding events such as the Sparkle walk or the High Peak Trail. As a company it is about teamwork and raising money for the people they look after. While also showing a strong love for the community and the county that surround their wonderful hospice.


MVIS are always proud to say that as a company we support Ashgate Hospice. Our partnership started in 2021 and since then we have managed to maintain a consistent string of charity work, participating in the Sparkle Walk to running a Bake-Off competition in aid of Ashgate Hospice.

Ashgate Hospice is a charity dedicated to providing palliative and end-of-life care, they look after those that live with life-limiting illnesses such as cancer and end-stage heart, kidney, and lung diseases. They have worked for years to ensure patients are well informed, supported and pain free.

MVIS works with Ashgate Hospice as a local charity that offers so much to local people.  The charity always takes perfect care of those who are nearing the end of their life and ensures that loved ones get to spend as much time with them, be it in the hospice or their own homes, making the last few days as comfortable and calm as possible in this type of situation. They also go on to work hard to look after families that are in grief and have lost loved ones.

MVIS visited the hospice in recent weeks and was taken on a tour around Ashgate, this benefitted our team as we could see the impact that they have on the local community, it was also beneficial for our team to see the impact us as a company have on them as a charitable organisation.

David Storer- Ashgate Hospice Events Organiser: “M-VIS are a pleasure to work with. They are always on hand to provide support across all of our fundraising events and go above and beyond to offer solutions that enhance our reach and help us to promote our brand across the region.

Anne and the team have provided VMS’s for multiple events and appeals that have really helped to raise the awareness of Ashgate Hospice and the vital end of life care that we provide across North Derbyshire. Huge thanks to M-VIS from all of us at Ashgate Hospice!”



MVIS takes part in ‘Time to Talk’

As an attempt to try and improve mental health and wellbeing in the highways sector National Highways have started the ‘Journey to Wellbeing’. An initiative to get highway workers to talk and be open about their mental health.

The team at MVIS took part in Mind’s ‘Time to Talk’, the team at the Tansley offices sat down and perpetrated the importance of talking about their mental health. At MVIS we strive to ensure that our teams are happy and healthy this being said we believe that the National Highways Journey to Wellbeing is something important to take part in.

At MVIS we have three trained Mental Health First Aiders, our UK Group Commercial and Operations Director Anne Ashman, Purchasing and Stock Control Supervisor Rebecca Prince, and North Delivery Supervisor Jon Larkins. They were all in attendance today and were happy to give offer themselves to staff if they want a confidential chat with the team.

During ‘Time to Talk’ the three Mental Health First Aiders demonstrated the importance of talking to people so that you do not get overwhelmed. We were introduced to time to talk as a reminder that people do not have to keep feelings and emotions penned, it is important to talk to and share those feelings to prevent anything unfortunate happening in the future.

It is said that 5% of the adult population suffers with depression and 1 in 7 children have been diagnosed with a type of mental disorder. Minds and National Highways ‘Time to Talk’ intend to help the companies over the country to speak out and raise awareness.


Jon Larkins, our North Delivery Supervisor, states that human interaction has helped him feel better in the past, saying: “Sometimes it’s about going into stores with a smile on your face it makes you more approachable for a chat, there have been times I have stood in the line at a supermarket and by the time I am at the front of the queue I have heard their life story. So, it is little moments like that where you can be approachable and smile at someone.”

National Highways has scheduled a different day for every month of the year to help improve mental health. They have organised days such as Thank You day in July, World Mental Health Day in October, something MVIS has already celebrated, and National Fitness Day in September.

Tree-mendous Charity Work Continues

After spending the festive period lighting up your homes and housing Santa’s gifts to you, Christmas Trees are left next to the dust bin to decompose and hurt the environment. Thanks to the team at Ashgate Hospice, they have found an innovative way to raise money for the Hospice as well as using your Christmas Trees to help the environment surrounding them. The trees are collected by volunteers and given to local farmers so they can be chipped and recycled.

A handful of the local communities pay £15 for volunteers to collect their trees, then Ashgate plan routes accordingly and send truly generous people to ensure these trees get to the farm. The same farm that will chip the trees and convert them into biomass fuel.

Last week, MVIS team members Jon Larkins and Ben Ashman took the service van and collected trees in and around Matlock. Together, they collected 29 trees helping the team to raise the equivalent of over £400 in tree collections.

This is not the first time MVIS have volunteered their time to help this ingenious idea. MVIS have worked with Ashgate for over a year now and always like to find new ground-breaking ways to help the charity from taking part in the Sparkle Walk to Car-Boot Sales.

When all the trees are collected, they are converted into biomass fuel, a known way of making use of Christmas Trees after spending the festive period making your house look bright and vibrant for the big day. Using photosynthesis trees use carbon dioxide to help them grow and flourish, but when the trees die and begin to rot, they release carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere as well as trace amounts of methane, a gas 21 times more potent than carbon dioxide. Biomass as a source of energy means that gas is used as energy as opposed to being lost to nature.

Ashgate Hospice have since announced that this year’s scheme has been the most successful to date and has raised a staggering £12,203.75. This money will help ensure that they can continue to provide specialist care to patients and their families across North Derbyshire. Well done to everyone who took part!



MVIS Staff Spread Festive Cheer at Ashgate Hospice

Members of our team recently headed over to Ashgate Hospice in Chesterfield to spread some Festive cheer, by serving some of the unsung heroes who give up their time and support to ensure that the hospice is a friendly and welcoming environment all year round.

The hospice is a local charity that provides specialist palliative and end-of-life care to patients with a life-limiting illness and their families across North Derbyshire. Ashgate Hospice is not an NHS hospice and all the care that it provides is free of charge. In order to continue providing care when people need it most, Ashgate relies heavily on fundraising and community support from local businesses like us.

The team were on hand throughout the day to serve hot drinks including festive hot chocolate and non-alcoholic mulled punch along with a selection of Christmassy sweet treats of mince pies and chocolate Yule log. All home-made by the generous staff at our MVIS head office. Guests, patients, staff and volunteers were also able to take time out of their day and enjoy the Christmas classic ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ shown on the big screen as the Day Hospice was transformed in to a cinema room especially for the event. MVIS work throughout the year on various projects, finding new and exciting ways to raise funds for Ashgate Hospice including charity walks and a 10 week long, in-house Bake-Off competition where all bakes are sold with all profits going straight to the charity.

Jon Larkin – MVIS North Delivery Supervisor: “It’s always important to give something back to the local community. Whether that be time or support in other ways. It’s a pleasure to come to the Hospice and see the amazing work that takes place every single day and the wonderful people that make it all possible. The hospice is a vital part of the local community, many of us know people who have benefitted from the incredible work Ashgate do and to support such an amazing cause right on your doorstep gives us all immense pride”.

David Storer- Ashgate Hospice Events Organiser: “A massive thank you to you guys for coming over and providing all that stuff, as well as providing the cinema set up. The hot chocolates went down a storm with staff from across the hospice. Can I also just say thank you from all of us here for everything else you do for us throughout the year. From Bake-Off sales to the VMS you provide for us, it is all very much appreciated and the GIK, money you raise, and sponsorship of next years High Peak Trail, really does make a huge difference”.

To find out more about Ashgate Hospice and how you can make a difference this Christmas, just click the link:

Why We Choose to Support Ashgate Hospice

Known for our charitable work, MVIS is a company that cares about the community. We are lucky enough to be able to show our support within our community by sponsoring locally run clubs such as Matlock Town Football Club. For the past two years though, we have been pushing to support a local charity that has suffered more than most, Ashgate Hospice.

Ashgate Hospice is a charity that provides compassionate, specialist palliative and end-of-life care, free of charge, to patients with a life-limiting illness and their families across North Derbyshire. The Hospice vision is that everyone in North Derbyshire with a life-limiting illness, and the people important to them, can enjoy every moment together and die comfortably and with dignity.

Recently, Anne, Ben A and Ben K were all at Ashgate to discuss future support opportunities, and they found it to be a very humbling experience. The amount of money they need for just one week to support a patient is immense, so every little bit that we raise really does help. They were also told about Kimberley’s story, a young widow whose husband was admitted to Ashgate Hospice in the final months of his life following a three-year battle with bladder cancer. 

It’s an extremely sad story but it’s also one that is incredibly moving and highlights how important the care that Ashgate Hospice provides is. Thanks to the support from Ashgate, Kimberley’s husband, Andrew, was able to pass peacefully with his wife of 26 years sitting by his side. 

It’s for reasons like this that we are motivated to think of new ways to raise funds and support Ashgate Hospice. We are very proud of the fact that we have a fantastic team here at MVIS and Bartco UK who are always willing to get involved with charity work. We’re currently in the middle of our charity Bake Off competition, but this year we’ve stepped it up a bit with more weeks and more rounds. We sent out Kimberley and Andrew’s story for our staff to read, and it really hit home with them as to why it is so important that we continue to support Ashgate Hospice. We know that finding the motivation on a Sunday night to bake can be tough, but it’s clear how big a difference it can make. 

Andrew is just one of the thousands of patients each year that Ashgate Hospice cares for. In order for that to continue, it’s imperative that they receive support from the local community and local businesses like us. If you’d like to find out how you can support them too, please visit their website and help make a difference. 

Anne Ashman, UK Group Commercial and Operations Director comments, “We are proud of the part that we have played in supporting Ashgate Hospice over the last few years. Going to visit them and hearing about Kimberley’s story makes each fundraising activity that we have done even more rewarding and we are determined to increase our support next year. Ashgate is an integral part of the community, so it’s important that we continue to support them the best that we can.” 

MVIS visits Ashgate Hospice

Last week, we went to visit our friends at Ashgate Hospice to discuss how we can help support their upcoming High Peak Trail event. 

Ashgate Hospice is a local charity that provides specialist palliative and end-of-life care to patients with a life-limiting illness and their families across North Derbyshire. 

We have worked with Ashgate Hospice in countless fundraising activities over the years, but this was the first time that we could go inside and look around the hospice. Our UK Group Commercial and Operations Director, Anne Ashman, along with our Marketing Executive, Ben Ashman, and Marketing Manager, Ben Kettell, made the journey up to Chesterfield to pay them a visit. 

MVIS Visits Ashgate

Ashgate Hospice is not an NHS hospice and all the care that it provides is free of charge. In order to continue providing care when people need it most, Ashgate relies heavily on fundraising and community support from local businesses like us. 

We are currently doing our charity Bake Off competition again this year, with all the money raised going to Ashgate Hospice, and we have a lot more planned for the future to help support them. Earlier this year, we sponsored their High Peak Trail Walk event and provided our VMS to help with messaging for their Sparkle Night Walk

It was a pleasure to meet some of the amazing people who help make Ashgate Hospice what it is and we are very grateful for the fantastic work that they do for so many people in our community. We can’t wait to work with them next and hopefully it won’t be as long as last time before we can visit them again. 

Claire Unwin, Marketing and Communications Manager at Ashgate Hospice said, “It was a pleasure to meet you and show you around Ashgate Hospice, we can’t wait to work with you. Thank you for your invaluable support.” 

Anne Ashman, UK Group Commercial and Operations Director added, “We have worked with Ashgate for a few years now and so it was great to finally have a look around the hospice, which we haven’t been able to do yet primarily because of COVID-19 restrictions. We’re delighted to be able to support local causes such as Ashgate as they continue to make a significant contribution to the lives of local residents and their families.” 

How does a company respond to the ever-growing focus on sustainability?

MVIS has committed to achieving net zero carbon in line with its client base, carefully monitoring its development and production processes to continually improve the sustainability element of its product range.

MVIS is constantly striving to increase solar and battery output to minimise site visits and time spent on site, with a process centred around developing products which are fully self-sufficient on power.

With the addition of MVIS’ environmental sensors, the company can also now monitor and report on a live working environment to measure gases for air quality, dust and noise levels on sites. This is in addition to displaying important environmental messaging to workers and the general public in real time, whilst aligning with a clients’ environmental KPI’s.

The R&D process

Each MVIS idea has to go through a strategic process. One which sees lots of information gathered before a new idea even goes into development.

Before a product idea gets signed off for development, MVIS will know what testing procedures are needed to make it compliant to present standards, how long a prototype will take, what sort of software is required, and a budget will be allocated to the project along with a timeline.

How has the R&D process changed?

“There has been a significant increase in the questions and requirements relating to sustainability and environmental impact, particularly in major projects,” says MVIS Sales Director Graeme Lee. Graeme has spent the last decade with MVIS, and so is perfectly placed to have witnessed the change in sustainable thinking over the last 10 years.

“Environmental accreditations have become a standard requirement, with the industry constantly driving the supply chain to develop the very latest technology powered by sustainable methods,” Graeme continued.

“I’d say this has really snowballed over the last 3-4 years, but MVIS’ has placed sustainability at the forefront of product development since inception in 2012, so whilst I feel the industry has had a bit of a mass shift when it comes to sustainable thinking, our R&D process hasn’t seen too much of a change at all really. It’s something we were ahead of the general curve on and so it’s all part of the daily operation for us.”

2012 v 2022 – what’s changed?

“With the country and Government promising to achieve environmental targets, there has undoubtedly been a change in focus regarding sustainability over the last 10 years.,” Graeme added.

“On the back of this ‘go greener’ attitude that’s swept the sector, the biggest change for us is probably the volume of enquiries that reference or specifically request sustainable credentials. That’s not to say companies didn’t value this element when hiring from MVIS previously, but it’s now much more obvious that this is an absolute necessity and not just an additional benefit.”
