
Communication That Isn’t Costing The Earth.

Due to the pandemic, companies like ours have had to strive to ensure that they implement safe practices preventing the spread of infectious diseases including COVID19. The pandemic also gave us new opportunities to make further steps in making our company primarily, digital. 

Throughout the pandemic MVIS staff, like many, worked remotely from home. Meaning as a company we started to rely on e-mails, TEAMS calls and other means to stay communicating regularly and to keep our company going.

After recently becoming a Founding Member of the Greener Highways initiative, we have been assessing ways we have become more environmentally friendly. Over a decade of work has been put into this and we are proud to say that we have evolved into a much more environmentally friendly company.

As a company we have delivered ten years of driving innovation and throughout that time we have introduced new ways to decrease our carbon footprint. One area that has dramatically changed is using paper documents. We started back in 2012, supplying driver delivery packages containing multiple documents, without utilising e-mail systems to their full potential and would unnecessarily  print paper for our different deliveries.

Our aim was to cut down our paper use within the company,  after the worldwide consumption of paper has risen 400% in the last 40 years. Currently, 35% of harvested trees are being used for paper manufacturing. When you also take into consideration the impact that buying paper has on our carbon footprint, ordering paper from a supplier means that delivery drivers are driving to our offices wasting fuel and further harming the environment.

Using less paper by using software such as Reflow and Teams has led us to a position where we are ordering less paper, and by doing so, reducing our carbon footprint. This minor change has led to lower usage of the office printer, thus lowering our electricity usage. Also leading to less ink being used so we did not have to order new ones, meaning we use less plastic changing over cartridges. This has also meant that there is much less need for us to be sending mail, so hardly need to utilise the delivery and creation of envelopes, stamps and even our consumption of pens has fallen as a result.

All these changes, though they seem small are slowly adding up to MVIS having a smaller carbon footprint and ensuring that we lower our amount of carbon emissions. As we set out clear targets to strive for over the coming years, we are continuously changing and adapting how we work, the equipment we work with and even how we get to and from the office.  

Our Greener Highways journey has made us look further at new and exciting ways in which we as a company can ensure that our carbon footprint continues to decrease and lowering our paper consumption is just one small, simple change that has already had a positive impact.