MVIS Gives Back with Food Bank Donation

Bringing our Christmas community initiatives to a close this year, members of MVIS and Bartco UK are very proud to have been working on a grocery collection this month to donate to a local food bank. At this time of year, it is very important to us as an organisation and as individuals to give back to our local community. So, in addition to the other community projects we have been working on this festive period, we have also had this project ticking in the background as our donations table continued to get fuller over the past 2 weeks.

It was suggested that amongst the donations we focus on items of ‘need’, that is, items that don’t often get donated that the organisers need in order to make up full food packs, signalling MVIS and Bartco UK to donate 4 full boxes of items for donation.

Urgently needed items included long life milk, squash / juice, deodorants, shampoo, coffee and tinned meat, which were heavily featured items in our donation, along with a few extra special Christmas treats to bring a bit of excitement to those in need for their Christmas food pack.Organisers of our local food bank, The Trussell Trust are dedicated to reducing poverty and dependency on food banks, claiming “We always welcome donations and promise to use them to provide help to people in crisis.” The donations given for this cause are used exclusively for people in the UK and are absolutely vital in ensuring that The Trussell Trust can give everyone referred to them a balanced and nutritious three-day supply of food.

When we reached the deadline for our donation to be dropped off, we had an entire table’s worth of items to take with us to a nearby drop off point. A list of drop off points in the Chesterfield area can be found on the Chesterfield Food Bank website

Marching our donations over,  our team were proud to represent MVIS in the conclusion of our final charity project of the year, delivering our donations to a local supermarket drop off point.

For more information about your local food back, please visit The Trussell Trust website or alternatively, you can find more details on donating here

Helping the Community Reopen After November Flooding

It’s not like MVIS to shy away from a chance to help the community, so when a local crisis occurs, it seems only natural that we would get in touch to see if we can help. One such crisis took place in early November that saw large areas within Derbyshire and South Yorkshire drastically flooded, causing thousands of pounds worth of damage to businesses all over the area.

Amongst the worst hit were some businesses close to MVIS and Bartco UK, such as The Tipsy Toad in Matlock and some, such as Toy Stories in Matlock simply stole our hearts with a tale of such unfortunate luck we felt it was only right to do what we could to help.

Earlier in the week, we published a post that covered our recent initiative to help Freya King and her store, Toy Stories.

However, we didn’t stop there. Indeed, in a response to the floods, MVIS have jumped to the aid of a number of businesses that need to inform local customers, road users and passers-by when they will be reopening. Putting our products to good use, MVIS donated signs to these businesses to offer an effective way of broadcasting their reopening to ensure that the local community are kept fully up to date so the businesses can resume trade as soon as possible.

The Hurt Arms in Belper put a donated VMS-A to fantastic use on the corner of their car park, in full view of the road so road users can see what date they are reopening.

Likewise, just outside their establishment, The Tipsy Toad deployed one of our HD Compact units featuring a countdown that is updated daily to the exciting day that they reopen.

Being positioned on such a main road, every road user who passes this sign are kept informed of when The Tipsy Toad will reopen, bringing hype and excitement to the community who eagerly await the reopening of one of their best loved bars.

In times of crisis, MVIS are happy to muck in with the community, doing what we can to help these businesses get back on their feet. The benefits of our products make these ideal signs to use in such a crisis, offering a bright, low power consuming LED display that is reliable under all conditions.

Of course, the giving this season doesn’t end with this – MVIS and Bartco UK still have a few things on the go this Christmas, so make sure you check back on our website to keep up to date with all the latest news.

MVIS Maximises Giving with Donation

At the time of year that is most known for generosity and giving, MVIS and Bartco UK are not ones to miss such an opportunity, and in true keeping with our general ethos, we aren’t ones to do half a job either. This is why, during the Christmas build up in 2019, team members from MVIS and Bartco UK embarked on a ‘giving mission’ that would seek to maximise the impact a simple community donation could make.

The idea, put forward by the company’s ‘moral compass’, Jon Larkins, was to ensure that our impact was felt across the community with a single donation, bringing happiness to more people than if we had just taken part in a traditional donation.

But why is this important?

Late in 2019, Matlock and surrounding areas in Derbyshire and South Yorkshire were hit by drastic flooding, taking some businesses local to MVIS and Bartco UK out of action – a tragedy at the best of times, but being so close to Christmas made this all the more worse.

This local crisis was felt by some more than others, but few felt the devastation more than Freya King, a young entrepreneur whose business is based in Matlock. Freya had prepared for months to open a children’s book shop, Toy Stories, only for opening day to coincide with the very same day that the River Derwent decided to burst its banks. Flooding the area her shop was located in and doing thousands of pounds worth of damage, a lot of stock and her brand-new shop was covered in 4 inches of water.

Freya had no idea when she would reopen, casting the immediate future of her shop in worrying jeopardy. However, in a move of incredible hard work and dedication, she managed to open only a few days later bringing the community of Matlock the children’s book shop it needed just in time for Christmas.

Initially, our plan idea was to simply respond to a traditional Christmas Present Appeal, which take place across countless charities around the world in order to deliver presents to children at Christmas who may otherwise not get any. However, in this move of altruistic genius, Jon’s idea was to not only deliver on the Present Appeal, but to do so with items purchased from Freya’s shop due to her extremely unfortunate luck, giving her business a helping hand whilst also helping the chosen Present Appeal.

Members of the team rushed to take on the duty of ‘Santa’, which fell as 2 separate tasks – purchasing the items from Matlock town centre and then delivering them. Responsible for the purchasing task and keeping true to their job titles, Bec, Bartco UK’s Purchasing & Stock Supervisor and Pip, Purchasing Assistant, were granted the task of the shopping spree.

Upon arriving at Toy Stories, the reasons for us being there were explained to Freya. Despite the hardship she has seen recently, she offered us a discount on the basis that the items were for charity in an incredible show of generosity and warmth, allowing us to get a few extra books and toys to max out our budget and help make a few extra children’s Christmas special.

But this was only half the task at hand. With Freya’s donation by way of discount, this made the job of delivering these gifts even more important as it was no longer just our donation – we needed the right person to do the job of delivering and who else would have been better than our very own Santa Claus himself – Mr Jon Larkins.

After taking a company vote, it was decided that the Salvation Army Present Appeal was best for us to donate to, with strong community links all over the area, we knew that any gifts donated would certainly go to a good cause. Once decided, Jon took off in his sleigh to deliver the gifts to an officer of the local Salvation Army who warmly accepted us into her home to make the drop off.

But the giving doesn’t stop there from MVIS and Bartco UK. All throughout December we have a variety of community and charity initiatives that are all aimed at giving back during this time of festive cheer. So keep checking back on our website for more details on what we’ve been up to.

Anyone wishing to donate to the Salvation Army can find more information on their website.

Christmas Jumper Day 2019

Continuing the festivities, on the 13th December, MVIS and Bartco UK took part in Christmas Jumper Day!

Raising money for the homeless, members of the team donated between £1 and £3 for the cause, helping to bring a  little bit of happiness to vulnerable people this Christmas whilst bringing festive cheer to the office.

Everyone took part in this fun excuse to wear those warm, comfortable jumpers that only come out this time of year, even Levi the French Bulldog! But between me and you, some of the team got into the spirit early and have been practising Christmas Jumper Day for a number of days in the lead up to today, ensuring that they looked their best and made a real effort to impress.

The ‘winner’ of Christmas Jumper Day here was almost certainly one of our new starters, Liam, who donned an elf costume and a Santa hat in a hilarious show of this fun side of himself. Liam wins even more points for his outfit considering he is one of Bartco UK’s Workshop Technicians, really bringing the costume to life.

Whilst Christmas Jumper Day is a bit of light-hearted fun for us here at MVIS and Bartco UK, it must be remembered that we are doing this for a very real and serious reason. Homelessness is no joke, especially during a time that is supposed to be about family and feature a little bit of ‘overindulgence’ – a luxury the homeless don’t tend to have. So, at a time of the year that is universally known as the ‘time of giving’, it is appropriate for us to give back to the community and do what we can for this worthy cause.

This isn’t the only community initiative that we have on the go this Christmas however. As a socially responsible organisation, we have numerous projects taking place this year that will help several sections of society. Stay tuned for more information on these, as they come to fruition throughout the remainder of December.

Edit: For Christmas Jumper Day 2019, the MVIS and Bartco UK team raised £37.50. A big thanks to everyone who took part – every penny donated to Centrepoint Homeless Charity counts! 

MVIS runs into Christmas with the Jingle Bell Jog

With all the markets and events taking place up and down the country at Christmas, we are entering a very busy time for MVIS. However, we are never too busy to make sure we are doing our bit. For a number of years, MVIS have donated VMS-As in aid of Buxton’s 5K Jingle Bell Jog, and this year was no exception. In addition to this, 2 of our MVIS office team, Mizzy and Tom all took time out of their weekend to participate in the event, taking us into the Christmas period as we intend to continue; with generosity, hard work and of course lots of laughs. 

The arduous task of completing this 5k run on such a cold Sunday morning was made all the more impressive knowing that our team raised money individually for Blythe House Hospice Care,  a charity that offers free, individualised, holistic care and support for anyone in the High Peak living with cancer or other serious, life-limiting illness. The run itself involved participants running, walking, dancing, prancing, jogging or jingling their way around Buxton’s Pavilion Gardens to raise the funds for Blythe House Hospice Care. 

A fantastic day was had by everyone, with all those taking part going at their own pace. The important thing in these events is not where you finish, but taking part. It’s an old cliche but one that rarely has as much meaning as in this case. The very act of signing up for a physical challenge like this is easier for some than for others, but actually taking part is another accolade in itself, one that our team and everyone involved should be very proud of themselves for. 

Blythe House Hospice Care are already promoting next year’s event. If you want to find out how you can do your bit, or for any more information about the 2020 Buxton Jingle Jog, visit their website and be sure to make the most out of the early bird sign up discount! 

Christmas Begins at MVIS!

Christmas is a busy time for us, with many Christmas markets and events taking place all over the country requiring our VMS to inform road users and visitors of information that helps keep everyone safe and moving efficiently. 

During this time of year, we don’t just work hard, but we also ensure that we enjoy the festivities, giving Christmas the celebration it deserves! 

This year we have many exciting and new things happening, from our daily online advent calendar to some exciting staff announcements coming up, we have a lot to celebrate as both MVIS and Bartco UK enter an exciting new era. 

We started Christmas with the amazing Lighthouse Christmas Lunch, taking place at the Derbyshire County Cricket Club on 29th November, setting Christmas off to a great start. At this amazing charity fundraiser, we were entertained by singers, a comedian and of course the hilarious ‘fines’ that charged attendees for dress code infractions.  The meal that was served was delicious, with crackers, Christmas jokes, party hats and funny prizes on offer, it made Christmas dinner in late November a sure winner. 

MVIS was proud to not only attend this event, but also to sponsor it.

Keep an eye out on our website and social media for all the latest news this Christmas! 

MVIS doubles down on vehicle safety for Road Safety Week

Road Safety Week takes place this year from 18th – 24th November and is organised by road safety charity, Brake. The annual occasion is the biggest road safety awareness event in the UK, with thousands of companies, organisations, educational institutions and wider communities taking part in road safety demonstrations, exciting events and information screenings, all with the focus of raising road safety awareness.

Road Safety Week 2019

During Road Safety Week, the police often take the opportunity to conduct roadside checks of vehicles in order to highlight the importance of keeping your vehicle properly maintained, offering advice to drivers and running speed checks on traffic, with the message that speeding is a major cause of accidents and contributes to more deaths on the road than is acceptable.

Few causes mean as much to MVIS as road safety, being a central foundation for our business. Many of our ITS products are designed specifically with road safety in mind, covering road works, traffic management, speed enforcement and other general road safety concerns. What’s more is that not only does our business surround the importance of road safety, but so do our team’s lives, who are often required to go out into the field on highways up and down the country to conduct maintenance on our units.

MVIS in the field

With this in mind, it is of extreme importance to us that our own company vehicles are maintained properly, and this week marks a perfect prompt to run even more thorough checks on our vehicles than usual. Vehicle safety is an aspect we do not take lightly anyway, even on a normal day, with the company requiring our delivery drivers to perform daily and driver change fleet checks on all vehicles with no exception. However, during Road Safety Week, the MVIS team take this opportunity to do tremendously thorough checks that go above and beyond the already strict requirements.

Ensuring that all vehicle, road safety and first aid equipment is present and in working order, MVIS vehicles are certain to have had checks on their brakes, lights, tires, water, oil and other fluids, all as part of a list of 63 checks that employees must check daily before they can leave our premises.

You can do your part for Road Safety Week yourself in many ways, such as fundraising for or donating to the road safety charity Brake, or by simply doing stringent checks on your vehicles, business or personal.

For more information about Road Safety Week, check out their website.

MVIS Stand Out in Hi-Vis for World Mental Health Day

This World Mental Health Day, MVIS  Ltd and Bartco UK are saying #HelloYellow in support of the charity Youngminds to show young people they’re not alone with their mental health. Everyone at the companies did their bit, donning the ‘loud and proud’ Hi-Vis clothing that couldn’t say #HelloYellow in any better way.

Kyle giving Tom a cuddle on World Mental Health Day

Mental health is an issue that is particularly close to MVIS and Bartco UK; suicide claims an alarming number of lives each year, with many in the Highways and Construction industries. As transport safety is one of the main cornerstones at MVIS and Bartco UK, there is no denying the moral obligation the two companies have in raising awareness of this to help make the industry safer for everyone.

There are wider obligations tied to MVIS and Bartco UK in the fact that suicide is the biggest killer of men aged between 20 and 49, with three quarters of registered deaths in 2018 being among men, which has been the case since the mid-1990s. It is well known that the Highways and Transport industries are heavy employers of men, so when research from a Samaritans survey uncover that 41% of men still don’t seek mental health support when they need it, something must be done to remedy this with more young men joining these ever increasing industries.

So, in support of this cause on World Mental Health Day 2019, the MVIS and Bartco UK team donated money and wore hi-vis yellow clothing in support of Youngmind’s #HelloYellow campaign, which encourages businesses to wear yellow at work to raise awareness.

Anne Ashman, the General Manager and one of two Mental Health First Aiders for both MVIS and Bartco UK comments ‘It’s always great to be involved in events that are clearly so important, to us, to our industry and to wider society. Too many people are affected by suicide and with an issue that is so close to our business, we felt this campaign was perfect to take part in to help raise awareness and make our contribution to such a worthy cause.’

Useful Links and Support:
Youngminds – Parents Helpline – 0808 802 5544
Samaritans – Support Helpline – 116 123
CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) – 0800 58 58 58
NHS Mental Health Support – Advice on access to mental health services

Zero Incidents in 8 years as the industry buys into ‘Aim For Zero’

The Highways England ‘Aiming for Zero’ programme targets those working on the Highways England network who are directly at risk from road users.

Companies within the industry have aligned with Highways England on this, as the aim for zero incidents via a focus on worker safety has come to the fore.

Roadworker safety: Highways England’s Aiming For Zero programme

The Aiming for Zero programme:

  • Sets a clear goal for the Agency’s health and safety performance
  • Confirms Highways England’s leadership role in the industry
  • Brings together health and safety work across the whole business

MVIS and Bartco UK are dedicated to ‘Aim for Zero’ to fall in line with both Highways England and Tier 1 contractors across the network.

The companies place safety at the heart of their operations, with in-house, on-site and off-site training, holding regular briefings and safety workshops as well as attending site instruction meetings.

MVIS and Bartco UK are proud to be able to state that they are both zero-incident companies. This exemplary safety record goes right back to day 1 of the businesses meaning zero incidents is an ‘ever’ statement and not a ‘this year’ statement.

Anne Ashman, General Manager of MVIS and Bartco UK spoke to us about the prized ‘0’ as well as the approach to safety that keeps it intact:

“We invest heavily in our safety ethos to do all we can to remain on zero incidents. Safety is at the centre of the 2 companies, with our ethos ‘Safe Mind, Work Safe, Work Well’ leading the way internally.

“We make sure we support our workforce with site safety workshops, courses and briefings as it’s paramount everyone that goes out on the roads for MVIS or Bartco UK gets home safely at the end of the shift.

“In September, I’ll be starting my NEBOSH (National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health) to carry on working on continual improvement of our safety practices and protocols.”



Company Ethos puts safety at the centre of its universe

As part of their ever-growing commitment to health, safety and wellbeing, MVIS has recently introduced their Safe Mind initiative.

MVIS, along with sister company Bartco UK, recognise Health, Safety and Wellbeing in every task they complete. Plainly put:  It is their most important value.

To ensure they keep staff, customers and stakeholders safe, just a few of the things they implement are:

  • Daily checks on all units and vehicles before they leave the depot.
  • Call ahead to the site traffic safety control officers in advance of site visits.
  • Use Full personal protective equipment (PPE) and traffic management for every site visit.
  • Risk assessments completed by delivery team prior to deployment.
  • Near Misses Reported and Investigated.
  • Monthly in-house toolbox talks.
  • Distribution of site contractors H&S briefings.
  • CSCS training.

Safe Mind - Work Safe, Work Well

MVIS have 75% of staff first aid qualified, in addition to 90% of staff having the health & safety CSCS.

The company also have 2 mental health first aiders, along with 20% IOSH trained team members to ensure all departments have someone who is fully aware of the H&S standards they need to meet.

Recently, MVIS were awarded the 45001:2018 ISO. As an SME with 19 employees across two companies, this is something MVIS and Bartco UK are extremely proud of.

With this accreditation, new safer systems of working, measurability, and continual improvement are in place to ensure MVIS get everyone home safely at the end of every single workday. This is communicated throughout the company because as General Manager Anne Ashman explains “We need buy in from the top down to the bottom, and everyone has an equal part to play.”

The MVIS ideas board. Safe Mind is a well and truly thought out ethos
The MVIS ideas board. Safe Mind is a well and truly thought out ethos


“There are two internally trained mental health first aiders, and how the company speaks about the impact of mental health is brilliant in order to raise awareness and reduce the stigma surrounding mental health issues.

“The construction industry has an alarming suicide rate in men and the work being done here to help was a hugely satisfying discovery to make when joining MVIS. The attitude to wellbeing is top drawer.”

Through their Safe Mind: Work Safe, Work Well campaign, MVIS are encouraging all staff members to always have a well state of mind, and if not, to come and talk to one of the in-house mental health first aiders.

Anne added:

“We aim to make sure that our staff always work in a safe manner, be it on site or in the office, and if they do then they will have a far greater potential for being well both physically and mentally.

“Staff wellbeing can only be enhanced by the peace of mind that comes with knowing we have trained mental health first aiders, and a ‘safety first’ attitude for both on and off-site works.”

“We may be an SME, but we believe in leading the way. So, why shouldn’t we promote and encourage the same values and targets as the large construction companies we work with? As an SME it is equally important to get the message across, if not more important. We have less resources, so need to ensure the whole team look out for both each other, and external parties.”

Sustainability isn’t all about production and distribution

As companies continually look for ways to become greener, MVIS has taken a further step in their approach to sustainability by incorporating a bee house at their HQ in Matlock, Derbyshire.

The bee house is on the wall at MVIS HQ
The bee house is on the wall at MVIS HQ

‘Just’ one bee house (for now) it may be, but with some species under threat in Britain, MVIS are doing their bit to take action for the benefit of everybody, and not just the company.

Bees play a key part in the ability to grow food crops and around a third of bees and hoverflies across the UK are in decline. While some pollination is carried out by honeybees in hives, much of the pollination of food crops and wild plants is carried out by their wild relatives and other insects, especially hoverflies.

“Every square kilometre in the UK has lost an average of 11 species of bee and hoverfly, between 1980 and 2013, according to the new analysis,” said Dr Lynn Dicks of the University of East Anglia.

Matt Shardlow, chief executive of the charity Buglife, said the new paper provides further evidence that our pollinators are in trouble and that the health of our environment and food supply cannot be taken for granted.

“Solitary bees, rare bees and bees and hoverflies that live in the uplands are in particular trouble and need urgent help,”  he said.

Anne Ashman, MVIS General Manager told us:

“We’re always looking internally at ways we can make our operation more sustainable and friendlier on the environment. So, we took a look at things we could do that go beyond just us as a business.


“Someone in the office made reference to an article they read regarding bees, and their decline in number across the UK as well as the consequences that this could have if it continues. So, we thought – why not? Let’s get a bee house and encourage pollination”

MVIS were awarded with the accreditation of ISO 14001:2015 Environmental in March 2017 ISO 14001 is the international standard that specifies requirements for an effective environmental management system (EMS).

Above the flower bed the bee house proudly sits
Above the flower bed the bee house proudly sits


Anne continued:
“Being accredited with ISO14001:2015 for our systems and processes, we feel it’s a company duty to continue to explore ways we can continually work towards being greener and as environmentally friendly as possible.

“We try and buy as much as we can locally for both environmental reasons, as well as keeping the local economy sustainable. We develop solar powered products and are opening a new depot to reduce travel times and carbon footprint.

“We also reuse what we can, wherever we can, and use Beavertails so that we can carry out deliveries of multiple units with one vehicle rather than two- again reducing carbon footprint.”

Safe Mind: Work Safe, Work Well

Our Ethos

As part of our growing commitment to health, safety and wellbeing, we’ve recently introduced our Safe Mind initiative.

MVIS, along with our sister company Bartco UK, recognise Health, Safety and Wellbeing in every task we complete.  It is the most important value within our workplace. 

To ensure we keep staff, customers and stakeholders safe, just a few of the thing we complete are:

  • Daily checks on all units and vehicles before they leave the depot.
  • Call ahead to the site traffic safety control officers in advance of site visits.
  • Use Full personal protective equipment (PPE) and traffic management for every site visit.
  • Risk assessments completed by delivery team prior to deployment.
  • Near Misses Reported and Investigated.
  • Monthly in-house toolbox talks.
  • Distribution of site contractors H&S briefings.
  • CSCS training.

We have 75% of staff first aid qualified, in addition to 90% of staff having the health & safety CSCS.

We also have 2 mental health first aiders, along with 20% IOSH trained team members to ensure all departments have someone who is fully aware of the H&S standards we need to meet.

Recently we were awarded the 45001:2018 ISO. As an SME with 19 employees across two companies we are extremely proud of this. 

However, this brings with it new safer systems of working, measurability, and continual improvement to ensure we get everyone home safely. This is communicated throughout the company, we need buy in from the bottom to the top.

Through our Safe Mind: Work Safe, Work Well campaign we are encouraging all staff members to always have a safe state of mind, and if not, to come and talk to one of the in-house mental health first aiders we have.

We aim to make sure that our staff always work in a safe manner, be it on site or in the office, and if they do then they will have a far greater potential for working well. 

Staff wellbeing can only be enhanced by the peace of mind that comes with knowing we have trained mental health first aiders, and a ‘safety first’ attitude for both on and off-site works.

This message aligns with the site safety that all the main contractors are trying to achieve of Zero Tolerance of accidents within construction.

Anne Ashman General Manager commented: “We may be an SME, but we believe in leading the way. So, why shouldn’t we promote and encourage the same values and targets as the large construction companies we work with? As an SME it is equally important to get the message across, if not more important. We have less resources, so need to ensure the whole team look out for both each other, and external parties.”