Tom Hooton

Since the 6th of January 2014, I have worked at MVIS and have been a working electrician in the workshop.

Working with the company has been a great opportunity for me and I have loved the journey through MVIS and Bartco UK until we became MVIS.

Working in R&D has been an experience and I enjoy working with my team to forward MVIS products and innovate our Solutions.

Outside of work religiously follow the Rugby and even used to play. I also enjoy spending time with my family and seeing my kids grow.

Liam Griffiths

I have been at MVIS the better part of 4 years, when starting at MVIS it was my aim to better myself and grow alongside the company.

This has been something I have been able to achieve due to the company putting faith in me and training me in different areas. Having worked in the workshop and moving into the role of Delivery Technician I have a keen knowledge of all the products and roads around England. I am excited to see what else I can achieve in the future of this company.

Outside of work I like to visit one of my favourite theme parks, Alton Towers. I have visited this park every year at Halloween for Scare Fest so I can ride the attractions at night. I also like to work on my car and spend many lates night working on it with friends in the garage.

Jacob Spencer

I started my apprenticeship at MVIS in 2019, ever since then I have been supported by the team and I have been able to grow with the company.

I have been able to assist the team in the workshop for five years attributing to some of the companies’ bigger jobs, while doing my apprenticeship, I had the honour of being the MVIS Workshop Assistant, but recently I was moved into the R&D team assisting Tom in improving the technology that is going to assist MVIS’ future.

Outside of my time at work, I find myself at home watching Football or playing games and if I am not there I am out drinking with my friends in Nottingham, one of our favourite spots.

Rob Hinchley

I am looking forward to working with the team at MVIS as working on their products is a new challenge that I am prepared to approach.

Having started working for MVIS in 2024 I was more than ready to learn about the sector having worked as an electrician in previous jobs.

Outside of work, I enjoy going to the gym and keeping myself fit and healthy for my family. I enjoy spoiling my daughter and ensuring she has the best upbringing I can give her, recently we went to the Harry Potter Experience in London.