CCTV: Securing Working Sites and Preventing Trespassing

What is the problem?

Trespassing is common on any construction or quarry site. Large sites that are unmonitored are often targets for threats as there will be no evidence of them on that site, other than word of mouth.

When being subject to trespassing, companies need preparation for these threats:

  • Damage of Company Assets – when a worksite shuts over an evening all company assets are being left unattended. Meaning they are susceptible to threats trespassing and potentially damaging assets.
  • Health and Safety of bystanders – if someone is to enter a site it is the companies responsibility to ensure they are safe. Whether it be a pedestrian, trespasser or a staff member. Injured members of the public can end in legal issue and furthermore be damaging to your company…
  • Damage to reputation – damage of a company asset effects the day to day of a company. Damage of reputation is a long lasting effect that could takes months to years to recuperate. If a bystander is injured on site, your company becomes associated with this.
What is the solution?.. CCTV

CCTV can be as simple as implementing a watchful eye over a site, while also deterring public from trespassing. The presence of a CCTV unit on site will deter most people at the thought of there being evidence against them if they pose a threat.

If the public aren’t deterred, CCTV will give you evidence to there whereabouts and what has happened. This can help in cases of proving someone has entered your site without permission. Also helping with protecting your site if a member of the public is injured while walking onto site.

All different Variations of a MVIS CCTV, five different images.

Why Choose an MVIS CCTV?

MVIS are dedicated to supplying the highest quality cameras possible and ensuring that customers are receiving the platinum level service.

Our innovation the MVIS Portable Solar Powered Site & Compound CCTV is perfect for alerting construction workers to trespassers onto their site, meaning they can then implement a safety measure against threats. Alerts are sent to the assigned person, such as security guards or site managers.

MVIS Portable Solar Powered Site & Compound CCTV in action:

Read about Compound CCTV here >

What does Platinum level service mean to you?

Over the last decade, since our inception, MVIS have built an outstanding reputation across the highways sector for providing excellent service to its customers on all projects.

No matter the size or customer, we adopt the ‘no task is too small’ approach on its mission to deliver a level of service it can only define as ‘platinum’. MVIS has always valued its customers and has built some excellent long-standing relationships on the back of its commitment to service as well as its products. To showcase this commitment, MVIS proudly stand by their ‘Platinum Service Promise’ .

The MVIS Platinum service promise delivers. The MVIS quality & service document serves to outline what the company considers to be ‘Platinum Level Service’ and also highlights just how special its services are.

MVIS has always held fantastic relationships with its clients, and the company regularly receives positive feedback and comments crediting it for one of the aspects listed in the quality & service document. Each time a customer approaches MVIS with enthusiastic comments about its service, MVIS see this not just as an opportunity to celebrate its collective achievement, but also to reinforce this standard of service within the team. Reinforcing standards in moments of praise makes gives it special emphasis and reinforces a message from a positive position rather than trying to react to a negative one. This aids with staff feeling appreciated, delivers job satisfaction and rewards their hard work.

We spoke to a number of MVIS employees about their view on what platinum service is, and how it fits into their own specific roles.

We asked, “What does Platinum Level Service mean to you?”

Anne Ashman, UK Group Commercial and Operations Director comments:

“The Platinum Service Promise is a symbol of our commitment to service and customers. We have thought long and hard about a way we can demonstrate this, culminating in this promise to clients to always give them our very best. We are incredibly proud of our service record and the positive comments we receive from our customers.”

Anne continued:

“With that said, it’s vital that we never lose sight of the importance of continuous improvement. Our Platinum Service Promise works in conjunction with our customer’s comments and internal audits to keep us on our toes, make us accountable and give us an opportunity to work on areas that may need another look. Having this trusting relationship with our customers allows us to consistently cater to their needs so we don’t miss anything as their needs evolve.”

Jon Larkins, Midlands Delivery Hub Supervisor added:

“We know the moment we leave HQ that we are representing MVIS – and therefore carry an expected standard with us. That standard being platinum. Whether it’s the quality of our maintenance work, right through to how we interact with other contractors on site or the passing public – nothing short of outstanding will do.”

With Anne and Jon both well established as part of the MVIS team, serving 10 and 5 years respectively, what’s expected is ingrained in their day-to-day operations.

For a perspective from those not so experienced, a more newcomer perspective is offered by Clair Tranter and Mia Maycock, both in MVIS’ Customer Relations team. Both recent recruits, Clair and Mia explained to us how the bar was set upon joining the company, and what platinum service means to them.

Clair told us:

“I was left in no doubt throughout the recruitment process with MVIS that ‘client centric’ is absolutely the ethos here. Our customers and the service we provide them comes above all. We do what we can, every day to assist their operations and provide something that’s unrivalled when it comes to service.”

April added:

“It was actually one of the main reasons that the role appealed to me. Working in customer relations, there has to be a passion for service, so coming into a company that places customer satisfaction above all was a great fit. It’s very clear to me how MVIS has garnered such a strong reputation when it comes to its levels of service, as everyone in the business knows it’s priority number one. Now I’m looking forward to playing my part in delivering that platinum promise myself.”




The Ideal Air Quality Monitoring Network

Last Summer we teamed up with Catplant Quarry in Doncaster to provide them with a bespoke traffic management and safety solution for vehicles coming in and out of their one-way track at the waste disposal area of the quarry. Catplant had multiple lorries driving into the area, which had limited space, causing a backup of vehicles with no area to turn around, leading to congestion and safety issues in all areas of the quarry.

A solution was required that allowed only one vehicle into the unloading area at a time, allowing the lorry to unload, turn around safely, and exit before the next vehicle drove into the area. MVIS supplied a Variable Message Sign (VMS) which allowed the driver to remotely activate a message on the VMS, instructing a “NEXT VEHICLE” message and a further “WAIT HERE” instruction. However, due to poor connectivity within the quarry, the standard mobile app could not be used to operate the VMS. As a result, we implemented an alternative solution – a remote fob with a direct connection to the sign, allowing the driver to control it simply, at the press of a button.

Alongside this, we also provided Catplant with a trial of our Environmental Sensor. This clever little addition to our VMS is able to measure dust pollution, air quality and decibel readings. 

The Environmental Sensor can even measure levels of hydrogen sulfide. Hydrogen sulfide causes irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat. With moderate levels causing headache, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting, as well as coughing and difficulty in breathing.

Higher levels can cause shock, convulsions, coma, and in the worst cases, death. This solution is a low-cost system that offers the ability to build a high-density ambient air quality monitoring network that records data in real-time.

To speak to our dedicated and knowledgeable team about buying or hiring a VMS with Environmental Sensor, you can call 01629 580570 or email:

Paving the Way with Solar-Powered Solutions

In today’s fast-paced world, the push for sustainability has become more crucial than ever. As one of the UK’s leading providers of portable VMS & Intelligent Transport Solutions (ITS), we have taken a significant step towards a greener future by ensuring that all our solutions are solar-powered.

We have placed great emphasis on sustainability and environmental factors since our inception in 2012, and a fully solar powered fleet is one of the major elements of our sustainability policy.

Harnessing Solar Power for a Cleaner Environment…

The first and most apparent benefit of using solar power is its positive impact on the environment. By harnessing the sun’s energy, our solutions significantly reduce reliance on fossil fuels and decrease greenhouse gas emissions. Solar-powered  solutions such as Variable Message Signs and CCTV towers not only operate efficiently but also do so with minimal environmental impact.

The Road to Net Zero

The UK highways sector plays a crucial role in achieving the country’s ambitious environmental targets on the road to net zero emissions. As a key player in this sector, we have recognised the importance of adopting sustainable practices to align with the UK’s environmental goals. By utilising solar-powered ITS solutions, we help the highways sector transition to a more sustainable and eco-friendly future.

Human Factors

In addition to environmental benefits, solar-powered ITS solutions have a positive impact on the wellbeing of operatives working on the UK’s highways. A sustainable factor often overlooked is human sustainability – with environmental and economic factors often placed number 1 & 2 in the priority list.

By eradicating the need for frequent battery changes, our solar-powered devices reduce the exposure of workers to potentially hazardous conditions on the busy roads. This not only promotes the health and safety of operatives but also contributes to increased operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

“Solar is incredibly important to us.” Says MVIS Sales Director Graeme Lee.

“As the UK, and the UK highways sect strives to achieve its environmental targets and work towards a net-zero future, MVIS continues to lead the way, and we’re extremely proud to be able to say that our entire fleet runs from solar energy.

“Whilst we’ve always had an eye on our environmental impact – it shouldn’t be lost that the solar model also keeps our people out of harms way, as well as reduces exposure to any potential abuse whilst on a scheme or site.

“Sustainability is not just a buzzword to us, but a core value driving real change. We continue to learn and evolve and act accordingly – in both our product range and the way in which we deliver it, never losing sight of how our people fit into that equation too.”


The Cost Saving Way to Revolutionise Air Quality Monitoring on the UK’s Roads

MVIS is a company known for our expertise in providing portable VMS units & ITS solutions and now, once more, we are at the forefront of innovation with the introduction of our environmental sensor. The sensor, which can be seamlessly integrated into any of our products, enables clients to monitor the external environment and gather comprehensive air pollution data.

By combining advanced technology with a strong focus on sustainability, we are bringing our own values into our product range by providing a solution that revolutionises air quality monitoring at a time when hitting key environmental targets are a hot topic for the industry.

Recognising the urgent need to address environmental issues, we have made a concerted effort to develop solutions that align with its own commitment to sustainability. The environmental sensor is a testament to this dedication, providing clients with a powerful tool to monitor air pollution and make informed decisions regarding safety and environmental impact.

Enhancing Air Quality Monitoring

The ITS Integrated Environmental Sensor can be seamlessly combined with any of our ITS solutions, enabling our clients to monitor air quality in real-time. This innovative device utilises the latest generation of electrochemical sensor technology and LoRaWAN communication to collect and record data securely onto an online dashboard. With low power

 demands, the sensor is ideal for various applications, including temporary deployments where cost-effective and high-density ambient air quality monitoring is required.

The Environmental Sensor’s adaptability offers a cost-effective alternative to static air quality monitoring stations. Its versatility of being able to integrate with our entire product range allows clients to cover more space efficiently without compromising data accuracy. Whether it’s monitoring air pollution in urban areas, construction sites, or event locations, the sensor provides a discreet and simple solution that integrates seamlessly.

The knock-on cost-saving benefit? There is no need for an additional air quality monitor unit on site.

Data and Analysis

Data collected from the Environmental Sensor is displayed in real-time on an online management dashboard. Each unit’s status is clearly presented, allowing clients to monitor multiple sensors at once. The dashboard provides easy-to-read dials for quick insights, while more detailed graphs enable clients to analyse minute-by-minute and day-by-day data trends. This granular level of data truly puts decision makers in the know when it comes to understanding air quality patterns. This in turn enables more easily being able to identify potential issues and implement measures for improved environmental management.


Speaking of the sensor, MVIS Group Commercial & Operations Director, Anne Ashman, told us:

“The highways sector is facing more and more pressure to decarbonise, and we’ve seen a huge increase in focus across the industry compared to say, 5 years ago. Sustainability has been a pillar of our business since 2012, and providing a product such as the environmental sensor is an extension of who we are and the values we hold dear.

“By making the sensor available to our customers, it means they have a cost-effective, easily integrated solution to provide the date that can aid them in meeting the targets required by our industry.”

Solutions for site theft – helping to solve TM’s problem

Highways worksites are notorious for being targeted by thieves, and the cost of theft can be a huge financial burden for companies operating in this sector.

The cost of theft on highways worksites can be significant, both in terms of the value of the stolen assets and the cost of replacing them. This creates a conundrum for companies operating in this sector – should they increase their costs to account for the possibility of theft, or simply accept the cost of replacing stolen assets when it occurs?

Alternatively, can other solutions be implemented to deter theft to begin with?

Fortunately, we have a range of products that can help prevent theft and provide peace of mind for those working on highways projects.

One of our standout products in this regard is our solar IP CCTV tower. This tower is equipped with high-quality cameras that provide 360-degree coverage of the worksite, ensuring that any suspicious activity is captured on camera. The tower is also solar-powered, meaning that it can operate even in areas where there is no access to mains electricity.

The solar IP CCTV tower is an ideal solution for worksites that require a security presence. However, it’s not always necessary or practical to have a large CCTV unit in place. For these situations, we offer a compact portable CCTV unit that can be easily deployed where a smaller footprint is required, or in arenas where the units may be required to be moved around the worksite as needed.

In addition to its CCTV solutions, we also offer a range of other products that can help prevent theft on highways worksites. For example, the company’s portable VMS units can display warnings to potential thieves – including messages regarding the presence of CCTV in operation.

By trusting in MVIS, traffic management companies can take a proactive approach to preventing theft and reducing the associated costs. Not only do these products help to deter thieves, but they also provide valuable evidence in the event of a theft occurring.

In conclusion, theft is a major concern for companies operating on highways worksites, and it’s important to take steps to prevent it from occurring. Our range of products, including the solar IP CCTV tower and compact portable CCTV unit, are an ideal solution to this problem, providing a reliable and cost-effective way to deter thieves and protect valuable assets. By investing in these products, companies can reduce the risk of theft and ensure that their projects are completed on time and within budget.


Our Variable Message Signs are manufactured with the sole purpose of getting your message across. Both the VMS-A and the VMS-C display full graphics and pictograms and are perfect for a plethora of uses.

But which Variable Message Sign is better for you?

Manufactured in house at MVIS, the VMS-A is perfect for urban settings and road works with speed zones of up to 50MPH.

Used as a stand-alone temporary VMS it can be paired with a radar to detect traffic and display messages such as, ‘Slow Down’ or ‘Too fast’.

The VMS-A’s compact size and adjustable legs means it has a smaller footprint. So, it won’t take up as much room, and as a result is reliable under all conditions.

Although similar in function the VMS-C is bigger and made for all roads with speeds over 60mph. Its adjustable legs give the sign the ability to become more stable while expanding its surface area.

Customers can program the sign remotely using a simple SMS, direct serial connection, or  our live web-based interface, changing messages on the VMS from the comfort of the office.

Pictures of the VMS-A and VMS-C, MVIS two types of VMS.

A LED Sign from MVIS will always be the most reliable way to get your message across, with our Platinum Level Service and our advice on the Intelligent Transport Solution that Is perfect for you.

Compact Portable CCTV brings mobility and flexibility to worksite security

As a company we pride ourselves on innovative products. From cutting-edge technology to intelligent design, we consistently push the boundaries of what is possible. Our products are not only functional and reliable, but our CCTV set the standard for the industry.

Whether it’s our flagship 5 Colour VMS products or a newly developed solution, our products are always at the forefront of technology. With an emphasis on Research & Development and a strong commitment to quality, we take immense pride in being a leader in our field, and as a company, continue to innovate, bringing mobility and flexibility to on site monitoring.

CCTV (closed-circuit television) is important on a work site for several reasons:

  • Security: CCTV cameras can be used to monitor the work site for potential security breaches, such as theft or vandalism, allowing for quick response and potentially deterring criminal activity.
  • Safety: CCTV cameras can be used to monitor the work site for potential safety hazards, such as workers not wearing proper protective gear or equipment being used improperly. This can help to identify and address potential safety issues before they lead to accidents or injuries.
  • Compliance: CCTV cameras can be used to ensure that the work site is in compliance with relevant regulations and laws. For example, CCTV footage can be used to verify that workers are following proper safety procedures or that the site is being used in accordance with zoning regulations.
  • Evidence: CCTV footage can be used as evidence in the event of an incident, such as an accident or criminal activity. This can be valuable in determining fault and liability and can also be used in legal proceedings.
  • Monitoring: CCTV cameras can be used to monitor the work site for construction progress, allowing for remote monitoring of the project. This can be useful for project managers, contractors and architects to check on their project and make sure everything is going as planned.
  • Overall, CCTV cameras provide a sense of security and can serve as an important tool for maintaining safety, compliance, and security on a work site.

The MVIS Compact CCTV

Our Compact CCTV product is a great choice for worksites for a variety of reasons:

  • Solar powered – Meaning that it does not rely on traditional power sources, making it more versatile and cost-effective in remote locations.
  • Small footprint – Meaning that it can be placed in a variety of locations without taking up too much space.
  • Clever outdoor surveillance camera – Boasts an ultra-wide viewing angle of 355° pan & 140° tilt, providing a comprehensive view of the worksite, which is perfect for monitoring large areas or keeping an eye on multiple points of interest.

Additionally, it connects through Vodafone 4G, which means that you can access the footage remotely, allowing you to keep an eye on your worksite even when you are not physically present.

The MVIS Compact CCTV product also offers 1080p HD at 15 frames per second and a 6 x Digital Zoom, which provides clear and detailed footage, making it easy to identify any potential issues.

Finally, it has a 10m Night Vision range, which means it can capture clear footage even in low light conditions, providing peace of mind that your worksite is being monitored 24/7.

Graeme Lee, MVIS’ Sales Director commented:

The MVIS Compact CCTV is a great choice for worksites due to its solar-powered design, small footprint, ultra-wide viewing angle, 4G connectivity, high-resolution footage and night vision capabilities. It is a reliable, cost-effective, and versatile option for monitoring your worksite. It’s also yet another innovation that we’re extremely proud of.”

Compact Solar IP Brings New Solutions to Urban Works

Recent years have seen the development of our Compact Solar IP, a solar powered ‘compact’ base that can be integrated with other technology to power it and make it portable.

The base was first developed for our HD Compact VMS, the smallest solar powered variable message sign in our range and a pioneering solution for the industry. Since the HD Compact’s launch, we have developed more technologies with the compact base, giving rise to a whole new solution that offers many of the benefits that our full sized Solar IP does, serving as an industrial portable solar power bank – only smaller.

The small footprint of the Compact Solar IP allows it to be deployed in locations where the Solar IP can’t be, primarily in locations where space may be limited, such as for urban works. As a result, the solutions developed alongside the Compact Solar IP have been with these customers in mind, making technologies portable for urban workers that help increase safety.

HD Compact VMS

The first of our solutions to use the Compact Solar IP was the HD Compact VMS, which began to feature this base in 2020 on its second version after nearly 4 years of development, bringing it in line with our other solar powered VMS units and allowing us to offer a fully solar powered VMS range in different sizes.

As a solution, the HD Compact offers the industry a lightweight, portable, solar powered message sign that features a dual colour (red and white) display.

Its small footprint and adjustable height make it highly versatile, especially considering the display content can be updated remotely via our web-based portal or mobile app.

With hidden cabling, this unit is secured against vandalism or accidental damage and benefits from the data collection radar integrated in all our signs.

Compact CCTV

A more recent development, the Compact CCTV integrates the Compact Solar IP with wire-free CCTV offering increased portability and a reduced footprint compared to other solutions.

This outdoor surveillance camera boasts an ultra-wide viewing angle of 355° pan & 140° tilt and connects through Vodafone 4G. Offering 1080p HD at 15 frames per second and a 6x Digital Zoom, this camera performs well for a range of applications, made even more impressive by the 10m Night Vision range.

Its PIR (passive infrared) detection distance is up to 10m too and when combined with the 90° Horizontal PIR detecting angle, this camera is a highly capable solution for security, monitoring work zones and anything else that requires an outdoor HD camera.

This unit is especially useful for urban works, as the full-sized Solar IP can often have a footprint too large for urban work sites, limiting its use in such projects. The Compact CCTV has been developed to address this limitation, allowing site managers to still have eyes on the ground even when there is limited space.

Compact Environmental Sensor

Another recent solution we have developed is our Compact Environmental Sensor, which integrates the Compact Solar IP with an ITS Environmental Sensor, offering clients the ability to monitor the external environment and produce a wide range of air pollution data that can be used to inform and direct on issues of air pollution safety.

This solution is a low-cost system that offers the ability to build a high-density ambient air quality monitoring network that records data in real-time. Perfect for temporary applications, this solution offers a very low cost alternative to static Air Quality monitoring stations and allows clients to cover more space, quickly and cost effectively.

This product’s bespoke hardware is manufactured in the UK and uses the latest generation of electrochemical sensor technology and LoRaWAN communication to collect and record real-time data onto its secure online dashboard.

For more information about our Compact Solar IP or if you would like to know more about how you can use our products to help with your project, please contact us via our contact form.

Alternatively, you can email us via

Portable CCTV Brings Benefits to the Security Industry

Surveillance is a growing and important aspect of keeping society safe, with a wide range of applications from monitoring construction zones to influencing behaviour or enforcing laws. One of the best avenues for surveillance is CCTV, which has been an integral part of the security industry for a long time, offering a cheaper, safer and more efficient solution than having a physical presence.

For many, CCTV is proven to be a reliable solution. However, there are many applications within this industry where fixed CCTV is not a viable solution. For temporary or roaming security projects, a fixed CCTV system could end up being highly expensive or impractical.

MVIS supply portable CCTV solutions that are ideal for such applications, offering superior products in many ways to fixed iterations.

Compact Portable CCTV

The Compact CCTV integrates wire-free CCTV with our solar powered Compact Base, offering increased portability and a reduced footprint compared to other solutions.

This outdoor surveillance camera boasts an ultra-wide viewing angle of 355° pan & 140° tilt and connects through Vodafone 4G. Offering 1080p HD at 15 frames per second and a 6x Digital Zoom, this camera performs well for a range of applications, made even more impressive by the 10m Night Vision range.

Its PIR (passive infrared) detection distance is up to 10m too and when combined with the 90° Horizontal PIR detecting angle, this camera is a highly capable solution for security, monitoring work zones and anything else that requires an outdoor HD camera.

This unit is especially useful for projects where space is limited, as the full-sized Solar IP can often have a footprint too large for urban work sites, limiting its use in such projects. The Compact CCTV has been developed to address this limitation, allowing site managers to still have eyes on the ground even when there is limited space.


Our Portable CCTV VMS Solution discreetly integrates an IP65 HD CCTV camera with our VMS-A, allowing you to have eyes on the ground without having to be physically present on-site, creating a surveillance and feedback solution that can be used to monitor and respond to situations quickly.

As a tried and tested traffic / crowd control solution, the original 5-colour Bartco portable VMS are often used by councils, retail, events management and many other industries to communicate vital information and safety messages all over the UK.

Featuring a 5-colour LED display for text or pictograms, the VMS-A is versatile and requires no external power source.

Messages can be updated remotely by your team or ours, via a web-based portal that can publish changes in seconds, allowing you to respond to the situation as it changes.

Integrating CCTV with our VMS allows you to monitor and record situations without having a member of staff physically there. The visible presence of CCTV is well known to influence behaviour and help enforce rules, allowing the combined use of these units to offer an effective information, surveillance and feedback solution.

Fitted with a VSIM from Vodafone as standard or compatible with any UK SIM card (purchased separately), users can connect to the camera using a smartphone or the Windows & Mac client.

Low Light CCTV

Our Portable Low Light CCTV has brought a new level of CCTV quality to portable applications. This product was made possible by the combination of The Invictus HD camera from 360 Vision with our Solar IP.

Producing an incredibly clear picture and performing excellently in low light conditions, this camera is low in power demands but still offers an HD image.

The Invictus HD camera itself offers a fully ruggedized housing, with exceptional build quality. The toughened optical glass window features a wiper and its Pan & Tilt gearbox is ultra-reliable and resilient. The defining feature, however, could be argued to be its integrated high-performance IR lights with intelligent control, which enables its powerful performance in low light conditions.

As a result of the low power demands of this unit, it is able to perform to extended run times, filling a strong market requirement for a CCTV product that is also portable, solar powered and has a much clearer image than seen in previous solutions on the market.

This unit is ideal for locations where night-time street lighting may be lacking, which could represent a potential serious risk for pedestrians. It is also ideal to help monitor events that take place in the dark or at night time, such as live performances.

All these solutions offer online monitoring platforms that allow users to monitor things in real time, helping them to stay responsive to situations as they occur. They are also able to record, equipping users with video evidence of incidents which is highly important to the security industry.

For more information about our Compact CCTV, CCTV VMS, or Low Light CCTV and how they can be applied to other applications in the security industry, please contact us via our contact form.

Alternatively, you can email us via

4 Ways the HD Compact VMS Increases Safety for Urban Works

Launched in 2016, the first iteration of the HD Compact VMS was the first portable VMS of its size available to the UK market. Since then, this unit has gone on to inspire competing solutions from competitors, with even them identifying just how popular it was.

MVIS and sister company Bartco UK are still leading the industry, with the HD Compact undergoing significant development since that first version. The latest version boasts many new features that competing units don’t, such as integrated solar power, placing our HD Compact miles ahead of alternative solutions, especially for urban works.

In this post, we shine a spotlight on 4 aspects that make the HD Compact excel in urban environments.

4. Small Footprint

As the smallest portable VMS in our range, the HD Compact boasts an impressively small footprint. Urban environments often have limited space for construction work or road maintenance, so when it comes to messaging, how site managers use that space is of critical concern.

With the HD Compact VMS, site managers do not need to compromise on messaging in the same way as they would for static signs. Using web browser or a mobile device, operators can programme or change messaging quickly and easily, creating cycled messages too that can communicate multiple messages using the same sign.

This allows more detailed information to be communicated without taking up anymore space, leaving room for other equipment that may help to increase safety, or simply by keeping the site’s area small, reducing the risk to workers, pedestrians and drivers.  

3. HD Display

Whilst this is a small unit, the HD Compact still boasts an impressive 28 x 28 matrix with a 20mm pixel pitch. This allows for the display to show a wide range of messaging and pictograms, enabling site managers to break down language barriers and communicate important messages effectively.

The display also features the best red and white dual colour LEDs, allowing messages to contain emphasis and display effective pictograms.

Using bright dynamic signs instead of dull static ones offers an obvious advantage in that messages are clear and stand out more, especially in the dark, which could help to increase safety at any time of the day.

2. Solar Power

Integrating solar power with our HD Compact V2 was a development that brought it in line with our other portable VMS, making our full VMS range solar powered. Due to the HD Compact’s very low power demands, solar power is a powerful addition to the unit, allowing it offer highly extended run times under the right conditions.

The addition of solar power reduces the need for battery changes which can be disruptive if the sign has been deployed in a dangerous or difficult to access location due to the surrounding works.

It also helps cut the project’s carbon footprint too. Reduced battery changes means a reduced number of trips from our nearest depot to the sign and then back again, minimising fuel use. This could be important for a company’s corporate social responsibility goals, as well as helping to cut down emissions seen in town and city centres, increasing safety for everyone.

1. Data Collection Radar

Like all our solar powered VMS, the HD Compact comes integrated with a Data Collection Radar that can collect traffic trend data on time, date and speed.

In urban environments, this can be of great use for planning and safety, allowing site managers to report on levels of traffic around the work site, which can highlight risks and allow them to take action on those risks.

Combined with the sign’s messaging capability, the Data Collection Radar makes this unit a perfect solution to deploy in the lead up to works being done, giving drivers warning of the disruption as well as collecting data on levels of traffic, allowing site managers to address risks before work even starts.

If you would like to learn more about our HD Compact VMS, please contact us via our contact form. Alternatively, you can call us on 01629 580 570 to speak to one of our friendly team, or you can email us via

Product Refocus: Low Light CCTV Camera with Solar IP

The Solar IP

solar ip with portable cctvOur Solar IP (Solar Intelligent Platform) has long been held as a valuable innovation to the market, bringing portability to technologies that are traditionally fixed due to power restrains. This has never been more apparent than since the development of one of our latest solutions, the Low Light CCTV Camera with Solar IP.

Offering a ‘portable power bank’ to these technologies, the potential of the Solar IP is virtually endless, providing companies the ability to power their technology using the Solar IP’s proprietary trailer based, solar power delivery system.

Using the latest in solar charging systems, the Solar IP can accommodate a 12V, 24V or 48V battery into the solution, as well as new 250W solar PV panels that are designed to optimise ultraviolet light in northern hemisphere locations.

Complete with a versatile 6m mast as standard, the Solar IP is ideal for integrating with a wide range of technologies such as ANPR, CCTV, Data Collection solutions and many more.

Portable Low Light CCTV

A great example of this is the innovative Portable Low Light CCTV product development that brought a new level of CCTV quality to portable applications. This product was made possible by the combination of The Invictus HD camera from 360 Vision with Bartco UK’s Solar IP.

Boasting an incredibly clear picture and performing excellently in low light conditions, 360 Vision have delivered a camera that is low in power demands but still offers an HD image, allowing the Research & Development Team at Bartco UK to work on integrating a power source in the form of our Solar IP.

The Invictus HD camera itself offers a fully ruggedized housing, with exceptional build quality. The toughened optical glass window features a wiper and its Pan & Tilt gearbox is ultra-reliable and resilient. The defining feature, however, could be argued to be its integrated high-performance IR lights with intelligent control, which enables its powerful performance in low light conditions.

As a result of the low power demands of this unit, it is able to perform to extended run times, filling a strong market requirement for a CCTV product that is also portable, solar powered and has a much clearer image than seen in previous solutions on the market.

The development brings a lot to safety, security and site management applications, allowing for the monitoring of areas even in low light. This is especially important in safety applications such as highways construction, where the low light could be a danger to workers and drivers alike.

For more information about our Low Light CCTV solution or Solar IP and how it can be adapted to integrate with your technology, please contact us via our contact form.

Alternatively, you can email us via