MVIS achieves Gold membership with Industry platforms

The last year has been a strange one for everyone, with many businesses forcing to close temporarily or in some cases, permanently, as the economy shifts to new ways of working, new priorities and a new world compared to the one we operated in until early 2020.

Despite this, MVIS have remained operational throughout the whole pandemic, using our solutions and service to help keep the nation safe with safety messaging and important notices. At the same time, we have also been hard at work in the background, looking to see if there is room for improvement of the service we provide to our customers in a variety of ways, from upskilling our team to achieving the very best in industry standard raising accreditations

One of the achievements we have earned recently is Gold Status in the Constructionline programme, which offers a platform for thousands of buyers in the construction industry that enforces an ethos of trust and quality amongst its members. Validating all members, the Constructionline platform is used by buyers to quickly find suppliers that will enable them to complete a whole range of projects in the industry by providing them with a pool of high quality suppliers that they can engage with confidently.

Achieving Gold status on this platform isn’t for everyone, with Gold membership requiring further validation checks using an enhanced prequalification questionnaire that goes beyond those involved in silver. Our credentials were assessed for environmental management, quality management, equal opportunities, modern slavery act adherence and anti-bribery and corruption policies.

Whilst achieving Gold status may seem like a high climb for many businesses, for MVIS, it was very achievable, having already worked toward these areas for various other certifications and of course, our ISO accreditations.

Not stopping there, we have also achieved Gold status in the Supply Chain Sustainability School, a platform that offers businesses extensive training around various sustainability, offsite, digital, procurement, lean and management topics relevant to the business environment.

With a strong focus on CPD through training workshops, networking events and e-learning modules, achieving Gold status is found through completing or using a number of these tools across the company to ensure that the skills taught within the programmes are taken on by companies as well as filtered throughout the business.

As it has helped us to think about our business from top to bottom, the policies and systems affected by the work we have done with the Supply Chain Sustainability School will, in turn, affect the whole organisation in terms of helping us towards our goal a more sustainability focussed business, with the added benefits of cost savings, reinforcing our reputation and increased safety for our team, our customers and the general public.

The more we work with the School, the more it trains our team to think in certain ways.

As time goes on and we take on more accreditations and memberships with these highly valuable platforms, we are building more than just our reputation. We are changing the way we operate at an organisational level that affects how we see and approach things as a business and as individuals in an ever evolving world.

We look forward to working on new opportunities to broaden our understanding in these so we can work towards providing a better service for our customers and a better world for everyone.

MVIS assists the local community with #ChallengeDerbyshire

As part of our commitment to our community, MVIS are always seeking ways we can assist local charities and causes, which has never been more important than it is now, having been dealing with the impact of COVID for a year now.

So vast is the impact, virtually no charities have been immune from the effects of the pandemic, with physical fundraising activities taking a huge knock, many charities have had to shelve a lot of fundraising activities and adapt with other plans, or delay activities to when things return to a degree of normalcy.

Three charities who have of course been impacted by this are Ashgate Hospicecare, Blythe House Hospicecare and Helen’s Trust, who are not only continuing to do their great work in supporting patients and their families needing end of life care, but are also playing a vital role in our community’s fight out of the current pandemic,  despite the limitations placed on their activities.

#ChallengeDerbyshire is an initiative founded by Markovitz in 2015 to raise money for these three amazing local end of life charities. Bringing local businesses together, #ChallengeDerbyshire is a well established organisation committed to ensuring they continue and thrive, which at this current time is a vital and much needed force in the local area.

Currently to date with the community’s support, #ChallengeDerbyshire have raised over £1.1million through the various campaigns held throughout the year, however, as a result of COVID, many of these have been delayed, including their fun filled annual Charity Ball, which is not only an enjoyable evening where we can all come together and celebrate, but also helps to raise further much-needed funds.

Due to this, Business Memberships have never been more important for #ChallengeDerbyshire and the 3 charities they focus on. MVIS are proud to support this initiative with continued membership through out 2021, as well as going towards helping our latest company charity, Ashgate Hospicecare, in line with our commitment to them, our local community and our corporate social responsibility.

Donate to #ChallengeDerbyshire. 

Taking some of the pressure off the NHS

There’s no denying that during the COVID-19 pandemic, the NHS especially have been under a strain that no one could have anticipated.

Forcing many NHS sites to reallocate resources, change departments and even section off areas due to COVID, it is a time of major upheaval for the whole organisation. With upheaval in a service-based sector such as healthcare, there often comes the need for clear and concise messaging, demanding resources be stretched across the new requirements as well as informing patients and visitors of the new way of doing things.

 At a time when such resources are already stretched as well as when the COVID guidelines are subject to change so frequently, it is more important than ever that the NHS is properly supported with the tools needed to communicate these changes.

This is where MVIS can assist.

We offer a range of variable message signs that are ideal for this purpose, bringing a range of benefits to users that allow them to communicate the most important information to people in a clear and unmissable way.

As a result, our signs, traditionally used for road works, construction, large events and other applications, have seen a demand during the COVID pandemic that has been felt across many new businesses, stores, GP surgeries and hospitals.

One hospital we were happy to help was Whitworth Hospital, located in the town of our business HQ, Matlock. Being local to our offices, many of our team live in Matlock and have, in the past, required the use of Whitworth Hospital for treatment themselves.

After using the sign for a number of weeks, Susan White, Manager and Senior Emergency Nurse Practitioner commented, “The [sign] is clearly displayed to folks who are accessing the Whitworth via the front entrance. This gives people the information needed to make an informed choice about whether to access medical assessment via the 111 service or to self-present to UTC.”

Susan adds, “It also helps to reinforce to the public that A&E (Emergency Departments) is usually NOT the most appropriate place to attend with a minor injury or minor illness.”

The sign served an important function for Whitworth Hospital, bringing the advantage of clear messaging to their site at a time they needed it most, helping them control infection rates and reduce demand on their team. The benefit this brought will be felt not only to them, but also by the wider community.

Anne Ashman, Commercial and Operations Director at MVIS notes, “We always appreciate helping out our local community. MVIS have always tried to help out the local area at times of need, and during a pandemic is certainly a time of need. It’s brilliant that our HD Compact has brought benefit to Whitworth Hospital and we look forward to the opportunity of working with them again.”

For more information about how our signs can help other NHS sites, please contact us via our contact form.

Alternatively, you can call us on 01629 580 570 to speak to one of our friendly team, or you can email us via

Keeping Staff Welfare a Top Priority

2020 was a difficult year for everyone. With significant changes to the way we live and work, there are several ways that this has affected businesses and individuals.

MVIS and Bartco UK have always prioritised the mental health of their team. However, during the pandemic, we have gone above and beyond in helping our team make it through such an unusual year by offering a support in a variety of ways.

Earlier in 2020 we covered how MVIS and Bartco UK’s Commercial & Operations Director, Anne Ashman, ensured that staff were supplied with Work from Home Care Packages, along with the wide range of policies and procedures she has put in place this year to help keep our staff safe and to help our organisation better adjust to the new working conditions.

However, as this situation continues, our measures for support must adapt to the long-term conditions we find ourselves in. At this point, we understand that short term measures are not enough, and we must look at ways we can support our team over the long term.

One of the long terms aspects to have suffered especially as a result of working from home is the ability for our team to chat as a group freely about concerns or troubles they may be having whilst on breaks or in an office conversation.  

This level of conversation plays a vital part in our employee’s mental and social wellbeing and whilst we do have daily briefings with the whole team, the briefings have a large work focus, which, is obvious to note, not the most appropriate environment to be discussing personal matters.

Even our departmental conversations, which are usually a smaller audience and potentially a chance to discuss worries can be limiting as well, with staff only receiving one or two perspectives on a problem, whereas in the office they would have the benefit of our whole team’s life experience to help them with their issue.

Leaving such an eventful and traumatic year behind us, it is more important than ever that our team feel supported. As a result, we have identified this potential for long term social isolation amongst our staff and have put in place a solid solution to help combat this.

By employing Peninsula’s services, we have a well-rounded approach to our team’s wellbeing. However, an additional service we have sought out at the end of 2020 is the Employee Assistance Program (EAP).

Peninsula’s EAP services help our team overcome their toughest life challenges and deliver their best every day. It includes 24/7 telephone advice, face-to-face counselling and a suite of online and mobile tools to help staff stay happy and healthy.

According to the Peninsula website, an EAP can “reduce mental health related absence levels by as much as 45% and improve productivity by as much as 8%.” But more importantly, “it helps protect your staff.”

Already we have had reports of our team finding this helpful.

One member of staff commented, “Having just bought and moved to my first home a few weeks ago, I have a lot of things on my mind. The EAP has been a big support, especially recently through a highly stressful period. They have given me sound, professional legal advice that has helped me make important decisions in a way that best suits me and my future, as I take this very big first step towards my independence.”

She continues, “Over the years, my colleagues at MVIS and Bartco UK have been one of my key points of support in life. However, this year, it has been harder to discuss personal matters, as the distance between us limits such conversation that would have been straightforward if we weren’t working form home. Video calling with a non-work problem is very different to a casual conversation in the office, and whilst the EAP is no replacement for the camaraderie we built in the office, it ensures that we are getting the very best advice at all times, which may even make it better in some ways!”

MVIS Lights Up Chesterfield for Ashgate ‘Light Up a Life’ Appeal

Ashgate Hospicecare’s Light Up A Life appeal returned this winter to offer supporters the chance to celebrate the life of a loved one.

In its 17th year, the appeal so far has raised over £650,000 since it began in 2002. Every person who donated had the opportunity to light up a star in Ashgate Hospicecare’s virtual night sky and have a star with their message on displayed on the Christmas tree at the hospice. All funds raised from the donations will help Ashgate provide the community with hospice care when they need it most.

MVIS have been helping Ashgate now for some time. In the past, we have offered the use of our signs for appeals to help raise publicity, as well as help them manage events such as the annual Sparkle Walk. With 2020 being a difficult year for charities, it’s more important than ever that we continue to help Ashgate however we can.

In support, MVIS have selected Ashgate as our Christmas Charity. We also offered them the use of our signs, deployed at Morrisons in Chesterfield and at Ashgate Hospice to help inform people about the recent appeal.

Back in September, we took part in a virtual fundraising event with some of our staff, setting a group movement goal of 200 miles travelled, we smashed our target and raised £398 for Ashgate. Throughout December, MVIS will be running initiatives to raise more money to help during this very difficult year.

Anne Ashman, Commercial and Operations Director comments “Now more than ever, it is important that we do not lose sight of our commitment to our local community as well as to our wider corporate social responsibilities. 2020 has been an unusual year for everyone, but those who need help most must never be forgotten. We look forward to helping in whatever way we can.”

World Environment Day 2020

On World Environment Day 2020, we take the opportunity to reflect on our past, present and future goals in terms of the environment. Whilst we are more than proud of the procedures that we have in place and the achievements that we have been presented with, we understand that more can always be done. 
In 2017, MVIS were awarded with the ISO accreditation in environmental management (14001:2015) and we were very pleased to say that in early 2020, this, along with ISO accreditations in quality (9001:2015) and health & safety (45001:2018) had been re-certified. Representative of our commitment to these highly important aspects of our business, the ISO accreditations together furnish us with a full IMS (integrated management system), integrating our systems and processes into one complete framework.
boxing day at mvisDespite this, we don’t rest on our laurels; we are always on the look out for ways that we can improve our impact on the environment, as we believe that it is vital for business to take into consideration their social responsibility on the environment so we can all work towards a cleaner and safer world.
Not only do we take the time to educate ourselves on how the distribution side of the company can have an impact on the environment, but we also look into sustainable ways which we can make a positive impact on the area that we have around us. At our Matlock HQ we home a beehive and a flower plot in order to give back to the local area as it gives to us. Local wildlife has an instrumental part to play in ensuring the environments durability, to take advantage of the safe haven which we have created for them.
On Boxing Day 2019, we decided to take a more modern approach on eliminating waste created at home during Christmas, asking staff to bring card and paper to the depot where it was recycled appropriately. We encouraged our staff to dispose of their boxes through us to ensure that they didn’t end up in landfill.
The bee house is on the wall at MVIS HQAlthough actions like these seem minute, they have a large impact on the environment, especially when considered together. By educating our staff on the importance of recycling, we hope that we can encourage a more positive mind set in their home lives as well.
As for our carbon footprint, we use flat bed transit vans for deliveries as these allow us to deliver multiple units in one trip which reduces the fuel consumption as well. Indeed, we have even been working on a new trailer that can accommodate up to 6 of our new HD Compact V.2 units in this endeavour.
When performing maintenance checks or battery changes, we ensure to visit all units in the area or on the way in order to keep on top of every unit, minimising double trips to the same location when necessary.

Our dedicated team are still upskilling

At MVIS / Bartco UK, we believe that quality starts with our staff and therefore we like to ensure that each member of our team is fully trained in order to provide our customers with the highest service possible. With this in mind, we like to embrace all achievements our team earn and do not shy away from a congratulations! 

Since joining us in mid-2019, Bartco UK’s two newest recruits have been on several training courses including manual handling and safety inductions, with their most recent earned qualification being their forklift training.

Liam Griffiths and Jacob Spencer have received certification from KMT training solutions following the completion of a forklift course earlier on in the year, luckily just before the lockdown. Courses like these do not only improve our team’s knowledge within the business, but it also strengthens their skill set which can be taken with them through advancements of their career in the future.

Professional development is key to striving within this industry, as it allows us to offer our customers the best production and maintenance services – something that we are proud to be able to promote as the number one VMS distributor in the UK. Investing time and effort into our employees ensures continuous staff and company development and progression that we can, at least in part, attribute our growth to.   

After joining our team, Liam and Jacob have been progressing their skills both in house and externally to be fully qualified to deliver the highest quality service through all jobs within our workshop. Daily, the team are working on refurbished units and new builds in order to meet the needs of our customers as well as performing maintenance checks on units.

But Bartco UK aren’t the only ones pushing an agenda of staff development. Since her promotion to Marketing Assistant for MVIS last year, Tillie Woolliscroft has undergone a significant amount of training.


This training is advancing Tillie’s skills in the field of marketing, equipping her with specialist knowledge that helps her increase her productivity and effectiveness in her new role. Tillie’s commitment to her job has seen her been awarded Employee of the Month twice in 2020 already, with her skills and experience only getting better.

Likewise, the whole MVIS team have undergone upskilling in recent months in the form of digital communications. Whilst some of our team were already proficient in digital communications,however many members haven’t had need to use corporate communication tools such as Microsoft Teams or Zoom before.

Since the COVID-19 outbreak, both the MVIS and Bartco UK workforce have been required to understand how to use this technology in order to continue working. In true MVIS / Bartco UK fashion, the whole team adapted seamlessly, allowing for a new era of working processes for the group.

Despite the two company’s continuous support, training can only go so far and without the dedication of our team to their work, their colleagues and their safety, the group wouldn’t be the great example of success with staff development and retention that it is today.   

Setting the safe example

Many weeks on from the initial COVID-19 outbreak and businesses all over the world are figuring out ways to adjust to the evolving situation. One of the biggest aspects of human life to have suffered is social contact, with not just our social lives plunging into isolation, but also many people’s work life, which makes things very difficult for companies who are looking for ways to operate safely in this hostile climate.

Since the beginning of the outbreak, MVIS have gone to great lengths to ensure the safety of our staff, from implementing ‘work from home’ measures to furnishing staff with PPE and ‘care packages’ containing hand soap, tissues and other important items. However, when the health and safety of your employees are at risk, you can never do too much to safeguard them.

One of the most important things businesses can do to keep their staff safe is to communicate with them, making sure they know the company’s social distancing policy like their lives depend on it.

An effective way of doing this is with variable message signs.

Because of this, we have deployed 2 of our VMS-A signs outside our headquarters to serve a range of functions, the first of which is to keep reinforcing the 2m distance policy to our employees using our signs as a vivid visual reminder.

Another application this deployment has served is in the warning to visitors against entering the premises, which is a huge unknown factor in any risk assessment under these conditions, especially for deliveries.

In recent weeks we have noticed an increasing interest in our signs to help businesses and other organisations with such requirements.

There are a number of benefits in using a VMS for this purpose, one of them being the ease of updating, which can be done remotely via our web-based portal or mobile app.

Another benefit is the integrated data collection radar in the VMS, which establishes these units as a multi-functional solution that can collect important data at a time when we know so little about the impact of COVID-19 on our driving patterns.

For more information about our VMS or if you would like to know more about how you can use our units to help with social distancing, please contact us via our contact form.

Alternatively, you can call us on 01629 580 570 to speak to one of our friendly team, or you can email us via


MVIS Proudly Collect ISO Accreditations

Last month, we announced that the MVIS / Bartco UK group has been recertified with our ISO accreditations in quality (9001:2015), environmental management (14001:2015), and health & safety (45001:2018).

This week, General Manager of the ITS group, Anne Ashman officially collected the new certificates at a celebration event marking our achievement, along with Dom Bridge, Assistant Operations Manager at MVIS who was also instrumental in helping the company obtain these accreditations. Presented by Christopher Moores, the Operations Director at NQA, Anne and Dom proudly received the certificates at the event, giving the MVIS and Bartco UK team the recognition we deserve for this accomplishment.

Christopher Moores, Anne Ashman, Dom Bridge

These accreditations signify a wider commitment from MVIS and Bartco UK to corporate social responsibility, demonstrating landmark achievements for us in the areas of industry and workplace safety, environmental responsibility and quality, making us the ideal choice as an ITS supplier for key schemes undertaken on highspeed roads and highways throughout the UK.

Representative of our commitment to these highly important aspects of our business, the ISO accreditations together furnish us with a full IMS (integrated management system), integrating our systems and processes into one complete framework.

Anne Ashman, Group General Manager, commented, “Collecting these certificates marks a huge achievement for the whole team at MVIS and Bartco UK. Understanding the importance of being re-certified in all 3 standards was a value shared by all our staff, who have seen the impact it can have on the company, our growth and our future. Over the 3 years since we obtained our first ISO certification, we have continuously improved our systems, providing higher service levels than ever before. Our team continue to offer customers quality service, safety compliance and environmentally responsible business practices. Both Dom and I were very proud to represent everyone at MVIS and Bartco UK when collecting this highly important and coveted achievement.”

If you would like to know more about our ISO accreditations – MVIS and Bartco UK recertify ISO accreditations

For more information about MVIS, please call us on 01629 580 570 to speak to one of our friendly team.



MVIS Help with Mock Interviews

As a fantastic way to start our 2020 community outreach activities, MVIS took part in an interesting annual initiative run by Highfields School in Matlock. Being local to us, we were more than happy to assist with such a forward-thinking project, which no doubt helps shape the children of Matlock into employable and successful young adults at the incredibly important time of Year 11.

The initiative was to deliver mock job interviews for the children. Highfields School looked to businesses and organisations from around the area to send professionals to conduct the interviews, giving the Year 11s a chance to take part in an interview-styled experience that they could benefit from. As well as interviewing the children, business representatives were encouraged to offer advice on good interview technique to pupils as opportunities presented, providing them with a very real opportunity to grow and learn from the experience.

Despite interviewing a few children each, the professional participants were given plenty of time to interview properly, ensuring that the Year 11s had the best possible opportunity to learn. A representative from the school told us, “I was speaking with a group of girls who took part and they said that it really helped them, as they all had college interviews next week.  A few said they were nervous but once they had got through the interview, they came out relieved and smiling. Two students told me it even made them think about their life to-date and they found the interview very helpful.”  

MVIS, and sister company Bartco UK, highly values our good relationship with Highfields School. Being a business local to Matlock, we had enough of a stake in the development of Matlock’s youth to make this worth doing; as an employer who has taken on many apprentices from Highfields School in the past, there is a fair chance that in future we may end up even recruiting some of the children who took part in this. Indeed, members of our team themselves took part in the same initiative as Highfield School pupils only a few years ago.

We thank Highfields School for the opportunity to be part of this exercise and we look forward to taking part again next year.

For more information about our corporate social responsibility strategy or if you would like MVIS to be a part of your community project, please contact or you can call us on 01629 580 570.


Celebrating Apprentices During National Apprenticeship Week 2020

As an employer that highly values our apprentices, we are taking the opportunity during National Apprenticeship Week 2020 to shine a spotlight on the members of our team who have come to us as apprentices over recent years and celebrate what they have achieved since. MVIS and sister company Bartco UK boast an impressive record of staff retention, and few areas demonstrate this as well as the retention rates in our apprentices, with all but one who has entered our doors over the years choosing to stay with us.

Our longest standing apprentice, Dom Bridge came to MVIS all the way back in 2013 and has since progressed to play an integral part in our organisation as Assistant Operations Manager. Dom’s daily role sees him managing the operations team, making sure that products are quality approved, delivered and deployed to clients in a timely manner for their project’s success. Due to the importance of his role, Dom works closely with the MVIS management team, reporting on vital figures and planning ahead to ensure that our resources are allocated effectively to meet our customer’s present and future needs. Dom also played a central role along with the management team to achieve our ISO Integrated Management System, helping MVIS obtain accreditations (and then recertifications) in ISO 45001 Health and Safety, ISO 9001 Quality and ISO 14001 Environmental Management. On top of this, Dom also recently took a leading role in MVIS passing the Achilles accreditation

Next to start the organisation as an apprentice was Rebecca Prince, who joined Bartco UK as a Business Administration apprentice in 2015 and quickly progressed in the company to her current role as Purchasing and Stock Control Supervisor. Bec’s role within the organisation helps to keep things moving smoothly, ordering stock and components that facilitates the manufacture of our products. As a highly capable, reliable and diligent member of staff, it seems only fitting that Bec now supervises an apprentice herself, Pip Wood, as she completes her apprenticeship.

Shortly after Bec, George Sheldon also started at Bartco UK in 2015 after studying electrical engineering. George has since completed his apprenticeship in 2019, seeing him progress within the company to the role of Workshop Technician. His day to day activities see him producing and refurbishing our units, as well as preparing them to be delivered to customers. George’s already extensive knowledge has grown as a result of additional training courses he has undertaken during his time at Bartco UK, offering him the chance to develop his career skills. George has a lot to take pride in with regards to his apprenticeship, being named as a finalist in the 2018 Learning Unlimited Advanced Apprentice of the Year category.

Tillie Wolliscroft joined MVIS in 2016 as an apprentice with previous experience in customer service, putting her in good stead for her role as Operations Apprentice, working alongside Dom, as he also completed his apprenticeship. Since completing her apprenticeship, Tillie has advanced her skills tremendously, moving into the organisation’s newest department, marketing. Assisting Marketing Manager, Sean Brown, with the transition from agency marketing management to in-house management, Tillie has been developing marketing related skills such as graphic design, social media management, web development and SEO. Whilst Tillie has progressed enormously in the meantime, her apprenticeship is not one that will soon be forgotten, having won the Learning Unlimited Intermediate Apprentice of the Year Award in 2018.

Shortly following Tillie into the organisation was Cain Gregory, one of Bartco UK’s Technical apprentices. Cain has come on leaps and bounds professionally during his time here, with his first exposure to the company being through his work experience. We were so impressed with Cain’s talent and work ethic that we very quickly asked him to stay, with him joining our apprenticeship programme in 2017. As part of his role, Cain builds, repairs and refurbishes our units, making sure that our customers receive high quality and reliable products. On top of his apprenticeship, Cain is also busy training himself up in work related skills, having earned an impressive number of qualifications that include first aid, soldering, hand powered tool operating, fork-lift operating, health & safety awareness, working at height as well as his CSCS and Highways England Passport cards.

Pip Wood joined the Bartco UK team in early 2019 as a Purchasing Assistant, working alongside Bec in her role as Purchasing and Stock Supervisor. Under the supervision of Bec, Pip helps to maintain stock records, completing orders and monitoring that product components arrive with enough time for the production team to perform regular quality checks. Pip shows great ambition and capability in everything she does, quickly learning the intricacies of the role and proving a big help for Bec. Very much the ‘Bartco UK way’, Pip is also dedicated to her skills development, taking on fire warden and manual handling training during her apprenticeship.

Last but certainly not least is Bartco UK’s newest Technical Apprentice, Jacob Spencer. With a real determination to work hard and learn, Jacob is perfectly suited to his role with us, allowing him to stay busy doing what he loves. Despite his short time here, Jacob has already started upskilling himself, having achieved his manual handling qualification. Jacob looks forward to continuing to develop his skills set with the support and encouragement of everyone at the organisation.

It’s clear that both MVIS and Bartco UK have a successful history in recruiting, training and then retaining apprentices, testament to what can be achieved when employers take care of and support their staff. All the apprentices that have come through either MVIS or Bartco UK’s doors have been given the encouragement and space to develop their skill set, making them more proficient in their roles, but also giving them immense job satisfaction.

We cannot recommend the recruitment of apprentices enough to employers looking for hard working and dedicated staff who are working towards upskilling. But we especially need to shine a spotlight on this during National Apprenticeship Week.

MVIS and Bartco UK want to take this opportunity to thank our apprentices, both past and current, for all their hard work.

For more information about our apprentice programme, please contact us on 01629 580 570 or email

Bringing Boxing Day into the 21st Century

No one really knows the origins of Boxing Day; the true story of why we call December 26th Boxing Day is actually hotly contested, although it is apparent that most people have an opinion and stick to it. Although more likely to be originating from the 17th Century tradition to give a ‘Christmas box’ to tradesman on the 26th, amongst the most popular theories of why ‘Boxing Day’ is so named involves dealing with the multitude of boxes the are left over from the famous day of gift giving and unwrapping.

So prevalent are these boxes that today’s use of the term ‘Boxing Day’ may as well refer to the day ‘we deal with the rubbish’. After filling the recycling bin and possibly even a tip run, there is no doubt that over those few days, no matter how many times you try to deal with the ‘box situation’, it will just keep coming back as new toys and electronics get unboxed and played with.

As part of our responsibility to not only our staff and community, but also our planet, this year, MVIS will be opening its doors to employees over this time to allow them to use our recycling facilities so staff can dispose of cardboard boxes responsibly. In doing this, MVIS hopes to ensure that boxes and wrapping paper are recycled rather than ending up in landfill after squeezing those last few bits into the general waste bin because they won’t fit anywhere else.

MVIS takes this responsibility seriously, with some very big news due to hit our blog early next year, we will be completely reviewing our CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Policy to continuously improve ourselves and work on what we can give back to the wider community and to our planet.

Stay tuned for more information about what our new CSR Policy will contain.

We hope you all had a fantastic Christmas and are looking forward to New Year as much as we are!