Celebrating the Success of Apprenticeships: From Apprentice to Manager

It’s our very own Dom Bridges’ 5th anniversary at MVIS this week. He started his career as an apprentice in 2013 and has quickly worked his way to a managerial position. Here we celebrate the positive impact that apprenticeships have for businesses.

Dom Bridge, our Assistant Operations Manager, started with us five years ago as an Admin Apprentice, before moving on to Operations and Customer Service Supervisor. Throughout his roles, he’s proven himself as a team player, bringing new ideas to the company and has grown to be an integral part of the MVIS team.

Since his first day, Dom got ‘stuck in’ right away. Incredibly organised and proactive, he uses his logistics skills to help plan for new projects and ensure we have the resources ready to deploy. Dom always says that no job it too big or too small.

Here at MVIS, we’ve found that hiring apprentices helps to engage staff and leads to a high level of staff retention, with all of our previous apprentices gaining permanent roles and staying with us as they ‘move through the ranks’. Current employees have the opportunity to develop their management skills through training and mentoring our apprentices, while the apprentices themselves gain a wealth of new skills and develop their confidence. Of our current 17 employees, seven are (or have been) apprentices.

Dedicated to helping students access the best opportunities, our General Manager, Anne Ashman, works closely with local schools and Sixth Forms, advising staff and students about work placements and apprenticeships. Using her industry networks, she is currently in the process of working with the head of a local Sixth Form to develop degree level apprenticeships in engineering, in partnership with high profile companies, as an alternative to traditional Higher Education.

Longstanding champions of the importance of apprentices, MVIS have since taken on and retained six more apprentices:

Rebecca (since March 2015)
George (since March 2015)
Tillie (since September 2016)
Kiran (since October 2016)
Tom (since February 2017)
Cain (since August 2017)

Anne says, “I believe it’s incredibly important for young people to be given enough information to choose the right career or education pathway, and for businesses like ours to support them in reaching their goals. For any companies out there thinking of hiring an apprentice, my advice is to go for it. Young people have so much to give, their enthusiasm and willingness to bring new ideas to the business is a real benefit.”

Make MVIS a headliner at your event

With summer well under way, and outdoor events seemingly around every corner, the safety and enjoyment of both visitors and employees is paramount to a successful event. So, whether it’s a summer festival, sporting event or even a Christmas Markets, MVIS deliver flexible solutions that allow event managers to provide information and respond to event changes effectively and in an instant.

With our innovative VMS and CCTV technology, you can provide fast, high impact communications to ensure the safety and enjoyment of your visitors.

Our Variable Message Signs (VMS) present clear information from event schedules, car parking information, safety information, road closures and opening times, as well as the ability to display pictograms useful for sponsors and advertisements. This ensures that visitors remain safe and have a positive experience of the event.

Solar-powered and portable, our VMS units avoid costly ground works and can easily be moved across sites to areas where messaging is needed most. What’s more, our VMS units can be easily updated through any Apple device, to provide real-time updates for any changes to information. 

Furthermore, our CCTV technology is an effective way for event managers and security teams to monitor crowds, assessing crowd numbers, movement and behaviour, to ensure the continued safety of attendees. CCTV enables potential problems to be identified and dealt with before they escalate.

Unlike traditional static CCTV cameras, our Pan Tilt Zoom (PTZ) CCTV systems uses the latest technology to enable event managers to manoeuvre the camera to focus on specific areas, and when combined with our innovative Web Studio™ technology, CCTV footage can be viewed from any laptop, tablet or smart phone, ensuring that critical safety information can be accessed by those who need it.

Looking to hire CCTV and VMS units at your event? Get in touch with our expert team today on 01629 580570 or email sales@m-vis.co.uk to find out how we can help you.

MVIS Proudly Supports Local Charities

Our signs, in particular our VMS-A units, are perfect for use at events offering information and safety details during events as well as advertising space to promote  them. Signage is important for any event and the ability to change the messaging in an instant is a real bonus.

MVIS is committed to supporting local businesses and charities, supplying a number of VMS-A units for free. Here are just a few of the charities and local events that we’ve supported over the last year:

  • Star Trust Charity
  • The Sparkle Walk, for Markovitz, in aid of Ashgate Hospice
  • Mazzi Curry House opening
  • Mazzi Movies in the Park
  • Chesterfield Chip Shop Opening
  • Save our Beds, in support of Whitworth Hospital
  • Victorian Market in Matlock
  • Matlock Town Football Club
  • Highfields School

It’s really important to us that we not only support charity events, but are also invested in supporting occasions that help to bring the local community together. Mazzi Curry House organise a range of community events in Matlock that help bring people together, including the Movies in the Park evenings, a great summer evening event with showings of recent films and family favourites, alongside great food. We’re proud to support these events with the provision of our signs as a way to give back to the local community.

Furthermore, we love seeing local businesses flourish. We understand that it can be hard to get the word out there when starting a new business. With the recent opening Chesterfield Chip Shop, our signs provided a space for information and advertising to help promote openings and advertise offers.

After the #ChallengeDerbyshire Golf Day, Jennifer McBain, Marketing and Events Director at M Markovitz Ltd said, ‘“Just a note to say thank you so much for the use of the electronic sign for our charity golf day on Friday. It looked great and really lifted the event as people arrived. Overall the event raised over £4,000 and was a lovely day so thank you for your support!”

If you want to find out more about how MVIS supports local businesses, or require signage for your event, get in touch with our friendly team on 01629 580570 or email sales@m-vis.co.uk


By Anne Ashman, general manager MVIS and Bartco UK

A considerable degree of a business’ success depends on establishing strong working relationships with other companies.  Four years ago, we extended our network beyond the commercial to include our local secondary school, and it has turned out to be one of our most beneficial associations.


Our relationship with Matlock’s Highfields school began when it approached us to ask whether we would consider offering work placements to its students, which we now do annually.  As well as providing us with students who bring with them a fresh pair of eyes and enthusiasm, they have also helped us to develop our apprenticeship programme; Cain Gregory undertook a work placement then proactively approached us for a technical apprenticeship, which we were delighted to offer.


The benefits of apprenticeships cannot, in my opinion, be overstated.  Our apprentices have all worked hard and been eager to progress, and their retention rate has been excellent.  Our assistant operations manager, Dom Bridge – another former Highfields student – was recently promoted to the role, having joined us as an apprentice five years ago.   Our young apprentices have also proved highly knowledgeable regarding IT and social media, and this has been extremely helpful to us.  Furthermore, coming straight from school, they have been completely “clean slates” and so readily accept our modus operandi.


This year, we extended the scope of our association with Highfields when I became an enterprise advisor (EA) to the school.  The idea behind enterprise advisorships is that they help secondary schools to build careers strategies that give students multiple opportunities to learn about work, meeting the Gatsby Benchmark standard highlighted in the government’s new careers strategy launched in December.  One of the strategies’ goals is to encourage students to broaden their horizons beyond simply university, to include other possibilities, such as degree apprenticeships.


Within this role, I use my business experience to advise Highfields on the skills required in industry, including those within the highways sector.   We offer students valuable interview experience. I also provide the school with access to my own corporate network – filling what is often a gap in schools’ own contacts –  and the school’s new industry contacts have gone on to generate their own careers support opportunities such as work placements and apprenticeships.


Being able to introduce my own contacts to the benefits of work placements, apprenticeships and the other elements of a working relationship with a school, is a great way of nurturing my industry network.


Alongside all of this, since last year we have been running MVIS Challenges:  annual school-based projects for year eight – and this year also year nine – students, encouraging them to consider the diverse roles that Bartco UK variable message signs (VMS) can perform.  Again, it’s always interesting to view things through new eyes, and the challenges are already encouraging students to request placements with us as they get older.


Another business benefit of our relationship with the school has been in terms of corporate social responsibility (CSR).  As this becomes increasingly important to companies throughout the highways sector, the provision of careers support like this is proving an effective means of supporting local communities.


The school’s life and work skills coordinator, Jane Turner, recently summarised the benefits to Highfields:  “Our association with MVIS and Bartco is not simply enabling us to honour our commitment to meeting the requirements of the government’s new careers strategy.  It is allowing us to support our pupils as they fully explore their career options and prepare for the world of work.”


And the benefits don’t stop with MVIS, Bartco UK and the school.  The highways sector faces a shortage of recruits – especially those embarking on technical careers – and work like ours to engage youngsters while still at school is already helping to encourage them to consider it as a potential career route.


The cost to MVIS and Bartco UK of our work with Highfields is minimal.  Once the individual initiatives have been established, I would estimate that I personally only spend around half a day a month on school-related business, whether on my six-weekly EA meetings, or on a small number of interim calls and emails.


I would strongly encourage other companies within the highways sector to consider establishing their own links with their local schools.  They would find that the business benefits are considerable and long-term, not to mention those for the industry as a whole. 


By Matt Felce, technical manager of MVIS and Bartco UK


When looking for a corporate partner to facilitate the development or delivery of an ITS solution, it can be tempting to favour one of the big names in the industry; big names can engender instant confidence in both supplier and customer.


Yet MVIS and Bartco UK have repeatedly reaped considerable benefits from their partnerships with ITS SMEs. Not only have our SME alliances been advantageous at project level, but we are confident that ultimately, they also help to promote industry-wide innovation.


SMEs have an agility that enables them to act quickly in the face of a new contract, to briskly respond to the changing demands both of the customer and the market, and to readily explore new ways in which their products can be utilised.


Over the last five years, we have developed long-standing working relationships with a network of trusted individuals within our partner organisations.  It seems that SMEs are able to maintain particularly stable workforces – we certainly do – and working with people you know and trust promotes efficiency and job satisfaction.


The SMEs with which we have worked have always been able to focus their resource on our projects, as we haven’t had to compete for their attention against a multitude of far larger contracts.


We’ve worked with SRL Traffic Systems for five years, and the relationship generates many mutual benefits as a result of the SME status of both parties.  Not only have we made our resource available to one another – we supply SRL with portable VMS with full access to its nationwide network of 21 depots – we’re also working in partnership on product development too.


When SRL identified a demand for a small VMS capable of integration with its portable traffic lights, it was quickly able to act on this opportunity, and approached Bartco UK to partner it on the project.  Bartco UK too was able to respond with agility, and the HD Quattro was born.


When SME ITS solutions creator Clearview Intelligence required temporary VMS to integrate with its own journey time solution, we responded briskly, therefore enabling the company to rapidly deliver a solution that met the client’s short timescales.


We were recently awarded a smart motorway job, the fulfilment of which required a larger consignment of radar equipment than we had available, due to ongoing contracts.  SME radar manufacturer Wavetronix was quickly able to hire the equipment to us so that we could deliver on time. 


SME partnerships can serve not only to efficiently deliver individual projects, but also to promote the growth of the companies concerned.  While MVIS forwards enquiries for permanent ITS installations to Wavetronix, Wavetronix reciprocates by directing those for temporary solutions to MVIS. 


And as individual SMEs grow, so too does the sector as a whole.  Competition is promoted, breeding innovation and increasing service levels for the benefit of all.  SMEs have a crucial role to play in the development of the ITS industry as well as the delivery of individual projects; ignore them at your peril.   

Why choose MVIS…?

MVIS is a leading supplier of mobile and solar powered monitoring and visual information systems. Designed to get you seen, MVIS’ messaging signs deliver a cost effective temporary intelligent transport system (ITS) solution to suit the specific needs of your project.

You can rely on MVIS to provide an excellent service with high quality products and reliable turnaround times.

MVIS is also registered by the NQA against the provisions of standards BS EN ISO 14001:2015 in environmental management and BS EN ISO 9001:2015. So you can be sure that MVIS’ products and services meet industry requirements, and that they are committed to improving their sustainability through the increasingly efficient use of resources and reduction of waste.

As one of the UK’s most trusted suppliers of variable message signs (VMS) and traffic management, event and safety solutions, MVIS delivers a quality service across any project. From our tried and tested Solar Intelligent Platform (IP) that can house a number of ITS products to our NTIS DATEX II Portable Travel Time VMS (TTVMS) solution (previously Datex JTS) which enables real-time journey information for roads from Highways England’s National Traffic Operations Centre (NTOC) to be displayed to road users, you can trust MVIS to provide you with the best available ITS solution.

Here at MVIS, our dedicated team are committed to getting to know you and taking the time to understand your needs to help find the right traffic management solutions for your operation. We use our expertise to deliver efficient and reliable projects across the UK, from motorway projects to festivals, and airport signage to advertising; we can do it all. Through outstanding customer service and ongoing support, our customers are confident that MVIS can deliver.
We pride ourselves on offering high quality products that are easy to use and offer you access to the latest innovation and technology.

Our systems are designed for you, to suit your needs. Many of our MVIS products can be used individually, or can be integrated with your current systems to create a bespoke solution, tailored to your event.

But don’t just our word for it, take a look at what our customers have to say and see why they continue to work with MVIS:

“We would just like to say how much we appreciate the great service we receive from MVIS every year, both from Dom and Tillie in head office and also the thoroughly professional approach from Darren and Tim who installed the signs.” – intu Trafford Centre

“MVIS was able to quickly supply the large quantity of VMS required, and the signs were brand new and to EU standard. Indeed all the products were, in our opinion, the best on the market.” – Morgan Sindall

“Your service has been fantastic and I have never had any problems with the project. I would always recommend you as a company going forward.” – RTS Westfield

To find out more about how MVIS can offer an excellent service across your traffic management system get in touch with our team on 01629 580 570 or email sales@m-vis.co.uk

MVIS scores another great partnership with Matlock Town

MVIS are proud to have secured another great deal with our local football team, Matlock Town, and we’re delighted to be sponsoring them for the next two years.

After a comfortable top half finish last season, The Gladiators have had mixed results this season, but with the recent win against Buxton FC they have secured their place in the division for the next season.

As part of the sponsorship deal, MVIS’ logo is proudly displayed on the front of the team shirts, and we supply the team with two VMS units – one fixed unit and one portable unit – which help them communicate to the public during the week about team news and upcoming fixtures, as well as messages of support throughout the home games.

The five colour LED screens offer a simple and eye-catching way to spread the news, and due to the large size, they are easily seen at the entrance and throughout the ground.

Tom Wright, Chairman of Matlock Town FC said: “It’s great to have MVIS on board as one of our sponsors. Not only do they support us with the promotion of our matches through their high profile VMS units, their sponsorship allows us to help nurture the growing talent we have within the club.”

Anne Ashman, General Manager at MVIS commented, “MVIS is committed to supporting the local community in many ways, from offering work experience and apprenticeships to local students, to sponsoring local teams and sportsmen as we do with Matlock Town. We are thrilled to be named as one of their sponsors for the next two seasons as their hard-work and determination is a great fit with MVIS’ work ethic.”

Matlock Town’s next match takes place against Whitby Town on April 14, 2018. Visit our website for more information by clicking here. We hope to see plenty of you there.

Trust MVIS to Control Your Communications

MVIS has been producing industry-leading traffic management technology since its inception in 2012, and one of the most innovative pieces in our product line is our Web Studio™.

Designed to save our customers time and money, Web Studio™ enables instant communication of traffic information from any Wi-Fi enabled Apple device at the touch of a button.

From their device, users can view a map of all the signs they currently have deployed. They can also zoom in, observe and adjust the message that is displayed on any of their signs in line with any developments on the ground.

As our LED VMS displays support the use of pictograms, our Web Studio™ is a great tool to communicate using widely recognised road signs, or, if you’re using the VMS for advertising purposes, they’re great at displaying brand logos and messages. The LED screen means that the VMS units are clearly visible to road users.

The Web Studio™ system supplied is used a great deal by organisations that hire multiple signs including police forces, event managers, local authorities and traffic agencies. But what if you don’t have the time, the manpower or the creative flair to create your displays? Then call on MVIS to help.

The MVIS team have lots of experience in creating eye-catching displays, and they can easily create any number of messages or pictograms for your VMS units should you need them to.

Messages can be scheduled in advance, so you can view and approve the designs and content before they are communicated to your audience to make sure you are 100% happy with them. Plus, as it’s so quick to change a message, should you need to change it for any reason, it’s quick and easy for us to do that too.

Need some inspiration? Take a look at our YouTube channel for examples of what the VMS units can do or call us on 01629 580 570.

Why Hire the HD Quattro?

As part of MVIS’ variable message signs (VMS) portfolio, the HD Quattro may be our most compact, but it is by no means complacent when it comes to performance.

With a range of uses, this small but mighty piece of traffic management equipment is available to hire directly from MVIS and can be used within a range of environments. Take a look at the type of projects our clients have used the HD Quattro for here.


If you need to communicate a number of safety messages quickly and efficiently, then the HD Quattro is a great choice.

One MVIS customer hired the HD Quattro to place within a busy depot to help communicate important safety procedures to staff. This helped to remind the workforce of the correct conduct and made sure they were compliant with safety standards. 

Speed Awareness

If your work site requires drivers to operate at a strict speed limit, then the HD Quattro can relay this information instantly to help keep your staff compliant.

In addition, the HD Quattro can be integrated to display speed activated messages, so if a driver does go over the agreed speed limit, the screen will display a warning sign and instruct them to slow down.

As the HD Quattro’s LED screen also supports the use of pictograms, you can also display commonly used road signs which are easily understood by workforces.

Crowd Control

For occasions with high levels of heavy footfall and traffic, it is important that walkways and roads are both clearly marked, and that the information for both is clearly marked and well communicated.

MVIS works with many event management companies, and for events such as festivals or large sports matches, the HD Quattro has been used previously to help display important information such as car park capacity, queue times and locations of places such as ticket offices, lost property and first aid tents.

As these compact units can be used in conjunction with our innovative Web Studio™, you can instantly change the displayed message via any Wi-Fi enabled Apple device including a laptop, iPhone or iPad. This means that should a car park suddenly become full, or a gate closes, you can change the messages displayed on the LED screen to keep the audience up-to-date.


For road work zones – especially on tight country lanes where space is limited – the HD Quattro has proven to be a big hit with MVIS customers.

Doing everything that the larger VMSA and VMSC do but in a much smaller space, the HD Quattro is perfect for spaces where a trailer-mounted unit just won’t fit.

If you would like to hire the HD Quattro for your next project, please call 01629 580 570 or email sales@m-vis.co.uk to find out more.

Be Safe, Be Seen with MVIS’ HD Quattro

MVIS is well known for its impressive portfolio of Variable Message Signs (VMS) and associated products, and we are happy to have supplied a number of clients such as Manchester’s Trafford Centre, the Metropolitan Police Service, Nottingham City Council and more, with our range of hireable traffic management products and systems.

One of the most recent VMS products to make our portfolio is the HD Quattro, the first temporary VMS which was designed to be used within work zones in order to improve safety for road users and workers and to effectively communicate information to the public.

With the sign case measuring 680 x 780, the compact HD Quattro is the smallest VMS in our collection and was developed in direct response to feedback from our customers.

The high definition dual colours of red and white mean the HD Quattro is perfectly placed to communicate traffic signs, signals and information to road users in a clear and effective manner. And weighing just 10kg, the lightweight sign case can be installed on existing street furniture or on its own battery box and post and can be used within a fixed, permanent context on urban highways.

The HD Quattro is also available in a mains-powered format and battery and solar power.

To find out more, download the product sheet here or contact us at sales@m-vis.co.uk to enquire about hiring the HD Quattro for your next traffic management project.

TRUST in training to keep leading the way

MVIS’ ethos on day-to-day business is led by our approach to service.

Service to customers comes above all else, and we strive to provide world-class class service to each and every client on every single order- no matter how big or small.

So, how do we instil this attitude throughout the company?

Well, you embed it through training and culture: introducing MVIS’ TRUST:

T – Team Work
R – Respect
U – Understanding
S – Safe Working Practice
T – Training

To be able to be consistent with these values – which the whole MVIS team contributed to – staff need to be trained for safe working practices and also have understanding and respect for others. All supervisors have been on some sort of HR course to be able to supervise other staff.

MVIS staff training underpins MVIS’ value of TRUST and we are extremely proactive with the continued development of our staff. Most current employees are doing some sort of training right now. This continued commitment to upskilling staff means that retention is at an all-time high as employees are satisfied, challenged and stimulated in their employment.

Anne Ashman, MVIS General Manager said:

“We feel our employees develop a greater affinity to MVIS as they can see firsthand that we are doing all we can to give them every opportunity to develop in their positions. We provide training and support to every department of the business, and support the entire workforce fully on their journey here with us.”

Additionally, there is no ceiling for skills at MVIS, nor a feeling of ‘job done’ or ‘nothing left to learn’. Anne continued:

“Even as General Manager of the company, I’m encouraged to keep learning and developing my own skillset. I am currently in the midst of an OU Business and Management degree, as well as an ITOPS course. Last year I also did a CIPD HR course- so it really is a constant here to be always exploring how we can upskill our staff right through the company.

“We run internal health & safety, environmental and quality training workshops monthly, which ensures that everyone understands the company’s key policies and procedures along with keeping themselves and the environment safe. Vitally, it also gets everyone to buy in to our ISO 9001 & 14001 status.”


MVIS has for the last four years, dramatically increased their uptake of apprentices. By doing this, employees learn the principles of the MVIS ‘TRUST’ model from day one, becoming malleable workers in the MVIS way.

The career pathway is embedded into the company for apprentices, and impressively – Operations Supervisor Dom Bridge began his journey with MVIS as an apprentice just four years ago.

MVIS presently has five apprentices, as well as a further two former apprentices that are now permanently employed. Overall, we have an impressive apprentice retention value of almost 90%, meaning almost 9/10 apprentices that MVIS give an opportunity to, stay with us at the end of their apprenticeship.

The intention to train and keep each apprentice to the MVIS values is paying dividends, with skilful, capable employees being molded.

At present, all current admin staff apart from accounts have been apprentices or are currently finishing apprenticeships with MVIS. Of the five workshop staff, there are three apprentices at various levels.

Anne explained the main benefit to recruiting apprentices as opposed to more experienced people:

“Simply, we can train them to buy into the MVIS TRUST values and our attitude to customer service, and it reduces the likelihood of having to remove bad habits taken from previous employment.”

Proactive innovation wins the day

The 14th Highways Awards (formerly the Highways Magazine Excellence Awards) took place on Wednesday 18th October in the jubilant atmosphere of the Nine Kings Suite at the Lancaster London.

Thirteen winners were announced by the delightful celebrity guest, Julia Bradbury – star of ITV’s recent Britain’s Best Walks and Best Walks with a View travelogues –  along with representatives from each of the five platinum sponsors and eight award sponsors.

Attended by just shy of 500 highway industry professionals, the Awards once again reflected another busy year in the sector, with each winning entry showing a real proactive approach to change, innovation and collaboration.

The Official Charity Partner for the gala evening dinner was construction industry charity, the Lighthouse Club, and an amazing £4,769 was raised during the evening, which was gratefully received by the charity’s Chief Executive, Bill Hill.

Big congratulations to all those winners and highly commended entrants in each of the 13 categories listed below, along with special thanks to all the Highways Awards’ judges, supporters and sponsors:


Most Innovative Highway Authority Scheme of the Year                     
Sponsored by Tripod Crest

London Borough of Waltham Forest
Enjoy Waltham Forest
Judges’ Comment: “An excellent example of community involvement to regenerate and change an area that was infrastructure heavy.”

Highly commended
Kier Highways & Surrey County Council


Site Safety Initiative Award
Platinum sponsorship Dynniq

WJ Group
WJ Guardian Road Stud Installation System
Judges’ Comment: “A very innovative and safe solution to a dangerous operation, that keeps both operatives and the travelling public safe.”


Road Safety Scheme of the Year
Sponsored by Keysoft Solutions

Scotland TranServ, Clearview Intelligence, Coeval and Transport Scotland
A75 Speeding related accidents, route action Variable Speed/Vehicle Class Activated Signs
Judges’ Comment: “An innovative approach identifying the class of vehicle causing issues and specifically targeting that class.”


Award for Environmental Sustainability in the Highways Sector                   
Platinum sponsorship Total Bitumen

Carillion Morgan Sindall Joint Venture
A1 Leeming to Barton Improvements (A1L2B)
Judges’ Comment: “Really impressive saving with 100,000m3 of existing pavement and 97% of waste diverted from landfill.”

Highly Commended
GRAHAM Construction & Metrobus
Metrobus Contract D


Road Marking Project of the Year                                                                  
Sponsored by RSMA

Lancashire County Council, WJ North Ltd & Meon UK Ltd
Bank Bridge, Tarleton
Judges’ Comment: “Impressed by the performance of the scheme and the strong supply chain collaboration.”


Major Project Award                                                                              
Sponsored by Tarmac

Skanska, Jacobs, Highways England & AECOM
M1 Junction 19 Improvement Scheme
Judges’ Comment: “A very worthwhile project, tackling a highly congested section of the network.”

Highly Commended
Aggregate Industries UK Ltd  and Costain Ltd
A556 Knutsford to Bowdon Environmental Improvement


Highway Industry Product of the Year                                                         
Platinum sponsorship Shell Bitumen

Tensar International Ltd
Spectra Pavement Optimisation System
Judges’ Comment:
“Impressed by the potential environmental and benefits to society.”  


Team of the Year
Platinum sponsorship MWay Comms

A14 Integrated Delivery Team
Procurement & Supply Chain Team
Judges’ Comment: “Impressed by the clear objectives of the team and how these were executed, with the potential to raise wider industry standards.”

Highly Commended
Suffolk County Council & Kier
Suffolk Highways Surface Dressing
Delivery Team

Highly Commended
A-one+ & Highways England
One Team Approach


Highway Partnership Award                                   
Sponsored by WJ

Hanson UK & Dorset County Council
The Dorset/Hanson Strategic Partnership
Judges’ Comment: “Good performance improvements, clear efficiency targets and excellent to see the partnership charter really working.”


Highways Maintenance Efficiency Award
Sponsored by Kier

A-one+ Integrated Highways Services
& Highways England
Area 12 ASC Programme Delivery
Judges’ Comment: “Very impressive lean initiative taking a whole life cost approach and saving £0.5m.”

Highly Commended
Galliford Try, Capita & Salford City Council
Urban Vision


Award for the Best Use of New Technology in the Highways Industry        
Platinum sponsorship MVIS

Department for Transport, Gaist Solutions, Soenecs, Thurrock Council, Wiltshire Council & City of York Council
Gaist Pothole Spotter
Judges’ Comment:
“High quality and frequently refreshed information on potholes across networks providing great potential for development.”


Apprentice of the Year 
Sponsored by the IHE

Lancashire County Council
Cameron Newsham
Judges’ Comment: “Cameron has gone beyond expectations and become a valuable contributor to the team.”

Highly Commended
Richard Denman

Highly Commended

Bradley Richardson         


The outstanding entry considered to be a ‘game changer’ by all the judges and awarded the Judges’ Special Merit Award, sponsored by Archway Products, was the A14 Integrated Delivery Team with their Procurement & Supply Chain Team.

The Highways Awards are independently judged by an esteemed panel of representatives from every corner of the United Kingdom, including the Department for Transport, Transport Scotland, the Welsh Government, Transport NI Eastern Division, Highways England and the Institute of Highway Engineers.

For more information, and for full details of all the shortlisted entries, please download a full copy of the Highways Awards 2017 Review document here, or visit the website here.