MVIS’ Intelligent Transport System (ITS) Solution Triumphs at RideLondon

Leading temporary intelligent transport system (ITS) solutions provider, Mobile Visual Information Systems (MVIS) Ltd, contributed to the smooth-running of London’s traffic network during the UK’s largest ever mass-participation cycling festival.

With over 70,000 participants, Prudential RideLondon took place in early August, celebrating the legacy for cycling created by the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

MVIS’ intelligent transport system (ITS) solution incorporated 20 VMS-A mobile, solar powered variable message signs (VMS) to provide advanced information to members of the public about the route of the festival’s London-Surrey 100 event, a 100 mile race on closed roads.

MVIS was selected to undertake the intelligent transport system (ITS) project following its successful Olympic Route Network (ORN) contract in 2012, when almost 200 VMS were deployed in what was believed to be the largest single instalment of solar powered VMS in the world.

The company’s London-Surrey 100 intelligent transport system (ITS) contract saw its VMS signs performing a similar function to those deployed on the ORN, providing clear and quickly perceptible travel advice about potentially busy areas to non-race road users.

MVIS’ managing director, Pat Musgrave said: “We were delighted to have once again worked in partnership with TfL to develop an intelligent transport system (ITS) solution to help the capital’s road network operate efficiently throughout a major sporting event.”

MVIS’ innovative intelligent transport system (ITS) solutions incorporate a wide range of products, including ANPR, CCTV and radar in addition to VMS.


New intelligent transport system (ITS) journey time solution

In his June spending review, George Osborne announced the government’s biggest programme of roads investment for 40 years. £28 billion of investment, including a trebling of funding for motorways and major A-roads, will lead to the biggest ever upgrade of the existing network.

Short-term, the immediate consequence will be a proliferation of roadworks. In order to minimise the disruption anticipated, highways managers are looking to a new generation of innovative temporary journey time intelligent transport system (ITS) solutions to provide road users with an effective journey time information service.

Mobile Visual Information Systems Ltd (MVIS) is a market leader in temporary intelligent transport system (ITS) solutions, and has developed a new temporary journey time system, the Portable Solar Powered Journey Time Solution (SPJTS).

The SPJTS intelligent transport system (ITS) solution incorporates the latest software and hardware technology, providing users with a comprehensive cost-effective and stand-alone solution for short-term road works projects.

MVIS’ SPJTS intelligent transport system (ITS) solution is portable and solar powered, and so may be quickly and easily installed without the need for civil engineering or external power provision. As such, it is a cost-effective and stand-alone solution for short-term road works.

This intelligent transport system (ITS) solution enables road users to make informed decisions regarding how to minimise journey disruption, warning of delays and advising of their extent, providing users with the opportunity to take an alternative route if necessary.

The SPJTS intelligent transport system (ITS) solution comprises two Vysionics’ SkyHawk ANPR cameras mounted on MVIS’ new Solar 2012 multi-use trailers and a Bartco VMS-A. When deployed the system converts information gathered utilising the SkyHawk ANPR system into a message which is viewed by the road user and gives prior notification of journey times through a roadwork scheme.

MVIS Intelligent Transport System (ITS) provider is “best of the best”

Intelligent Transport System (ITS) solutions provider, Mobile Visual Information Systems (MVIS), has been acknowledged as the best start-up business in the region, in the Sheffield City Regional Business Awards.

Until last autumn, when it was joined by transport technology contractor P&D Specialist Services Ltd, Intelligent Transport System (ITS) solutions provider MVIS was known as Colour Mobile VMS. The union followed a joint venture between the companies to deliver a major contract for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, and it was in recognition of this contract that the Tansley based firm won the best start-up title, just three years after Colour Mobile VMS was established by Tony Price.

In what is believed to be the largest single deployment of solar powered variable message signs (VMS) in the world, Intelligent Transport System (ITS) solutions provider MVIS supplied almost 200 units for the Olympic Route Network, enabling key participants to travel safely, securely and efficiently between venues and their accommodation, while also keeping London and the rest of the UK moving.

One year on, and MVIS’ product portfolio now includes a wide range of Intelligent Transport System (ITS) solutions in addition to VMS signs, including ANPR, CCTV and radar, and clients include the Metropolitan Police and numerous events organisations.

Intelligent Transport System (ITS) solutions provider MVIS’ award was presented at a gala event at Sheffield’s Ponds Ford sports centre, and attended by hundreds, including the region’s Chamber of Commerce heads, the Lord Mayor of Sheffield, senior figures from Sheffield College and Hallam University, and industry leaders.

Organised by Sheffield Newspapers and the Chambers of Commerce, the event was hosted by BBC Look North presenter Clare Frisby, and the speaker was Sir Howard Davies, former deputy governor of the Bank of England.

Sheffield Star editor, Jeremy Clifford, described the event as “the showcase for the best of the best”. Said MVIS’ managing director, Tony Price: “We are delighted to have won this award. It is a great recognition for the team, during what is shaping up to be another fantastic year for Intelligent Transport System (ITS) solutions provider MVIS.”

MVIS began 2013 with the launch of a series of new Intelligent Transport System (ITS) solutions, and then went on to expand its team with the appointment of a UK sales manager and a technical manager. A few weeks ago, the company’s Solar 2012 CCTV cameras made their Royal Ascot debut, playing a crucial role in the event’s traffic management plan, helping to prevent congestion around the world-famous event.


Solar 2012 generating considerable interest

Already generating considerable interest in the events sector, MVIS’ Solar 2012 multi-use trailer platform is the world’s first product facilitating the mounting of multiple information and lighting products on a single, solar powered, mobile platform.

The platform can be used by event organisers as part of their traffic management system, and also as a vital venue tool in the provision of information and lighting services.

Capable of accommodating a changing array of MVIS products, the cost-saving Solar 2012 presents organisers with the opportunity to mount all their equipment on a single platform.  Easily portable, the platform is simple to deploy, requiring no civil engineering and third party communications, and so requires only a low level of manpower.  Its solar power source means that it does not need charging and is totally reliable, being independent of often unpredictable power supplies.  It is also silent and does not generate fumes.

The trailer may be deployed on route to events, maintaining a selection of MVIS’ temporary Intelligent Transport System (ITS) equipment designed to help ensure the smooth flow of traffic to and from the venue.  This equipment ranges from the Variable Message Signs (VMS) used at the Olympics, to CCTV, radar and Automatic Number Plate Recognition systems.

It may also be effectively used at the venue itself, as the VMS signs may be used to transmit not only rapidly changing visitor information, but also to advertise event details and sponsors.  MVIS’ Solar 6K temporary events lighting solution can be supported by the platform.

The operational and cost-saving capacity of the platform serves to enhance the efficiency benefits of the individual products accommodated.  The VMS signs are high impact and allow messages to be updated quickly and easily from any internet enabled device.  This means that they can be deployed in fewer numbers than standard static signs, reducing the need for the high manpower levels often associated with sign installation and management.

Developed in response to growing demand within the events sector for a mobile, multiple application product, the Solar 2012 has just undergone testing in the film industry, where it has been used in conjunction with Solar 6K lighting on sets in the North West.

MVIS managing director, Tony Price, has no doubt that the product will quickly be adopted by the events sector:  “The Solar 2012 gives organisers of events of all sizes, not just those on an Olympic scale, the opportunity to multiply the operational efficiency and cost-saving benefits provided by our individual products.

“These benefits can be enjoyed both by organisers using our ITS equipment to manage traffic to events, and also by those deploying our information and lighting products at the venues themselves.

“MVIS is highly experienced in the events sector and committed to responding to the market’s evolving needs, with the development of new solutions utilising the latest technology.  The Solar 2012 is testament to this experience, expertise and dedication.”

In what is believed to be the largest single deployment of solar powered VMS in the world, MVIS deployed almost 200 VMS units for the Olympic Route Network, enabling key participants, such as athletes and officials, to travel safely, securely and efficiently between venues and their accommodation, while also keeping London and the rest of the UK moving.

As the event closed, TfL’s London streets traffic control centre operations manager, Esmon George MBE MILT, contacted MVIS to thank the company for its “outstanding support”, adding: “We couldn’t have achieved what we did without you”.

Top tips for the smooth running of an event from industry expert

Whether you’re organising a small country show or a major music festival, an efficient traffic management system is essential to ensure the smooth flow of traffic to and from the event, maximising visitor satisfaction and minimising the impact on non-event traffic.   Many events are located in rural areas, via B-road access, where a good traffic management system is especially important.

Tony Price MD of MVIS recently talked to Events Industry News about his top tips for the smooth running of an event. 

“Rapid technological developments in the traffic management industry have given events organisers the opportunity to incorporate state-of- the art equipment into their traffic management systems, equipment that will not only help the traffic to flow more smoothly, but that will also help to save on manpower costs.

“Variable Message Signs (VMS) backed up by the right software can save you a lot of money.  These signs are of high impact, and when supported by the right software, can allow you not only to display directional messages but also to update them quickly and easily from any internet enabled device.  Their impact and efficient communication capacity means that they can be deployed in fewer numbers than standard static signs, reducing the need for the high manpower costs often associated with sign installation and management.

“Tests have shown that VMS signs displaying messages using a wide variety of colours have particularly high impact, allowing drivers to interpret instructions with the greatest speed. MVIS’ matrix signs are capable of displaying text in five colours, although TSRGD 2002 regulations meant that on the Olympic Route Network, only amber and white were permissible.  We are currently lobbying the Department for Transport and the Highways Agency to permit the use of greater colour in order to improve traffic management efficiency.

“One mistake that events transport managers often make is to think no further than signage.  In fact, solutions incorporating a range of ITS products can be used to help make the traffic flow more efficiently.  CCTV, radar and Automatic Number Plate Recognition systems can all be employed on the routes leading to the event in order to capture information that will help you to manage event traffic well.

“For example, these products can count and instantly transmit to you details of the number of vehicles approaching the event, thereby allowing you to open up more car-parking spaces as necessary, so preventing tail-backs.  ANPR systems can be used to facilitate cashless parking systems, removing the need for barriers, again helping to prevent tail-backs.

“There is a massive array of ITS products on the market, and you need to think carefully about the products that are best for you.  Consider whether the equipment is portable and easy to install.  These aspects are vital, not only to ensure efficient initial deployment requiring only a low level of human resource, but also to facilitate the swift redeployment sometimes required due to changing circumstances.  Consider too the power supply. As any event organiser will know, external power supplies are not always reliable, so solar powered equipment is by far the best option.

“Also, think about whether the combination of ITS technology you choose can be housed in one platform rather than several, as this will save you money.  Our new Solar 2012 multi-use trailer platform facilitates the mounting of multiple products on a single, solar powered, mobile platform, allowing the flexible combination of a selection of temporary ITS equipment.

“Finally, when selecting your ITS provider, you should always take care to choose one offering a committed customer service, not just the products themselves.  Choose a supplier who is able to give comprehensive operational training, who will be there for you at short notice, and who can be relied on to deliver quickly.”

Tony Price, Managing director, MVIS

MVIS launches Solar 2012 multi-use trailer platform

A “cost-effective” customer investment

MVIS has launched the  innovative Solar 2012 multi-use trailer platform, a mobile product allowing the flexible combination of a selection of temporary intelligent traffic systems equipment and event management solutions.

The customer may select their preferred combination of one or more items from MVIS’ portfolio of VMS, ANPR, CCTV, radar and LED lighting ranges, and these will all be accommodated on the Solar 2012 multi-use trailer platform.

The combination of equipment housed in the platform may be easily altered to meet the client’s changing requirements.

Based on a 12v battery recharged by the latest solar charging system, including new 250w solar PV panels designed to optimise ultraviolet light in a northern hemisphere environment, the Solar 2012 is not dependent on external energy supply,  and is environmentally friendly and silent in operation.

It is simple and cost-effective to deploy, requiring no civil engineering and third party communications.

Said MVIS’ managing director, Tony Price:  “The Solar 2012 multi-use trailer platform offers customers the opportunity to acquire a single piece of equipment that will accommodate their changing requirements.

“It is a cost-effective investment that will enable highways and events management companies to quickly and easily manage their temporary requirements.

“Already, we are receiving very positive customer feedback.”

For more information about MVIS visit

MVIS’ UK first a sensation at Seeing is Believing

MVIS’ launch of its fully integrated solar powered ANPR system mounted on a fully mobile trailer platform proved a sensation at the recent Seeing is Believing event.

The company believes that the product will transform the temporary ANPR market, and according MD Tony Price, initial market feedback from the show supports this belief entirely.

Said Price:  “Visitors to MVIS’ stand were tremendously enthusiastic about the product, which has many applications, ranging from police and security services, rapid ANPR deployment, short-term journey time solutions for smaller road schemes, to event and festival cashless parking operations.”

The Solar 2012 ANPR platform is fully integrated, comprising ANPR cameras, illuminator and processor in one housing, all mounted on a 5m air pneumatic telescopic mast.  A full PTZ mounting bracket allows the camera to be set up quickly and easily, using a laptop at the base of the mast.  Information from the ANPR system is transmitted via 3G to a back office or a cloud server for instant customer access.

Initial trials on the busy A6 road in Derbyshire have shown a read accuracy rate in excess of 90%.  They have also suggested that the new system will operate fully autonomously 24/7 for in excess of 30 days.

As with all MVIS products, the Solar 2012 ANPR is silent, environmentally friendly and cost-effective to deploy, requiring no civil engineering or third party communications.

The Solar 2012 ANPR platform is powered by four 250 A/H batteries and charged by the latest technology solar charging system,  including new 250w solar PV panels, designed to optimize ultraviolet light in a northern hemisphere environment.  It is capable of powering 12, 24 and 48v DC.

To find out more about MVIS products visit

MVIS launches UK first at Seeing is Believing Show

Solar powered ITS provider MVIS, will launch at Seeing is Believing a fully integrated Solar powered ANPR system mounted on a fully mobile trailer platform that is set to transform the temporary ANPR market.

The Solar 2012 ANPR platform is fully integrated, comprising ANPR cameras, illuminator and processor in one housing, all mounted on a 5m air pneumatic telescopic mast.  A full PTZ mounting bracket allows the camera to be set up quickly and easily, using a laptop at the base of the mast.  Information from the ANPR system is transmitted via 3G to a back office or a cloud server for instant customer access.

Initial trials on the busy A6 road in Derbyshire have shown a read accuracy rate in excess of 90%.  They have also suggested that the new system will operate fully autonomously 24/7 for in excess of 30 days.

As with all MVIS products, the Solar 2012 ANPR is silent, environmentally friendly and cost-effective to deploy, requiring no civil engineering or third party communications.

Applications for this product will include police and security services, rapid ANPR deployment, short-term journey time solutions for smaller road schemes and event and festival cashless parking schemes.

The Solar 2012 ANPR platform is powered by four 250 A/H batteries and charged by the latest technology solar charging system,  including new 250w solar PV panels, designed to optimize ultraviolet light in a northern hemisphere environment.  It is capable of powering 12, 24 and 48v DC.

Visit MVIS at Seeing is Believing at Stand 67 Track Area C or visit for more information.