FORS Accreditation serves as another benchmark for quality

Companies achieving FORS accreditation are adding a mark of excellence to its operations.

The Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) is a voluntary accreditation scheme for fleet operators which aims to
raise the level of quality within fleet operations, and to demonstrate which operators are achieving exemplary levels of best practice in safety, efficiency, and environmental protection.

MVIS now joins this exemplary collection of businesses, operating its fleet to this benchmarked standard of excellence, achieving the FORS Bronze accreditation.

Indicators of quality aren’t a new thing to MVIS, as the company already holds a number of highly regarded accreditations such as Environmental Management, BS EN ISO 14001: 2015, Quality, BS EN ISO 9001:2015, and Health & Safety, BS EN ISO 45001: 2018, as well as Achilles Building Confidence accreditation, Constructionline Gold and most recently, Cyber Essentials, showcasing the company’s approach to digital security for it’s customers.



FORS Bronze

According to FORS…

“Bronze accreditation confirms that you employ good practice and comply with the requirements laid out by the FORS Standard. This includes demonstrating dedication to driver and vehicle safety, combined with improving operating practices through effective monitoring of fuel and tyre usage.”

UK Group Commercial and Operations Director Anne Ashman told us:

“Achieving industry standard stamps of quality such as ISO, Achilles, Constructionline and now FORS is extremely important to us as a business, as it gives our customers no doubt about the levels of quality and service they are going to receive.

“Becoming a FORS member demonstrates to our customers and supply chain that we are committed to exceeding industry standards. This won’t be where that stops, and we will continue to look at ways which we can improve across the business.”


Cyber Essentials rubber stamps commitment to cyber security

Cyber attacks come in many shapes and sizes, but the vast majority are very basic in nature, carried out by relatively unskilled individuals. They’re the digital equivalent of a thief trying your front door to see if it’s unlocked.

Cyber Essentials helps to guard against the most common cyber threats and demonstrates a company’s commitment to cyber security.

MVIS has recently achieved Cyber Essentials certification, implementing protocols and preventative methods to guard against cyber attacks.

Cyber Essentials

Cyber Essentials is a simple but effective, Government backed scheme that helps protect your organisation, whatever its size, against a whole range of the most common cyber attacks. This is important because vulnerability to simple attacks can mark a company out as target for more in-depth unwanted attention from cyber criminals and others.

Certification gives a business peace of mind that its defences will protect against the vast majority of common cyber attacks, simply because these threats are looking for targets which do not have the Cyber Essentials technical controls in place.


For MVIS, cyber essentials is another rubber stamp of quality, showcasing to its clients that cyber security and data protection is of paramount importance.

As a company already proudly accredited to Environmental Management, BS EN ISO 14001: 2015, Quality, BS EN ISO 9001:2015, and Health & Safety, BS EN ISO 45001: 2018, as well as Achilles Building Confidence accreditation and most recently, Constructionline Gold.

Cyber Essentials provides yet another safety net of working with MVIS, with customers able to soundly sleep at night knowing sensitive information is being treated with the appropriate level of security.

“A potential cyber attack doesn’t just affect us.” Said Anne Ashman, MVIS Group Commercial and Operations Director.

“Our customers rely on us to keep their information safe and secure, and with the scope of our contracts often including government/tier 1 contractors, we cannot be too careful when it comes to making sure that MVIS isn’t a target for some of these sinister threats online.

“Some government contracts require Cyber Essentials to be in place, and whilst currently that isn’t always the case for us, we’re positioning ourselves to be able to offer the complete package when it comes to digital security for any and every customer we work with.”


MVIS Soar Ahead with Accreditations

Over the years we have dedicated ourselves to the principles of safety and quality. Underscored by our focus on training, we are always looking for new ways to improve our team’s skills and qualifications.

During the last 18 months, in the face of a global pandemic, the MVIS team have been working hard in the background to ensure that we have helpful and necessary accreditations that help us to maintain the reputation of being industry leaders in the rental of solar powered intelligent transport systems.

nqa logoEarlier in the year, MVIS took part in a successful re-certification of our ISO accreditations in quality (9001:2015), environmental management (14001:2015), and health & safety (45001:2018).

Issued by global certification body NQA, ISO accreditations enforce the practise of and adherence to respected business standards that help organisations perform better in a wide range of aspects.

For MVIS and Bartco UK, the standards of quality (9001:2015)environmental management (14001:2015) and health & safety (45001:2018) are of vital importance to our business, making adherence to these core aspects a highly aspirational goal for us. Together, the ISO accreditations furnish us with a full IMS (integrated management system), bringing our systems and processes into one complete framework.

Subject to an annual audit by NQA, we are tested into order to ensure that we are making full use of the IMS, applying our accreditation skills to all levels of our business, and it is with great pride that we can announce that we have passed our audit for 2021 with flying colours.

One of the other achievements we have earned recently is Gold Status in the Constructionline programme, which offers a platform for thousands of buyers in the construction industry that enforces an ethos of trust and quality amongst its members. Validating all members, the Constructionline platform is used by buyers to quickly find suppliers that will enable them to complete a whole range of projects in the industry by providing them with a pool of high quality suppliers that they can engage with confidently.

Achieving Gold status on this platform isn’t easy for just anyone, with Gold membership requiring further validation checks using an enhanced prequalification questionnaire that goes beyond those involved in silver. Our credentials were assessed for environmental management, quality management, equal opportunities, modern slavery act adherence and anti-bribery and corruption policies.

Whilst achieving Gold status may seem like a high climb for many businesses, for MVIS, it was very achievable. Already giving the very best quality and service, we earn these accreditations to prove it, meaning customers can work with us knowing they are getting the very best.

We have also achieved Gold status in the Supply Chain Sustainability School, a platform that offers businesses extensive training around various sustainability, offsite, digital, procurement, lean and management topics relevant to the business environment.

With a strong focus on CPD through training workshops, networking events and e-learning modules, achieving Gold status is found through completing or using a number of these tools across the company to ensure that the skills taught within the programmes are taken on by companies as well as filtered throughout the business.

As it has helped us to think about our business from top to bottom, the policies and systems affected by the work we have done with the Supply Chain Sustainability School will, in turn, affect the whole organisation in terms of helping us towards our goal of a more sustainability focussed business, with the added benefits of cost savings, reinforcing our reputation and increased safety for our team, our customers and the general public.

This year we have also signed up to the Prompt Payment Code. The Prompt Payment Code is a voluntary code of practice for businesses, administered by the Office of the Small Business Commissioner (SBC) on behalf of BEIS and sets standards for payment practices between organisations of any size and their suppliers.

Signatories to the code have undertaken to always pay suppliers on time, within agreed terms, to give clear guidance to suppliers on terms, dispute resolution and prompt notification of late payment, and well as to support good practice throughout their supply chain by encouraging adoption of the Code.

By promoting and sticking to these practices, we are serving as a good example for the code which may help to inspire other companies to sign up, enforcing best business practices all along our supply chain to not only improve reliability, but help businesses everywhere.

We have also recently re-certified with Achilles BuildingConfidence registration, having been certified for over 2 years now. Achilles Building Confidence is a UK construction industry accreditation and risk management scheme that aims to help organisations identify, assess, qualify, and monitor suppliers throughout the supply chain, reducing operating costs.

A standardised pre-qualification questionnaire streamlines the procurement process and manages risk. 

Achilles enables communities of buyers and suppliers to build better business relationships through a more open, trusting and proactive approach. Sharing knowledge, standards and best practice leads to buyers and suppliers sharing success.

Achilles BuildingConfidence helps us to accentuate our commitment to these essential aspects of our business.

Safety doesn’t just mean physical safety, it also includes digital safety too. Cyber Essentials is a simple but effective, Government backed scheme that will help you to protect your organisation, whatever its size, against a whole range of the most common cyber attacks.

Cyber attacks come in many shapes and sizes, but the vast majority are very basic in nature, carried out by relatively unskilled individuals. They’re the digital equivalent of a thief trying your front door to see if it’s unlocked. Cyber Essentials is designed to prevent these attacks.

Certification gives us peace of mind that our defences will protect against the vast majority of common cyber attacks simply because these attacks are looking for targets which do not have the Cyber Essentials technical controls in place.

Cyber Essentials shows us how to address those basics and prevent the most common attacks.

It also gives our customers piece of mind that their data is handled according to best practices against common cyber attacks, meaning they can hire with us confidently.


When it comes to safety, we take no chances and this is including our commitment to the environment – the protection of which offers us all the ultimate safety. As an organisation, we are always looking for ways we can protect the environment, in line with our commitments as a responsible business.

In an effort to address our carbon footprint, we have looked to Forest Carbon, who have an initiative called ‘Carbon Club’, which was set up to allow smaller organisations and businesses to address their climate impact.

Purchasing ‘carbon credits’ allows Forest Carbon to plant trees and create new woodlands in the UK on our behalf, which will sequester greenhouse gases (GHGs) from the atmosphere in the years to come in our country.

Doing this allows our customers to also benefit from our activities too, offering them an environmentally focused supplier who engages with environmental responsibilities, which for many of our customers is a very important aspect for their environmental commitments too.

Anne Ashman, UK Group Commercial and Operations Director commented, “We are always looking for ways to improve our environmental, safety and quality standards and by achieving these accreditations and memberships, it ensures that we are working to the best standards possible. Clients come to us knowing that we do not compromise on safety, quality, customer care or our commitment to the environment, which is what underpins our Platinum Service Promise.”

As time goes on and we take on more accreditations and memberships with these highly valuable groups, we are building more than just our reputation. We are changing the way we operate at an organisational level that affects how we approach things, as a business and as individuals in an ever-evolving world.


MVIS | Quality Comes Assured With A Promise

The Original 5-Colour VMS

MVIS is well known in the industry for bringing innovations to market – from the industry’s first smaller footprint unit of its class with the HD Compact, to the Solar IP, which offers the industry a portable solar powered power bank. However, we must never forget the company’s beginnings, which are found in the original 5-colour Bartco portable variable message signs all the way back in 2012.  

The Bartco brand has a reputation for quality across the UK, and has done for many years, being trusted by a range of industries, local authorities, traffic management and events companies. Sister company Bartco AU were the first company to manufacture 5-colour portable variable message signs, with MVIS being the first to bring them to the UK market.

As a result, we have forged relationships with our clients that are underpinned by the quality of our products and our service. Part of the reason we are able to provide such a quality service for our clients is owed to our quality products, which means maintenance and repairs are kept to a minimum, allowing our team to focus largely on service rather than having to deal with unreliable products taking up their time.

Original 5-colour Bartco signs are versatile, reliable under all conditions and easy to set up and operate. They also offer impact, choice and the flexibility to use red, green, blue and white as well as standard amber.

Since the launch of the first iteration of the original 5-colour Bartco sign, the market has expanded to include units with similar functionality from competitors. However, there are still aspects of our signs that make them unique.

Original 5-colour Bartco signs feature tilting solar panels and a solar charging system designed for the weather and environment of the country they operate in. Signs are also monitored and configured using our proprietary browser-based Web Studio or Bartco Live smart phone app.

Although simple to use, signs also pack in a wealth of technology, including a data collection radar, a single plug & play control module and a bright, low power consuming LED display.

For more information about the Bartco VMS or MVIS and our ITS rental services, please contact us via our contact form.

Alternatively, you can email us via


MVIS and Bartco UK pass 2021 annual ISO audit

MVIS and Bartco UK earn a successful audit of our ISO accreditations in quality (9001:2015), environmental management (14001:2015), and health & safety (45001:2018).

Issued by global certification body NQA, ISO accreditations enforce the practise of and adherence to respected business standards that help organisations perform better in a wide range of aspects.

For MVIS and Bartco UK, the standards of quality (9001:2015)environmental management (14001:2015) and health & safety (45001:2018) are of vital importance to our business, making adherence to these core aspects a highly aspirational goal for us. Together, the ISO accreditations furnish us with a full IMS (integrated management system), bringing our systems and processes into one complete framework.

Subject to an annual audit by NQA, we are tested into order to ensure that we are making full use of the IMS, applying our accreditation skills to all levels of our business, and it is with great pride that we can announce that we have passed our audit for 2021 with flying colours.

Anne Ashman, UK Group Commercial and Operations Director commented, “Having been recertified only last year, we are immensely pleased that our ISOs and the IMS plays such an important role in our day to day operations, especially during the pandemic. Deeply engraining the main areas of responsibility in our business, the IMS brings a number of important benefits to us and our customers.”

2020 ISO Recertification: Christopher Moores, Anne Ashman, Dom Bridge

Our quality certification (9001:2015), assures clients that our products and services meet customer’s requirements. As a very important factor when it comes to equipment such as ours that promotes safety, clients look to MVIS and Bartco UK for reliable and effective products that have the ISO accreditation in quality behind them.

As an ITS solutions group, we work closely with the Highways and Traffic Management industries to deliver our solutions and products across the whole of the UK. Having such close ties to these industries, our environmental impact is of great importance to our Corporate Social Responsibility strategy. By working with a company that has obtained this accreditation, clients can rest assured that the company their required solutions came from is improving their sustainability through increasingly efficient use of resources and reduction of waste.

The health & safety accreditation, (45001:2018), completed our IMS in an area that doesn’t just demonstrate our commitment to our customers, but also to our staff. With its focus on employee safety and the safety of working environments, this standard is perhaps one of our most important, helping us conform to safety standards that keep our staff safe. Due to the nature of work undertaken by many of our team across highways, vehicle management, crowd safety and construction, the safety of our staff and others is paramount in transporting and deploying our units. Staff, customers and even pedestrians can all be safe in the knowledge that our products have been manufactured and deployed with safety in mind.

Anne adds, “It is vital that the whole team understands the importance of working to all 3 standards and the impact it has on the group’s continual growth. The successful audit demonstrates that we are constantly aiming higher on a service and operations level to ensure our customers always get a quality service from MVIS and Bartco UK”.

For more information about MVIS, please contact us via our contact form. Alternatively, you can email us via

MVIS offers more with HIAB access

MVIS have a solid reputation for platinum level service. As part of this, we work hard to ensure that what we have to offer our customers is exactly what they need and more. We have built this reputation over many years of serving clients on projects of all sizes and our commitment to service has brought us a large base of repeat customers, which has allowed us to understand them even more as time goes on.  

Over the years we have brought new products and solutions to market with customers in mind and we have also worked on our service provision for the same reason, allowing us to be more versatile and accommodating for projects of many kinds. This has allowed us to offer a more rounded service to all as we move towards fulfilling the full spectrum of requirements in our field.

One of the ways we have worked on this in recent years has been through obtaining access to HIAB loader cranes. Our specially trained HIAB operatives and slinger signalers allow us to offer more when it comes to the delivery, installation and removal of our products.

This enables us to deploy multiple portable Variable Message Signs and other technologies in locations that can be difficult to reach or get to by a standard delivery vehicle, like for example, behind motorway barriers. In many cases, such locations can be a lot safer for both the unit itself and the general public, making this an ideal location for deployment.  

Unlike with other portable VMS and ITS suppliers, hiring with MVIS means that the customer is not expected to supply their own access to HIAB loader cranes, saving on hassle and cost.

If you would like to know more information about our access to HIAB loader cranes or about how our solutions can help you, please get in touch with the team at MVIS on 01629 580 570 or email

Not exactly your average year in review…

So…2020. Where do we even start with this one? If we said it has been a rather peculiar year, it just does not seem to do it justice, does it?

To say we’ve all faced some trials and tribulations in 2020 is perhaps the understatement of the year, but when MVIS & Bartco UK looks back at their own 2020, with the obvious set aside for just a moment, 2020 hasn’t necessarily been all that bad.

The company has seen growth across several fronts, as new products and people have joined the companies. Additionally, a year of major projects and promotions has also seen valuable lessons learned about the company’s adaptability, flexibility and ability to react to unforeseen circumstances.


Living with lockdown – March

A new way of life, and working was ‘introduced’ in March. Using the word ‘introduced’ rather lightly – ‘enforced’ may be more apt – requiring rapid adaptation to the ongoing Covid-19 crisis.

MVIS acted quickly to keep Britain moving by making a virtually immediate jump to home working for all office staff as soon as it was advised to do so by the government.

Staff meetings were moved to virtual hangouts via Microsoft Teams, and the delivery team were forced to adapt to new protocols to keep themselves, and their clients safe whilst out on site.

The ability to do this quickly has left the company in no doubt that they have the right team in place, as the Covid-19 rollercoaster continues into 2021.

Living with lockdown – July

Late June into July saw the national lockdown lifted and returning to office work was permitted again.

With no relinquishing of a ‘safety first’ mindset, MVIS welcomed back staff on a rota basis. Believing mental health is as important as physical health, office staff had the choice of where to work within restrictions.

At HQ, some strict measures were implemented which put increased demands on the team on top of already demanding roles.

These measures include:

  • Disinfection of all collected units
  • Limited vehicle sharing with mandatory masks if sharing
  • Mandatory disinfection of all surfaces & shared facilities
  • Hand sanitising stations located throughout the buildings
  • Perspex screens dividing workstations
  • Daily temperature readings
  • A complete layout change to the building
  • VMS deployed in strategic locations for safety information
  • All external doors & windows left open when people are in the building
  • Withdrawal of shared utensils and pots
  • Table and canopy built outside to allow for socially distanced meetings
  • The workshop floor was marked out with ‘bays’ stationed 2m apart
  • Second workshop set up
  • New ‘snap cabin’ recreational area further segregating the use of shared facilities
  • Daily Microsoft Teams meetings updates
  • Visitor entry restrictions marked by VMS
  • Placement of workplace safety signage to remind employees to wash and sanitise hands

Territorial ‘pods’ were also created separating departments and ensuring that the staff who are required to work from head office do not come into contact with others. Furthermore, staff must wear a mask when moving from workstations.


One thing that hasn’t changed in 2020, is MVIS’ delivery on major projects across the UK.

East to west from the M20 in Kent across the country and indeed the border to Mountain Ash, Wales, as well as a North-South coverage from East Lothian, Scotland all the way down to Folkestone. A truly national operation.


HD Compact v2.0

Back in June, MVIS and Bartco UK were proud to announce the latest version of their revolutionary HD Compact VMS.

V.1 of the HD Compact was the first of its kind, and V.2 offers added developments. One of the biggest developments is the use of solar power, providing highly extended maintenance free run-time and sustainability commitments.


HD Compact V2.0

IVD Radar

The IVD Radar is a portable traffic flow monitoring solution, providing traffic data on single and multi-lane highways and roads.

With remotely downloadable data from a unit that can detect from 2-100m away, no one is required on site to collect the data, which is especially important in COVID conditions.



In October, MVIS announced that several of its leadership team had earned promotions.

Anne Ashman, formerly General Manager became Group Commercial and Operations Director. Anne’s promotion was coupled with another Directorship as Graeme Lee, long time Sales Manager took on the role of Sales Director.

Finally, Dom Bridge earned a promotion to Operations Manager after 7 years with the company.



Chris Steel

MVIS welcomed Chris Steel to the team in July 2020 as Accounts Officer.

Ed Faulkner

Ed Faulkner is the most recent addition to the MVIS team, joining the business as Sales Manager in October.


Anne Ashman, Commercial and Operations Director at MVIS told us:

“We take recruitment very seriously and don’t let just anyone into our business. After a rather unconventional recruitment process due to COVID-19, Chris and Ed both stepped up to the plate.”

Moving forward…

Certainly, 2020 has been somewhat of a roller coaster, but this is a company who has created diamonds under the pressure, stimulated diversification and overall growth and has a happy, healthy workforce striving for even bigger things in 2021.


MVIS VMS makes Impact for COVID-19 Safety

During these highly unusual times, everyone looks to government bodies for advice on what to do and to help keep people safe.

Spreading the right message has never been more important and with the high focus on local initiatives to help combat this virus, local authorities are left holding the responsibility of implementing the right solutions to help keep their area’s COVID levels as low as possible. The tasks of those areas currently facing local lockdown restrictions such as Bolton and the North East of England (to name but a few) is even bigger, as they are also charged with the responsibility of communicating their specific area’s lockdown rules rather than just guidance. 

Nothing has had a bigger impact in any sense this year than COVID-19, and with any high impact problem, you need a high impact solution to help manage it. Local authorities all over the UK have been turning to MVIS and our Portable Variable Message Signs (VMS) for help.

Not only this, but the media has also seen an opportunity for the potential of our VMS to put across a stark and important message through their photography, with a few deployments in particular receiving national media attention to help promote their news.

At least until such times as we have a vaccine widely available, one of the most powerful tools we have against this virus is information, bringing our portable VMS to forefront of the effort for the media and local authorities. VMS are often used in Hollywood and TV in disaster situations for this exact application – and with the world heading deeper into a state of emergency, we are seeing this become a reality before us.

With the ability to change messages remotely via web browser or mobile app, our signs can be updated safely without requiring anyone on-site. They can also be updated quickly and easily, allowing local authorities to be responsive to the changing guidance.

Our sign’s portability and solar power credentials make their responsiveness even more important, offering a moveable solution that gives the option of being able to relocate signs to new hot spots without having to worry about a fixed power supply.

One of the other aspects of our signs is their colour options. With the opportunity to display messages in multiple colours, local authorities and site managers are able to avoid the risk of ‘sign blindness’ that can occur with the use of the common amber message text sometimes seen on signs deployed for roadworks.

please ensure social distancing

Putting messages and backgrounds in different colours can help the text make extra impact as well as provide emphasis, increasing the chances it will be seen and most importantly read.

The use of colour can also be a powerful indicator to the public to convey and reinforce different types of messages, such as red for unsafe actions and green for safe actions, or a combination of colours to catch attention and try to influence certain types of behaviour, for example.

covid-19 do not mix with other households

As well as the opportunity to use different colours, our signs are also ideally used to display pictograms, which for foot traffic in urban areas can be highly effective for conveying critical messages.

hand face space

Another important factor that has allowed MVIS to step up to this challenge has been our fleet size and product range. With the largest fleet of VMS in the UK, MVIS are able to meet the demand that is currently coming our way, with not only the necessary numbers needed, but also being able to offer 3 different sizes of VMS to local authorities so they can use the appropriate sized sign for the specific audience, deployment and objective.

Whilst MVIS can deliver these helpful solutions, we specifically do so with premium level service, bringing our high-speed expertise and focus on compliance to local authorities, who may not be used to the same level of ‘all encompassing’ service that we provide. It is well known within the industry that working with MVIS takes concerns away from our clients, as we often go above and beyond in our service, offering 24/7 support, consultancy on deployment and ensuring the right unit is being used for the right job.

Join many local authorities in the UK and hire with MVIS today to be confident that your area’s COVID-19 information is being communicated by quality products in the care of experts.

For more information about our solutions or if you would like to know more about how you can use our products to help with crowd control, social distancing or queue management, please contact us via our contact form.

Alternatively, you can email us via

MVIS / Bartco UK receives a record number of Award Submissions

With the 2020 award season facing major disruption due to COVID-19, MVIS have not taken this as a sign to slow down. This year so far has presented numerous challenges to not only MVIS, but the entire economy. It truly is times such as these that allow adaptable and forward-thinking businesses to shine.

In spite of this horrific climate for business, MVIS have remained strong and operational, and have not let the undeniable handbrake to the economy hold us back.

With this in mind, it makes sense that MVIS and Bartco UK have been submitted as finalists for a number of awards with the East Midlands Chamber of Commerce. Getting through to the finals in these awards represents a wider commitment to the areas that the categories address, most of which are highly important to our business.

Bartco UK – Innovation in Manufacturing Award

MVIS / Bartco UK – Commitment to People Development Award

MVIS – Environmental Impact Award

These awards all cover areas we hold highly important to our business operations as an organisation, with our submission as finalists demonstrating just how highly we prioritise them.

Bartco UK’s submission as Innovation in Manufacturing Award finalists recognises our commitment to developing our manufacturing processes, ensuring that we are consistently improving our numerous product and process innovations for the benefit of our customers and the safety of our staff.

The shared submission with MVIS and Bartco UK as finalists in the Commitment to People Development Award is a highly appropriate submission for our organisation, recognising our continued commitment to the development, training and safety of our team. This wouldn’t be the first time we have been recognised for our commitment to our team.  Receiving national recognition for our investment in people in 2018, Learning Unlimited awarded the group a place on the shortlist for their Investment in Apprentices awards.

What’s more is that at this event, George Sheldon, one of Bartco UK’s Apprentice Technicians, was named as a finalist in the Advanced Apprentice of the Year category and MVIS’ then Operations and Customer Service Apprentice, Tillie Wooliscroft, was announced as the winner in the Intermediate Apprentice of the Year category.

Submission as finalists in this award with the Chamber of Commerce is a very welcome acknowledgment for the focus we give to the development of our team. This gives us an immense level of pride, especially with the East Midlands Chamber of Commerce, who’s recognition in this way brings with it a worthy stamp of approval for our contributions to the skills pool in our local area.

Last but certainly not least is the MVIS finalist submission for the Environmental Impact Award, which compliments and recognises our corporate social responsibility to the environment.

Replicated in virtually every business decision we make, MVIS have an on-going commitment to the environment that we take very seriously. With our products being, by their very nature, highly environmentally friendly by running on solar power, many businesses would stop there in their duty to the environment.

Not MVIS, however.

We have a number of initiatives currently in place and in planning phase that will help to lessen or offset our carbon emissions and impact on the environment. Submission as finalists for this award helps to recognise that these initiatives are making a difference, only spurring us on in our never-ending commitment to the environment.

All these awards brought together are well complemented by our ISO accreditations in Quality (9001:2015), Environmental Management (14001:2015), and Health & Safety (45001:2018), with each award tipping its hat to at least one of these accreditations. So, it comes of little surprise that it was these awards that have seen us recognised as finalists.

Check back later in the year for the results of these Awards, which will be announced at the Gala Dinner Events and are currently scheduled to take place in early December.

MVIS Succeed with Achilles Audit

Last year, we were proud to announce that we had been awarded with Achilles BuildingConfidence registration. Achilles Building Confidence is a UK construction industry accreditation and risk management scheme that aims to help organisations identify, assess, qualify, and monitor suppliers throughout the supply chain, reducing operating costs.

A standardised pre-qualification questionnaire streamlines the procurement process and manages risk.


Achilles enables communities of buyers and suppliers to build better business relationships through a more open, trusting and proactive approach. Sharing knowledge, standards and best practice leads to buyers and suppliers sharing success.

For MVIS, registration with Achilles last year cemented our commitment to both quality and safety, building on the work we have done with our ISO accreditations in quality (9001:2015), environmental management (14001:2015), and health & safety (45001:2018), together furnishing us with a full IMS (integrated management system), integrating our systems and processes into one complete framework.

Bringing in Achilles BuildingConfidence registration alongside this helps us to accentuate our commitment to these essential aspects of our business. Anne Ashman, UK Group Commercial and Operations Director commented, “Last year, we were really proud to achieve registration with Achilles. We did this to help demonstrate to our current and potential customers that we work in a Quality, H&S and Environmental focused manner. This year underscores this even more so, with the changing nature of the economy, it is more important than ever to ensure that we are keeping standards up.”

Anne adds, “We are really proud to have succeeded with this year’s Achilles audit, retaining our membership and allowing us to keep it next to our other accreditations as testament to the fact that we practice what we preach when it comes to standards, service and quality.”

Our Achilles BuildingConfidence membership takes its place next to the multitude of reasons to choose MVIS, that not only confirms our commitment to these aspects, but it all together helps to set us apart from a typical ITS supplier.

With award winning customer service, national coverage and a portfolio containing some of the highest profile projects in the UK, it is little wonder why MVIS boast the most experienced and best trained workforce in the industry. We ensure that our workforce are given the skills and hands-on training to deliver nothing short of excellence, meaning that is what you can expect from us.

Reflection on lockdown brings adaptability of products and people to the fore

The last 4 months have thrown up challenges that we can all concede we probably never thought we’d face. Individuals, families and businesses have all had to make adjustments and sacrifices in order to stay safe, well, and survive.

As we look back on the unprecedented nature of 2020 so far, and with a gradual return to normality seemingly now upon all of us, it’s great time to look back and see what we’ve learned.

Adaptability is Key

Leading ITS solutions provider MVIS has been on this journey of self-reflection, and highlights adaptability as perhaps the key factor to thriving as a business throughout the challenging lockdown period.

It’s probably not unfair to say there isn’t an individual in the entire nation who hasn’t been dealt some sort of challenge with adaptability over the last 4 months.

Adaptable People

MVIS acted quickly to keep Britain moving by making a virtually immediate jump to home working for all office staff as soon as it was advised to do so by the government.

Management acted quickly to keep their people safe, and the excellent MVIS team were forced to adapt to home-based offices whilst still delivering quality and service to a client base.

Staff meetings were moved to virtual hangouts via Microsoft Teams, and the delivery team were forced to adapt to new protocols to keep themselves, and their clients safe whilst out on site..

The ability to do this quickly and with a ‘can do’ attitude has left the company firstly in no doubt that they have the right team in place, but secondly, in a position to now further adapt to new requirements in terms of what their solutions can provide.

Adaptable Products – Delivering New Solutions for New Problems

As the COVID-19 lockdown eased, retail stores throughout the country faced new challenges, one of the most important being the ability to communicate vital information to customers quickly and easily.

In recent months, MVIS have been working with the retail industry to develop ways they can apply their technology to solving these new challenges, helping to clear up the confusion that customers were facing as more businesses were granted permission to open their doors once again.

MVIS VMS-C Unit deployed at Amazon in Doncaster
From Global to Local

The solutions for retail are all encompassing, with one of the world’s largest companies and biggest brands utilising MVIS units. Indeed, worldwide phenomenon Amazon has deployed 2 x MVIS VMS-C used at its distribution centre in Doncaster to give staff and visitors up to date information on site rules.

Additionally, 2 x VMS-A are being used at Middlebrook Shopping Centre in Bolton to direct customers around the site and advise of any changes to the layout due to Covid-19.

At the other end of the size spectrum, New Leaf Plant Centre in Dronfield, only a stone’s throw away from MVIS’ Matlock HQ reopened back in May but had an understandable number of concerns about keeping customers informed of critical information.

The VMS-A was advised and deployed by MVIS due to the size of New Leaf’s car park. The VMS-A is renowned for its impressive screen size: footprint ratio and is often deployed where units with a larger footprint cannot be.

With a rather large car park to display messages to and parking space at a premium, the VMS-A was the unit of choice over the smaller screened HD Compact due to its increased display size.

The MVIS VMS units are helping the aforementioned businesses to keep their staff and customers well informed, as well as keeping processes and practices from site deliveries to payment queues as efficient and stress free as possible.

Major shopping centres such as Middlebrook in Bolton are utilising MVIS units

MVIS Marketing Manager, Sean Brown said:

“It’s always great seeing new uses for our technology and the cornerstone of this is found in us having a good understanding of the needs of our client, regardless of whether it’s a huge global corporate entity such as Amazon, or a smaller local business such as New Leaf.

“Once we establish needs, it’s then working with our client on ways we can apply our solutions to them specifically.

“Building the relationships that allows us to understand these needs is where this starts. As we explore new industries, we are eager to highlight that we are not just in the business of ITS rental, but rather the business of relationships and service.”
