MVIS’ Intelligent Transport System (ITS) Solution Triumphs at RideLondon

Leading temporary intelligent transport system (ITS) solutions provider, Mobile Visual Information Systems (MVIS) Ltd, contributed to the smooth-running of London’s traffic network during the UK’s largest ever mass-participation cycling festival.

With over 70,000 participants, Prudential RideLondon took place in early August, celebrating the legacy for cycling created by the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

MVIS’ intelligent transport system (ITS) solution incorporated 20 VMS-A mobile, solar powered variable message signs (VMS) to provide advanced information to members of the public about the route of the festival’s London-Surrey 100 event, a 100 mile race on closed roads.

MVIS was selected to undertake the intelligent transport system (ITS) project following its successful Olympic Route Network (ORN) contract in 2012, when almost 200 VMS were deployed in what was believed to be the largest single instalment of solar powered VMS in the world.

The company’s London-Surrey 100 intelligent transport system (ITS) contract saw its VMS signs performing a similar function to those deployed on the ORN, providing clear and quickly perceptible travel advice about potentially busy areas to non-race road users.

MVIS’ managing director, Pat Musgrave said: “We were delighted to have once again worked in partnership with TfL to develop an intelligent transport system (ITS) solution to help the capital’s road network operate efficiently throughout a major sporting event.”

MVIS’ innovative intelligent transport system (ITS) solutions incorporate a wide range of products, including ANPR, CCTV and radar in addition to VMS.


Intelligent transport system (ITS) Olympic and Paralympic legacy

London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games intelligent transport system (ITS) solutions provider, MVIS, read with interest an article in last week’s Highways on Fridays, which reported on the way in which improvements in how the country’s busiest roads are managed have come about as a direct result of lessons learned from the games.

The article referred to the verdict of road bosses speaking at an industry event, London 2012 Lessons and Legacy, held by the Roads Academy, a new professional development programme designed to encourage innovation and best practice across the roads industry.

Industry leaders speaking at the event explained that ways of working pioneered while planning for last summer’s Olympic and Paralympic Games have led to improvements in planning roadworks, managing traffic flows during busy times and how incidents are responded to, and MVIS’ intelligent transport system (ITS) was of a cruical element of the initiative.

Comenting on the project which incorporated MVIS’ intelligent transport system (ITS), TfL director of roads Dana Skelley said: “Moving millions of people across London was obviously one of the major challenges of the London 2012 games. Despite the scale of the challenge posed to London’s transport network, transport arrangements were enormously successful…. Investment in state-of-the-art traffic management systems played a vital role in keeping London moving. New technology systems, upgraded traffic signals and improved modelling are all leaving a legacy of better managed roads and smoother traffic flow throughout the capital.”

Highways Agency chief executive Graham Dalton added: “A relentless focus on performance and innovative solutions – like the ones we developed for the games – will be crucial in making maximum use out of our road network, a vital national asset, in the years ahead while ensuring we continue to deliver best value for taxpayers’ money.”

MVIS is one of UK’s leading intelligent transport system (ITS) solutions providers, working in partnership with traffic management organisations to create solutions to help the road network operate efficiently.

Its Olympic Route Network intelligent transport system (ITS) solution featured the supply of what is believed to be the largest single deployment of solar powered variable message signs (VMS) in the world, with almost 200 units employed for the network, enabling key participants, such as athletes and officials, to travel safely, securely and efficiently between venues and their accommodation, while also keeping London and the rest of the UK moving.


MVIS keeps Manchester moving

MVIS was chosen as the preferred Intelligent Transport System (ITS) solutions provider to keep Manchester moving as the city enjoyed some of the summer’s most promising music events.

Fans attending the Etihad stadium earlier for an evening with pop idols Muse and Robbie Williams benefited from MVIS’ VMS-C system, which was utilised to effectively manage up to 60,000 people in the vicinity of the stadium.

With a fully autonomous solar charging system, the 5 colour VMS-C boasts a range of features and functions not available in any other VMS,  the highest quality LED’s and a single plug and play controller that houses the sign’s unsurpassed technology.

Two VMS-C systems were also used for Manchester’s premier music festival, the Parklife Weekender, to help manage festival goers  as thousands descended on the city’s Heaton Park for two days of fun, sun and songs from some of the UK’s biggest pop acts.

For more information on the VMS-C, or any of MVIS’ high quality, competitively priced ITS solutions get in touch for a no obligation demonstration.

Top tips for the smooth running of an event from industry expert

Whether you’re organising a small country show or a major music festival, an efficient traffic management system is essential to ensure the smooth flow of traffic to and from the event, maximising visitor satisfaction and minimising the impact on non-event traffic.   Many events are located in rural areas, via B-road access, where a good traffic management system is especially important.

Tony Price MD of MVIS recently talked to Events Industry News about his top tips for the smooth running of an event. 

“Rapid technological developments in the traffic management industry have given events organisers the opportunity to incorporate state-of- the art equipment into their traffic management systems, equipment that will not only help the traffic to flow more smoothly, but that will also help to save on manpower costs.

“Variable Message Signs (VMS) backed up by the right software can save you a lot of money.  These signs are of high impact, and when supported by the right software, can allow you not only to display directional messages but also to update them quickly and easily from any internet enabled device.  Their impact and efficient communication capacity means that they can be deployed in fewer numbers than standard static signs, reducing the need for the high manpower costs often associated with sign installation and management.

“Tests have shown that VMS signs displaying messages using a wide variety of colours have particularly high impact, allowing drivers to interpret instructions with the greatest speed. MVIS’ matrix signs are capable of displaying text in five colours, although TSRGD 2002 regulations meant that on the Olympic Route Network, only amber and white were permissible.  We are currently lobbying the Department for Transport and the Highways Agency to permit the use of greater colour in order to improve traffic management efficiency.

“One mistake that events transport managers often make is to think no further than signage.  In fact, solutions incorporating a range of ITS products can be used to help make the traffic flow more efficiently.  CCTV, radar and Automatic Number Plate Recognition systems can all be employed on the routes leading to the event in order to capture information that will help you to manage event traffic well.

“For example, these products can count and instantly transmit to you details of the number of vehicles approaching the event, thereby allowing you to open up more car-parking spaces as necessary, so preventing tail-backs.  ANPR systems can be used to facilitate cashless parking systems, removing the need for barriers, again helping to prevent tail-backs.

“There is a massive array of ITS products on the market, and you need to think carefully about the products that are best for you.  Consider whether the equipment is portable and easy to install.  These aspects are vital, not only to ensure efficient initial deployment requiring only a low level of human resource, but also to facilitate the swift redeployment sometimes required due to changing circumstances.  Consider too the power supply. As any event organiser will know, external power supplies are not always reliable, so solar powered equipment is by far the best option.

“Also, think about whether the combination of ITS technology you choose can be housed in one platform rather than several, as this will save you money.  Our new Solar 2012 multi-use trailer platform facilitates the mounting of multiple products on a single, solar powered, mobile platform, allowing the flexible combination of a selection of temporary ITS equipment.

“Finally, when selecting your ITS provider, you should always take care to choose one offering a committed customer service, not just the products themselves.  Choose a supplier who is able to give comprehensive operational training, who will be there for you at short notice, and who can be relied on to deliver quickly.”

Tony Price, Managing director, MVIS

TFL thanks MVIS for “Critical” olympic and paralympic support

MVIS has received a formal letter of thanks from a Transport for London director for its “critical” support during the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

In a letter to MVIS’ managing director, Tony Price, Alan Bristow, TfL’s traffic directorate surface transport director, said: “I would like to formally thank you for the work you and your team have done for the planning and delivery of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

“Without doubt, we found the support from MVIS to be critical to our operation. As you know, the 177 mobile VMS that you deployed was the largest ever such undertaking in London. Our people were unfamiliar with the operating system and we were therefore not only dependent on you and your team for logistic support in moving/redeploying signs at often short notice, but also for the back office support to London streets traffic control centre traffic co-ordinators.

“I am aware that the back office support that you and your team provided, particularly Steve Young and Keith Menzies, commenced well in advance of the Games, initially helping us to become familiar with the system and then ensuring that we were able to effectively assign signs to groups, was very responsive and available at short-notice and at all hours. The support helped us to ensure that the operation of Games Lanes was effective, thus directly benefiting the Games vehicle fleets and helping us to keep London moving.

“Please accept my grateful thanks on behalf of TfL.”


Transport for London (TfL) has commended mobile signage and eco-lighting provider, Mobile Visual Information Systems (MVIS) Ltd, for its “outstanding” contribution to The London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Until recently known as Colour Mobile VMS, MVIS undertook TfL’s contract to supply variable message signage for the event’s Olympic Route Network.

In what is believed to be the largest single deployment of solar powered variable message signs in the world, almost 200 units were employed for the network, enabling key participants, such as athletes and officials, to travel safely, securely and efficiently between venues and their accommodation, while also keeping London and the rest of the UK moving.

As the event closed, TfL’s London streets traffic control centre operations manager, Esmon George MBE MILT, contacted the team at MVIS personally to thank them for their “outstanding support”, adding: “We couldn’t have achieved what we did without you”.

TfL’s operational process improvements manager, John Tenten, was also impressed by MVIS’ work, saying: “Your assistance during the games made our role considerably easier”.

Commented MVIS managing director Tony Price:  “Because our sign management system allows multiple signs to be grouped, messages were sent to multiple signs on different parts of the Olympic Route Network in a single transmission.  This allowed TfL to dynamically control access to the Games Lane, ensuring that athletes, press and VIPs transited quickly and safely, and that London’s traffic kept flowing. The fact that the signs displayed the Games Lane messages in different colours enabled road users to instantly identify whether the lane was in use.

“We’re delighted to have been a part of such a massive international event, and TfL’s praise is testament to our capability within this sector.”

For more information see

A fantastic achievement by everyone invovled…

“Delivering this contract has been immensely satisfying, but has required a huge team effort, from the very beginning.

A massive thank you to Bartco, our innovative Australian manufacturers, whose innovative and flexible approach to procurement and manufacturing was matched only by their determination to hit the shipment dates.

A 10,000 mile supply chain length, weather, port closures, flight delays and customs issues were all overcome to get the signs into
the UK on time.

The contract could not have been achieved without our Leeds based commercial funder, Reward Capital LLP and Affinity Asset Finance, so their help was very much appreciated.

And the rolling deployment of the 177 signs onto the London roads was project managed superbly by Steve Young of Colour Mobile VMS and Phil Harrop of P&D Specialist Services. Traffic Management for the deployment across London was co-ordinated by Ringway Jacobs and the flexible attitude and attention to detail of all the traffic management teams involved was instrumental in making this achievement possible.

Deployment was also supported by Hw Martin group of companies from their Amber Langis depot at Harlow.

The facts and figures:

  • Order placed for 175 solar powered portable VMS signs
  • 10,000 mile supply chain
  • 14 flights from Melbourne, Australia and
    Hong Kong
  • 22 containers on 8 ships
  • Averaging 35 days at sea for each shipment
  • 15 weeks to delivery date
  • All 177 solar powered VMS signs now on the streets on London!

This manufacture, delivery and deployment project has been a fantastic achievement by all involved.”

Thank you,
Tony Price MD Colour Mobile VMS

Colour Mobile VMS to provide multi colour VMS signs to support Olympic Route Network

Colour Mobile VMS and P&D Specialist Services are proud to announce that they will be supplying Solar Powered Portable Variable Message Signs in support of the Olympic Route Network over the Olympic and Para Olympic games period 2012.

177 multi colour variable message signs will be delivered, installed and supported for the Olympic Route Network, strategic signing and road events. These innovative signs will start to be seen on London roads towards the end of April.

Tony Price, MD of Colour Mobile VMS said, “We are extremely proud to have been selected and to be involved in this once in a life time event. Our signs incorporate the latest in remote communications technology, a state of the art sign management system and multi colour messaging options. We are looking forward to delivering and surpassing the requirements of the contract. We are confident the visual impact delivered by our product will add significant value to the overall Olympic traffic management plan.”

If you want to find out more about Colour Mobile VMS visit

Colour Mobile VMS features at Sheffield United Football Club

Colour Mobile VMS is used at Sheffield United Football Club to promote the Blades Superstore and up coming fixtures

Colourful Welcome for the Bakewell Show

Colour Mobile VMS is used to manage traffic and provides visitors of this summer’s Bakewell Show with a colourful and safe welcome.





Event information at the Chatsworth Country Fair

We were delighted to be a part of the Chatsworth Country Fair this year with 4 of our Variable Message Signs.

The Chatsworth Country fair was extended by a day this year to become a 3 day country fair and the visitors didn’t disappoint.

We had 4 Variable Message Signs altogether around the showground, displaying various and important messages to visitors throughout the weekend. Below are a few pictures of the signs at work.