Carbon Friendly for 10 years – from QR codes to COP26

Matters that concern the environment have always been important to us. As we navigate our way through the forever evolving Highways and Traffic Management industries, it has never been more important to be thinking and acting in ways that promote sustainability, carbon footprint management and general care for the environment.

The commitments spelled out in our Corporate Social Responsibility policy go further than that just what is expected from us by our ISO in environmental management (14001:2015). We have been on a journey towards being carbon-friendly for 10 years now, starting right back to basics with our products.

Our products are by their very nature environmentally friendly, being solar powered and offering an alternative to fixed solutions that draw power from the grid straight away helps the environment in this regard, which is an effect that is only increased by time.

Couple this with some applications that our products can be used for. For example, our variable message signs can be used to help spread messaging that can make an impact on people’s behaviour, such as reminding drivers not to leave their engine running idle, or even to help remind people not to litter.

We also offer a range of data collection solutions that can help Local Authorities, National Highways and site managers determine levels of traffic and their speed, which can then be used to make decisions that can affect the environment, such as issues regarding levels of pollution.

However, a recent product innovation offers a more targeted approach for pollution – the ITS Integrated Environmental Sensor, which can be integrated with any of our products as an additional feature which offers clients the ability to monitor the external environment, producing a wide range of air pollution data that can be used to inform and direct on issues of air pollution safety.

We don’t just embody environmental matters in our products, but in our actions too.

In recent years we have taken a number of steps towards our goal for carbon neutrality and have carried these through every level of our business.

We undergo continual improvement when it comes to our manufacturing. Over the last 10 years, we have improved our unit’s batteries and solar panels in line with the latest innovations in these technologies.

Better charging systems, as well as tilting and more efficient solar panels has resulted in improved run times and fewer battery changes, which means fewer journeys need to be made.

This has a huge impact across our entire fleet.

Some units in the fleet itself can be traced back over a decade now – with continual refurbishments and upgrades, we never dispose of a unit unless it is beyond repair, and even if we do, we salvage what we can and what is safe to, to minimise our waste.

To help cut down on carbon emissions from the deliveries of our products, we have developed a custom built beavertail vehicle to allow us to deploy 3 x VMS-A units, 2 x VMS-C units, or 2 x Solar IP units in one delivery. Our national coverage also means that we can pick the closest depot to deliver a unit from, saving staff who are further away the journey.

Perhaps one of our more wider reaching recent environmentally friendly policies has been our adoption of the ‘Carbon Club’ initiative, which was set up by Forest Carbon to allow smaller organisations and businesses to address their climate impact by planting trees and create new woodlands in the UK on our behalf. This will sequester greenhouse gases from the atmosphere for years to come.

We are committing to the initiative fully by paying for more trees to be planted for each contract our customers place with us.

Over the years, we have also seen significant upgrades to our Matlock HQ also. Technological solutions such as movement sensors and timers in our lights and hand dryers, as well as eco-friendly heating solutions have been installed, along with the introduction of a bee hotel and a hedgehog home that are fully maintained by our team.

Above the flower bed the bee house proudly sits

The importance of bees to the environment and global ecosystems are well documented, and the decision for hedgehog refuge is aligned with one of the downsides to the highways industry, with an estimated 25% of the population of hedgehogs being killed on UK roads each year.

To add to the effort to give back to the local environment, we also maintain an on-site flower bed with plants monitored by our team which offers the added benefit of bringing some natural beauty to our local area and nicely compliments the nearby bee hotel.

Where possible, we prefer to use local suppliers. In sourcing local services and products, we help to massively cut down on our carbon footprint whilst bringing business to our local area.

Major components of our products such as our trailers are sourced from a local business, and wider servicing of work vehicles is also conducted locally. The cumulative saving of these reoccurring needs being seen to in the area will have saved a huge number of travel miles compared to alternative services that may have been offering better rates in different areas of the country or even the world.

Even our waste management systems are carefully considered with regards to the environment. We utilise a specialist waste management company to sort and dispose of waste accordingly, ensuring that what can be recycled is disposed of in the correct way. 

To help keep the local environment friendly for wildlife, the MVIS team have even been on local litter picks this year! 

More recently, we have taken the next steps in our environmentally friendly journey. In preparation for Highways UK 2021, we have developed a new way to inform our customers about our products and solutions that breaks away from the conventional presentation folder and spec sheets, which cumulatively will have a marked impact on the environment.

Using QR codes, visitors to our stand were able to easily request an email to be sent to them automatically after scanning the code and visiting our website. A popup box appears requesting an email address, which, when filled in, triggers the email to be sent to the customer within minutes with the required spec sheets attached.

The paper, ink and the potential waste that is involved in the production and distribution of our information packs, has, over the years, undeniably left its mark on the environment.

However, as with many things, technology has assisted us in helping to address this issue. As a result, even the fuel needed to transport the weight of our packs won’t be used, instead being swapped for a cutting-edge digital system that is both easy and convenient to use.

What’s more is that at events, we have always given away reusable or environmentally friendly merchandise and we absolutely stay away from single use plastics. Goodies such as reusable bamboo coffee cups, trolley tokens and reusable face masks are given out to our customers in a reusable canvas tote bag.

To bring our journey even more up to date, very recently we were invited to the Balfour Beatty Sustainable Evolution Showcase, which is running alongside COP26 in Glasgow.

Based at Balfour Beatty’s Digital Innovation Hub, this event gave us the opportunity to support Balfour Beatty in a celebration of sustainability in the industry, demonstrating our solar powered products to visitors, school children, important delegates at the COP26 event and anyone else in the industry who are interested in sustainability in the industry.

Being present at a show like this gives us the opportunity to help education people on solar powered solutions that can benefit the environment, such as our ITS Environmental Sensor. In doing this, we are not only helping to spread the word, but also serving as an example for other companies who may be interested in embarking on a similar journey.

Graeme Lee, Sales Director at MVIS comments, “Being at the Sustainable Evolution Showcase is an important step for us. Being able to represent MVIS and support Balfour Beatty at a show of this magnitude is a clear example of where a focus on sustainability can lead.”

Anne Ashman, UK Group Commercial and Operations Director added, “There is always room for improvement when it comes to our carbon footprint and it starts with the small things. MVIS have remained committed to giving back to the environment for 10 years now and our commitment is only growing strong as we as a company grow. We are all looking forward to seeing a world where everyone takes environmentally friendly matters this seriously –  and if COP26 is anything to go by, we don’t think this is too far behind.”

Continuing to Support Ashgate Hospicecare

Charities around the UK have been hit hard in recent years with the COVID-19 pandemic. Never before have charities struggled so much with organising events and raising money.

Our Corporate Social Responsibility commitments outline our responsibility to our local community and as needs change around us due to the pandemic so does our focus too.

In order to address these changing needs, we took on Ashgate Hospicecare as the charity that we support in our fundraising activities since the pandemic started in order to help Ashgate continue to support those who are living with a life-limiting illness, caring for someone who is or grieving the death of a loved one. Ashgate provides invaluable services to the local community that has had an affect on so many of our team working from our Matlock HQ.

Their far-reaching support and care for those who are extremely vulnerable in society makes them a very worthy cause anyway. Indeed, for many years now, we have offered the use of our signs around the local area for appeals to help raise publicity, as well as help them manage the traffic and with road closures for events such as the annual Sparkle Walk.

So far this year, the value of support MVIS has provided Ashgate Hospicecare through our signs has been £8,071 including delivery!

Anne Ashman, Commercial and Operations Director comments “Ashgate Hospicecare is an integral part of the local community and as difficult as the pandemic has been for everyone, we absolutely can’t lose sight of our commitments to our community. This was – and still is – a time when the community needs to band together to help those who have helped us for so many years. We are proud of the part we continue to play in supporting Ashgate.”

David Storer, Event Fundraiser at Ashgate Hospicecare added, “Anne and the team have provided VMS’s for multiple events and appeals that have really helped to raise the awareness of Ashgate Hospice and the vital end of life care that we provide across North Derbyshire.”

He continued, “MVIS are a pleasure to work with. They are always on hand to provide support across all of our fundraising events and go above and beyond to offer solutions that enhance our reach and help us to promote our brand across the region.”

Ashgate Hospicecare will go on to be our Christmas Charity again for a 2nd year running, and we have lots of exciting fundraising ideas on the cards this year, adding to the Bake Off we have recently finished, as well as the Car boot sale and the 17 mile High Peak Trail Walk completed by our UK Group Commercial and Operations Director, Anne Ashman earlier in the year.

Team BartVIS Stand Out in Support of Youngminds

In support of World Mental Health Day, the team at MVIS and Bartco UK are saying #HelloYellow in support of the charity Youngminds to show young people they’re not alone with their mental health.

MVIS and Bartco UK take mental health very seriously. In the UK, suicide claims an alarming number of lives each year, with many of those in the Highways and Construction industries.

As safety is one of the core foundations at MVIS and Bartco UK, there is no denying the obligation we have in raising awareness of this to help make the industry safer for everyone.

Suicide is the biggest killer of men aged between 20 and 49, with three quarters of registered suicides in 2020 being among men, which has been the case since the mid-1990s. 

We know that the Highways and Transport industries are heavy employers of men, so when research uncovers that 41% of men still don’t seek mental health support when they need it and that men are reaching burnout, something must be done to remedy this with more young men joining these ever increasing industries.

In support of #HelloYellow 2021, the MVIS and Bartco UK team donated money and wore hi-vis or yellow clothing in support of Youngmind’s #HelloYellow campaign, which encourages communities, businesses and schools to wear yellow for the day each year to raise awareness.

Anne Ashman, UK Group Commercial and Operations Director and one of two Mental Health First Aiders for both MVIS and Bartco UK comments, “It’s clear to see just how important the work that Youngminds do is, so it with great pride that we are supporting them again this year with #HelloYellow. We are very happy to support this campaign not just for the fun we have in the office with it, but also because it’s so close to our hearts. It gives us a chance to raise awareness with our team and other’s in the industry to help to encourage people who are struggling to seek help.”

Useful Links and Support:


MVIS Supports The 2021 Sparkle Walk

It’s been another difficult year so far for charities who, for the first quarter at least, were still dealing with the impacts that social distancing was having on their ability to organise fundraisers.

During this difficult year, MVIS and Bartco UK have been supporting Ashgate Hospicecare with a range of fundraisers organised by ourselves as well offering our signs to help them promote events and important messages to the local area.

In recent months, as the UK has reopened again, fund raising events are back better than ever! The most recent event held by Ashgate was the annual 2021 Sparkle Walk, that saw 1500 people take to the streets of Chesterfield and walk in support of Ashgate. Whilst the amount raised is yet to be determined, it is sure to be substantial.

Our original 5-colour Bartco VMS-A has been of particular benefit to Ashgate Hospicecare, who have used several units to help promote events to the public throughout the year. However, with the Sparkle Walk, it’s different. Due to the scale of the annual Sparkle Walk, several main roads around the area are required to close.

4 of our VMS-A units were deployed 1 week prior to and during the road closures to give drivers warning, which due to how central these roads are to the local area, was an important thing to do.

Doing this offered a safer and potentially a more effective traffic control method due to our VMS-A’s LED lights and adjustable display mast, meaning it can be positioned perfectly for maximum exposure.

So far this year, the value of support MVIS has provided Ashgate Hospicecare through our signs has been £8,071 including delivery!

As Christmas approaches, we are working on exciting fundraising ideas that will contribute to the figure we have raised so far this year, adding to the Bake Off we will be concluding soon as well as the Car boot sale and the 17 mile High Peak Trail Walk completed by our UK Group Commercial and Operations Director, Anne Ashman earlier in the year. 

MVIS continue to Support Ashgate


Here at MVIS, we are lucky enough to be able to show our support to others in the community and be able to spread positivity through sponsorship. Not only do we show our support within our community by sponsoring locally run clubs such as Matlock Town Football Club, recently we have been trying to support a charity which through this pandemic has suffered more than most, Ashgate Hospice.

Ashgate Hospice Care is a charity that provides compassionate, specialist palliative and end of life care, free of charge, to patients with a life-limiting illness and their families across North Derbyshire.


 Despite the high pressures of the last year, Ashgate looked after over 1,680 patients at home, 414 patients on their ward and supported 476 bereaved family members.

This is why we are determined to support Ashgate and what they do for the community and so have held fundraising activities and spread awareness by offering free Original 5 colour VMS units and taking on challenges as a team.

Our latest fundraising activity was undertaken by our UK Group Commercial and Operations Director, Anne Ashman who completed a high peak trail walk of 17 miles on Saturday 10th July. Anne took on this walk as she is currently training to do a 75 mile walk in 3 days to raise money for 3 charities close to her heart. Being the perfect opportunity to get some training in and raise awareness and funds for Ashgate, she completed the 17 miles in 4 hours and raised £220.

After speaking with Anne she said “Being able to take on this challenge and offer support to such a worthy charity is something that I love to be apart of. Recently we have been getting involved with more charitable work such as our carboot sale, where we raised over £300  and we are currently planning on hosting a cake and coffee event for Ashgate. We have always done what we can to give back to the community and will continue to show our support when we are able to.”

As a company, we wanted to congratulate Anne on her fantastic achievement that she not only shares with Ashgate Hospice care, but also every person in the area who comes to rely on their services.

MVIS announce sponsorship of Derby Mountain Rescue Team

With our HQ being situated in Matlock, we have it better than most when it comes to views on our way to work. The idyllic scenery that surrounds us is more than just a treat for the eyes however, with many people choosing this area as an ideal place to walk.

Located in the Peak District, Matlock has its fair share of surrounding mountains, which are exciting and beautiful to explore for many people, but it is also highly dangerous under the wrong conditions, requiring the local Derby Mountain Rescue Team to be as familiar with the area as even the locals, bringing with them the responsibility of attending incidents of concern that the normal emergency services would be largely unequipped to handle.

Derby Mountain Rescue Team are a voluntary emergency service who attend callouts in response to requests from Derbyshire Police, East Midlands Ambulance Service, and West Midlands Ambulance Service. Derby Mountain Rescue Team is on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and consists entirely of highly skilled unpaid volunteers.

Their main function is the search and rescue of injured or missing people, principally in upland or mountainous areas, but they can be called on whenever their specialist skills may be of use, such as searching for vulnerable persons in rural areas.

The team are trained for many different types of incident including crag rescue and rope access, missing person search, flood and swiftwater water rescue, and pre-hospital emergency medicine.

As a company, we are also encouraging our team to increase their fitness through walking in the local area during lunch breaks and out of work. Knowing that we have the Derby Mountain Rescue Team watching out for us gives us a confidence that our team are safe when exploring the beautiful Matlock area.

MVIS are very proud to announce that we are now sponsoring Derby Mountain Rescue. Our sponsorship reasserts our commitment to not just safety, but also our local community, helping to contribute both in financial terms and in awareness of all the amazing work the Derby Mountain Rescue Team do.

Anne Ashman, UK Group Commercial and Operations Director commented, “Where we place our support as a company is a very important reflection of our priorities. We want it to be known that we place the highest value on the safety of our team and our local community. The Derby Mountain Rescue Team are highly valuable to our local area and we are very pleased to be sponsoring them.”

Sponsoring Derby Mountain Rescue is just one example of how seriously MVIS takes its corporate social responsibility. We believe that Derby Mountain Rescue is a cause that is very worthy of support and we look forward to working with them in the future.

Donate to Derby Mountain Rescue Team

MVIS Soar Ahead with Accreditations

Over the years we have dedicated ourselves to the principles of safety and quality. Underscored by our focus on training, we are always looking for new ways to improve our team’s skills and qualifications.

During the last 18 months, in the face of a global pandemic, the MVIS team have been working hard in the background to ensure that we have helpful and necessary accreditations that help us to maintain the reputation of being industry leaders in the rental of solar powered intelligent transport systems.

nqa logoEarlier in the year, MVIS took part in a successful re-certification of our ISO accreditations in quality (9001:2015), environmental management (14001:2015), and health & safety (45001:2018).

Issued by global certification body NQA, ISO accreditations enforce the practise of and adherence to respected business standards that help organisations perform better in a wide range of aspects.

For MVIS and Bartco UK, the standards of quality (9001:2015)environmental management (14001:2015) and health & safety (45001:2018) are of vital importance to our business, making adherence to these core aspects a highly aspirational goal for us. Together, the ISO accreditations furnish us with a full IMS (integrated management system), bringing our systems and processes into one complete framework.

Subject to an annual audit by NQA, we are tested into order to ensure that we are making full use of the IMS, applying our accreditation skills to all levels of our business, and it is with great pride that we can announce that we have passed our audit for 2021 with flying colours.

One of the other achievements we have earned recently is Gold Status in the Constructionline programme, which offers a platform for thousands of buyers in the construction industry that enforces an ethos of trust and quality amongst its members. Validating all members, the Constructionline platform is used by buyers to quickly find suppliers that will enable them to complete a whole range of projects in the industry by providing them with a pool of high quality suppliers that they can engage with confidently.

Achieving Gold status on this platform isn’t easy for just anyone, with Gold membership requiring further validation checks using an enhanced prequalification questionnaire that goes beyond those involved in silver. Our credentials were assessed for environmental management, quality management, equal opportunities, modern slavery act adherence and anti-bribery and corruption policies.

Whilst achieving Gold status may seem like a high climb for many businesses, for MVIS, it was very achievable. Already giving the very best quality and service, we earn these accreditations to prove it, meaning customers can work with us knowing they are getting the very best.

We have also achieved Gold status in the Supply Chain Sustainability School, a platform that offers businesses extensive training around various sustainability, offsite, digital, procurement, lean and management topics relevant to the business environment.

With a strong focus on CPD through training workshops, networking events and e-learning modules, achieving Gold status is found through completing or using a number of these tools across the company to ensure that the skills taught within the programmes are taken on by companies as well as filtered throughout the business.

As it has helped us to think about our business from top to bottom, the policies and systems affected by the work we have done with the Supply Chain Sustainability School will, in turn, affect the whole organisation in terms of helping us towards our goal of a more sustainability focussed business, with the added benefits of cost savings, reinforcing our reputation and increased safety for our team, our customers and the general public.

This year we have also signed up to the Prompt Payment Code. The Prompt Payment Code is a voluntary code of practice for businesses, administered by the Office of the Small Business Commissioner (SBC) on behalf of BEIS and sets standards for payment practices between organisations of any size and their suppliers.

Signatories to the code have undertaken to always pay suppliers on time, within agreed terms, to give clear guidance to suppliers on terms, dispute resolution and prompt notification of late payment, and well as to support good practice throughout their supply chain by encouraging adoption of the Code.

By promoting and sticking to these practices, we are serving as a good example for the code which may help to inspire other companies to sign up, enforcing best business practices all along our supply chain to not only improve reliability, but help businesses everywhere.

We have also recently re-certified with Achilles BuildingConfidence registration, having been certified for over 2 years now. Achilles Building Confidence is a UK construction industry accreditation and risk management scheme that aims to help organisations identify, assess, qualify, and monitor suppliers throughout the supply chain, reducing operating costs.

A standardised pre-qualification questionnaire streamlines the procurement process and manages risk. 

Achilles enables communities of buyers and suppliers to build better business relationships through a more open, trusting and proactive approach. Sharing knowledge, standards and best practice leads to buyers and suppliers sharing success.

Achilles BuildingConfidence helps us to accentuate our commitment to these essential aspects of our business.

Safety doesn’t just mean physical safety, it also includes digital safety too. Cyber Essentials is a simple but effective, Government backed scheme that will help you to protect your organisation, whatever its size, against a whole range of the most common cyber attacks.

Cyber attacks come in many shapes and sizes, but the vast majority are very basic in nature, carried out by relatively unskilled individuals. They’re the digital equivalent of a thief trying your front door to see if it’s unlocked. Cyber Essentials is designed to prevent these attacks.

Certification gives us peace of mind that our defences will protect against the vast majority of common cyber attacks simply because these attacks are looking for targets which do not have the Cyber Essentials technical controls in place.

Cyber Essentials shows us how to address those basics and prevent the most common attacks.

It also gives our customers piece of mind that their data is handled according to best practices against common cyber attacks, meaning they can hire with us confidently.


When it comes to safety, we take no chances and this is including our commitment to the environment – the protection of which offers us all the ultimate safety. As an organisation, we are always looking for ways we can protect the environment, in line with our commitments as a responsible business.

In an effort to address our carbon footprint, we have looked to Forest Carbon, who have an initiative called ‘Carbon Club’, which was set up to allow smaller organisations and businesses to address their climate impact.

Purchasing ‘carbon credits’ allows Forest Carbon to plant trees and create new woodlands in the UK on our behalf, which will sequester greenhouse gases (GHGs) from the atmosphere in the years to come in our country.

Doing this allows our customers to also benefit from our activities too, offering them an environmentally focused supplier who engages with environmental responsibilities, which for many of our customers is a very important aspect for their environmental commitments too.

Anne Ashman, UK Group Commercial and Operations Director commented, “We are always looking for ways to improve our environmental, safety and quality standards and by achieving these accreditations and memberships, it ensures that we are working to the best standards possible. Clients come to us knowing that we do not compromise on safety, quality, customer care or our commitment to the environment, which is what underpins our Platinum Service Promise.”

As time goes on and we take on more accreditations and memberships with these highly valuable groups, we are building more than just our reputation. We are changing the way we operate at an organisational level that affects how we approach things, as a business and as individuals in an ever-evolving world.


MVIS | MVIS Helps Plant a Future with the Carbon Club

MVIS Charity Car Boot 2021

MVIS Helps Plant a Future with the Carbon Club

As an organisation, we are always looking for ways to improve our contribution to the community, in line with our commitments as a responsible business.

In an effort to address our carbon footprint, we have looked to Forest Carbon, who have an initiative called ‘Carbon Club’, which was set up to allow smaller organisations and businesses to address their climate impact.

Purchasing ‘carbon credits’ allows Forest Carbon to plant trees and create new woodlands in the UK on our behalf, which will sequester greenhouse gases (GHGs) from the atmosphere in the years to come.

Whilst not fully offsetting our operations yet, we are moving in the right direction to position ourselves for full carbon neutrality over the next few years.

Doing this allows our customers to also benefit from our activities, offering them an environmentally focused supplier who engages with environmental responsibilities, which for many of our customers is a very important aspect for their environmental commitments too.

But we don’t stop there. Having quality checks done on all of our suppliers and using local suppliers is a small thing that we do to nurture the relationship between the company and society.

Our social responsibility to the local surroundings means always being on the lookout for actions that we can take to improve our impact on the environment. During our staff training we like to discuss what further actions we can take in becoming more environmentally friendly and due to this we currently have a bee house and flower bed alongside a hedgehog house, small actions which may be overlooked however giving back to the environment and local wildlife is vital in working towards a cleaner, safer world.

When it comes to day to day works and our carbon footprint, we try and give back to our environment as much as possible. We promote an in-house recycling scheme and use flatbed transit vans for deliveries and collections of our units.

These vans allow us to be able to transport multiple units in one single trip, minimising fuel consumption and time on the roads. Equipping our units with directional solar panels as well as batteries means that they can be powered completely by solar, reducing the battery changes needed on longer hires and aiding to our reduced carbon footprint.

An additional aspect of corporate responsibility that we have been addressing head-on recently is our local environment. Partaking in litter picks, ensuring our local wildlife system is thriving around our Matlock HQ and also having energy-efficient lighting and heating installed within the business are a few ways that we keep on top of to give back to our community.

For more information about our environmental policies, please see the ‘Environment’ section on our Safety Hub.

Introducing: The Safety Hub

MVIS and sister company Bartco UK have always prioritised safety, whether it’s the safety of our customers, the general public or our own team. Safety always starts with our own team however – whether that’s in the form of the training we deliver to ensure that our delivery drivers keep the public safe when out on the road, or if it’s fire warden training for our office staff, safety plays a huge part in our approach to our day to day work life.

As a show of this commitment, a few years ago we launched the ‘Safe Mind’ campaign, which was implemented in our working environment in order to raise awareness about matters of  safety and mental health within our organisation.

However, in recent months, we have expanded the whole initiative to reach all aspects of our safety measures. As the COVID-19 pandemic caused havoc when it came to matters of health and safety for not just business but the whole world, everyone gained a whole new level of appreciation for the concept of ‘safety’.

The introduction of our ‘Safety Hub’ serves to demonstrate our commitment to safety in all areas. It offers a place on our website for our team and customers to read up on matters of safety, from where to go when they need someone to speak to, to the measures we are taking to make our working environment as safe as possible when it comes to infection control.

However, the Safety Hub is much more than a place on our website. Importantly, it’s a state of mind that we encourage in every step of our business. The Safety Hub covers Health, Training, Products & Solutions and keeping the environment safe. All are aspects of our business that necessitate a strong commitment to safety and responsibility, which makes it even more important that we keep focus on them as employees and as a business.

Going forward, the Safety Hub will be a central point in our business in which we promote not just safety itself, but also the importance of safety, referring our team and customers to relevant information in order to make sure they are aware of the measures we take to uphold our standards of safety.


Litter pick in our local area

We Believe that the key to a thriving business is being aware of our surroundings and offering support to our local community whenever we are presented with the task. Therefore, we are strong believers in working towards a cleaner future. We try to find resources close to home to reduce our carbon footprint and invest in transport which can be used for duel loading meaning that the trips we take on the roads are reduced. To reduce electricity from being wasted, we have installed energy efficient heating systems throughout our depots as well as motion sensor lighting in all rooms to reduce the chance of leaving a light on when unnecessary.

As well as actively looking for ways that we are able to improve ourselves in being more conscious of our environmental impact, we are always looking for ways that we can give back to the environment. Installing an insect hotel, hedgehog home and flower beds may seem minute, but they are collectively having a larger impact on our local surroundings. Rebecca Prince and Pip Wood in our Stock and Purchasing Department came up with the idea to take part in a litter pic in the local area. This task was collectively agreed and saw 5 of our team take to our neighboring streets and join each other in cleaning those areas which get overlooked every day.

When it came to achieve our ISO accreditations and maintaining them, it is thanks to our staff and their modern day thinking with new and innovative approaches. Quick to adapt to new changes and policies which may be implemented when working towards reducing our impact on the environment has meant that when it comes to environmental safety, we have been able to use this to our advantage in achieving our ISO accreditation in Environmental Management (14001:2015) alongside our two other ISO accreditations; Quality (9001:2015) and Health & Safety (45001:2018).