MVIS’ Christmas Opening Hours

MVIS will be closed over the Christmas period for the following dates:

Monday, 26th December
Tuesday, 27th December
Monday, 2nd December

For MVIS’ 24/7 Emergency Service, please call 01629 580570.

We would like to say a big thank you to all our customers for their support throughout 2016, and we look forward to working with you again in 2017.

Happy New Year!

Traffic jams to cost UK drivers £62bn

With the recent news that congested roads will cost UK drivers £62bn over the next 10 years, perhaps now is the time to re-evaluate your traffic management solutions to make sure your road maintenance operations are being carried out as efficiently as possible.

In a report commissioned by the Department for Transport, transportation information company Inrix measured the average duration, length and frequency of UK traffic jams in September, and calculated the cost by using value of travel time figures.

Unsurprisingly, London came out worst. The most highly congested stretch of road was the M25 northbound between junctions 15 and 16 near to Heathrow Airport, and overall, London’s traffic jams are set to cost motorists over £42bn up until 2025. Other highly congested areas were the A720 westbound Edinburgh Bypass at Dreghorn Barracks which is estimated to cost £2.8bn, and the Eastbound junction of the A8 Glasgow and Edinburgh Road with the M8 which has an estimated cost of £2.3bn.

MVIS provides innovative temporary Intelligent Transport System solutions which can help you to monitor and control traffic queues. This includes CCTV, HD Data Collection Radar, ANPR, VMS and Journey Time Solutions that are mounted on solar powered platforms and can be deployed as multiple units on a single platform or individually as required.

No matter what or where your traffic management project is, the MVIS team are on hand to be able to offer full support and flexibility to help you resolve your road maintenance project quickly and efficiently, because whilst it’s said that the British love to queue, it doesn’t extend to sitting idly in traffic.

If you would like to know more about MVIS’ portfolio of traffic management products, please click here.

Take a look at the top 10 traffic hotspots:

London (£42bn) M25 northbound between junctions 15 and 16

Edinburgh (£2.8bn) A720 westbound Edinburgh Bypass at Dreghorn Barracks

Glasgow (£2.3bn) Eastbound junction of the A8 Glasgow and Edinburgh Road with the M8

Birmingham (£2bn) Northbound junction of the A38 (M) with the M6

Manchester (£1.9bn) M60 northbound at junction 1 for the A6 Stockport

Bristol (£1.6bn) M5 southbound at junction 20 for Clevedon

Leeds (£1.5bn) Westbound M62 junction 26 with M606 junction 1

Cardiff (£1.1bn) A48 westbound at Riverside Park

Bradford (£1.1bn) From the A650 in the city centre to the A6038 Otley Road

Belfast (£797m) A12 eastbound at the junction with the M2 and M3

MVIS taking up 100m charity challenge

Two members of the MVIS team are raising money to support those affected by stillbirth and neonatal death.

Following the tragic stillbirth of his own son, Caleb George, earlier this year, MVIS’ warehouse & manufacturing supervisor Tom Hooton discussed with general manager Anne Ashman doing something to help raise money for Sands, which is helping Tom and his partner Ciara during this period.

The charity works in partnership with health professionals to care for bereaved families, also funding research.

The 100km in ten months project was devised, as the pair – along with friends and family – committed to each run a 10km event every month for 10 months. All the runs except the last will be in the Midlands, with a final event in London on the weekend of Caleb’s first birthday in July.

Said Tom:

“Stillbirths happen more you think, and there is very little after-care for the bereaved.  We’re lucky to be receiving wonderful support from Sands, and want to help it to be able to give this to others too, and to undertake its vital research.”

The team completed their second run on Sunday, November 27th.

Said Anne:

“We had a very early start to get to East Midlands Airport and it was freezing. However we both did well, Tom ran the 10k in 52.19 (he left me standing) and I ran it in my anticipated hour at 1.054.”

She added:

“Thank you to everyone for supporting us in these charity runs – we really do appreciate it. When you are running and getting near to the end of the 10k, you really do think about the people that have sponsored you and it keeps you going as you don’t want to let them down.”

Together, the team hopes to raise a total of £5000. If you would like to help them to achieve their target, please go to or

Another great year at Seeing is Believing

Earlier this month, MVIS and sister company Bartco UK spent a couple of days exhibiting in Lutterworth, Leicestershire at the Highways Seeing is Believing event.

Members of the MVIS team were on hand both inside and out, to help showcase our innovative range of traffic management products and to demonstrate the enhanced benefits and capabilities of our energy-efficient ITS products and solutions, including VMS, Solar IP, Web StudioTM and much more.

Highways SIB provides the perfect showcase for traffic management demonstrations. The real road area within the exhibition grounds really helps guests to see how our hardy products stand up in all weathers and lighting conditions. Guests were able to see for themselves how easy the products were to use, and how effective they were.

MVIS would like to thank everyone who took the time to come and speak to us, either inside the exhibition venue or outside on the real road space. We look forward to seeing you again next year.

For more information about Seeing is Believing, please visit


Join MVIS at SiB

Don’t miss your chance to speak to the experts at MVIS and discover more about our range of innovative ITS hire solutions at this year’s Seeing is Believing exhibition.

Join us from November 9 on Stand 75 and the outdoor area where we will be on-hand to demonstrate to visitors the enhanced benefits and capabilities of our energy-efficient ITS products and solutions, including VMS, Solar IP, Web StudioTM and much more.

Seeing is Believing takes please at Bruntingthorpe Proving Ground in Lutterworth, Leicestershire.

For more information about Seeing is Believing, please visit



MVIS: Trusted to the extreme

When it comes to weather conditions in the UK, it’s best to ‘expect the unexpected’ and be prepared for any eventuality. Luckily MVIS’ traffic management portfolio can handle even the harshest of conditions.

Come rain or shine, the world keeps on turning and people still need to get from A-to-B – no matter what the weather. Even in the most difficult of conditions, British roads and highways still need to be in use, and more than ever, they need to make motorists aware of the dangerous conditions that they face.

Whether it’s flash flooding, snowstorms or black ice on the road, drivers face a range of challenges, which traffic authorities can communicate to them with MVIS’ hardy range of traffic management solutions.

Our solar powered variable message signs (VMS) safeguards your message, ensuring that the multi-coloured eye-catching LED screen is continually visible to motorists. And because you can instantly update the message on any given VMS screen via our innovative Web Studio™ you know you can communicate the most vital information at the touch of a button. What’s more, they’re profoundly secure too, with a satellite tracking device and SMS tamper guard, which acts as a great deterrent to would-be vandals.

MVIS’ product range can operate even in extreme temperatures. The HD Data Collection Radar is exceedingly dependable, operating in temperatures from -40°C to 74°C. This ensures you can still collect consistently accurate traffic data in high definition, with five times greater resolution than other, similar radar traffic detection devices. The state-of-the-art Vector Integrated ANPR Camera operates in temperatures from -10°C to 50°C, working automatically, auto-detecting vehicles as they pass through the field of view.

All of MVIS’ product range is highly tested, to give all our customers great peace of mind, and as a result, our customers not only trust us, they trust our products too.

To hire traffic management solutions, please call us on 01629 580 570.



Create an eye-catching display with a VMS

Did you know that as well as an attention-grabbing five colour LED text display, MVIS’ impressive portfolio of variable message signs (VMS) also supports pictograms, making it easier than ever to communicate your message.

The saying ‘a picture paints a thousand words’ has never been more relevant when it comes to communicating vital information, fast. From roundels with the speed limit in, to arrows directing your audience to a specific route, or well recognised road signs or signals, our range of VMS are the perfect way to get your message across.

Whether it’s a large-scale event with a heavy footfall, or a big sporting fixture or festival with high volumes of traffic, there’s no better way to keep crowds informed than by hiring a VMS from MVIS.

The non-glare LED screen ensures that no matter the weather, they are easily visible, and with satellite tracking and an SMS tamper alarm, they are more secure than ever.

They’re flexible too: VMS units can be combined with MVIS’ Solar IP units which accommodate a variety of traffic management solutions, such as CCTV, HD Radar and our ANPR Camera, all of which can be hired directly from MVIS.

The pictogram function is also a great addition for event managers, as it provides a way for them to promote their sponsors and advertisers. It’s quick and easy to input your required visuals via our innovative Web Studio™ which can be accessed via a PC or any Wi-Fi enabled Apple device. Take a look at the display our new admin assistant Tillie made for technical apprentice Kiran’s birthday.

If you would like to talk to us regarding hiring any of our traffic and event management products, please get in touch by calling 01629 580 570.

Tillie Wolliscroft: Admin Apprentice

Tillie works for MVIS as an Operations & Customer Service Apprentice and has proved to be a very versatile, dependable member of the team.

How long have you been with MVIS:
I joined MVIS on the 19th September 2016.

Job role:
My first task every morning is to ensure all the VMS signs that are currently deployed around the UK are working correctly and that all customers are happy.

My day then consists of various projects including helping out with risk assessments, filling in forms and documents and programming signs via Web Studio.

Recent projects:
I recently created a festive advent calendar for each day of December in the run-up to Christmas.

This involved programming a VMS unit with a festive message and animation via Web Studio, videoing them and uploading them onto the MVIS YouTube account.

How did you get into the industry:
I came into the role straight from school as an apprentice. I had just finished my GCSEs and was looking for an apprenticeship, so when I heard about this role it was perfect timing.

Most fulfilling part of your role:
MVIS is a friendly, lively environment with something to do at all times. The atmosphere is so positive and exciting.

When I first started, I was very nervous of answering and making phone calls as I felt unsure of what I was saying. However now I have learned so much and know what to say, I love dealing with new customers or answering questions that people may have.

More about me:
When I’m not busy, I’m a keen photographer and am always taking pictures of where I live and the places I go. I also enjoy spending time with my friends and family and going out.

MVIS’ Summer of 16

It’s been a very busy summer for MVIS this year, as we’ve supplied event management solutions to a wide variety of occasions, all across the UK.

We very recently hired out 2 VMSC units to Wembley to help manage the crowds at the NFL game, which saw the Jacksonville Jaguars take on the Indianapolis Colts. And with a turnout of almost 84,000 fans, our five colour LED displays were a great way to inform them of any vital travel or safety information in a quick and timely manner.

This is just one of a number of different sporting events that MVIS had hired traffic and event management solutions to this summer. Others included seven Solar IPs to Silverstone, the home of British Motor Racing, three VMS units to the Goodwood Revival Event, and a VMSC to the Etihad Stadium, home of Manchester City, which helped to control the footfall and direct pediestrians to the right place.

It’s not just sporting fixtures that require help to communicate messages to their audiences. Huge events need to be able to pass on important information to their guests – whether they are on foot or on the roads – and with MVIS’ impressive portfolio of event solutions, they are able to do just that. Our innovative Web Studio™ allows you to schedule messages in advance, as well as changing them in an instant; so if your information changes, you can quickly and instantly amend your message as required via any PC or a Wi-Fi enabled Apple device.

We’ve supplied a number of VMS units to large-scale music and leisure events this summer, including Creamfields, who placed theirs on-site and used it to inform motorists and shuttle bus drivers which direction to travel in; V Festival hired 4 x VMSAs and used the five colour LED displays to help demonstrate their different coloured campsites to festival-goers; Cromford Steam Rally hired a VMSA which was positioned at the side of the road and helped to inform exhibitors and travellers to the correct site. We even supplied VMS units a little closer to home, for YNOT Festival, just down the road from MVIS’ HQ over in Pikehall. This was positioned at the side of the road to warn motorists that delays were likely for the duration of the festival, making sure that everyone was forewarned and knew what to expect in advance.

Smaller events can also benefit from promoting themselves with an MVIS VMS unit. Because the screens can support eye-catching, five colour pictograms as well as text, they can be used to show images as well as simply words. This means they can be used to create logos for sponsors, or even a fun animation, as one local chip shop did recently. After hiring a VMSA to announce and promote the opening of their new business, one local chip shop created a picture of a fish to go go alongside their ‘opening soon’ message. Very innovative!

If you would like to hire traffic and event management solutions direct from MVIS, please give us a call on 01629 580 570.

Event planning is all about effective communication

If you’ve ever organised an event of any size, you know that communication is key.

It’s imperative to have the right processes in place to make sure that everyone involved has a clear idea of what their role is – from your suppliers right through to your guests. And when traffic management is involved, having the right tools at your disposal helps things to run a lot more smoothly.

Whether it’s a small community gala, street party, or a big cup game for your local sports team, keeping motorists and pedestrians well informed with up-to-date information not only helps to keep traffic moving, it also helps to keep them safe. Plus, by presenting clear information such as car parking or entry directions to visitors, it ensures that they are much more likely to have a positive experience at your event.

Static signs with a pre-printed message can be extremely useful, but if your information changes suddenly, it can render them defunct and confusing to your audience. Fortunately, hiring a variable message sign (VMS) from MVIS offers you much greater control over your communication. Our VMS units can be updated instantly via a PC or any Wi-Fi enabled Apple device using our innovative Web Studio™ so no matter what message you need to broadcast, you can do it quickly and easily with MVIS.

The non-glare units ensure they’re easily seen, even in the most extreme weather, and as they are able to be combined with additional features such as CCTV or high-speed radar, it offers even more opportunity to convey important information to help keep people safe and well informed, such as ‘slow down’ messages to motorists who are travelling too fast. Plus, with a five colour LED screen, there’s no reason for your communications to be missed – they even support pictograms too.

You can hire event management equipment to help with your event, direct from MVIS. With over 20 depots across the UK, we can deliver straight to your event quickly and effortlessly, and with a 24/7 service line for all customers, we’re on hand if you need support with anything.

Our high quality, reliable and cost effective VMS are environmentally friendly, portable and can be changed to display a variety of messages in an instant.

Hire a VMS signs today and benefit from:

Five Colours
Create eye-catching displays to attract the attention of the crowd

Web Studio™
Our innovative Web Studio™ enables you to view your VMS from any Wi-Fi enabled Apple device to remotely locate your signs, observe traffic flow and change your message at the touch of a button

Reduced Costs
Solar powered and environmentally friendly, VMS units do not require plugging in

Easy To See
Made from non-glare UV resistant polycarbonate, VMS are visible in every condition

The VMS comes complete with satellite tracking and a SMS tamper alarm, and can be fitted with CCTV for added peace of mind.

Call us today on 01629 580570 to discuss your event requirements.

MVIS scores great results for Matlock Town

The majority of MVIS’ staff are local to the area, and as a business we have a great team spirit which is evident to all customers and visitors.

As a company nestled in the heart of the Peak District, we support the local area whenever we can, and this year has been no different.

Last season, MVIS sponsored local club Matlock Town FC’s new football academy, offering 16-18 year olds wishing to pursue a career in sports, the opportunity to study, train and play football full-time for two years, achieving a BTEC Level 3 in sport.

MVIS has since signed a two year deal to continue its sponsorship of the academy – which is currently expanding to accommodate its second student intake – and also to sponsor Matlock Town first team’s shirts.

As well as sponsoring the team shirts and the new academy, MVIS has also provided the club with a number of variable message signs (VMS) which they can use to help promote their upcoming matches and other important information to their audiences within the ground, and passers-by on the street.

Matlock Town Cover PhotoThe VMS-C – the larger of the VMS units – is now situated within the DCJ Group Insurance Arena and is a great way to display the last goal scorer, man of the match and any other important information that the crown may need to know. Because our VMS are able to be updated remotely from a PC or any Wi-Fi enabled Apple device, the information on the non-glare screen can be changed in an instant to keep everyone up-to-date.

The five colour display supports pictograms too, which gives The Gladiators the chance to create eye-catching messages and offers a great opportunity for other sponsors to promote their brands throughout the match.

MVIS has also installed a VMS-A outside the club on Causeway Lane, which announces upcoming games and ticket information. This is visible from the street so catches a huge audience on a daily basis, and because it can be pre-programmed with up to five different messages, it’s quick and easy to maintain.

If you think your business would benefit from hiring a VMS, please get in touch on 01629 580570.

Do You Comply?

A new Highways England initiative has come into force with immediate effect. If you have a major road project planned, read on…

In June 2016, the Major Projects Portfolio Office based on direction given by the Highways England Board instructed all major road work projects which stretch for more than 4km, and that are scheduled to last for three months or longer to use travel time portable variable message signs to communicate the time and distance to the end of the road works to road users.

Feedback from road users and those affected by road works showed that they were often left frustrated because the length of road works and the travel time to reach the end of them were often uncommunicated. This had a negative impact on how road users viewed road works – and those who operated them.

In order to communicate more effectively to these road users, and improve their customer experience, the new initiative now requires major road projects to incorporate a system – such as MVIS’ Journey Time Solutions (JTS) – as a part of their project. The Major Projects Instruction has instructed that at least one portable VMS should communicate the time and distance to the end of the road works from immediate effect.

MVIS’ JTS is a comprehensive and cost-effective solution for short-term road works projects. It enables road users to make informed decisions about how to minimise journey disruption, warning of delays and advising of their extent, providing users with the opportunity to take an alternative route if necessary.

Templates have been provided to use to effectively inform road users of any travel disruptions, and an audit to assess how the scheme is working began in July 2016.

Schemes were asked to consider how the VMS could be updated if information was to change suddenly. With MVIS’ innovative Web Studio™, users can update the message in an instant, from any laptop or PC, or any Wi-Fi enabled Apple device, meaning that you have complete control over how you communicate to road users.

Available for hire throughout the UK, our JTS system can be quickly and easily installed without the need for civil engineering or external power provision. Call us on 01629 580 570 to find out more.