Improve short term road works projects with SPJTS

At MVIS we are always trying to deliver a service that can truly improve our customers’ work projects. As a result, we devised the solar powered journey time solution (SPJTS), which is an efficient and affordable package that will help to improve any short term road works project.

Our SPJTS brings together both the latest developments in industry software and hardware, which provides its users with an innovative and cost-effective solution to all short term road works. It is portable and solar powered, allowing it to be quickly transported from one location to another, where it can be installed with a minimum of fuss.

It allows users to make informed, reliable decisions as to how they can most effectively avoid journey disruption for road users. It can also help to warn motorists of any delays and give information as to the extent of those delays. In doing this, motorists are given the vital information they need to decide whether it would be best to take an alternative journey route.

The SPJTS incorporates a range of our high-tech messaging equipment, including:

  • Bartco VMS-A
  • Two Vysionics’ SkyHawk integrated ANPR cameras
  • MVIS’ Web Studio sign management software
  • Two of  MVIS’ new Solar 2012 multi-use trailers

The SPJTS maximises effectiveness by mounting the VMS-A system on a multi-use trailer, in advance of a viable exit route for motorists. This is possible due to the ability of the VMS-A to be altered remotely through the cloud server. As a result, road users have the option of staying to travel through the road works or to exit and find another route to their destination.

If you would like to contact us about our SPJTS, then please email us through our contact page or call us on 01629 580 570.

Communicate using colours and pictures to keep roads safe

At MVIS we focus on providing temporary intelligent transport systems to get motorists from A to B as quickly and safely as possible and protect road workers and members of the emergency services.

The VMS we supply offer a 5 colour matrix that includes red, green, blue and white in addition to standard amber for unparalleled visual impact. They also have the functionality to display Chapter 8/MS4 pictograms to convey information effectively without using words which is particularly useful for foreign drivers.

Our bright, eye-catching displays are proven to grab the motorist’s attention and make clear the course of action they should take, reducing the emotional and financial costs associated with congestion and road traffic accidents.

Easy to operate and update (using Windows based software either onsite or remotely) VMS are portable and highly adaptable and we use the latest display technology to ensure our solar-powered, low energy LED signs remain effective and reliable in all conditions.

Key benefits:

•    Wide range of colours and pictograms gives strong visual impact and improves motorist response
•    Information can be updated instantaneously to reflect the changing traffic situation
•    Signs are mobile so offer huge flexibility  for example for evolving road works where signs need to be regularly repositioned
•    National coverage means we can respond to urgent situations quickly
•    Range of sizes available
•    All signs conform to Traffic Signs Regulations (TSRGD)

We work closely with all our customers to ensure we provide the best solution for their circumstances. Contact us on 01629 580 570 to discuss yours.

Zero “shunt rate” for A-one+ thanks to MVIS’ VMS

As a leading temporary intelligent transport system (ITS) solutions provider, MVIS was delighted by the recent news that thanks to the use of a variable message sign (VMS) system, provided by MVIS, during the recent A1 refurbishment there was zero standing traffic related incidents.

The northbound refurbishment on the A1 between Newcastle and Gateshead was carried out by A-one+ and the company firmly believes that the result of no standing traffic related incidents was achieved thanks to the VMS package provided by intelligent transport system (ITS) solutions provider MVIS.

From July through to August, 10 VMS-C variable message signs were operational. The VMS-C is an innovative intelligent transport system (ITS) solution that features a changeable display, like all MVIS’ VMS they are now available through a nationwide network of depots – meaning they can be rapidly deployed to where they are required. In this instance the signs switched between showing speed roundels and three colour Chapter 8/MS4 style pictograms in the event of standing traffic caused by lane closures. The highly conspicuous display on the MVIS supplied VMS was easily spotted by motorists who reacted accordingly.

A-One+ had high praise for the VMS and the highly visible pictograms they display, especially as when they carried out an identical project on the southbound carriage in 2009, using fixed frame signs, there were several standing traffic related incidents. These were avoided thanks to the visibility of the intelligent transport system (ITS) solutions provided by MVIS.

Speaking about the VMS supplied by MVIS, A-one+ incident manager of operations, Ian Lee said:

“Not only did MVIS’ VMS facilitate a rapid message change in response to the quickly changing traffic situation, but the high visibility of the three colour pictograms engendered an instant motorist reaction, promoting the safety of road workers, police and motorists alike.

“Without a doubt, the zero shunt rate during this year’s refurbishment works was the result of the deployment of MVIS’ VMS signs, with their market-leading software technology.”

MVIS managing director, Pat Musgrave added: “MVIS has long-championed the health and safety benefits of its VMS, and is pleased to have been able to demonstrate these to the advantage of the A-one+ project.”

MVIS has a wide range of intelligent transport system (ITS) solutions which includes ANPR, CCTV and radar. To discuss ITS Solutions, you can contact MVIS on 01629 580 570.


New intelligent transport system (ITS) journey time solution

In his June spending review, George Osborne announced the government’s biggest programme of roads investment for 40 years. £28 billion of investment, including a trebling of funding for motorways and major A-roads, will lead to the biggest ever upgrade of the existing network.

Short-term, the immediate consequence will be a proliferation of roadworks. In order to minimise the disruption anticipated, highways managers are looking to a new generation of innovative temporary journey time intelligent transport system (ITS) solutions to provide road users with an effective journey time information service.

Mobile Visual Information Systems Ltd (MVIS) is a market leader in temporary intelligent transport system (ITS) solutions, and has developed a new temporary journey time system, the Portable Solar Powered Journey Time Solution (SPJTS).

The SPJTS intelligent transport system (ITS) solution incorporates the latest software and hardware technology, providing users with a comprehensive cost-effective and stand-alone solution for short-term road works projects.

MVIS’ SPJTS intelligent transport system (ITS) solution is portable and solar powered, and so may be quickly and easily installed without the need for civil engineering or external power provision. As such, it is a cost-effective and stand-alone solution for short-term road works.

This intelligent transport system (ITS) solution enables road users to make informed decisions regarding how to minimise journey disruption, warning of delays and advising of their extent, providing users with the opportunity to take an alternative route if necessary.

The SPJTS intelligent transport system (ITS) solution comprises two Vysionics’ SkyHawk ANPR cameras mounted on MVIS’ new Solar 2012 multi-use trailers and a Bartco VMS-A. When deployed the system converts information gathered utilising the SkyHawk ANPR system into a message which is viewed by the road user and gives prior notification of journey times through a roadwork scheme.

Intelligent transport system (ITS) Olympic and Paralympic legacy

London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games intelligent transport system (ITS) solutions provider, MVIS, read with interest an article in last week’s Highways on Fridays, which reported on the way in which improvements in how the country’s busiest roads are managed have come about as a direct result of lessons learned from the games.

The article referred to the verdict of road bosses speaking at an industry event, London 2012 Lessons and Legacy, held by the Roads Academy, a new professional development programme designed to encourage innovation and best practice across the roads industry.

Industry leaders speaking at the event explained that ways of working pioneered while planning for last summer’s Olympic and Paralympic Games have led to improvements in planning roadworks, managing traffic flows during busy times and how incidents are responded to, and MVIS’ intelligent transport system (ITS) was of a cruical element of the initiative.

Comenting on the project which incorporated MVIS’ intelligent transport system (ITS), TfL director of roads Dana Skelley said: “Moving millions of people across London was obviously one of the major challenges of the London 2012 games. Despite the scale of the challenge posed to London’s transport network, transport arrangements were enormously successful…. Investment in state-of-the-art traffic management systems played a vital role in keeping London moving. New technology systems, upgraded traffic signals and improved modelling are all leaving a legacy of better managed roads and smoother traffic flow throughout the capital.”

Highways Agency chief executive Graham Dalton added: “A relentless focus on performance and innovative solutions – like the ones we developed for the games – will be crucial in making maximum use out of our road network, a vital national asset, in the years ahead while ensuring we continue to deliver best value for taxpayers’ money.”

MVIS is one of UK’s leading intelligent transport system (ITS) solutions providers, working in partnership with traffic management organisations to create solutions to help the road network operate efficiently.

Its Olympic Route Network intelligent transport system (ITS) solution featured the supply of what is believed to be the largest single deployment of solar powered variable message signs (VMS) in the world, with almost 200 units employed for the network, enabling key participants, such as athletes and officials, to travel safely, securely and efficiently between venues and their accommodation, while also keeping London and the rest of the UK moving.