A reason to celebrate: The East Midlands Chamber of Commerce Awards

More than 120 organisations from across Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire have been recognised in the 2020 edition of the annual Chamber of Commerce awards, and Matlock based MVIS and Bartco UK are both nominated amongst the category nominee lists.

In a year of grey clouds, the company is proud to announce a silver lining of multiple nominations in the prestigious regional award ceremony.

New categories have been added in 2020 – including the Environmental Impact Award, as sustainability becomes more and more prevalent across business practice around the globe. MVIS & Bartco UK has been nominated for 3 separate awards, including this new category – as their own commitment to reducing carbon footprint goes on and is now recognised.

The awards MVIS & Bartco UK are up for include:

Environmental Impact Award

For many years MVIS & Bartco UK has been thinking sustainably.

The companies have been reducing their carbon footprint via product development powered by solar sources, utilising a delivery model that deploys multiple units per journey, installing bee houses at HQ, continued home working for employees, costlier waste management systems – the list goes on. And that list makes it very easy to see why this category has MVIS on it’s nominees list.

Commitment to People Development

MVIS and Bartco UK prides itself on culture, and their employees adopt the company principles every day.

An area that MVIS & Bartco UK has absolutely excelled for some time now. This nomination is a testament to the hire and develop culture that is rife within the company’s fibre. With almost 40% having joined the company as apprentices, and over 50% having been with the company for over 4 years.

Leadership takes an active interest in keeping the workforce challenged and consistently upskilled, with Commercial and Operations Director Anne Ashman telling us:

“I am very much about constantly evaluating a person’s skills, seeing how they develop and grow, and as a result – if they then need a new challenge.”

The companies have a rich history when it comes to their people at the awards, with previous success being tasted in the apprenticeship category for the development of Tillie Wooliscroft from the marketing team.

Innovation in Manufacturing

Another area of pedigree comes in the form of innovation, with a previous victory being achieved in this category.

Never relenting on exploring new products, methods and systems, MVIS & Bartco UK finds itself back amongst the nominated in 2020.

Product development and Covid-19 adaptation have been at the forefront of innovation in 2020, and Bartco UK is looking to add a second innovation award to its list of achievements.

The winners…

Winners of the awards will be chosen during a virtual judging day by a panel including sponsors, a Chamber board member and a member of the Chamber’s senior leadership team. They will then be announced across three award ceremonies to be held in November and December.

Scott Knowles, Chief Executive of East Midlands Chamber (Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire), said:

“Our Business Awards are always a great opportunity to showcase enterprise success in the region, but perhaps this year will be even more special during what has been a hugely difficult time for many businesses.

“It was great to see that Covid-19 hasn’t stifled innovation, resilience, and a determination to grow and succeed among the region’s business community, with a very high number of applicants.”

Commercial and Operations Director for MVIS & Bartco UK Anne Ashman told us:

“Award nominations are always proud moments and the awards are usually a fantastic night where regional success is celebrated by us all. Whilst the physical award ceremony is off the table this year, we are still delighted to be nominated for what is ultimately the root of the awards night – excellence and best practice.

“Any victories we are fortunate to receive would be just reward for our entire team, who, to an individual have been nothing short of fantastic in this challenging year. Adaptable, versatile, resilient and dedicated sums each and every one of our workforce up, and we’d be delighted to chalk a victory or two up to our excellent people.

“Congratulations to everybody nominated and whilst we won’t see you on the night, we look forward to when we can celebrate again together as a region.”

Source: highwaysindustry.com

Anne Ashman celebrates 9 Years with Us

Despite the chaos of this year with COVID-19 dominating news and business news, we have a lot to celebrate this year, with a number of significant changes to our workforce that demonstrates anything other than slowing down, unlike the rest of the economy.

Between new employees starting with us and new promotions, 2020 has presented major changes to our organisation. However, it’s not just the changes that we can celebrate – we can also celebrate aspects of continuity, with staff retention being a high priority for us in our business model.

Last week, we celebrated a huge milestone for the company – Anne Ashman, MVIS and Bartco UK’s Commercial and Operations Director has been with the company for 9 years!

Anne joined the organisation back in 2011 and has been with us through all the changes we have seen happen over the years, from the company name change from Colour Mobile VMS to MVIS and incorporation of Bartco UK and Bartco AU into the group, right through to leading the team through the global coronavirus pandemic.

Starting at the group as Office Manager, Anne has progressed first to Office and Finance Manager, then to General Manager, and now, in 2020, she has been promoted to UK Group Commercial and Operations Director.

On top of this, Anne has also been personally nominated and submitted as a finalist for 2 awards this year, both relating to her leadership and management over the COVID-19 pandemic.

Anne’s quick thinking and problem-solving skills equips her with the ability to generate new ideas to help solve problems. Along with her organisation skills, Anne is adept in applying the best solution for any problem that utilises every aspect of the MVIS and Bartco UK machine to it’s maximum potential.

Serving as a major implementer for both MVIS and Bartco UK’s success from the start, Anne has been leading her teams for the last 8 years, writing and implementing all the policies and processes that the UK work to and ensuring that all customers get the best service possible.

Anne was also the driving force behind the UK group achieving certification for an integrated ISO management system whilst recruiting and training the majority of staff, who are widely considered to be amongst the best trained in the industry.

Never wanting to stagnate, Anne places a huge emphasis on training and development, not just of her team but also of herself. Having gained her Open University Business Management Degree last year, her HR qualification in 2018, ITOPS in 2019, even completing a Directors Development program during the lockdown, to name but a few, Anne brings her skills and training to an industrial scale, ensuring all staff can benefit from her training and their own training so our organisation is always moving forward and is best equipped to grow in an ever changing market place.

Pat Musgrave, Managing Director of MVIS and Bartco UK, comments “We are very pleased to be celebrating Anne’s employment of 9 years with us. Over this time, I have come to learn that her tenacity is only overshadowed by her record of success. Her years of service have been essential for the group’s growth. We thank Anne for her service and everyone at MVIS and Bartco UK are looking forward to many more years of growth under Anne’s direction.”

MVIS VMS makes Impact for COVID-19 Safety

During these highly unusual times, everyone looks to government bodies for advice on what to do and to help keep people safe.

Spreading the right message has never been more important and with the high focus on local initiatives to help combat this virus, local authorities are left holding the responsibility of implementing the right solutions to help keep their area’s COVID levels as low as possible. The tasks of those areas currently facing local lockdown restrictions such as Bolton and the North East of England (to name but a few) is even bigger, as they are also charged with the responsibility of communicating their specific area’s lockdown rules rather than just guidance. 

Nothing has had a bigger impact in any sense this year than COVID-19, and with any high impact problem, you need a high impact solution to help manage it. Local authorities all over the UK have been turning to MVIS and our Portable Variable Message Signs (VMS) for help.

Not only this, but the media has also seen an opportunity for the potential of our VMS to put across a stark and important message through their photography, with a few deployments in particular receiving national media attention to help promote their news.

At least until such times as we have a vaccine widely available, one of the most powerful tools we have against this virus is information, bringing our portable VMS to forefront of the effort for the media and local authorities. VMS are often used in Hollywood and TV in disaster situations for this exact application – and with the world heading deeper into a state of emergency, we are seeing this become a reality before us.

With the ability to change messages remotely via web browser or mobile app, our signs can be updated safely without requiring anyone on-site. They can also be updated quickly and easily, allowing local authorities to be responsive to the changing guidance.

Our sign’s portability and solar power credentials make their responsiveness even more important, offering a moveable solution that gives the option of being able to relocate signs to new hot spots without having to worry about a fixed power supply.

One of the other aspects of our signs is their colour options. With the opportunity to display messages in multiple colours, local authorities and site managers are able to avoid the risk of ‘sign blindness’ that can occur with the use of the common amber message text sometimes seen on signs deployed for roadworks.

please ensure social distancing

Putting messages and backgrounds in different colours can help the text make extra impact as well as provide emphasis, increasing the chances it will be seen and most importantly read.

The use of colour can also be a powerful indicator to the public to convey and reinforce different types of messages, such as red for unsafe actions and green for safe actions, or a combination of colours to catch attention and try to influence certain types of behaviour, for example.

covid-19 do not mix with other households

As well as the opportunity to use different colours, our signs are also ideally used to display pictograms, which for foot traffic in urban areas can be highly effective for conveying critical messages.

hand face space

Another important factor that has allowed MVIS to step up to this challenge has been our fleet size and product range. With the largest fleet of VMS in the UK, MVIS are able to meet the demand that is currently coming our way, with not only the necessary numbers needed, but also being able to offer 3 different sizes of VMS to local authorities so they can use the appropriate sized sign for the specific audience, deployment and objective.

Whilst MVIS can deliver these helpful solutions, we specifically do so with premium level service, bringing our high-speed expertise and focus on compliance to local authorities, who may not be used to the same level of ‘all encompassing’ service that we provide. It is well known within the industry that working with MVIS takes concerns away from our clients, as we often go above and beyond in our service, offering 24/7 support, consultancy on deployment and ensuring the right unit is being used for the right job.

Join many local authorities in the UK and hire with MVIS today to be confident that your area’s COVID-19 information is being communicated by quality products in the care of experts.

For more information about our solutions or if you would like to know more about how you can use our products to help with crowd control, social distancing or queue management, please contact us via our contact form.

Alternatively, you can email us via sales@m-vis.co.uk.

MVIS / Bartco UK receives a record number of Award Submissions

With the 2020 award season facing major disruption due to COVID-19, MVIS have not taken this as a sign to slow down. This year so far has presented numerous challenges to not only MVIS, but the entire economy. It truly is times such as these that allow adaptable and forward-thinking businesses to shine.

In spite of this horrific climate for business, MVIS have remained strong and operational, and have not let the undeniable handbrake to the economy hold us back.

With this in mind, it makes sense that MVIS and Bartco UK have been submitted as finalists for a number of awards with the East Midlands Chamber of Commerce. Getting through to the finals in these awards represents a wider commitment to the areas that the categories address, most of which are highly important to our business.

Bartco UK – Innovation in Manufacturing Award

MVIS / Bartco UK – Commitment to People Development Award

MVIS – Environmental Impact Award

These awards all cover areas we hold highly important to our business operations as an organisation, with our submission as finalists demonstrating just how highly we prioritise them.

Bartco UK’s submission as Innovation in Manufacturing Award finalists recognises our commitment to developing our manufacturing processes, ensuring that we are consistently improving our numerous product and process innovations for the benefit of our customers and the safety of our staff.

The shared submission with MVIS and Bartco UK as finalists in the Commitment to People Development Award is a highly appropriate submission for our organisation, recognising our continued commitment to the development, training and safety of our team. This wouldn’t be the first time we have been recognised for our commitment to our team.  Receiving national recognition for our investment in people in 2018, Learning Unlimited awarded the group a place on the shortlist for their Investment in Apprentices awards.

What’s more is that at this event, George Sheldon, one of Bartco UK’s Apprentice Technicians, was named as a finalist in the Advanced Apprentice of the Year category and MVIS’ then Operations and Customer Service Apprentice, Tillie Wooliscroft, was announced as the winner in the Intermediate Apprentice of the Year category.

Submission as finalists in this award with the Chamber of Commerce is a very welcome acknowledgment for the focus we give to the development of our team. This gives us an immense level of pride, especially with the East Midlands Chamber of Commerce, who’s recognition in this way brings with it a worthy stamp of approval for our contributions to the skills pool in our local area.

Last but certainly not least is the MVIS finalist submission for the Environmental Impact Award, which compliments and recognises our corporate social responsibility to the environment.

Replicated in virtually every business decision we make, MVIS have an on-going commitment to the environment that we take very seriously. With our products being, by their very nature, highly environmentally friendly by running on solar power, many businesses would stop there in their duty to the environment.

Not MVIS, however.

We have a number of initiatives currently in place and in planning phase that will help to lessen or offset our carbon emissions and impact on the environment. Submission as finalists for this award helps to recognise that these initiatives are making a difference, only spurring us on in our never-ending commitment to the environment.

All these awards brought together are well complemented by our ISO accreditations in Quality (9001:2015), Environmental Management (14001:2015), and Health & Safety (45001:2018), with each award tipping its hat to at least one of these accreditations. So, it comes of little surprise that it was these awards that have seen us recognised as finalists.

Check back later in the year for the results of these Awards, which will be announced at the Gala Dinner Events and are currently scheduled to take place in early December.

MVIS Welcomes New Accounts Officer

As a small team, we always find new employees to be a very welcome addition to our group. Finding the right person for the job is a crucial task not just in terms of skill level but also their approach to work, making talent ID an often long and difficult task for us.

The effort is worth it however, with MVIS building a fantastic team over the years as the company has matured, resulting in a workforce that has grown with the company in more ways than just in numbers.

MVIS are proud to welcome Chris Steel to the team as Accounts Officer, coming to us in July 2020, right in the heart of the COVID-19 lockdown. Despite starting MVIS under most unusual circumstance, Chris hit the ground running, bringing with him 5 years of accounting experience along with a driven and independent attitude.

It’s this attitude that MVIS believes brings the true ‘X-factor’ in our team. Years of experience and skills is only as useful as how driven the employee is. With this in mind, we take extra care in our recruitment process to ensure that prospective new staff members have that ‘X-factor’, irrespective of their skill set. This ensures that no one just ‘walks’ into our company based on experience alone, which would be an easier but riskier approach to recruitment – one that many businesses opt for in the name of simplicity.

Whilst Chris is joining us at an unusual time in the world, it is quite an exciting time for the company. Chris joins us at a time of marked expansion – a time that we are looking to new horizons to maintain the incredible growth we have seen to date. As Accounts Officer, Chris oversees the accounts operations of the company, managing the day to day posting of the accounts, updating purchase and sales invoices, processing and submitting VAT returns and managing all banking operations.

Anne Ashman, Commercial and Operations Director at MVIS comments “We take recruitment very seriously and don’t let just anyone into our business. After a rather unconventional recruitment process due to COVID-19, Chris stepped up to the plate. He performed exceptionally in the interview and was the best applicant for this role. We are proud to welcome Chris to the team and we look forward to seeing what we can achieve with the great team we are growing here at MVIS.”

MVIS Succeed with Achilles Audit

Last year, we were proud to announce that we had been awarded with Achilles BuildingConfidence registration. Achilles Building Confidence is a UK construction industry accreditation and risk management scheme that aims to help organisations identify, assess, qualify, and monitor suppliers throughout the supply chain, reducing operating costs.

A standardised pre-qualification questionnaire streamlines the procurement process and manages risk.


Achilles enables communities of buyers and suppliers to build better business relationships through a more open, trusting and proactive approach. Sharing knowledge, standards and best practice leads to buyers and suppliers sharing success.

For MVIS, registration with Achilles last year cemented our commitment to both quality and safety, building on the work we have done with our ISO accreditations in quality (9001:2015), environmental management (14001:2015), and health & safety (45001:2018), together furnishing us with a full IMS (integrated management system), integrating our systems and processes into one complete framework.

Bringing in Achilles BuildingConfidence registration alongside this helps us to accentuate our commitment to these essential aspects of our business. Anne Ashman, UK Group Commercial and Operations Director commented, “Last year, we were really proud to achieve registration with Achilles. We did this to help demonstrate to our current and potential customers that we work in a Quality, H&S and Environmental focused manner. This year underscores this even more so, with the changing nature of the economy, it is more important than ever to ensure that we are keeping standards up.”

Anne adds, “We are really proud to have succeeded with this year’s Achilles audit, retaining our membership and allowing us to keep it next to our other accreditations as testament to the fact that we practice what we preach when it comes to standards, service and quality.”

Our Achilles BuildingConfidence membership takes its place next to the multitude of reasons to choose MVIS, that not only confirms our commitment to these aspects, but it all together helps to set us apart from a typical ITS supplier.

With award winning customer service, national coverage and a portfolio containing some of the highest profile projects in the UK, it is little wonder why MVIS boast the most experienced and best trained workforce in the industry. We ensure that our workforce are given the skills and hands-on training to deliver nothing short of excellence, meaning that is what you can expect from us.

Mizzy goes out in the Field

Having all our staff understand how our business operates is a very important factor for success. When staff have an appreciation for what goes on in other departments, they gain a deeper understanding of the work we do and how they contribute. Whilst all roles in an organisation impact others to some degree, it is perhaps the working relationship between our operations team and our team out in the field that benefits most from this understanding.

Before the nationwide lockdown was imposed in the UK, Mizzy Watson who is part of the operations and customer service team, took a trip out in the field with our delivery driver, Jon Larkins.

Mizzy, who started at MVIS towards the end of 2019, works closely with MVIS customers and their requirements. Part of her role is communicating this to the delivery team, organising our delivery drivers over the phone, organising our operations in the field to ensure that units are deployed safely, in the correct location and display the correct messages as per our customers instruction. However, whilst she works with our delivery team on a regular basis, Mizzy is still fairly new to the organisation and in striving for a vertical understanding of our operations, it was decided that she should experience ‘a day in the life’ of one of our delivery drivers.

In this case, the exercise helped Mizzy to gain a much deeper appreciation of our delivery team’s roles, the risks involved in what they do and the important contribution she makes in helping deliveries go smoothly, all in a way that allows her to imagine doing the role herself.

Taking part in this training before the lockdown was particularly well timed, as Mizzy gained a deeper understanding of life out on site, giving her a deeper understanding of this role just before working from home was imposed in response to COVID-19. Working from home requires a larger degree of autonomy than working from the office, where staff are readily available to train and assist with questions.

Mizzy commented, “It’s fantastic getting an opportunity to see how the magic happens with my own eyes. I loved getting stuck in and representing the office team out in the field. But I also gained a real understanding of what our delivery team does and the importance of the risk assessments they perform, vehicle checks, product checks and deployment in the safest location and safety of others on the roads. Seeing this has helped me to understand my contribution to the team better, enabling me to be more effective in my service overall.”

Jon adds, “Taking Mizzy out in the field was a great opportunity for me to show her just how valuable her work is to us, and in turn how important our work is for the roads in general. I really enjoyed getting to know her more on a personal level too as we rarely get chance to talk about our lives. It’s essential to have a professional person on the end of the phone, as working on the highways is a dangerous occupation, so Mizzy’s support back in the office is appreciated. Building a good relationship with your colleagues is very reassuring to those out in the field, so it’s great to build any kind of relationship with our operations team member, especially when your life is often in their hands.”


How do you boost workforce safety amid COVID-19?

In our new socially distanced world, human interaction temporarily must take a back seat for the greater good.

As the nation stays indoors and does its part to stop the spread of COVID-19, travel and transportation outside of key services and journeys has seen a steep decline.

With that said, key workers are continuing to keep the cogs of the nation turning, so how do we look after those who are at the coal face?

As a company accredited with ISO45001:2018 for Health and Safety Management, it should come as no surprise that MVIS is constantly monitoring and adapting protocols to keep their workforce, customers, and the public safe to the highest level of effectiveness.

Whether physical or mental health, MVIS places employee health, safety and wellbeing at the forefront of the business.


Telling the tail: The safer delivery model

The MVIS delivery model champions the deployment of multiple units over single unit deliveries wherever possible.

The key to doing so? The beavertail.

MVIS utilises beavertails to deliver multiple units per deployment

MVIS utilises beavertails to deliver multiple units per deployment

The use of beavertails within this delivery model enables the company to create this safer, more efficient method of working in these present times. Utilising beavertails in this manner, MVIS can deploy 3 x VMS A units, 2 x VMS C units, or 2 x Solar IP units in one delivery.

MVIS’ delivery model removes excess travel from daily operations, and as a knock-on effect – dramatically reduces the time their operatives are spending on both the road network and work sites amidst the current pandemic we face.

Additionally, the MVIS safer delivery model negates the requirement for MVIS staff to return to base on multiple occasions within the delivery process. This means there is a dramatic reduction in the time operatives spend both travelling on the road network, as well as in the frequency of social distancing measures via a reduction in human interaction across their premises.

In practice, a recent deployment in Wales from their Matlock HQ of 6 x VMS A units, saw MVIS complete delivery in just 2 journeys, with 2 VMS A units transported on the beavertail and 1 unit being towed on each journey.


Homeworker wellbeing

Even before the enforced home working guidelines, MVIS had started to make the shift to staff working from home wherever possible to further reduce unnecessary travel – a strategy they will continue to commit to post pandemic.

However, with COVID-19 making this a 5-days a week switch, the company is taking extra measures to make sure the mental health and wellbeing of their team isn’t sacrificed.


Environmental bonus: Greener delivery

The MVIS safer delivery model brings with it a more environmentally friendly method of keeping Britain moving.

The use of beaver tails in the process and the subsequent reduction in delivery journeys taking place provides an obvious showcase of a reduction in their carbon footprint.

In the recent six-unit deployment to Wales, MVIS’ ability to deliver in just two trips provides a decrease in journey time of 66% meaning an impressive reduction of two-thirds of emissions.

Delivery in practice: Multiple units are deployed to site

Delivery in practice: Multiple units are deployed to site

General Manager Anne Ashman told us:

“With unnecessary outings, working from home and social distancing now a key aspect of everybody’s life, we can take great pride on the emphasis we place on staff safety as now, perhaps more than ever, it is extremely prevalent.

“Since 2012 when the company was born, our delivery model has been based around not only efficient service, but workforce safety. Keeping our team off the network where possible, whilst continuing to deliver the high levels of customer service we are known for.

“As the government continues to rightly place such a focus on public health, we want to urge both companies and individuals to look at ways they can look after their teams not just now, but way beyond the challenges that COVID-19 is throwing at us all.

“Additionally, we place environmental factors high on the list of things to consider, and over the years we’ve taken steps such as those within our delivery model to reduce our carbon footprint.

“Whilst we all look after each other by staying indoors, we can also focus on the long-term benefits of both workforce safety, as well as the environment, that these new protocols can provide long after the Coronavirus isn’t our biggest daily concern.”

Source: highwaysindustry.com

How can we all look after our home-based workforces?

MVIS staff are all set up for home working

Team calls are now a regular feature of the MVIS working week

The last few weeks may have seen the UK take the largest collective step in a change of day to day working practice in our lifetimes.

An increased amount of home working being carried out due to Government guidelines as we fight the challenges COVID-19 pandemic brings challenges for us all.

MVIS has had office staff transition to working from home for a few weeks now, and the company are extremely aware of the need to support those in lockdown and isolation.

Whilst frontline MVIS staff continue to keep Britain moving, their office based staff are now based at home

Whilst frontline MVIS staff continue to keep Britain moving, their office-based staff are now based at home

Anne Ashman, General Manager of MVIS told us:

“Some of our staff are now into their 4th week of working from home, and at times I have really noticed the mood change.

“People hit lows for various reasons across various days as a combination of new realities is beginning to dawn; the severity of the virus and death rate being one, spending large amounts of time indoors in their own homes another and missing socialising both in, and out of work is another.

“I’m sure we can’t be the only company experiencing this amongst staff, so we wanted to share some of the things we do to keep staff connected, share some ideas and promote some best practice of aiding employee mental health throughout this time.”

“We’re not trying to promote what we do as the model to follow, but more raise general awareness of the fact there are things we can all do, and what those things may be.

“We aim to promote positive actions that keep our team in contact.”

Some of the things MVIS are implementing are:

  • A daily 9 am team call, with everyone working from home on Microsoft teams, to make sure everyone is ok and have a plan in place for the day ahead
  • Daily update from  management via email, this can cover the latest from the government with health and safety updates, but always has something positive in it as well as a thank you to the guys on the frontline delivering, and those working (within social distancing measures) in the workshop
  • Reassurance that jobs are safe
  • Handwritten letters to a couple of staff who work at a distance to tell them how well they are doing and how we appreciate them
  • An online staff social night
  • A good old-fashioned personal phone call asking how someone is feeling


Although not a path MVIS has had to tread, the company are encouraging others to not forget about the mental health needs of any furloughed staff.

Additionally, some companies have employees currently not working, with the government job retention scheme leaving some workers on indefinite furlough.

Whilst furlough leaves employees safe in the knowledge 80% of their salaries are covered and their job is secure for when the furlough period ends, the isolation has the potential to feel even more severe as all work interactions are postponed indefinitely.

Anne continued:

“Those on furlough could feel intense isolation throughout this period. Whilst their jobs are secured, their social interactions could be severely reduced, and we’d encourage other businesses to make sure they are finding ways to reach out to their furloughed staff on a personal level.

“Whilst those employees won’t be performing daily tasks as normal, they are still an integral part of the workforce and will need support as we all stand together to beat COVID-19.”

Source: highwaysindustry.com

What do you do when the message changes?

It’s fair to say that there is a lot of information flying around right now. The government and health service are reacting daily to COVID-19 and their moves are being tracked and monitored by the nation.

As instructions change, information regarding those changes needs to be relayed quickly and efficiently.

Enter MVIS

From their control centre at MVIS HQ, MVIS utilise their web studio to rapidly change key messages across the UK as and when needed.

Whether that’s journey time information, notifications of roadworks, or in what may well prove to be the case, how to stay safe in the pandemic we find ourselves experiencing.

Static signs just can’t react as quickly as centrally controlled VMS units, meaning key information could be missed.

When you think about it, it really isn’t worth the risk.

Spreading the message

All MVIS VMS units can be deployed to assist Highways England, the government and the general public.

Whether it’s the VMS-A in a city environment, or on a major motorway or A-road with their VMS-C, MVIS can spread the word, and change the message when needed at the push of a button.

Their range of trailer mounted, solar-powered variable message signs means MVIS can display live information to the public, adapting to a constantly changing situation via their web-based portal.

Messages can be programmed remotely, without the need to attend site and display current updates within seconds.

Requiring no external power source and operating silently, MVIS’ LED signage has been proven to have maximum impact in the highways and events industries.

COVID-19: Stop the spread

Currently, as COVID-19 is so prevalent, MVIS is working in support of government agencies to spread the ‘stay safe, stay at home’ message.

Units across the country are displaying a variety of messages to assist with getting the message across, based on government-issued guidelines on the current Coronavirus epidemic.

A selection of messages MVIS is displaying on VMS units across Britain

A selection of messages MVIS is displaying on VMS units across Britain

These adaptable VMS units can respond to the latest government guidelines as they are released, with remote management from MVIS’ Web Studio facilitating rapid response.

Change the message, keep the culture

MVIS is renowned for its level of service and their strong company culture. Now more so than ever, this culture and the values held within it is crucial.

MVIS has a 24/7 response line, ready to react to emergency needs and deliver on short notice. However, this isn’t on a whim whilst taking risks. The company are accredited to ISO9001:2015 as well as both ISO14001:2015 and ISO45001:2018 so have a proven track record when it comes to safety and quality management.

In the current pandemic, MVIS delivers with additional social distancing protocols amongst other processes to protect their workforce amidst this unprecedented situation we find ourselves in.

MVIS General Manager Anne Ashman spoke to us about MVIS’ role in making sure messages are changed promptly and effectively:

“Our units always carry important information. Whether that’s roadworks information or journey time solutions.

“These messages can change at any time, and we have to be able to respond.

“The challenge we now face as a country means that we may have more units displaying non-highways related messages than ever – yet the importance of these messages may actually be increased.

“Our government needs help, and the public needs to play their part. Using our units to reinforce key safety messages in order to combat the spread of coronavirus is vitally important and we’re proud that as a team we can step up and help.”

Source: highwaysindustry.com

MVIS can help you to get the message across in these unprecedented times

With our range of trailer mounted, solar powered variable message signs, we can display live information to the public, adapting to the constantly changing situation via our web based portal.

Requiring no external power source and operating silently, our LED signage has been proven to have maximum impact in the highways and events industries.

Messages can be programmed remotely, without the need to attend site, and display current updates within seconds.

To assist with the ever-changing environment, we have a large fleet of units in depots throughout the UK.

We can deliver at short notice, without causing any disruption to your already overstretched workload, and we are always available on the end of a phone should you have any issues.

Please feel free to contact us for very competitive weekly rental rates at sales@m-vis.co.uk

or tel: 01629 580570

Spread the right message and create the right culture to stop COVID-19

Care packs have been provided to the MVIS team

Care packs have been provided to the MVIS team

As the COVID-19 Pandemic continues to sweep across the world, companies in the UK are taking on more and more responsibility to prevent further spread.

Going above and beyond are MVIS, who are taking major steps both in-house, and outside of the office to spread the right message, and culture towards containing COVID-19.

Whilst it’s business as usual where possible in these testing times, the company is making adaptations to keep all safe and well throughout the situation we all now face.

Spread the right messages…

Outside the offices, MVIS is helping get key messages to the public across the UK in these unprecedented times.

With their range of trailer mounted, solar-powered variable message signs, the company can display live information to the public, adapting to the constantly changing situation via their web-based portal.

Spreading the right message

MVIS: Spreading the right message

Requiring no external power source and operating silently, MVIS’ LED signage has been proven to have maximum impact in the highways and events industries.

Messages can be programmed remotely, without the need to attend site, and display current updates within seconds.

To assist with the ever-changing environment, MVIS has a large fleet of units in depots throughout the UK that can be deployed quickly.

MVIS can deliver at short notice, without causing any disruption to already overstretched workloads, and are always available on the end of a phone should you have any issues. 24/7, 365 days a year.

Care packs: create the culture

Internally, the company has taken the step of providing care packs to employees. These packs include hand sanitizer, anti-bacterial wipes, and the ‘modern-day gold’ that is toilet paper.

As some MVIS staff are now working from home, the company has seen that they have some of the essentials to prevent the further spread of coronavirus.

Anne Ashman, MVIS General Manager told us:

“Don’t forget your staff at home and invest in safeguarding them – they are still your responsibility during working hours even if they’re not in the office.

“We’ll do all we can to keep our people safe.”

Marketing Manager Sean Brown added:

“I feel very lucky to work for a company that cares in this climate. Hats off and thanks to our senior management team at MVIS Ltd and Bartco UK for such a caring act. All staff are very grateful for this gesture.”

Source: highwaysindustry.com