MVIS in the Media

Here at MVIS we understand that informing the public of updates and messaging is key to maintaining public safety, especially at the moment with new COVID updates almost daily. Implementing the right message is vital for local authorities as they are in charge of ensuring that the public’s safety is their number one priority at all times.
Our Portable VMS units are perfect for updating and sharing the correct, up to date information in seconds via our web based or mobile platform. Not only are they effective in high traffic areas for updating the public, but they have also been used heavily over the past few months via news media. The most powerful tool at our disposal as a nation is news and information, therefore ensuring that the public are fully up to date is vital.
Thanks to our units having sustainable, solar powered energy, they can be relocated simply without any worry of having them connected to a power supply meaning that our signs are perfect when it comes to getting a quick reaction from the public.
Some of the key features that we can offer is the use of 5 colours on our portable VMS A and VMS C units as opposed to the typical one colour that is commonly seen on LED signs you may see on live roads. Having the option to choose between colour means that it catches the eye of the public and will reinforce a different message depending on the colour chosen, for example, red for a warning and green for an update.
With our highly trained office team, we can create pictograms and images on our units which are even more eye catching then a typical written message that you may see. These images have been used in largely populated areas to display safety messaging in order to ensure the public are adhering to guidelines and advice that the government implement.

You can see our signs in action in the media by following the links below: