Sustainability isn’t all about production and distribution

As companies continually look for ways to become greener, MVIS has taken a further step in their approach to sustainability by incorporating a bee house at their HQ in Matlock, Derbyshire.

The bee house is on the wall at MVIS HQ
The bee house is on the wall at MVIS HQ

‘Just’ one bee house (for now) it may be, but with some species under threat in Britain, MVIS are doing their bit to take action for the benefit of everybody, and not just the company.

Bees play a key part in the ability to grow food crops and around a third of bees and hoverflies across the UK are in decline. While some pollination is carried out by honeybees in hives, much of the pollination of food crops and wild plants is carried out by their wild relatives and other insects, especially hoverflies.

“Every square kilometre in the UK has lost an average of 11 species of bee and hoverfly, between 1980 and 2013, according to the new analysis,” said Dr Lynn Dicks of the University of East Anglia.

Matt Shardlow, chief executive of the charity Buglife, said the new paper provides further evidence that our pollinators are in trouble and that the health of our environment and food supply cannot be taken for granted.

“Solitary bees, rare bees and bees and hoverflies that live in the uplands are in particular trouble and need urgent help,”  he said.

Anne Ashman, MVIS General Manager told us:

“We’re always looking internally at ways we can make our operation more sustainable and friendlier on the environment. So, we took a look at things we could do that go beyond just us as a business.


“Someone in the office made reference to an article they read regarding bees, and their decline in number across the UK as well as the consequences that this could have if it continues. So, we thought – why not? Let’s get a bee house and encourage pollination”

MVIS were awarded with the accreditation of ISO 14001:2015 Environmental in March 2017 ISO 14001 is the international standard that specifies requirements for an effective environmental management system (EMS).

Above the flower bed the bee house proudly sits
Above the flower bed the bee house proudly sits


Anne continued:
“Being accredited with ISO14001:2015 for our systems and processes, we feel it’s a company duty to continue to explore ways we can continually work towards being greener and as environmentally friendly as possible.

“We try and buy as much as we can locally for both environmental reasons, as well as keeping the local economy sustainable. We develop solar powered products and are opening a new depot to reduce travel times and carbon footprint.

“We also reuse what we can, wherever we can, and use Beavertails so that we can carry out deliveries of multiple units with one vehicle rather than two- again reducing carbon footprint.”

Safe Mind: Work Safe, Work Well

Our Ethos

As part of our growing commitment to health, safety and wellbeing, we’ve recently introduced our Safe Mind initiative.

MVIS, along with our sister company Bartco UK, recognise Health, Safety and Wellbeing in every task we complete.  It is the most important value within our workplace. 

To ensure we keep staff, customers and stakeholders safe, just a few of the thing we complete are:

  • Daily checks on all units and vehicles before they leave the depot.
  • Call ahead to the site traffic safety control officers in advance of site visits.
  • Use Full personal protective equipment (PPE) and traffic management for every site visit.
  • Risk assessments completed by delivery team prior to deployment.
  • Near Misses Reported and Investigated.
  • Monthly in-house toolbox talks.
  • Distribution of site contractors H&S briefings.
  • CSCS training.

We have 75% of staff first aid qualified, in addition to 90% of staff having the health & safety CSCS.

We also have 2 mental health first aiders, along with 20% IOSH trained team members to ensure all departments have someone who is fully aware of the H&S standards we need to meet.

Recently we were awarded the 45001:2018 ISO. As an SME with 19 employees across two companies we are extremely proud of this. 

However, this brings with it new safer systems of working, measurability, and continual improvement to ensure we get everyone home safely. This is communicated throughout the company, we need buy in from the bottom to the top.

Through our Safe Mind: Work Safe, Work Well campaign we are encouraging all staff members to always have a safe state of mind, and if not, to come and talk to one of the in-house mental health first aiders we have.

We aim to make sure that our staff always work in a safe manner, be it on site or in the office, and if they do then they will have a far greater potential for working well. 

Staff wellbeing can only be enhanced by the peace of mind that comes with knowing we have trained mental health first aiders, and a ‘safety first’ attitude for both on and off-site works.

This message aligns with the site safety that all the main contractors are trying to achieve of Zero Tolerance of accidents within construction.

Anne Ashman General Manager commented: “We may be an SME, but we believe in leading the way. So, why shouldn’t we promote and encourage the same values and targets as the large construction companies we work with? As an SME it is equally important to get the message across, if not more important. We have less resources, so need to ensure the whole team look out for both each other, and external parties.”

Women in Management- A Showcase of Diversity

As the years go by, the International Women’s Day movement gathers momentum, and more and more awareness is raised of females campaigning for equality and innovating for change.

Diversity is a word most, if not all companies will tell you is something they adopt and promote – perhaps without the data or evidence to back it up.

Stereotypically, it’s fair to say that the highways and construction sectors have been portrayed as ‘a man’s industry’, however, the presence and success of influential females within these sectors continues to grow.

This is celebrated and exemplified by organisations such as ‘Women into Construction’ and the Women in Construction Summit – which will take place on May 16th this year.

One woman who has been in the industry for a number of successful years and climbed through the ranks to now head a company strategy and vision is Anne Ashman of MVIS and Bartco UK.

Anne began working at MVIS & Bartco in 2011, prior to the company’s involvement in the London 2012 Olympics, initially coming into the business as Office Manager.

We spoke to Anne about the presence of females in the sector, how times are definitely changing, and if there are still any barriers to females in the highways sector.

We asked Anne, ‘how did you first get into the highways industry – given its reputation as a ‘male industry’?’

“Purely by chance, there was a sales job advertised and I wanted an exciting new role.

“I applied after being a purchasing manager for years, the company only had two employees and I felt my organisational skills would be of huge benefit to the company- especially when I knew it was aiming to win the 2012 Olympic project.

“During the interview, I talked the then Director into a full-time role as the office manager rather than a part-time role in sales – showing my determination.  After we won that project, I was a huge part of getting the goods into the country, working with customs and excise and shipping agents, in addition to working with the guys on the ground to help oversee the operational side.”

And is there a big change in the number of women in highways and construction in the 8 years you’ve been involved?

“There’s a noticeable change, but it’s fair to say women in construction are still a minority.

“The number is certainly growing and if you walk around some of the major exhibitions there are certainly more females on stands as the face of the company with product and service knowledge. At Traffex 2019 I noticed there were far more females present than ever before-  and not just in the capacity of marketing as in previous years.

“Another noticeable change is seeing more and more women finding roles in the sector that perhaps in the past may have been blocked off.

“We’re starting to see ‘the first female…’ being mentioned in a variety of ways whether it be Traffic Management Operatives or Road Markers and that’s just fantastic to see.”

As a female, have you encountered any resistance or attempted barriers to ascending a company in the sector?

“Oh yes, even being told that I was a ‘woman playing in a man’s world’ which if I’m honest just makes me dig my heels in and be more determined.

“Gender should be absolutely irrelevant when it comes to the workplace, it should be about the best person for a role and should be indeed purely about getting the job done.”

And do you still encounter anything like this in 2019?

“Rarely, but unfortunately, yes. It’s fewer and further between nowadays, but it exists. In fact, the ‘woman in a man’s world comment wasn’t actually very long ago at all!

“Anyone who knows me knows I have a very strong personality and am extremely passionate about the company and my role within it.

“But the facts are, it should be about the qualifications, skills and experience of a person. I shortly will have completed a business management degree – I am just one exam away from the golden goal, after working my butt off for the last six years.  This adds to a string of other qualifications in HR, accounts, health & safety etc. that I have, so I never stop trying to learn and better myself – and the company with it”.

With that in mind, what would you say is the key for any female embarking on a career in this sector, or any sector that may be portrayed as male dominant?

“Firstly, stay true to yourself. You know you have a battle on your hands before you come into a stereotypically male orientated sector.

“Secondly, be respected for your mind and what you bring to the table and respect the people already in the sector who have knowledge to share – whether they are male or female. Also, be prepared to get stuck in – I am at my happiest when I am out on the ground in high-vis with the lads from my team, be it battery changing or delivering if the need arises.

“Finally, remember what you have to offer and that everyone in any role should only have to prove they’re capable of doing the job.”

You can meet the rest of the MVIS team here, and can keep up to date on all our news by following us on Twitter @MVISltd

Planning for 2019

With MVIS’ portfolio of innovative products and ITS solutions, you can ensure that both road users and workers remain well informed and safe throughout the period of works.

Timely Communications

When you know works are scheduled in, it’s important to make sure you have your signs ready in advance with clear messaging. However, we know that traffic situations are often unpredictable and can change within minutes.  

Our WebStudio™ Technology and BartcoLive™ app allow you to update your messages in real-time as traffic situations change. This ensures road users are well informed, reducing driver frustration and keeping traffic moving smoothly.

Signs and Instructions

But it’s not just road users who benefit from accurate signage and timely communications. Such measures are also crucial for your workforce to keep vehicles moving at a safe speed and promote safety information.

MVIS’ HD Compact VMS is the first temporary VMS designed for use within work zones to improve safety. Small and light, the HD Compact VMS can be easily moved into place and is the perfect size for displaying speed limits and safety access information.

More than Highways Management

We don’t just supply mobile visual message signs, we offer CCTV solutions and our close partnership with Wavetronix allows us to support clients in need permanent ITS installations with reliable data and improved road efficiency. It’s not just about Highways management – we have a wealth of knowledge and expertise within the team here at MVIS. Our dedicated team take the time to work closely with your business and really understand the needs of your projects. What’s more, our dedicated team offer 24/7 support throughout your project to ensure your units continue to provide reliable, high quality performance with accurate messaging.

So whether you’re in construction, events, or retail planning, you can TRUST MVIS to deliver high quality, proven and reliable solutions to keep your industry moving.

MVIS in 2019

After the success of 2018, we have a very exciting year coming up in 2019 here at MVIS. Last year we welcomed new talent to the team at MVIS and celebrated the success and progression of our Apprentices though promotions and awards and this year we hope to welcome even more.

We’ll also be attending a number of events and exhibitions throughout 2019, starting with Traffex from 2nd – 4th April. If you’re heading down to the event, make sure you pop by and say hello. We’re on stand G025 and our team will be on hand to showcase our latest products and answer any questions.

Make sure you keep an eye on our Twitter account @mvisltd and blog to keep up to date with what we’re getting up to.

To see how MVIS can help you planning for the year ahead, get in touch with our friendly team on 01629 580 570 or email us

Our year at MVIS

We say it every year but where have the last 12 months gone? With just days left before Christmas we’ve been looking back over 2018 and some of the fantastic things we’ve been involved in here at MVIS.

A pioneering product

2018 was the year we launched the new BartcoLive™ app to further improve the efficiency of our VMS ITS solutions, offering more options for traffic managers to update messages on their VMS units remotely via any internet enabled device.

Click here to find out more.

Getting out and about

In November we attended Highways UK, where we exhibited our traffic management systems and solutions, made some interesting new contacts and discussed advancements in the planning, designing, building, operating and future-proofing of the UK’s road network.

The real apprentices

Forget Alan Sugar, at MVIS, we’ve long known that hiring apprentices is the best way to secure the skills we need for the future. So we were delighted when our apprenticeship scheme and our apprentices were shortlisted at the Learning Unlimited Awards, with apprentice Tillie Wooliscroft winning the Intermediate Apprentice of the Year award on the night.

2018 also saw the promotion of Dom Bridge (who started with us as an apprentice in 2013), to the role of Assistant Operations Manager. Since his first day, Dom got ‘stuck in’ and quickly became an integral part of the team. Congratulations Dom – you deserve it!

Sponsoring stars

At MVIS, we don’t just develop our own talent, we support local sports clubs and teams where we can and this year we’ve agreed sponsorship deals with Matlock Town football team,  the home jersey for the Liverpool Raptors (Merseyside’s newest American Football team) and continued our sponsorship of the local and super talented CP32 kickboxing champion Karl Johnston.

Investing in our community

As well as giving financial support to a range of local charities including the Star Trust Charity and the Save our Beds project, in support of Whitworth Hospital, we’ve also given our time to support community events including the Movies in the Park evenings organised by Mazzi Curry House and The Sparkle Walk, for Markovitz, in aid of Ashgate Hospice.

And they’re just a few of the highlights that spring to mind. There are many more…

To keep up-to-date with what’s going on at MVIS why not follow us on Twitter @MVISltd 

We’ve hope you’ve enjoyed being part of our story in 2018 and wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a prosperous new year. On behalf of the team here at MVIS I’d like to thank all our partners and customers for your continued support and look forward to working with you in 2019.

Please note our Christmas opening times: 

Dec 21st  – Close at 12.30pm

December 24th -26th Closed

December 27th – 28th 8am – 4pm

December 31st 8am – 4pm

January 1st Closed

Reopen 2nd January

If you need any support over the festive break, our emergency line will be available 24/7 tel: 01629 580570

MVIS Scores with American Football Team

Committed to supporting developing talent both within the workplace and now on the football field – American football that is – as MVIS takes on the Liverpool Raptors.

Merseyside’s newest American Football team, the Liverpool Raptors formed in 2015 as part of the University of Liverpool. With over 60 active members of the team, they’ve shown impressive growth over the past 3 seasons. They’ve competed against some of the best teams in the North West and are actively seeking a promotion into Division one in the new year.

But striving to be the best doesn’t come cheap. As well as training equipment and coaching, the team also need practice, home and away kits and support with their travel, match preparation and marketing.

Here at MVIS, we’re actively committed to helping to develop talent with the apprenticeship schemes and school activities we’re involved in. That’s why we’re proud to announce our new partnership with the Liverpool Raptors.

MVIS are proud to support the Liverpool Raptors and to sponsor their home jersey.

Keep an eye out to find out more about how the Liverpool Raptors get on in their new season.

If you’d like to find out more about the Liverpool Raptors, head over to social media and follow them on Facebook @Uolaft, Twitter @LiverpoolRaptor or Instagram @LiverpoolRaptors

Visit us at Highways UK

We’re exhibiting at Highways UK from 7th – 8th November at the NEC Birmingham.

Highways UK is an annual event that brings together businesses involved in the planning, designing, building, operating and future-proofing of the UK’s road network.

As part of the event, we’ll be on hand to advise attendees about our extensive portfolio of traffic management systems and solutions and we look forward to meeting new and familiar faces at this landmark event.

Plus, our Managing Director, Pat Musgrave will be taking part in an innovation trail and 10 minute talk to help inform young people of the future of traffic management and the innovation that continues to be developed in the traffic industry.

To find out more about how you can benefit from MVIS’ practical and innovative traffic management solutions, come and see us on Stand C1.

If you’d like to find out more about the exhibitors and sessions available at Highways UK, or to book your place, take a look at the website:

In the meantime, if you’d like more information about any of our products or services, contact the team on 01629 580 570 or email

Proactive innovation wins the day

The 14th Highways Awards (formerly the Highways Magazine Excellence Awards) took place on Wednesday 18th October in the jubilant atmosphere of the Nine Kings Suite at the Lancaster London.

Thirteen winners were announced by the delightful celebrity guest, Julia Bradbury – star of ITV’s recent Britain’s Best Walks and Best Walks with a View travelogues –  along with representatives from each of the five platinum sponsors and eight award sponsors.

Attended by just shy of 500 highway industry professionals, the Awards once again reflected another busy year in the sector, with each winning entry showing a real proactive approach to change, innovation and collaboration.

The Official Charity Partner for the gala evening dinner was construction industry charity, the Lighthouse Club, and an amazing £4,769 was raised during the evening, which was gratefully received by the charity’s Chief Executive, Bill Hill.

Big congratulations to all those winners and highly commended entrants in each of the 13 categories listed below, along with special thanks to all the Highways Awards’ judges, supporters and sponsors:


Most Innovative Highway Authority Scheme of the Year                     
Sponsored by Tripod Crest

London Borough of Waltham Forest
Enjoy Waltham Forest
Judges’ Comment: “An excellent example of community involvement to regenerate and change an area that was infrastructure heavy.”

Highly commended
Kier Highways & Surrey County Council


Site Safety Initiative Award
Platinum sponsorship Dynniq

WJ Group
WJ Guardian Road Stud Installation System
Judges’ Comment: “A very innovative and safe solution to a dangerous operation, that keeps both operatives and the travelling public safe.”


Road Safety Scheme of the Year
Sponsored by Keysoft Solutions

Scotland TranServ, Clearview Intelligence, Coeval and Transport Scotland
A75 Speeding related accidents, route action Variable Speed/Vehicle Class Activated Signs
Judges’ Comment: “An innovative approach identifying the class of vehicle causing issues and specifically targeting that class.”


Award for Environmental Sustainability in the Highways Sector                   
Platinum sponsorship Total Bitumen

Carillion Morgan Sindall Joint Venture
A1 Leeming to Barton Improvements (A1L2B)
Judges’ Comment: “Really impressive saving with 100,000m3 of existing pavement and 97% of waste diverted from landfill.”

Highly Commended
GRAHAM Construction & Metrobus
Metrobus Contract D


Road Marking Project of the Year                                                                  
Sponsored by RSMA

Lancashire County Council, WJ North Ltd & Meon UK Ltd
Bank Bridge, Tarleton
Judges’ Comment: “Impressed by the performance of the scheme and the strong supply chain collaboration.”


Major Project Award                                                                              
Sponsored by Tarmac

Skanska, Jacobs, Highways England & AECOM
M1 Junction 19 Improvement Scheme
Judges’ Comment: “A very worthwhile project, tackling a highly congested section of the network.”

Highly Commended
Aggregate Industries UK Ltd  and Costain Ltd
A556 Knutsford to Bowdon Environmental Improvement


Highway Industry Product of the Year                                                         
Platinum sponsorship Shell Bitumen

Tensar International Ltd
Spectra Pavement Optimisation System
Judges’ Comment:
“Impressed by the potential environmental and benefits to society.”  


Team of the Year
Platinum sponsorship MWay Comms

A14 Integrated Delivery Team
Procurement & Supply Chain Team
Judges’ Comment: “Impressed by the clear objectives of the team and how these were executed, with the potential to raise wider industry standards.”

Highly Commended
Suffolk County Council & Kier
Suffolk Highways Surface Dressing
Delivery Team

Highly Commended
A-one+ & Highways England
One Team Approach


Highway Partnership Award                                   
Sponsored by WJ

Hanson UK & Dorset County Council
The Dorset/Hanson Strategic Partnership
Judges’ Comment: “Good performance improvements, clear efficiency targets and excellent to see the partnership charter really working.”


Highways Maintenance Efficiency Award
Sponsored by Kier

A-one+ Integrated Highways Services
& Highways England
Area 12 ASC Programme Delivery
Judges’ Comment: “Very impressive lean initiative taking a whole life cost approach and saving £0.5m.”

Highly Commended
Galliford Try, Capita & Salford City Council
Urban Vision


Award for the Best Use of New Technology in the Highways Industry        
Platinum sponsorship MVIS

Department for Transport, Gaist Solutions, Soenecs, Thurrock Council, Wiltshire Council & City of York Council
Gaist Pothole Spotter
Judges’ Comment:
“High quality and frequently refreshed information on potholes across networks providing great potential for development.”


Apprentice of the Year 
Sponsored by the IHE

Lancashire County Council
Cameron Newsham
Judges’ Comment: “Cameron has gone beyond expectations and become a valuable contributor to the team.”

Highly Commended
Richard Denman

Highly Commended

Bradley Richardson         


The outstanding entry considered to be a ‘game changer’ by all the judges and awarded the Judges’ Special Merit Award, sponsored by Archway Products, was the A14 Integrated Delivery Team with their Procurement & Supply Chain Team.

The Highways Awards are independently judged by an esteemed panel of representatives from every corner of the United Kingdom, including the Department for Transport, Transport Scotland, the Welsh Government, Transport NI Eastern Division, Highways England and the Institute of Highway Engineers.

For more information, and for full details of all the shortlisted entries, please download a full copy of the Highways Awards 2017 Review document here, or visit the website here.

MVIS to Exhibit at Highways UK Event

The Highways UK Event will return to the NEC in Birmingham on November 8 & 9 this year, and MVIS is proud to be exhibiting at this major traffic and roadwork show.

With a packed schedule of events and lectures across nine stages, the best minds in the industry will be present to discuss advancements and new technologies involved in the planning, designing, building, operating and future-proofing of the UK’s road network.

MVIS will be situated on Stand C06 and our team will be able to advise attendees about our extensive portfolio of traffic management systems and solutions and look forward to meeting new and familiar faces at this landmark event.

Download the programme summary here >

We look forward to seeing you there on Stand C06.  

Get Social with MVIS

We’re always keen to hear from our customers and always look forward to what they have to say – which is why we’ve made it as easy as possible to get in touch.

As well as the 24/7 care line, MVIS customers can connect with us via email, or through social media, where we are active on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Here, you can ask us any questions about our products, staff or policies, and can also discover important product information, details of our recent work and projects, and information about upcoming exhibitions and where you can find us as well as links to corporate news, job opportunities and staff profiles.

If you have a question about any of our products, then please feel free to get in touch on social media where we will be happy to answer your query.

Find us on Twitter: @MVISLtd
Find us on LinkedIn:
Emails us:
Call us: 01629 580570

Specialised should not mean scarce

Here at MVIS, we’ve always been keen to support local businesses and people wherever possible, and as such, have always welcomed apprentices and traineeships as part of our growing workforce.

MVIS, and its sister company Bartco UK have a long-standing partnership with local education provider Highfields School in Matlock, and we often run work experience programmes for the Year 10s. This sees them working closely with our technical team, and will hopefully inspire them to consider a career within the ITS industry – which is facing as a shortage of recruits.

The ITS industry requires highly-skilled workers who possess good technical knowledge, and to try to ignite a spark with younger students, this year MVIS has extended an invitation for Year 8 pupils to encourage them to think about the role that ITS equipment could perform outside the transport sector.

We hope that initiatives like this will inform youngsters of the varied roles available to them within the industry, and demonstrate the type of skills that are required.

MVIS will also welcome one of last year’s Highfields’ work experience students who is about to embark on a four-year apprenticeship with the company. He will join four other apprentices working across various departments, from administration to technical.

MVIS’ apprenticeship scheme has proved to be a storming success, and both the Operations and Service Coordinator and Administration Assistant began their careers at MVIS through apprenticeships and have grown in confidence and skills during their time here.

One of the reasons this initiative has worked so well is that the MVIS team always ensure that, however busy they are, that the apprentices are given adequate time to undertake all of their apprenticeship work within office hours. Not every organisation does this, and MVIS’ training provider advises that this can compromise the output, from the perspective both of the individuals concerned and of their employers.

And it’s not only the apprentices that are developing their learning, the rest of the staff regularly undertake additional training courses and exams to ensure that they are up-to-date with all of the new regulations within the industry. It’s never too late to learn!

If you are interested in a career in the ITS industry or would like to know more about MVIS, please email us on or call us on 01629 580 570.

MVIS Traffex success

Easter or not, at MVIS we’ve been busy following up our success at Traffex 2017, Europe’s largest dedicated road, traffic, parking and transport event.

We exhibited in partnership with sister company Bartco UK – the only UK manufacturer of the innovative mobile and solar powered monitoring and visual information equipment we supply for hire throughout the UK. 

Held over three days at the beginning of April, Traffex was attended by 350 exhibitors and more than 10,000 industry professionals and was the ideal place to promote our market-leading products and solutions including mobile variable message signs, Solar Intelligent Platform (IP) and brand new innovation the Tom-Tom Journey Time Solution.

Meanwhile, Bartco UK took the opportunity to launch its first ever mobile variable message sign (VMS) and Traffic Light Integrated Solution. Built around the HD Quattro which can communicate small amounts of information, it’s ideal for temporary works.

The HD Quattro is available for hire from MVIS and was judged one of the winners of the Traffex Innovation Trail by an independent panel.

We are also thrilled to announce the lucky winner of our Traffex competition. Congratulations to Pat Kane of Morrison Utility Services who won a magnum of champagne. We hope you enjoyed it!

To find out about hiring traffic management products, either on a stand-alone basis or as part of an intelligent transport system (ITS) solution, call MVIS on 01629 580 570.