Hillhead Show: Solar-Powered Solutions for the Quarry Industry

2 years ago, MVIS first attended the Hillhead Exhibition Show. Since then we have been doing market research into the quarry sector, ensuring the products we exhibited were right for you. Giving us one of our most successful trade shows to date.  

Why did it prove so successful?

When we visited the Hillhead show two years ago, we were unsure as to what the needs of the quarry industry were, realising that our products had a use but were not solving a problem. Over the 2 years of research, we were able to pinpoint any unsolved problems that the quarry industry may have with their traffic management, meaning we were able to help rectify them.

We are certain that the products showcased are perfect for sites as they are robust, portable and solar powered. Delegates also assured us how appropriate our products are as they were open to sharing interest in our products.

Especially one of our newest Solutions. The Vehicle Activated Speed Sign (VASS), During Hillhead we have been monitoring the speed of people coming past our sign, some of them sharing in the fun and seeing how fast they could go, reaching speeds of 10-15MPH at full sprint. But this Speed Sign is clearly not designed to see the speed of people at trade shows.

It was purpose made to monitor speeds of vehicles and alert sites to people who are speeding with the in-built ANPR Camera. Allowing the Quarry team to produce a report to give the drivers a warning, also capturing serial speeding vehicles and drivers.

Having time to prepare and research has ensured we have been able to take products that are going to help keep the quarry industry safe.

Another of our new innovations which proved incredibly popular was our Solar Powered Barrier. This clever solution provides quarry owners with a robust security solution complete with ANPR activation, to not only improve safety in quarries but also enhance productivity. With solar and battery power, the barrier is able to perform up to 900 operations per day.

Hillhead Show: Solar-Powered Solutions for the Quarry Industry

A Show of MVIS Firsts

New Partners

This year at Hillhead we have welcomed new partners onto our stand. Intelligent Traffic Solutions (ITS), integrating their traffic lights with the new MVIS Solar Barrier and Solar Gates with their Stop-Go remote controlled system.

Ben’s First Hillhead

It is also the first Hillhead Exhibition for Marketing Executive, Ben Ashman, who has been able to walk around the show looking into potential future products, how our competitors have done on their stands and gaining important intel into the quarry sector.
Having never done the show before but hosting at the NEC Ben had this to say:

“This show is unlike anything I have ever seen; I am used to the NEC or other indoor settings. It has been refreshing to do an exhibition outside and all of the people within the sector are so friendly. All of them have been happy to give me intel as to what they need for their quarries, construction and recycling sites. The people I have met have been open books and happy to advise on what is needed. There is no better way to do market research than getting stuck in”

Scott’s First MVIS Show

This year we have had the honour of hosting our new Group CEO, Scott Paton. Scott visited us to meet potential new customers and experience what an MVIS show is all about. Showing him our purpose for these shows: Market Research, Talking to customers, new and existing, and getting our presence into new sectors. Also being there to over-see the integration of the new products and make himself known as the new Group CEO of a growing Intelligent Quarry Solutions company.

To Conclude

MVIS have had yet another successful trip to the Hillhead Exhibition show, ensuring that we are moving in the right direction with the quarry industry. As opposed to shoehorning products in that have no need.

We have been happy to introduce new partners and staff onto the stand at the show seeing if there is a need for VMS in this sector.

The team are already eager to return to Hillhead. Bringing more Ice Scrapers next time!

Hillhead: A Decade of Experience and Sales Excellence

Hillhead is the UK’s biggest Quarry, Construction and Recycling Exhibition. MVIS has the honour of returning after 2 years.

Two years ago the MVIS team attended Hillhead for the first time. This provided the perfect opportunity to explore the market in greater detail. After showcasing at the event and gaining new customers, 2024 gives us the chance to return to Buxton for the next instalment of Hillhead, becoming part of the UK’s biggest Quarry Exhibition show.

Meet the Experts

After 2 years of extensive research into the quarry sector, we now know that there is a need for our Intelligent Quarry Safety Solutions such as our original VMS, CCTV and traffic management equipment. This year, our dedicated and knowledgeable team will be on hand to find the perfect solution for your quarry or landfill site. 

Who are these experts:
Commercial and Operations Director, Anne Ashman:

Bringing over a decade of experience to the Hillhead Showground, Anne was at the show two years ago. Sharing her knowledge with potential customers, ensuring they walked away from our stand well informed and ready to make a decision as to whether they will be purchasing from our friendly sales team.

Since then Anne has been able to do supply VMS to quarries around the UK and helped improve the safety on their site and improve efficiency.

R&D Manager, Tom Hooton:

The brilliant mind behind all of MVIS VMS and ITS, he is the best person possible to attend the show and answer all of those small technical problems. Tom is also a problem solver being able to take a unique problem such as a lack of signal on site for our VMS, implementing a Remote Controlled Fob so you can change VMS using pre-uploaded messages.

Tom has worked tirelessly to ensure that we are showcasing new products that have all the correct accreditations and can withstand day-to-day site conditions.

Business Development Manager, Juliette Wright:

Bringing  years of sales experience in VMS to Hillhead, Juliette is great at finding solutions to potential problems on your site and rectifying them with our products. Juliette is also well versed in customer service and is easy to talk to and can explain our products clearly and precisely.

Marketing Executive, Ben Ashman:

After 4 years at MVIS, Ben has helped put together all promotional content together for this years show. He also visited numerous sites across England giving demonstration of MVIS products to quarries. Combine this with 2 years of market research into the quarry sector and Ben is confidently able to come to Hillhead, helping customers solve their quarry traffic management issues.

What are we showcasing?

Off the back of two years extensive market research, we have been able to put a tailored selection of products together that are perfect for the quarry sector. Our line-up includes:

  • VMS-C – Trialled and tested in local Quarries, this product has proven useful to improving efficiency through traffic management on work sites.
  • Solar IP – Compound Site Security, the key words that have been making an impact across all sites, ensuring your sites have a watchful eye over them.
  • HD Compact – Small and compact to have on site with all the power and efficiency of a VMS-C.
  • Solar Barrier – Perfect for controlling traffic on site, with ANPR is inbuilt meaning you can whitelist and blacklist unwelcome visitors to site.

New Partners

As well as these amazing MVIS products, we are also delighted to be partnering with Solar Gates, Ador and Intelligent Traffic Solutions. Providing products such as:

  • Solar GatesInstaboom Go – a portable, remote controlled, and solar powered automatic stop/go board allowing traffic to be controlled in an instant.
  • AdorVehicle Activation Speed Sign – a highly efficient and cost-effective traffic calming device suitable for all types of roads. Its pole-mounted radar speed display offers excellent readability from a distance of 300 meters.
  • Intelligent Traffic Solutions LtdNissen LZA Solar Traffic Lights – Offering 2Way, 3Way and 4Way Traffic Light solutions with the option of double heads and fully integrated Pedestrian Lights of up to 4 Crossings.