MVIS and their solutions are at the cutting edge of technology, working with global partners, BARTCO, we are able to help provide the best quality software to help you program, track, and monitor your solutions whether they be hired or purchased.


This sophisticated technology saves travel time and costs by enabling the instant communication of traffic information from any internet enabled device including Apple and Android smartphones, laptops, iPhones and iPads. Users can view a map of their signs and zoom in, observe and adjust any number of signs in line with any developments on the ground. 


Developed to enhance the efficiency of our ITS Solutions, this app is accessible from any Apple or Android smartphone or tablet. It enables traffic managers to search VMS asset lists and instantly update messages displayed – in direct response to the changing situation on the road network. Available now on Android and Apple devices.

Purchase Work merging Solution

Works Egress Safety Solution

An HD Compact VMS unit is located at the beginning of the acceleration zone within the works area. The integrated sensor in the HD Compact is triggered by the approaching works vehicle, presenting a message that instructs the driver to ‘MERGE WHEN SAFE’ or similar. It also triggers a VMS A or VMS C to display a message to road users to alert them of works traffic joining the carriageway.

Portable Journey Time Solution

The NTIS DATEX II Portable Journey Time Solution generates real-time journey time information for road users using data from the National Traffic Information Service (NTIS). Pioneered by MVIS, the system was the first such solution to enable real-time journey time information from the NTIS to be displayed on portable variable message signs (VMS).