Our Works Egress Safety Solution ensures that drivers are notified when works traffic is exiting a work zone, on to the main carriageway.
An HD Compact VMS unit is located at the beginning of the acceleration zone within the works area.
The integrated sensor in the HD Compact is triggered by the approaching works vehicle, presenting a message that instructs the driver to ‘MERGE WHEN SAFE’ or similar.
It also triggers a VMS A or VMS C to display a message to road users to alert them of works traffic joining the carriageway.
This sign is deployed before the works egress, facing the carriageway so that drivers have warning that a works vehicle is merging. Site managers can even add more information such as ‘WORKS TRAFFIC MERGING 200YDS’, for example.
When there is no works traffic merging, after a set time, both signs revert to a blank display, maximising reliability by saving battery life.