
Ashgate Hospice: The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility

MVIS has been working with Ashgate Hospice for many years now, over this time we have proven useful to Ashgate, raising money through Car Boot Sales, Bake Offs, and Sponsorship of Ashgate Events.

Why do MVIS do it?

There are multiple reasons a company will help charities, such as Ashgate Hospice, with sponsorship or money raising events. The obvious being the good feeling of helping a small charitable organisation, raising money for them helps them to continue their charity work and pay staff members, so charity work continues.

The other reason being to improve a companies Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Being a company that collaborates with charity often, we have been able to spread our charitable word through Blogs, Social Posts, and Website Uploads. In doing so, we have been able to give our company a positive image. Meaning we have a positive Business Reputation, improved Brand Recognition and a greater ability to attract Talent and Retain Staff.

How MVIS has helped Ashgate Hospice

There are many different ways in which we have helped the team at Ashgate. From continuous participation in the Treecycle, to hosting a Movie Afternoon for the team.

Other ways in which we have helped include:

  • Sparkle Walk – MVIS sponsors the Ashgate Sparkle Walk yearly. A walk throughout Chesterfield, during the night wearing pink light up ears. This year look out for MVIS staff members taking part during the walk.
  • High Peak Trail – A walk through the beautiful Derbyshire countryside to help raise money for the charity. MVIS’ Staff Juliette Wright and Anne Ashman took part this year.
  • Movie Afternoon – Before Christmas the MVIS team visit the Hospice and serve hot chocolate, tea and coffees to the volunteers. Helping them relax and unwind before Christmas.
  • Car boot Sale – Over a few weeks the MVIS team donated some of their old items to the Car Boot sale pile. In doing so we were able to take them to the Tansley Car Boot sale with all the proceeds going to Ashgate Hospice.
  • TreeCycle – Each year two MVIS team members take our service van. Helping the Ashgate team to collect Christmas Trees from houses and turn them into biofuel.
  • Bake Off –  We give staff the opportunity to pretend that they are on the hit TV Show, The Great British Bake Off. Having them bring their bakes in over the weeks in a tournament to see who is our Star Baker. Currently being Jacob Spencer, 3 Years Running.

Why Should CSR Be Implemented

Corporate Social Responsibility has many benefits to your company. If you are not already implementing a CSR campaign. you should for these reasons:

  • Better brand recognition.
  • Positive business reputation.
  • Increased sales and customer loyalty.
  • Operational costs savings.
  • Better financial performance.
  • Greater ability to attract talent and retain staff.
  • Organisational growth.
  • Easier access to capital.

To Conclude

MVIS has been implementing CSR into circulation for years. Doing this has ensured we have a positive image to customers old and new. Having a positive social image is helping us in our business, as people want to work with companies helping Charities.

We have also been able to highlight our achievements and explain how they are helping the Hospice move itself forward and ensure that staff and patients are happy.

So we have been able to help our business while helping others.