
World Environment Day: Taking Action for a Sustainable Future

This year is the 50th anniversary of World Environment Day, Led by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) since 1973.

Why Should You Celebrate World Environment Day

Celebrating World Environment Day is essential as nature is in emergency mode, every century we get closer and closer to more extreme Global Warming Conditions. if we do not halve Greenhouse Gas Emissions by halve, we will be victim of the worse global warming effects ever by 2030.

Air Pollution beyond safe guidelines will increase by over 50%, meaning we will have to implement safety guidelines when going grocery shopping or out on activities.

The amount of plastic waste in oceans will have tripled by 2040. leading into the theme of this years awareness day which is…

Solutions to Plastic Pollution

More than 400 million tonnes of plastic is in production yearly. Most of which is single use. Of this large amount on 10% is recycled.

Most of the plastics end their life in lakes, rivers and oceans. Estimated at 19-23 million tonnes, approximately the weight of the Eiffel Tower.

With plastics in lakes and rivers we not only need to think of the wildlife, but also consider Microplastics. Humans consume up to 50,000 plastic particles annually. Harming human health and pollute our beautiful natural landscapes.

How MVIS Contributes

Being ISO 14001 Certified since 2016 we have been lowering our Carbon Emissions for 8 years. We have been able to implement different ways of of ensuring our workshop is not giving off carbon emissions.

All Workshop staff have been trained to ‘reduce, re-use and recycle’ old units and repair them so there is no unnecessary waste of metals, plastics or wiring.

We also use WEEE Collections to dispose of components that have reached the end of their. Disposing of them ethically.

Read our ‘Sustainability in the Workshop’ blog to see how we stay sustainable.

How Can You Help?

  • One important yet easy conscious change you can make is being more mindful about how you dispose of your waste. Especially your plastics.
  • Taking part in litter picks with your local communities or councils also help – Clearing the floor of plastics that are potentially dangerous to humans and wildlife alike.
  • Join the #BeatPlasticPollution Movement – Meaning you can Access more information and actions you cnan carry out to contribute.
  • Sharing Environment Based Social Media Content – Sharing content to raise awareness such as UNEP’s LinkedIn or this blog.

Making more mindful decisions in your business or your day to day life will continue to help UNEP and the World Environment Day Committee lower Carbon Emissions and Plastic that people are discarding everyday. As well as monitoring how much plastic and emissions there are.

Implementing practices like MVIS has, helped us lower our emissions and continue to be a sustainable company.