

Our Variable Message Signs are manufactured with the sole purpose of getting your message across. Both the VMS-A and the VMS-C display full graphics and pictograms and are perfect for a plethora of uses.

But which Variable Message Sign is better for you?

Manufactured in house at MVIS, the VMS-A is perfect for urban settings and road works with speed zones of up to 50MPH.

Used as a stand-alone temporary VMS it can be paired with a radar to detect traffic and display messages such as, ‘Slow Down’ or ‘Too fast’.

The VMS-A’s compact size and adjustable legs means it has a smaller footprint. So, it won’t take up as much room, and as a result is reliable under all conditions.

Although similar in function the VMS-C is bigger and made for all roads with speeds over 60mph. Its adjustable legs give the sign the ability to become more stable while expanding its surface area.

Customers can program the sign remotely using a simple SMS, direct serial connection, or  our live web-based interface, changing messages on the VMS from the comfort of the office.

Pictures of the VMS-A and VMS-C, MVIS two types of VMS.

A LED Sign from MVIS will always be the most reliable way to get your message across, with our Platinum Level Service and our advice on the Intelligent Transport Solution that Is perfect for you.