
MVIS takes part in ‘Time to Talk’

As an attempt to try and improve mental health and wellbeing in the highways sector National Highways have started the ‘Journey to Wellbeing’. An initiative to get highway workers to talk and be open about their mental health.

The team at MVIS took part in Mind’s ‘Time to Talk’, the team at the Tansley offices sat down and perpetrated the importance of talking about their mental health. At MVIS we strive to ensure that our teams are happy and healthy this being said we believe that the National Highways Journey to Wellbeing is something important to take part in.

At MVIS we have three trained Mental Health First Aiders, our UK Group Commercial and Operations Director Anne Ashman, Purchasing and Stock Control Supervisor Rebecca Prince, and North Delivery Supervisor Jon Larkins. They were all in attendance today and were happy to give offer themselves to staff if they want a confidential chat with the team.

During ‘Time to Talk’ the three Mental Health First Aiders demonstrated the importance of talking to people so that you do not get overwhelmed. We were introduced to time to talk as a reminder that people do not have to keep feelings and emotions penned, it is important to talk to and share those feelings to prevent anything unfortunate happening in the future.

It is said that 5% of the adult population suffers with depression and 1 in 7 children have been diagnosed with a type of mental disorder. Minds and National Highways ‘Time to Talk’ intend to help the companies over the country to speak out and raise awareness.


Jon Larkins, our North Delivery Supervisor, states that human interaction has helped him feel better in the past, saying: “Sometimes it’s about going into stores with a smile on your face it makes you more approachable for a chat, there have been times I have stood in the line at a supermarket and by the time I am at the front of the queue I have heard their life story. So, it is little moments like that where you can be approachable and smile at someone.”

National Highways has scheduled a different day for every month of the year to help improve mental health. They have organised days such as Thank You day in July, World Mental Health Day in October, something MVIS has already celebrated, and National Fitness Day in September.