
CCTV: Securing Working Sites and Preventing Trespassing

What is the problem?

Trespassing is common on any construction or quarry site. Large sites that are unmonitored are often targets for threats as there will be no evidence of them on that site, other than word of mouth.

When being subject to trespassing, companies need preparation for these threats:

  • Damage of Company Assets – when a worksite shuts over an evening all company assets are being left unattended. Meaning they are susceptible to threats trespassing and potentially damaging assets.
  • Health and Safety of bystanders – if someone is to enter a site it is the companies responsibility to ensure they are safe. Whether it be a pedestrian, trespasser or a staff member. Injured members of the public can end in legal issue and furthermore be damaging to your company…
  • Damage to reputation – damage of a company asset effects the day to day of a company. Damage of reputation is a long lasting effect that could takes months to years to recuperate. If a bystander is injured on site, your company becomes associated with this.
What is the solution?.. CCTV

CCTV can be as simple as implementing a watchful eye over a site, while also deterring public from trespassing. The presence of a CCTV unit on site will deter most people at the thought of there being evidence against them if they pose a threat.

If the public aren’t deterred, CCTV will give you evidence to there whereabouts and what has happened. This can help in cases of proving someone has entered your site without permission. Also helping with protecting your site if a member of the public is injured while walking onto site.

All different Variations of a MVIS CCTV, five different images.

Why Choose an MVIS CCTV?

MVIS are dedicated to supplying the highest quality cameras possible and ensuring that customers are receiving the platinum level service.

Our innovation the MVIS Portable Solar Powered Site & Compound CCTV is perfect for alerting construction workers to trespassers onto their site, meaning they can then implement a safety measure against threats. Alerts are sent to the assigned person, such as security guards or site managers.

MVIS Portable Solar Powered Site & Compound CCTV in action:

Read about Compound CCTV here >