
MVIS renews its Achilles

A man deploying a Solar IP adhering to all of Achilles safety rules.

We have a wide array of certifications in our business. These certificates alert customers of our dedication to Health and Safety, Corporate Social Responsibility and Legislation and

 Regulations compliance, as well as being a badge of honour for the team at MVIS.

The Achilles Audit serves to independently verify that our management systems comply with the standards that have been agreed by buying organisations within the Chemicals & Allied Industries Community.

This means that we have hit the standard of buying organisations and our certification is a showcase of our operational excellence, our expertise, and our competency.

90% of suppliers state that the Achilles audit has added value to their organisation.

This also means that our certification ensures that our customers are assured we are compliant with Health and Safety Standards and that people can #TRUSTINMVIS.