Team Members

Clair Tranter

Customer Relations Manager

I started my career with MVIS in February 2022 having previously worked in the parking industry for 21 years and started off as a Parking Attendant in the West Midlands. I am very knowledgeable in parking legislations covering 1988, 1991 and the Traffic Management Act 2004. I worked my way up through the sector assisting with local councils across the UK in the takeover of the Civil Enforcement from the police. I worked my way up to a Learning and Development Officer with a Level 4 Diploma in Teaching. In this role, I was responsible for creating and teaching accredited courses throughout the sector in ILM Management, City and Guilds Conflict, CCTV and Parking Enforcement. This would involve travelling all over the UK to different sectors including Rail, Airports, Local Councils to deliver these courses. As you can imagine with this extensive knowledge it is very rare that I receive a parking ticket and people ask me to help them with appeals if they have received a parking ticket. I felt that with this background it would be a good transfer of skills to work for MVIS with regards to highways and geography around the UK. I have recently passed my level 2 Counselling Skills course as I love to learn new skills and keep myself up to date with new ways of achieving the skills I already have. I am now looking forward to learning about my new role/adventure at MVIS.

I love to travel and now I am working my way around the world as I want to see as many countries as I can. Unfortunately, Covid put a pause on this so last year my partner and I rescued a dog (Teddy) and bought a camper van to continue our travels around the UK. My family and friends are a big part of my life and spending time with them is extremely important to me.

I am a very confident, approachable, outgoing person who loves life. I am part of the LGBTQ+ community and I love my chosen family. I always try to visit and support LGBTQ+ venues and Prides when travelling.

Clair Tranter